A guide to whole class feedback including: - Introduction - Rationale - Further Reading - 25...

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Transcript of A guide to whole class feedback including: - Introduction - Rationale - Further Reading - 25...

A guide to whole class feedback including:

- Introduction

- Rationale

- Further Reading

- 25 examples of how to get whole class feedback

Made by Mike Gershon –




Further Reading

25 ideas for whole class feedback:

Post-It Notes Mini-Whiteboards Exit Pass True-False Cards

ABCD Cards Thumbs Traffic Lights Stand-Crouch-Sit

Post-It Divider Continuum Partnering Whiteboard Words

Voting Pods Question? Answer Objectives Random Feedback

Txt Msg Play-Doh Silent Debate Evaluation Tree

Smiley Faces Muddiest Point Seed to Tree Forum Fingers

IntroductionBack to Contents

Whole class feedback is a crucial part of assessment for learning (AfL). It is a means to assess the understanding of all students in a way that is efficient and time effective.

‘Whole class feedback’ refers to any method which allows the teacher to gain information concerning the knowledge and understanding of all the students in a class. Further in this document there are twenty-five examples of such methods.

A concern sometimes raised by teachers is that whole class feedback can make teaching and learning somewhat mechanical, whereby the transmission of knowledge is prized above critical and creative thinking. Certainly the techniques have the potential to be used in this way, however their non-prescriptive nature means the teacher is always in control of how students engage with them.

A second fear for some teachers is that whole class feedback may lead to a heavier workload in an already time-consuming job, with mountains of feedback needing to be sifted through. Precise and considered use of the techniques eliminates these worries; good planning on behalf of the teacher affords a deep understanding of where students are at without increasing workload.

The techniques explained below have frequently helped teachers to ‘work smarter’, allowing them to deal with misconceptions on-the-go and en masse. Many also enable peers to aid one another’s learning, decreasing reliance on the teacher and increasing awareness of the learning process.

RationaleBack to Contents

Whole class feedback is a crucial part of assessment for learning (AfL). As such, the rationale concerns AfL as a whole, of which whole class feedback is a part. This is a précis built on the evidence contained in the further reading detailed on the following page.

Assessment for learning differs from assessment of learning as coaching differs from a fitness test.

Assessment for learning involves the teacher and student becoming aware of how learning can be improved, how technique can be better mastered, how knowledge and understanding can accord more closely with reason, logic, that which is already known; how the gap can be closed between where the student is and where the teacher, curriculum, school can help them to get. Assessment of learning tests what a student knows.

The first is formative, the latter summative. The first informs, the latter sums up. The first is open and cumulative, the latter is closed and definitive.

“Assessment for Learning (AfL) means using evidence and dialogue to identify where pupils are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there.” (http://www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/research/themes/assessment_for_learning/)

Assessment for learning, embedded in teaching, improves pupil attainment. Many teachers do it without calling it by such a moniker; all teachers, at all levels and in all subjects are able to do it. By no means is it reserved for the few or applicable only in specific situations.

Further ReadingBack to Contents

Assessment for Learning: Putting it into Practice,

Paul Black, Chris Harrison, Clare Lee, Bethan Marshall, Dylan Wiliam

This book sums up the extensive research review on which the assertions concerning AfL are made. It details how formative assessment can improve pupils’ learning and has a series of case studies from English schools. It is practical, realistic and explicitly tied to the classroom.

Black Box Subject Series,

Paul Black, Christine Harrison, Bethan Marshall & Dylan Wiliam (eds.)

These booklets precede the book. They include subject specific guidance on how to work with AfL. ‘Inside the Black Box’ and ‘Working Inside the Black Box’ are general guides. All are available cheaply at http://shop.gl-assessment.co.uk/home.php?cat=383


Ostensibly for Key Stage 1 and 2, this Northern Ireland Curriculum document offers an excellent introduction to AfL. There is also sound advice and examples on how to use it in the classroom. A reading list far in excess of this one is included.

Post It Notes

Give students post-it notes on which to write answers or reflections.

These could be collected in, placed on the board or held up.

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Ask students to show you with their thumbs how well they feel they understand the work.

It may be useful to have a display or key such as…

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I feel confident with the work and could explain it to someone else.

I understand some of the work, but still have questions or am unsure.

I do not feel happy that I understand what we are doing. I would like more help.


Students stand, crouch or sit depending on whether they feel comfortable with the learning, in the middle or unsure.

Students who are standing can be asked to go around the room and explain to crouchers, who in turn explain to sitters until,

hopefully, everyone in the room is happy to stand up.

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Post It Divider

A variation on the use of post-it notes. Hand them out to students and divide the board or a large piece of paper into categories –

What have I learnt; What am I not sure about; What questions do I have

Or questions –

What is the answer to X?; Where might you use Y?

The students reflect on these on the post-its.

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Question? Answer

Put a question on the board and have different answers around the room. Students go to the one they think is right and justify

their decision.

Make this easier by having A,B,C,D points or posters in your room. Then you can have the answers on the board as well to save


Develop by getting one member from each answer area to try and convince the others that their answer is right (good for encourage use of reason and uncovering of fallacy, misconceived

reasoning etc.)

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Objective Traffic Lights

How do you feel about the lesson objectives?

Red = don’t think I have grasped this

Amber = feeling OK about this, have just about got there

Green = Confident I have achieved this

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Being specific to the lesson objectives is an alternative way of using the traffic light technique. It sacrifices an holistic, qualitative assessment for a

precise, quantitative one.

Random Feedback

Use dice, short straws, roulette wheel, tombola, guess the number of sweets in the jar, to pick a group (or two) at random to feedback to the whole class on the lesson.

This is not whole class feedback per se, but with the random aspect could be used over a number of lessons to

achieve the same ends in a slightly different manner.

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Txt MsgDepends if you have the facility. Perhaps you could ask IT to sort

it out…

Set up a class mobile number on the computer and ask students to text in the plenary (or answers to questions, reflections


You could then look at these or show the whole class and analyse together.

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Ask students to model answers to questions using Play-Doh. These will be clearly visible, if potentially esoteric.

You could also ask students to model their feeling towards the learning – happy, OK, unsure etc.

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Evaluation Tree

Ask students where they feel they are on the tree in relation to the lesson or topic.

Make the tree into a whole-class feedback tool by asking students to put a post-it note on the board for where they are at.

Or, print off a large copy get students to write where they are.

Could be used subsequently to pair students/make groups.

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Muddiest Point

Another variation on mini-


Students write down one or two

points on which they are least clear.

This could be from the previous

lesson, the rest of the unit, the

preceding activity etc.

The teacher and class can then seek

to remedy the muddiness.

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FingersA nuanced version of thumbs and traffic lights.

Students hold up fingers accordingly:

1 – I am fully confident with the learning

2 – I am confident with most of the learning

3 – Some parts I am confident with, other bits I am not sure

4 – I am only happy with a few parts of the learning

5 – I am having difficulty understanding any part

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