A Comparative Study on the Employment Engagement Activities

Post on 13-Nov-2015

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A Comparative Study on the Employment Engagement Activities

Transcript of A Comparative Study on the Employment Engagement Activities



S.R.SATHYA NARAYANAN1305004556M.B.A (Human Resources)

IntroductionEmployee Engagement is arguably the most critical metric for organisations and Institutions in the 21 st Century. Most if not all, of the other key measures that reflect and drive organisational performance are products of engaged committed employees. In 1999, the book First Break all the Rules helped the term employee engagement become popular in the worldEmployee Engagement - DefinedEmployee Engagement is a measurable degree of an employees positive or negative emotional attachment to his job, colleagues and organisation which profoundly influences his willingness to learn and perform at work. Scarlett SurveysStatement of ProblemDespite evidence of how destructive employee burnout or disengagement can be, studies from the human services field on the opposite condition, engagement, are limited. Surprisingly little academic and empirical research has been conducted overall on the comparative analysis on the employee engagement initiatives among Corporates v/s Higher educational Institutions, and a large portion of it comes from the business management community. Additionally, to address this problem, more research that focuses specifically on the engagement levels of workers in human services like teaching occupations is necessary. Empirical data are needed so professionals can better understand employee engagement and use what they learn about it to develop managerial interventions and alternative strategies that foster engagement for human services workers.

ObjectivesThe main objective of this proposed study is to find the differences in the employee engagement practices between the Corporates and Higher educational Institutions.The purpose of this study is to find out different aspects of employee engagement from the existing literatures available. It throws light on various attributes & key drivers of employee engagement, how employee engagement can be measured, how to increase it and how to handle disengaged employees. . The article lists down various employee engagement activities being held at the corporate houses and the Higher educational Institutions. At the end, implications for theory, further research and practices are discussed.

MethodologyAs employee engagement is an emerging topic and being studied by different researchers on various aspects of the topic with varied conceptualization, an integrative literature review method is adopted and presented in this work in a descriptive study manner. The Dependent variable in this study was the employees total score on the nine item employee engagement scale. The Independent variables were the employees number of years of service in the agency, Work, Reward and recognition, Opportunity, Communication effectiveness, team work and recreational activities.

Present scenario in Industries and institutesThe problem here is that until the company have sufficient Employee engagement initiatives, it cannot clinch a project. But unless there is a project, it cannot attract and retain people. With the advent of MNCs it may be noted that job prospects are gearing up. The multinationals are offering fantastic pay packets and working environments to their employees. But in educational institutions, there are limited welfare measures initiated, and the teachers are not considered for those opportunities while comparing with Corporates, as they are working with more consciousness and courage in order to maintain at most betterment of their students. There are few welfare measures initiated by both the government and private sector for the teaching communityAnalysis and Discussion

After scoring the questionnaire, the raw data were analysed in different stages in order to study the formulated objectives as mentioned in the earlier chapters . the findings of the study are based on the quantitative analysis of the data relating to the selected variables of the study. The quantitative results of the findings of the different statistical techniques are used to assess differences between the employment engagement practices in corporate and Higher education industries

Different Statistical tools used for the study are :Descriptive StatisticsMeanStandard DeviationCo-relation AnalysisInferential StatisticsAnnovaT- TestMultiple Regression Analysis.

Distribution of SampleGENDERFrequencyPercentMale20859.4Female14240.6Total350100.0

Distribution of Sample on the Difference in Age group

AgeFrequencyPercentBelow 30 years13839.4Between 31 - 40 Years15544.3Above 41 years5716.3Total350100.0

Distribution of Sample on the basis of Nature of Job

DESIGNATIONFrequencyPercentLectures16747.7Process Executives14942.6Consultant144.0Assistant Manager113.1Manager92.6Total350100.0Multiple correlation analysis between the dependent and independent parametric variables of employee engagement practices between Corporates and Higher Educational Institutions.

Mean Difference (I-J)Std. ErrorSig.WorkLecturesProcess Executives.195.560.997Consultant2.0641.382.567Assistant Manager-4.2221.546.051Manager-.2221.6991.000Multiple correlation analysis between the dependent and independent parametric variables of employee engagement practices between Corporates and Higher Educational Institutions.Mean Difference (I-J)Std. ErrorSig.Reward and RecognitionLecturesProcess Executives-1.229*.279.000Consultant.942.690.650Assistant Manager-3.772*.772.000Manager-3.772*.849.000OpportunityLecturesProcess Executives-1.663*.411.001Consultant-.1651.0151.000Assistant Manager-5.737*1.135.000Manager-.7371.248.976Multiple correlation analysis between the dependent and independent parametric variables of employee engagement practices between Corporates and Higher Educational Institutions.Mean Difference (I-J)Std. ErrorSig.Team WorkLecturesProcess Executives-.310.427.950Consultant2.8201.053.059Assistant Manager-4.323*1.178.003Manager-3.3231.295.079CommunicationLecturesProcess Executives-.075.4101.000Consultant.5241.013.986Assistant Manager-3.0481.134.058Manager-2.0481.246.471Multiple correlation analysis between the dependent and independent parametric variables of employee engagement practices between Corporates and Higher Educational Institutions.Mean Difference (I-J)Std. ErrorSig.Quality Of LifeLecturesProcess Executives-.690.442.522Consultant3.787*1.091.005Assistant Manager-.7841.221.968Manager-.7841.342.977Recreational ActivitiesLecturesProcess Executives-1.163*.285.001Consultant-1.017.705.600Assistant Manager-2.874*.788.003Manager-4.874*.867.000Multiple correlation analysis between the dependent and independent parametric variables of employee engagement practices between Corporates and Higher Educational Institutions.Mean Difference (I-J)Std. ErrorSig.Job PerformanceLecturesProcess Executives-.506*.120.000Consultant.250.297.918Assistant Manager-.036.3331.000Manager-.036.3661.000Job SatisfactionLecturesProcess Executives-.486*.145.008Consultant-1.897*.358.000Assistant Manager-2.754*.401.000Manager.246.441.981DiscussionThe work burden of a teacher may look likes easy than a employee from a corporate, but teaching requires lo of physical and mental work at the same time, but in case of Corporates they have only mental work (i.e.,) think and execute, and they do not have any physical work while comparing with teachers of educational institutionsIn case of Corporates, if an employee is more dedicated and hard worker means, he will be motivated through awards and recognitions, but in case of teaching this is totally missing. Most of educational institutions are not willing to recognize the hard work and efforts made by their teaching faculty members on various dimensions towards the growth of the organisation.Opportunity is very common and easy for the employees those are working in Corporates or industry on various aspects like, salary hike, promotion and transfer etc., but in case of educational sector, it is not a easy task to get high salary in early stages in the profession also there is a long gap between the promotional scales fixed and transfer is also not possible for the teachers working in private sector.Teamwork is possible in the Corporates, the employees belongs to the same tean shall joint and work together in order to achieve their task or goal, but in case of teaching, a teacher is supposed to face his/ her challenges in single, as there is no scope for the team work in teaching profession.(as per the data collected)Communication is essential for the working effectiveness of all profession, hence in Corporates and teaching there is no significant different on the communication aspect. Also there is no burning issue on the communication on these establishments.The quality of life of an corporate employee the comparatively better than the teaching people, also there is one more thing, in some exceptional case both of them have poor quality oif life as well as recreational activities.The job performance and satisfaction level of a teacher is comparatively high than the corporate employees.

Performance ReviewMore than 50% of all employees participated in the survey with representation of more than 50% of each respondent group with the exception of college.Seventy-six percent of employees who responded are engaged or highly engaged in their work.Shared values were the strongest factor that influences engagement, with communication and feedback and recognition being the two weakest factors.Generally, majority of employees rated items referencing their workplaceare more positively than items referencing the teaching profession

ConclusionResults from this study contributed to the limited empirical research on the topic of employee engagement. Specifically, it contributed the first statistical information about rates of engagement among corporate and higher educational institutions. Because employee engagement is now understood to be a critical component of successful organizational outcomes, it needs to be closely examined in the social work field, if for no other reason that agencies are held increasingly more accountable for outcomes, and funding is often tied to success rates. An engaged staff can contribute significantly to reaching positive outcomes. Therefore, the engagement concept should be at the forefront of social work research and policy implementation.

Recommendations for future researchFurther research is required to provide teachers with better understanding of the antecedents and consequences of teachers work engagement. Further exploration of teaches work environment, particularly the impact of leader behaviors among teachers is important. Of equal importance is the need to examine the consequences of teachers work engagement, including performance-based educational quality outcomes. Finally, the study of teachers work engagement as an important moderator or mediator between teachers educational preparation and staffing ratios and students outcomes should be considered.

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