A Guide to the Holiday Job Search

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of A Guide to the Holiday Job Search

A Guide to the Holiday Job Search

The Job search is confusing to begin with…

But the Holiday Job search is even more confusing

Consider Seasonal & Personal Factors when jumping into the Holiday job search…

Hiring Tends to Slow around the Holidays because…

Hiring Managers are in holiday mode, out of office or end of year wrap up.

Think about your specific scenario and try one of these options…

1. Take advantage of holiday downtime…

This will help you regroup and get your head back in the game.

This will also help rebuild your confidence…

2. Use the down time for some serious soul searching

This will help you make sure your next move is the right one.

Of course there are some setbacks when putting your search on hold completely…

(Not to worry. They are manageable)!

One Setback: You’ll lose out

on valuable time…

To avoid time loss, try this little tip:

Since the job search is

more than just hitting


Consider your unique

situation and tackle a few pieces at a time.

ie. if you don’t know

what you want to do


…focus on soul-

searching or career path


ie. if your resume has never been customized

…spend some time getting

it right so it’s ready to go

after the holidays.

ie. if you’re feeling under-


Spend some time on

Linkedin finding the

right contacts.

Another Setback from pausing your search: Loss of Motivation

Try This Solution: Take a little time each day to get your head back in the game.

Another Setback from pausing your search?

Loss of Valuable Networking Opportunities

But fear not, there is a bite-sized networking solution…

If you’re not feeling up for in-person networking events…

Spend time reconnecting with old contacts on Linkedin…

Try sharing the latest on your future career transition.

Avoid e-blasting & use a personalized message (but you already knew that)!

And if all else fails, you can always seek expert support.

For more job search advice visit:


Happy Holidays
