A gift from - Avalon Hearing

Post on 01-Oct-2021

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Transcript of A gift from - Avalon Hearing


Betty Vosters-Kemp, BC-HIS

Hearing Healthcare Provider

Author, Columnist, Seminar Leader

A gift from…

Your Guide to Hearing Happiness


(916) 483-9064 (916) 729-2711 (530) 662-7345 1

Table of Contents

Welcome 2

The Secret Recipe for Hearing Happiness 3

Secret #1: YOU… a Motivated and Informed Consumer 4

Secret #2: The Right Hearing Technology 5

Secret #3: A Competent and Caring Hearing HealthCare Provider 6

Secret #4: Supportive Family 7

Secret #5: Physical Therapy for your Brain and Ears 8

Five Frequently Asked Questions about Hearing Care 9

Five Mistakes People Make When Getting Hearing Aids 10

Conclusion… You Can Have a Happy Ending 11

Hearing Quiz 12

Hearing Quiz Results 13

Bonus Gift for YOU! 14

Your Guide to Hearing Happiness


(916) 483-9064 (916) 729-2711 (530) 662-7345 2


Hi there! I’m Betty Vosters-Kemp and for over 20 years, my husband and I, along

with our caring staff, have helped thousands of people reconnect to the richness of

life through their precious sense of hearing.

I’m a partner, founder, and co-owner of

the hearing center Rated #1 in Customer

Satisfaction for the entire nation…

Avalon Hearing Aid Centers.

In 1988, when Michael and I started Avalon,

we had a dream: We wanted to change the

way people feel about hearing aids. Our

vision grew and became a way of thinking

and doing business. It influences everything

we do. I’ve taught hundreds of workshops,

led seminars, and been published around the world as a leading expert in the field

of hearing healthcare.

What I’m about to share with you in this short guide is the no-nonsense secret

formula we’ve discovered for dealing with hearing loss. It can be as easy as baking a

pie! 5 secret ingredients are all you need to live successfully and happily with

hearing loss. If even one of these ingredients is missing, people tend to be unhappy.

Nobody wants to lose their hearing but if you do, there is hope. In fact, we’ve

helped thousands of people and their families learn to live happily ever after with

hearing loss. Now, you can experience a happy ending, too!

The Five Secret Ingredients to Hearing Happiness

Your Guide to Hearing Happiness


(916) 483-9064 (916) 729-2711 (530) 662-7345 3


Hearing Healthcare as Easy as Pie!

There are just five ingredients in the

secret recipe for Hearing Happiness,

and once you get them, you’ll see

that it really is as easy as pie. But

just like any recipe, if you miss one

ingredient, you’re not going to be

happy with the results. I’m going

to show you the recipe here, and

then we’ll spend a page on each

one of the five ingredients.

First Ingredient: An Informed and Motivated Consumer…YOU. The very act of

reading this guide has you becoming informed! Then, you have to be

motivated to hear and understand more clearly. Don’t worry. The

information I give you will help you get motivated.

Second Ingredient: The RIGHT Hearing Technology. There are so many hearing

aids on the market today. It’s confusing to know which one is right for

you. I will give you a checklist to make this simpler.

Third Ingredient: A COMPETENT and CARING Hearing Healthcare Provider.

The person you choose to help you with your hearing has got to be both

competent and caring. That’s the only way it works. I’ll give you ten

questions to ask yourself and help you rate your provider.

Fourth Ingredient: The SUPPORT of FAMILY. Hearing loss effects everyone in

the family so getting them involved from the start is going to make the

difference. I‘ll show you how to do this in a simple but effective way.

Fifth Ingredient: PHYSICAL THERAPY for your Brain and Ears. Your ears and

brain work much like the rest of your body. When a weakness occurs, a

little physical therapy goes a long way. Training the brain to listen in a

new and better way has averaged a 40% improvement in listening skills!

Your Guide to Hearing Happiness


(916) 483-9064 (916) 729-2711 (530) 662-7345 4



As you get informed, you’ll realize how important healthy hearing is to

you and your loved ones. This, in turn, will motivate you to want to hear

and understand the best you can for life.

::: Here are few things to get you started:::

The average American too long waits (7 to 10 years) before getting the

help they need for a gradual hearing loss

People don’t realize that waiting so long has a negative effect on your

social, emotional, mental and physical well being – waiting is detrimental

to your overall health and well-being

The longer you wait, the more difficult it may be to get used to hearing

instruments due to “auditory deprivation”

In fact, too many people wait too long to seek help

You have to admit to yourself that you have a hearing loss – even if it’s

only a mild loss

You must want to hear and understand more clearly

You must be willing to take the time needed to retrain your brain to hear

and listen in a new way – new hearing aids may not bring you instant


It is not the purchase of a product that will give you better hearing. Only

about 20 percent of your success to living well with hearing loss will

depend on the performance of the hearing aids you choose

A good attitude is everything. Abraham Lincoln once said, “Most folks

are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

Your Guide to Hearing Happiness


(916) 483-9064 (916) 729-2711 (530) 662-7345 5



Hearing aids must do three basic things in order for people to enjoy them

and wear them regularly. The best hearing aids in the world won’t do you

any good sitting in the drawer of your nightstand. Hearing aids must…

1) Be Comfortable

- Are your hearing aids physically comfortable in your ears? Can you forget that you are

wearing them?

- Are you able to physically handle your instruments? Put them in your ears easily? Can

you adjust any of the controls with ease?

- When exposed to loud sounds, traffic noise or a noisy restaurant, do your hearing aids

adjust so that the loudness does not hurt your ears or cause you discomfort?

2) Not Whistle

- Hearing aids should not whistle or feedback with normal wear.

- Feedback occurs when amplified sound leaks out of the hearing aid and back into the

microphone, causing a feedback loop which can sound like whistling or chirping.

- This whistling sound can be embarrassing and annoying to the point that people stop

wearing their hearing aids.

3) Make Speech Clearer

- Most hearing aids if fitted to match your hearing loss, work well in quiet, one-on-one

listening situations.

- Hearing aids stimulate or enhance what is left of your hearing. They cannot restore the

hearing that has been lost.

- Think of good hearing aids as exercise machines that stimulate what’s left of your

hearing and the auditory parts of your brain.

- Hearing aids come in four levels of technology:

o entry level, basic, advanced, and superior

(Only a thorough hearing test and lifestyle assessment of your life can determine

which level of technology would be best for you. Everyone is different.)

Your Guide to Hearing Happiness


(916) 483-9064 (916) 729-2711 (530) 662-7345 6



The person who helps you with your hearing must be competent in two

areas: people skills and technical knowledge. Feeling comfortable with

the provider and hearing practice you choose are critical to your success.

Listed below are the 10 questions to consider when looking for

the best provider with whom to work:

1. Ask yourself, “How thorough was my hearing evaluation? Did the hearing

healthcare provider get to know me, or just do a quick test?

2. Were you treated with respect by the provider?

3. Did you get an explanation of your hearing loss?

4. Were you given at least 2 or 3 choices of technology based on your

hearing loss, lifestyle, and budget?

5. Was the importance of helping both ears discussed?

6. Are you being “oversold” with promises that sound too good to be true?

7. Did you and the provider discuss realistic expectations for your fitting?

8. Were your rights as a consumer reviewed? Did you know that you have a

a 30-day return privilege in the state of California?

9. Did the provider tell you about the importance of follow-up care? That it

would take 4-6 weeks if everything went well?

10. Did you feel comfortable with the hearing healthcare provider?

::: Bottom Line ::: Your hearing healthcare provider should make you feel like a partner

in the decisions about, and care of your hearing. Don’t be treated like a number or a victim of sales pressure.

Your Guide to Hearing Happiness


(916) 483-9064 (916) 729-2711 (530) 662-7345 7



The most motivated and informed consumer fit with the best technology

by an extremely competent and caring hearing healthcare provider can

fail miserably IF they do not have supportive family members.

The top 7 things you and

your loved ones should know...

1. Hearing loss is a very misunderstood problem.

2. Effective communication is a highly complex

phenomenon especially in families.

3. When you have a hearing loss, it affects everyone,

especially the people closest to you.

4. Your family must be educated and informed about

your hearing loss so they, too, can have realistic


5. Be sure to include your spouse or other close

family member in the initial hearing test and

consultation, plus the fitting of the hearing instruments.

6. Attend a Living Happily Ever After With Hearing Loss class together to learn:

i. The 10 Tips for Communicating Effectively when you have a Hearing Loss

ii. The 7 Tips for Communicating Effectively when Speaking to someone with

Hearing Loss

iii. The Simple CLEAR SPEECH Technique

7. Remember – Hearing loss impacts both the hard-of-hearing person and their

family. The more the family knows, the easier it is for everyone to live

successfully with hearing loss.

(Usually, what people want to hear most are the voices of their loved ones.

Getting family involved can make all the difference in the world.)

Your Guide to Hearing Happiness


(916) 483-9064 (916) 729-2711 (530) 662-7345 8



Hearing aids are wonderful devices that help us hear better but they do

not automatically give us good listening skills. You see, hearing is a sense

but listening is a skill. Effective listening involves complex, cognitive

processing of the brain. As we age, the ability to follow conversations can

be compromised by hearing loss and by the natural aging process.


Based on recent findings in neuroscience, the brain can actually be retrained to

listen. Therefore, Dr. Robert Sweetow of University of California, San Francisco,

designed an aural rehabilitation tool to be used on your computer or DVD player.

It is called the Listening and Communication Enhancement Program or LACE.

The LACE Program is a ten-hour aural rehabilitation therapy that can be done in

the comfort of your own home. LACE teaches you to:

o Listen better in noisy situations such as a restaurant (Speech in Noise)

o Listen to fast talkers with more ease (Rapid Speech)

o Focus on one voice over another voice (Competing Speech)

o Improve your short and long term memory (Word Memory Task)

o Enhance your processing speed and use of contextual cues (Missing Word)

The people who commit to doing this program over a four week period, 30-

minutes per day, five days per week, averaged a 40% improvement in listening

skills. Now, that could change your life!

No one wants a hearing loss. But remember, properly fit hearing instruments are

like exercise machines. They stimulate what’s left. And now, there’s LACE,

providing you with additional help…it’s like physical therapy for your ears and

your brain. Never has there been a better time to get the hearing help you need!

Your Guide to Hearing Happiness


(916) 483-9064 (916) 729-2711 (530) 662-7345 9



1) My hearing really isn’t that bad. Should I wait until it gets worse?

No. Even a minor hearing loss can put a strain on you and your loved ones. As your

hearing gradually worsens, your psychological and physical well-being can be

affected. Waiting may actually be detrimental to your future rehabilitation.

2) I’ve been told I have nerve deafness and can’t be helped. What should I do?

‘Nerve deafness’ is permanent, and cannot be helped with surgery or medication.

The important thing to know is that hearing aids stimulate what’s left of your hearing

plus the auditory parts of the brain. They actually preserve or maintain your ability to

process sounds and understand speech. The longer you wait to stimulate your

hearing system, the less help may be available.

3) Why do so many people complain about their hearing aids?

They were probably fit with hearing aids that make everything too loud. Most people

with hearing loss suffer from “recruitment” – a sensitivity to loudness. Specific

loudness testing should be done to determine how sensitive you are to loud sounds.

This information can then be used to determine the best technology for your

individual loss. Sophisticated digital instruments can be programmed to your

loudness sensitivity, automatically keeping sounds within a comfortable listening

range for you. These technologies are changing the way people feel about hearing

loss! Unfortunately, most clinics do not take the time to do this extra testing.

4) I don’t want to waste my money. What if hearing aids don’t work for me?

As a consumer in the state of California, you are protected. You have a 30-day money

back guarantee. There is no risk of making a costly mistake.

5) My friend says his hearing aids don’t help in noisy places. That’s exactly where I

have the problem. Would hearing aids help me?

Only a thorough hearing test and detailed case history can determine if you could be

helped. But with today’s advanced technology and the proper fitting for your loss and

lifestyle, you should be able to hear better in the presence of background noise.

Don’t let someone else’s experience or outdated beliefs about hearing aids keep you

from getting the help you need.

Your Guide to Hearing Happiness


(916) 483-9064 (916) 729-2711 (530) 662-7345 10



1) Most people are reluctant to get help for their hearing.

When they finally get help, they allow themselves to become victims in the process

because they didn’t even want hearing aids. First-time buyers fall prey to being

treated like a number in an impersonal, busy medical system or worse, get seduced

by high-pressure sales.

2) People buy based on a quick 15-20 minute hearing test.

It is extremely important your hearing healthcare provider get a complete medical

history and performs a full lifestyle assessment. A thorough hearing test and

consultation should take more than an hour. Anything less and you are not getting

the care you need and deserve.

3) People buy strictly on the basis of price and high-pressure sales tactics

– “This week only!” – is a typical headline you may see. You should never feel

pressured when investing in your hearing healthcare. Work with someone who

honors that you are unique and have to go through the process of coming to terms

with hearing loss in your own time and in your own way. Everyone is different.

4) They don’t get a second opinion.

People often feel trapped or obligated to go through their HMO or insurance. 90% of

the time, people do not have any hearing aid benefits and therefore, have to

purchase the hearing aids themselves. So choose where you want to go.

5) People simply don’t trust their gut feelings about the office and the provider.

Always trust your gut feelings. Don’t buy from anyone if you are uncomfortable about

how you are being treated.

By getting informed, you can avoid these mistakes.

But waiting for years to treat a hearing loss in order to avoid making a mistake,

is also, a costly mistake.

Your Guide to Hearing Happiness


(916) 483-9064 (916) 729-2711 (530) 662-7345 11



The most important information you can gather is about YOUR personal

hearing challenges. So let’s get started with a quick hearing quiz. Answer

the questions below and then rate yourself on the next page.

Hearing Quiz

Yes No

1. Do people seem to mumble more frequently?

2. Do you often ask people to repeat what they have said?

3. Do you have difficulty hearing someone with a soft voice?

4. Does your family complain that you play the TV too loudly?

5. Does a hearing problem cause you to feel frustrated when talking to members of your family?

6. Does a hearing problem cause you difficulty when visiting friends, relatives, or neighbors?

7. Do you feel left out at family or group gatherings?

8. Does a hearing problem cause you difficulty when in a restaurant?

9. Does a hearing problem cause you to attend meetings, religious services, or movies less often than you would like?

10. Does a hearing problem cause you to feel embarrassed when meeting people?

11. Do you feel frustrated by a hearing problem?

12. Do you feel your hearing problem limits or hampers your social or professional life?

13. Do you have difficulty with telephone conversations?

14. Do you currently have hearing aids that frustrate you?

Total YES’s

Your Guide to Hearing Happiness


(916) 483-9064 (916) 729-2711 (530) 662-7345 12



On the previous page, you answered 14 questions about your personal

hearing situation. Simply add up the number of “Yes” answers

and find your score on the chart below.

# of Yes’s Rate Your Hearing

0 - 2

Your hearing probably falls within the normal range of hearing. Congratulations! And good for you for taking the time to do this quiz! Keep your interest and awareness high and if you notice a change in your ability to hear and understand, be sure to have a hearing test.

3 – 4 You may have a mild hearing loss. Early detection is important. Although you probably do not need hearing aids yet, it is important that you have a thorough hearing test and begin to monitor your hearing once a year.

5 – 9

You may have a moderate hearing loss. You hear but have difficulty understanding conversation, especially in background noise. You spend a lot of energy trying to follow conversation and may not even be aware of it. Learn as much as you can about hearing loss and your options but start with a thorough hearing test, now.

10 - 14

You may have a serious hearing loss. Your ability to be part of a conversation is very limited unless you are facing the speaker. Talking to others is both frustrating and exhausting. If you have not tried hearing instruments, you are probably in denial and hurting yourself and others. Learn all you can about the cost of untreated hearing loss. Then, find a hearing health care provider you feel comfortable with and begin the process of understanding your hesitations.

CONGRATULATIONS! You have just taken your first important step towards

getting and staying informed about you and your precious sense of hearing.

On the last page of this guide, you’ll receive a gift from me to support you in taking

the next steps on your personal journey to hearing happiness.

Your Guide to Hearing Happiness


(916) 483-9064 (916) 729-2711 (530) 662-7345 13


At Avalon Hearing, thousands of people and their families have literally

changed the way they feel about hearing loss and hearing aids. How?

Through the 5 secret ingredients needed to live successfully and happily

with hearing loss!

The winning formula is easy as baking a pie…

An informed and motivate consumer (that’s you) fit with the right hearing technology

for your loss and lifestyle by a competent and caring hearing healthcare provider,

supported by an informed family, and willing to take the time to retrain the brain,

experiences HEARING HAPPINESS! Seems like a lot but it’s really easy if you follow the

recipe. Don’t you and your loved ones deserve hearing happiness?

You are well on your way to a happy ending…

Thank you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read this

Guide to Hearing Happiness. You are now more informed than most people ever will

be about hearing loss. But all the information in the world won’t help you hear

better if you don’t take the next critical step…

It all starts with the best hearing test and consultation, ever…

That critical step is: To literally pick up the phone and call Avalon right now to

schedule an appointment. If you suspect a hearing loss, even a mild one, call now to

get the most thorough hearing evaluation ever, for free. Find out what you are

missing and whether you would benefit from modern hearing technology. The best

part is, it doesn’t matter what insurance you have because I have a gift for you…

Your Guide to Hearing Happiness


(916) 483-9064 (916) 729-2711 (530) 662-7345 14



The best way to deal with a hearing problem is to take action!

Have a complete and thorough hearing test and consultation by a truly

competent and caring hearing healthcare professional.

Our GIFT to YOU!

A Free Hearing Test & Consultation

I’d like to evaluate your hearing for free. Avalon’s 10-step Hearing Test and

Consultation that has been coined, “the most thorough hearing test you’ll ever have!” It

has a value of $200 but I’d like to give it to you

as a gift…for free!

We’ll take the time to get to know you and

your personal hearing needs. You’ll receive the

most thorough hearing test you’ll ever have

and we’ll explain the results to you in an easy

to understand way. Then, together, we’ll

review your options for better hearing so you

can make the best choice possible. But the

final decision is yours to make.

We ranked #1 in Customer Satisfaction in the

entire nation by treating our patients like

family, with care, compassion, and helping them hear the best they can for life!

So call now to schedule your Free Hearing Test & Consultation

at any one of our three convenient locations!

(800) 424-8573 It’s free, it easy, and it’s informative.

And it may change your life!

Here’s to your Hearing Happiness…

Betty Vosters-Kemp