A funny little caterpillar - Loving2Learn and songs/bugs and...A funny little caterpillar was...

Post on 20-May-2018

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Transcript of A funny little caterpillar - Loving2Learn and songs/bugs and...A funny little caterpillar was...



A funny little caterpillar

was crawling on the ground.

He climbed up a twig and

spun around and around.

He made a chrysalis and

fell fast asleep.

He became transparent

in about two weeks.

Fuzzy, wuzzy caterpillar

wakes up by and by.

Now you have two pretty wings.

You're a butterfly!

Here is the beehive.

Where are the bees?

Hidden inside,

where nobody sees.

Here they come buzzing,

out of the hive.

One, two, three, four, and five!



Caterpillar, caterpillar,

creeping, crawling,

squirming, turning!

Caterpillar, caterpillar,

wiggle, wiggle,

up and down.

Caterpillar, caterpillar,

slowly creeps along

on the ground.



Oh, beautiful butterfly.


floating so merrily

in the summer sky.

Landing so softly,

on a scrumptious bed of flowers.

Oh, beautiful butterfly.




A caterpillar crawled to the top of a tree, "I think I'll take a nap", said he.

So under a leaf, he began to creep,

to spin his chrysalis and he fell asleep.

For a long time he slept in his chrysalis bed.

Till spring came along one day, and said, "Wake up, wake up little sleepy head." "Wake up, it's time to get out of bed!"

So, he opened his eyes that sun shiny day. WOW, he was a butterfly and flew away!


The itsy bitsy spider,

crawled up the water spout.

Down came the rain

and washed the spider out.

Out came the sun

and dried up all the rain.

And the itsy bitsy spider

crawled up the spout again.




Once I saw an ant hill,

with no ants about.

So I said,

"Little ants, won't you please come out?"

Then as if they heard my call,

one, two, three, four, five came out.

Then they ran all about.

Once I saw an ant hill,

with no ants about.

So I said,

"Little ants, won't you please come out?"

Then as if they heard my call,

one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,

eight, nine, ten came out.

Then they ran all about.


Big bugs, small bugs, big bugs, small bugs,

see them crawl, see them crawl.

Creepy, creepy, crawling, never, never falling,

bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs.

Thin bugs, fat bugs, thin bugs, fat bugs,

see them crawl, on the wall.

Creepy, creepy, crawling, never, never falling,

bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs.


Lady bugs and butterflies,

buzzing bees up in the sky.

Teeny, tiny little ants,

crawling up and down the plants.

Many insects can be found,

in the sky and on the ground.



Beetle, beetle up in the tree,

fly down and show your armor to me!

Shiny brown, black, or green,

you're the toughest bug I've ever seen!



The bugs in the air fly up and down, up and down, up and down.

The bugs in the air fly up and down, all through the day.

The spiders on the bush spin a web,

spin a web, spin a web. The spiders on the bush spin a web,

all through the day.

The crickets in the field hop up and down, up and down, up and down.

The crickets in the field hop up and down, all through the day.

The bees in their hive go buzz, buzz, buzz,

buzz, buzz, buzz; buzz, buzz, buzz. The bees in their hive go buzz, buzz, buzz,

all through the day.

Ants, ants, ants everywhere, ants on my apple, ants on my pear. Ants at a picnic are not so great.

I see five crawling on my plate!

I'm a little spider,

Watch me spin.

If you'll be my dinner,

I'll let you come in.

Then I'll spin my

web to hold you tight,

and gobble you up in one big bite!

(Tune: I'm a Little Teapot)