A+ Computer Science Our first labs- Output Descri ptions 1. output Ascii Box lab java aplus 2....

Post on 22-Mar-2020

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Transcript of A+ Computer Science Our first labs- Output Descri ptions 1. output Ascii Box lab java aplus 2....

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A+ Computer Science

Our first labs

Warm-Up● Open Up Yesterday’s BlueJ Project: “Labs0a” ● Make a new Class called “Lyrics” ● Using HelloWorld as an example, code a main class that prints your favorite lyrics

Today - Labs 0a

Make 3 more classes: 1. AsciiBox2. AsciiBox23. AsciiArt


1. Go to my website and find Labs 0a under the “Labs Code” Section

2. Open Description #1, output_AsciiBox_lab_java_aplus

We want to make the code to make this:

this is the starter code. It is on my webapge. Open it up and highlight all of it and “copy” it (command C)

When you open AsciiBox on my website, you will see this. Highlight

and COPY IT (Command C)

OPen Ascii Box and erase the contents. Paste the code from

my website (Command V)

Now write code to draw a box!

It’s adding a bunch of System.out.println’s

Homework- Labs 0a (Ascii Box, AsciiBox2, AsciiArt)

Have fun with Ascii Art!