A Critical Review and Discussion of the Improvements That May Be Made Towards Integration of...

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A critical review and discussion of the improvements that may be madetowards integration of Inclusive design features within mainstreammobile handsets.

Stephen PerryBA Industrial Design & TechnologyUniversal Design DSB010

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Introduction: As an Industrial Design student studying at Loughborough University the Author is taking part in a “Universal Design” Module and as such has a keeninterest in the form and function of everyday products specifically with regardto inclusive products. This critical review acts as an investigative process to

evaluate current affairs and market trends allowing the author to understandestablished markets and potential product design opportunities.

Methods Chosen:This literature review will follow a structure as Indicated by Torrens 2012(Loughborough University) and will look into existing research on mobilehandset designs for male and female consumers who have a disabilty withinthe UK. Information will be taken from a range of sources including: Googlescholar; Loughborough University library; Consumer Discussion Boards; theWorld Wide Web; patents; standards; Blogs; podcasts; and, Journal Articles.Sources of information will be referenced will be completed using the

Refworks software to the British Harvard Style.

By using third party resources the Author’s input can remain impartial and notimpact upon the studies themselves. Giving an equal weighting to anyarguments found.

Due to limitations with regard to time the research will focus mainly on recenttrends within mobile handsets and will place particular emphasis on“smartphones”. These mobile telephone handsets appear as the “choice” of the majority of UK consumers at present. The main focus of the research willbe with regard to the Aging population of the UK and as such the review willcover mobile phone design that is suitable for consumers with a combinationof disabilities. i.e. affected vision, motor skills, accuracy (rather a specificdisability i.e. blind). As a starting viewpoint for the review, the author hasproposed the following hypothesis.

Hypothesis: It is not the digital space that is the problem, it is the physicalconnection between a person and the digital interface; not enough is beingdone to allow interfacing with the products, where competing with the marketis less effective than working alongside it.

Research questions:Based on the hypothesis, the following research questions have beendeveloped:

• What conditions / disabilities are ‘typical’ in an aging population?

• What are current Market Trends?

• Evidence to support what the ageing population wants?

• Current routes / solutions?

• What products are available, existing interfaces?

• Alternative routes / Solutions?

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 Although mobile phone design has been a rapidly progressive area thegeneral trend towards wholly touch screen interfaces means that despitepotential with regard to inclusive design and software; physical interfaces can

often be daunting or even impossible to interact with.

The author is looking in this discussion to establish whether there is a moreeffective way of designing for disabled consumers without relying entirely onsoftware based solutions. Moreover, the author wishes to establish if analternate design strategy could be employed.

Currently within the United Kingdom there is evidence to suggest the averageage of the population is becoming consistently older with statistics showingthat the population aged under 16 had dropped from 25% in 1971 to 19% in2008 (a trend that continues) (IGD 2010). With estimates showing that by

2031, 22% of the population will be aged 65 and over compared to 18% aged16 or younger. (IGD 2010)

There is evidence to suggest that an aging population is likely to showincreased rates of disabilities and impairments, (both physical and visual).Statistically, one in seven working age adults are registered disabledcompared with almost one in two people over state-pension age (FamilyResources Survey, Author Unknown 2010)

 At present there are over ten million people with a limiting long term illness,impairment or disability in Great Britain and the most commonly reportedimpairments are those that affect mobility, lifting or carrying. (HMGovernment 2011)

Given that such trends are well evidenced there has been an influx of designsand products that seek to cater to the needs of disabled individuals. Brandssuch as Doro Mobiles (Doro Mobiles 2009), Beafon and Amplicom(Matobmobile 2010) are beginning to sell “simplified” mobile phones with‘inclusive’ large displays, buttons and louder ringers.

However, given that a substantially higher proportion of individuals with

disabled family members live in poverty (HM Government 2011) it isinteresting to note that for the lack of features (which are comparable to theearly mobile phones of the 1990’s) the cost to them remains high. Acomparison table can be seen below.

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Table References: (Croft 2012, mobile-phones-uk 2012, Doro Mobiles 2009, Apple 2012)

Handset iPhone 4SCurrent Marketleading Handset

(Apple 2012,2012 Q1 Sales)

Doro PhoneEasy 410 TypicalPhone for 

Disabledindividual (Doro2012)

Nokia 3310Early handset.

(Nokia 2008)

Price: £499 £130 £7.30

Type Smartphone Clamshell Candybar OperatingSystem

iOS n/a n/a

Internet Yes Limited - Non None


Yes – App store No No

Wifi Yes No No

In terms of mobile phone design and operating systems, phones specificallyaimed at disabled consumers are much more comparable to early mobilephones such as the Nokia 3310, this is despite the worldwide transition fromstandard mobile phones towards smartphone usage. The iPhone 4s remainsthe best-selling handset worldwide despite its high price tag. (Udalov 2012)

 As the current phone of choice worldwide it leads to the question why shoulddisabled individuals have to use out-dated hardware and not be accounted for 

in the smartphone age. All individuals within society should feel accountedand designed for, and fashion / trends are not exclusive to the able bodiedmarket. (Jordan 2000)

The Current Solutions: Apple (the designer of the 4s) has attempted to incorporate accessibilityfeatures within the software of their handset. (Apple 2012) These adaptationsonly go so far in solving problems, as the nature of their design ‘for the massconsumer’ and their emphasis on minimalism means that (at least in the eyesof their designers) to make physical hardware adaptions would be of detriment to the product styling.

The media team at apple uses terminology such as ‘tactile buttons’ (Apple2012) to indicate their thoughts on the matter, it is interesting to note that suchinclusive features are limited; however, with the average physical button onthe iPhone measuring 5mm across with a 10mm spacing despite ergonomicresearch indicating spacing should be at least 20mm (Baumann, Thomas2001) and recommendations made by panels such as Ofcom with regard toaccessible design (OFCOM 2007). Industry experts such as Anthony Tusler have also argued that improvements still needed to be made (Evans 2006).The Android Operating System (Accessible through Google smartphonehandsets) has also made similar decisions with regard to inclusive design.

(Disabled World 2010).

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It also must be noted that although such recommendations could improvehandsets for disabled individuals, imposing them as requirements could alsoin effect hamper innovation and prevent their being a range of alternatives for consumers. Further to this it is difficult to objectively measure the delivery of standards. (OFCOM 2007)

The limitations of screen based software solutions:

Smartphones generally make use of one large display, with minimal (or oftenno) physical buttons to give tactile feedback to the user. Disability expertsmaintain that it is important to have clear and reasonably large buttons, andthat the operation of keys be positive rather than ‘spongy’ and beaccompanied by an audible ‘beep’. (OFCOM 2007)

Screen based interfaces at present provide no feedback with regard tobuttons as there is no tactile variation upon the surface and although software

can provide the audial differentiation between keys this option is by default setto ‘off’.

Manufacturers have also begun to suggest that the use of touch screensinstead of keyboards on hand held products is a more efficient route of input.Interestingly in a paper that cited three studies, they state that there was anevident decline in accuracy and speed of use on touch screen devices vs.physical keyboards. (Wright, Bartram et al. 2000)

Given the results of such studies and the restrictions in place with regard totactile, audial and screen based feedback it would appear that a further hardware solution or solutions needs to be devised in order to accommodatethe user trends previously mentioned.

Hardware solution:

Given that the route of software implementation has become the ‘standard’ for inclusive mobile design practice, the author suggests two possible routes of action. The current situation (where companies develop standalone simplifiedhandsets and attempt to retail them).

Evidence that goes against this route however includes Ziefle’s and Bay’s2005 work on the ageing effects on the usability of mobiles in which 20-32and 50-64 year olds carried out four identical tasks on two phones; one morecomplex than the other. In this study both age groups performed better withthe less complex phone. (Ziefle M 2005) This study seems to suggest thatsuch decisions of feature removal are wise.However, it must also be noted that further research conducted by Renaudand Biljon has shown that a process of ‘simplification’ over ‘worth centreddesign’ is much less effective and that apart from reducing the effectivenessof the phone. In fact, this design rationale reduces the value of the phone tothe user. (Renaud, Biljon 2010). The individual often feels that they are

‘missing out’ on features other people have access to and as such are notbeing truly included.

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  As an alternate route the author suggests that devices should be developedas hardware additions to existing handsets. Meaning that an individual with adisability can feel free to buy the smartphone they desire without having to‘settle’ for something less, due to functionality problems.

 A distinction must be made between usability, which describes how easy touse a piece of equipment or service is for consumers, and accessibility, whichdescribes specific adaptation made to ensure equality of access for particular groups of people.

The author suggests that usability (with regard to disabled individuals) in thedesign of smartphone handsets will only go so far, and is almost at its peakand as such (as long as design dictates that large screen based interfaces arethe future) specific adaptations must be made in combination with thesoftware.

 A parallel of this second route is already established within the desktopcomputer environment, where peripheral additions such as Braille WritingDevices, light probes, colour sensors and haptic feedback mice and larger keyboards are commonly available. (RNIB 2009) The fact that such devicesbecome additions rather than competitive products means that the cost to theconsumer is kept lower, and the specific tools are more likely to meet theneeds of the individuals (including those with more than one need).

Principals outlined on how to make computer hardware accessible for peoplewith disabilities are widely publicised on the internet (RNIB Digital Accessibility, Author Unknown ).These same guidelines could effectively betranslated for inclusion / peripherals on mobile smartphones. A variety of inputand output devices have already been developed and the author suggeststhat such technology would transfer with relative ease for integration withmobile phones, the user could then have the smartphone they desire withoutthe social stigma that often accompanies standard phones.

Social acceptance is an integral part of all peoples lives an area where theopportunity for a differentiation of ‘mobile phone vs. smartphone’ user wouldfree many from a feeling of stigma as disabled individuals are given the

choice as to what device they own.

The suggested model has proven a lucrative and sustainable industry for computer manufacturers, and the author believes this too could be true for aparallel smartphone model. (RNIB Digital Accessibility, Author Unknown )

Smartphones are effectively becoming smaller handheld computers, andalready include a range of interfacing opportunities. Bluetooth, and Wifiremain the main options available on closed hardware such as the iPhoneand have been used to great effect recently to create other consumer products such as smart watches (Migicovsky 2012) These devices are able

to pull information such as incoming calls and text messages and display

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them on the users wrist, while also allowing them to control their musiccollection and navigate phone menus.

In theory this communication technology could be further advanced, userscould have a braille screen, loudspeaker, vibrating band, light board or 

headset that notifies them of events on their phones. A concept known as theCommunicade was developed by Jaepyung Lee and shows how suchinterfacing could be used to great effect, without sacrificing good design.(Universaldesignstyle 2012). Through combining visual sound glasses, avisual sound station and a handheld communicate that all interface with eachother to aid communication between deaf and hearing individuals. (See imagebelow)

(Universaldesignstyle 2012)

Similar devices could be devised for blind or partially sighted individuals, aconcept phone known as the DrawBraille by Shikun Sun shows how such aninterface could be used to create a whole handset, but the design of theobject itself could in theory simply become an additional tool for use with other smartphones. (Sun 2012)

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(Sun 2012) 

Resent research Conducted by Nokia Beta Labs has already proven that suchadditions to devices are not necessarily detrimental to the industrial design of a product. (Nokia Beta Lab, Author Unknown 2012). However, the nature of such research is often kept under wraps as it could become a future sellingpoint of devices. Apple have also submitted applications for patents that cover ‘haptic feedback’ (see image below) which effectively would allow the user to

feel textures onscreen. (Smith 2012) such technology has not reached user testing yet, but it is likely to be a feature included in future handsets.

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(Smith 2012)

Devices such as the Braillino Braille Display (which interfaces with mobilephones through Bluetooth) (Sense 2012) have already reached the marketand retail at over three thousand pounds. Whether this high cost is due todecisions with manufacture or because of limited market / material choice theauthor is unsure, however such costs are unreasonable to expect from theconsumer.

It seems that there is some discrepancy between the cost of items beingmanufactured for the personal computer and for mobile phones (further 

investigation is needed). Also with regard to Jordan’s four pleasures thedevice is unlikely to be a major success in its current form factor.

 Apple have also begun to implement hardware accessories with their devices,their headphones have a built in button that can be used to control calls andthe phone (although with limited functionality).

Conclusion:In conclusion the author believes that progress is being made with regard tointerface design and mobile handsets and as the trend of screen basedinterfaces has become the norm and it would be counterintuitive to placerestrictions on designers that force other methods of interface.

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Fundamentally the software base has opened the doors to developers givingmuch more potential to the software side of innovation. At this stage thisshould continue to be harnessed and encouraged and not restricted throughheadwear ties, instead peripheral additions leave room for specific needs (thatdon’t reflect those of the majority of the population). It is also good to note the

features added to devices (such as Siri) on the 4s which are fundamentallyaccessibility features, if marketed right can become major selling points for the device. As Jordan put it in his 2012 seminar at Loughborough University,‘attitudes are harder to change than behaviours’.

In summary it is not the digital space that is the problem, it is the physicalconnection between a person and the digital interface and given the widerange of features included in modern mobile handsets (Bluetooth, wifi,sockets etc) this is an area that could definitely be further harnessed for quality industrial design, keeping in mind Jordans four pleasures. (Jordan2000) as the likelihood of a product succeeding in the market is balanced

within his theorem.


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