A Dozen Reasons to Write Poetry | Rosemary Sauter Frett

Post on 15-Feb-2017

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Transcript of A Dozen Reasons to Write Poetry | Rosemary Sauter Frett

A Dozen Reasons to Write: PoetryRosemary Sauter Frett

ExpressionIt helps us to lead a mentally healthy life. Whether we’re singing to express our glee, exercising to work out our anger, or transforming

our emotions into creative energy, expressing ourselves is key.

Poetry is expression

And unlike prose, poetry allows us to express ourselves openly and creatively in a much

shorter form

Some don’t need convincing to write a simple haiku or free verse

All we need is be inspired by nature and the world around us or by God.

Other’s need a little push, or enlightenment, if you will, to see the beauty of penning a poem every now and again.

You should be inspired to write!

Even if it’s only once a day, every few weeks, or even once a year—here’s a dozen reasons to feel inspired to pick up

your pen and create a poetic masterpiece!

CREATIVITYPoetry is boundless

Literary tools such as sound, rhythm, rhyme, imagery, symbolism, metaphors, similes, and others can be used to express yourself or tell a story, in turn making you more comfortable using those tools in your every day life.

By stimulating that creative part of your brain, you’ll find your daily writings, such as emails and reports, will have more creative flair and descriptive imagery

CONNECTIONSIntroverts & other like-minded individuals can find it difficult to express themselves face-to-face.

Poetry can serve as an alternative way to connect with others–to tell someone you love them or that you’re sorry–as well as a way to find a community of like minded individuals.

BREVITYPoetry is a short-form story, and with consistent practice of writing poetry, your prose becomes more informed, clear, and concise.

EMPATHYBoth reading and writing poetry allows us to tap into our emotional sides, which will not only will it lead us to become more in touch with our own emotions, but the emotions of others.

WITLiterary tools like alliteration and syntax sharpens the playful parts

of our brains, expanding our literary horizons

INNOVATIONChallenge yourself to try new forms of poetry you’re not comfortable with – or better yet, push your writing outside the boundaries. Bend the rules! Reshape words! You may find by thinking about your writing in an innovative way, you’ll be able to destroy any roadblocks in your way with the power of iambic pentameter.

DISCIPLINEEverything I told you about breaking the rules just before? Forget about that!

Most poetry has a specific structure to it, and adhering to it requires a certain level of discipline, especially with something as creative as poetry.

Writing on a regular basis is regarded as a discipline itself – you’re keeping your mind active and malleable, and using it to create something original frequently.


Poetry can be a form of therapy. By turning all those emotions that are difficult to surface & feelings that

go unspoken into a creatively crafted sonnet or haiku, you’re able

to take your sadness, anger and fears and turn them into something

beautiful and original.

APPRECIATIONYou may not have read every Allen Ginsberg piece there is–you may not even know who he is–but after becoming a writer yourself, you’ll be able to appreciate his unique style and skill

that went into amazing works like “Howl,”.

No matter if you feel it after your first or fifty-first, you’ll find that you write a poem that you’re really proud of; a poem that you’re happy to share with your peers, a poem that

garners you a lot of positive attention.


RELATIONSHIPSFor those of you who have been in a relationship—romantic, familial, or

platonic—it can sometimes be hard to express what it is exactly you’re

feeling. Maybe you’re experiencing an all-encompassing feeling of love, maybe you’re sorry and want to

express your regret, maybe you’re proud and wish to share it with them. Poetry can be a great tool in putting

feelings into words.

HUMILITYWriting, in its most basic form is


Writing poetry is easy.

Writing good poetry, on the other hand, is very hard. Making the

attempt to write good poetry is a meaningful way to remind ourselves

of our own imperfections and reinforce our sense of humility.

“Oh Lord, it’s hard to be humble, when you’re perfect in every way…”

COMMUNICATIONPoetic tools, like metaphors, imagery, alliteration, rhythm, and

rhyme, are excellent resources for communicating your feelings and emotions that are hard to put into words. You’ll find that by using these tools frequently in your poetry, the skill set will translate over

to prose writing, making you a better communicator!

To learn more, visit Rosemary Sauter Frett’s poetry blog here:
