a Grangeville, Idaho - Chronicling American con- ‘ to none.Ferullo is a demon with the i the...

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Transcript of a Grangeville, Idaho - Chronicling American con- ‘ to none.Ferullo is a demon with the i the...

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    _HKM i


    ttjp.Masonic Building Grangeville, Idaho\a



    THE OPENING OF SCHOOLNecessitates the buying of many new things in the Furnishing Goods line for Boys

    and Girls and we are splendidly prepared for supplying your wants.

    Our Shoe Sale Boys’ School SuitsComes at an opportune time for you to save. Here you will find SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS (also for Men and Women) which are priced now at an actual saving to you of ONE-THIRD to ON E-HALF, on the bargain counter.

    In the buying of Boys’ Clothing we exercise the same care that we do in the choosing of Men’s Clothing. We have several styles and patterns especially desirable for school wear. These are the good sturdy kind, built for hard wear and yet are dressy. PRICED AT FROM $3.50 TO $12.50.

    All sizes represented in the lot

    Wash GoodsOne-Half Price

    Wash DressesOne-Half Price

    Ladies’ X ailored Suits One-Half Price

    Wash SuitsYour Choice $2.48




    A Great Advantage to Working rien.

    J. A. Maple, 125 8. 7th St., Steubenville, 0., says: “For years I suffered from weak kidneys and a severe bladder trouble, I learned of Foley Kidney pills and their wonderful cures so I began taking them and sure enough I had as good results as any I heard about. My backache left me and to one of my business, expressmen, that alone is a great advantage. My kidneys acted free and normal, and that saved me a lot of misery. It is now a pleasure to work where it used to he a misery. Foloy Kidney pills have cured me and have my highest praise. For sale by all druggists.

    FOR SALE:—A good house and large lot, $500, payable on installment plan. A. F. Parker, Grangeville. 20tf.

    4 4C*■ -rr,Tr>


    aini-MPERIAL wx k-JVi\l ifif'/R &A : /v*V

    HOTEL W 'V>• " i V. ■f Wikt 1IÜ: ï *3fr;✓hcV? I il

    I•x11‘13 -7 .. r Pi


    ■■"t'Wa gjjg>

    The Best Hotel in Northern Idaho. aVflEASTWEST* ?%

    ■ell Furnished Rooms.cy11 'J 'j a *® '

    Commodious Sample

    Rooms.DQ 11TJJ-Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound [ont Kbt si«Still retains its high place as the best household remedy for ail coughs and

    colds, either for children or grown persons. Prevents serious results from a cold. Take only the genuine

    >// I



    PI -XTJ31»xcellent Dining Room in connection.


    ÛÀ ' fNot a chance for a dull minute ut the Spokane Interstate Fall- this fhll.Every hour of the seven days, from Oet. 2 to 8, will have some pleasure nil Its Foley’s Honey and Tar compound, own. Each morning there will he concerts by Ferullo's big Italian Concert and refuse substitutes. For sale by

    band, exhibits of blue ribbon live stock in the Judging arena and a lecture by all druggists.Professor Frank G. Odell, the “bee wizard.” Promptly nt 1 o'clock In the afternoon the band concerts will begin before the grand stand; at 1:30 the harness races for purses, which amount to $2,000 daily; then the running races for purses equally ns large, the always thrilling relay race, the big program of circus and vaudeville acts nnd, last, but far from least, the aeroplane contests

    p ri

    SOUTH » 2J

    iIdahoihgeville, NOTICE OF PROOF OF COMPLETION OF WORKS AND APPLICATION OK WATER TO BENEFICIAI. USE.Notice is hereby given that at 1 p m. on the

    15th day ot September, 1911. at Pollock, County , , . j of Idaho, Slate of Idaho, before W. J. Adsley,

    Between the close of the afternoon program and the opening of the ni^ht N. p. proof will be submitted of the completionof work« for the diversion of .OH of 1 cubic foot per second of the waters of Hailey creek and of

    Midway. Many good restaurants will furnish everything to eat from a 14m- the application to beneficial use of said water burger sandwich to a real dinner, and then It is time to hurry back to the b?d{heîtote

    grand stand for the big night spectacle. “Pioneer Days In the Palouse,” and engineer of the state of Idaho, the always gorgeous fireworks displays. Not a spectator can go home unUt- holdlng\a‘d%raU,Tre MarvT “Jdm.

    isfied this year, for the exhibits and amusements will be varied enough to knit Riggins. Idahof j a. Said works ol diversion will be fully com-

    every taste. I pitted on the date set for such completion, andAn Intensely interesting program has been arranged in connection With the amount of water which said works are

    this night show of frontier life, and mnny riders and other performers will be accordance with the*’plans accompanying the brought from Oregon, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana. Among others who Will application for such permit is .03 ot 1 cubic fe appear is Colonel W A. Hlllis, known as “Wild Bill From Up the Gulch,” the 3, S’he use to which said water has been

    famous représentative of the Remington Arms company and one of the niost applied Is irrigation aud domestic purposes,^ tt i. j c. . I in * .. and the amount applied to beneficial use Is .08

    expert rifle and pistol shots in the United States, who will perform every n ght 0f t cubic foot per secoud.feats with bullets which most shots would consider Impossible in the daytime, j 4- The place where said -water is used is oneIn all more than 300 men, Indians and horses will be used to outline a thril ing ! S,“dKÄ h,7n“ln * ° 4 Sec. A TP. *

    living picture of “Pioneer Days In the Palouse.” [ j ^ Theis'oot. r^mo.^ 18

    A. E Robinson, Stale Engineer.

    ; !AT PLAYbetween two of the most famous of the world's aviators.

    f THe Camas Prairie MacHine SHop

    show there are acres of exhibits to see and all the new attractions on the

    City Drug Store ♦** ■Dr. Ë. H. Sheaffer, Prop.

    Pure Drugs, Prescriptions carefully

    compounded Jewelry and silverware


    * 1* ** l;-Hi** (Jackson's Old Place) *FAY CO. SON, Prop,fg General Blacksmithing and Machine Work. We solicit ÿ your patronage. All work guaranteed.

    *■* u

    mA A121

    Iters will be given between racé events.The band will be the star feature at j ORi)Er T0 show cause on sale of real night In addition to the spectacular , estate.number, including a strong pyrotee


    BRISCOE’SStellar Attraction Booked For the In-

    taratata Fair This Year.Francesco Ferullo and his band of program. ...... j

    fifty pieces will be the stellar musical Ferullo is fulfilling a musical triumph Robert Dunlap, the administrator ot the es- foBturn of the eighteenth nnnual Spo- at Idora Park, Oakland, and Is anted : tate of George Von Yarf, deceased, having[filed feature Of the elgnteentn niiuuu. p musical organization second his petition herein praying for an order ofkane Interstate Fair. ; t0 “ave a “ i sale of all the real estate of aaid decedent, for

    _ . n con- ‘ to none. Ferullo is a demon with the i the purpose therein set forth, It ts thereforeManager Cosgrove has closed a con a 1 ordered1^by the Judge of said court, that allat the fair .baton. in ms nanct tne uaton IS a persons interested in the estate of said deceased

    wand drawing forth the harmonies appear before the said probate court on Wed-from the array of men who sit waiting ft6 S? ^oYen^n^f ’̂day9.";«*^“ Ifor its every turn and curve. court room of said probate court, at the city of !

    tt * „moi nt m,iu et-mrrrria at Oraugeville, iusaid co-’Dty of Idaho to showUnder the spell Of this struggle OX eauBe ,vhy an order should not bo granted to | the mortal with the unseen Ferullo the said administrator to sell so much of the j

    . , I real estate of the said deceased as shall be uec-1twists, squirms, raves, and bis riven eBBarv; and that a copy of this order be pub-; locks wave and flutter. He a roust a an lished at least four successive weeks iu the IOCKS nave uu . Idaho County Free Press,a newspaper printedaudience into a fever of suppressed ex- auJ published in said county, cltement. Sounds issue in volumes or Dated Probote JudKe.are repressed as a whisper in answer to his every contortion.

    The organization which comes to Spokane for the eighteenth Interstate Fair, Oct. 2 to 8, carries voca harpists and other soloists in ad, to the regular Instrumentation, an organization will put on a serit programs never equaled in Spokafie.

    The Entrance to Successtinle In the probate court, Idaho county, state of Idaho.In the matter of the estate of George Von

    Both Phones

    All the green stuff of spring — Fruits and vegetables, we have

    them all

    Accounting, Shorthand, and Typewriting offer the very best opportunities to young men and young women who wish to enter

    business.The MOSCOW BUSINESS COLLEGE offers the very best traiuing. Decide NOW

    get this knowledge that prepares you to be master of your future—that opens the door to steadv employment at a good salary.

    Act NOW'. Write for our new catalogue—that’s the first step.


    ■!: JffV ^tract for the appearance

    next fall of the famous organization ; which is creating such a furore in the ( California musical world.

    Spokane bands will furnish the regular music for the fair, and the big band will appear only in concert pro , grama. A new band stand for their accommodation will be erected In front






    Ex-Army Veterinary Surgeon


    ■T We, D. E Thomas and Minnie 1. Thomas, father and mother of Fred E. Thomas, do hereby give notice that we will make application to tne Board of Pardons of the Stale of Idaho,

    itioil at Boise. Idaho, at their regular session ou the first Wednesday in October, 1911, to-wit: October!. 1911, fora pardon of the aaid Fred E.

    H of Thomas, uow in the penitentiary at Boise, Idaho, under a sentence imposed by the Judge of the District Court of the Secoud Judicial District of the state of Idaho, In and for the county of Idaho, wherein he was sentenced to a term of imprisonment in the State Penitentiary ot from one to ten years.

    Dated August 30, 1911.


    ,1 theTrade Marks

    Designs Copyrights Ac.

    ]SKn? a sketch and description mayrïïn„ï\'Brtlll5 0,,r opinion free whether anÄti'yffiSSSUSL*“ COn,mUnlal-

    Scientific HuKrican.tr" Illustrated weekly. largest olr-

    Journal. Terme. $8 a Hl’»8u »IS11"’*1, 8o'