A Giant Around The Corner

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Transcript of A Giant Around The Corner


Hi! My name is Ssaug

I come from Planet Quetelet

This is the symbol of Quetelet

We are anchored to THE NORM

Extremes are very rare

We don’t have bestsellers

Or suffer with stock market crashes

I never saw a millionaire

or a beggar…

Here, no individual or event can make a difference

When I’m bored with this bell-shaped way of life

I go to Planet Mandelbrot

This is the symbol of Mandelbrot

At first, seems just like Quetelet

but you can find a giant around the corner!

At Mandelbrot, most things are like this

but a few are like this

Here, rare events are not so rare

and they can dominate

Now I’m visiting Earth

You, humans, intrigue me

You act as if you live in Quetelet

but your world is much more like Mandelbrot

True, there’s no giants around the corner

Now, read this:

The poorest 40 percent of the world’s population accounts for 5 percent of global income.

The richest 20 percent accounts for three-quarters of world income.*

*2007 Human Development Report (HDR), United Nations Development Program, November 27, 2007, p.25.


At the US book market, 20% of the authors account for 97% of the books sold.*

* Taleb, Nassim Nicholas (2007). The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable. New York: Random House..


60,000 to 100,000 people of a population of 275,000 died at the Lisbon 1755 earthquake.*

* Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1755_Lisbon_earthquake


50% of the Portuguese population concentrates in 14 of the country 141 cities.*

*Instituto Nacional de Estatística (2004). Atlas das Cidades de Portugal - Volume II.


MADE BY António Carloto

INSPIRED BY Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Albert-László Barabási and many others

PHOTOSIstockphotos - http://www.istockphoto.comPhoto Libre - http://www.photo-libre.fr/