A Changing World Globalization. Globalization is a system of increasing multifaced interconnection...

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Transcript of A Changing World Globalization. Globalization is a system of increasing multifaced interconnection...

A Changing World



Globalization is a system of increasing multifaced interconnection among countries on the earth.

It is the growth and acceleration of economic and cultural networks which operate on a worldwide scale and basis.

A Multi-dimentional process

• Global economy: The flow of goods;

• Global communication: The flow of information;

• Global migration: the flow of people.

Causes of Globalization

Political Changes• Collapse of Soviet regime. End of centrally

planned economies and political systems and cold war.

• Establishment of international and regional governmental (INGOs) and non governmental organizations (NGOs).

• The effects of transnational governance on world politics.

Causes of Globalization

Information flow• Flows of images and news among people from

different places.• These images and messages drives people’s

thinking on the global level and give them social responsibilities.

• Global outlook provides people a global identity.• Local cultural identities revitalize under this


Causes of Globalization

Transnational Corporations (TNCs)

• TNCs are economic enterprises that produce goods and services in more than one country.

• In today’s world, there are few countries that do not open their markets to TNCs.

• Some of them have larger budgets than some countries.


The Skeptics

• Globalizations is not a new process.

• There is no full globalize economy in the world.

• It is regionalization but not globalization.

• World economy is less global than its geographical scope.

• Main actors are still national governments.

Theories of Globalization

The Hyperglobalizers

• Globalization is creating a new borderless world.

• Market forces are more powerful than national government and national interest.

• Countries no longer control their economies but world trade and financial markets.

Theories of Globalization

The Transformationalists • They take middle position between “The

Skeptics” and “The Hyperglobalizers”.• National government still have a good deal of

power in spite of advance of interdependence.• It is not finished but ongoing, dynamic and open

process.• It is not one way but multidimensional process.

THE IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION IN OUR LIVESAs a process globalization affects

our intimate and personal lives as it does world financial markets,

production, trade and communication.

Rise of Individualism

• More opportunities to shape our personal identities: New Individualism.

• Pressure of tradition on our identities is getting weaker and insignificant.

• Constructing new personal identity with a more open and reflexive way.

• Creating and recreating identities in making even small choices in our daily practices (cloths, leisure time activities etc.)

Work(ing) Pattern

• New types of working. Part-time, flexible time, freelance working…

• No long term job security.• Changes in working area, career and

education change.• More women in labour market.• Family friendly policies, changes in

division of labour between men and women in the family.

Popular Culture

• The speed of flow of images has increased.• Trade, new info- technologies, global migration

made possible free movement of culture.• Popular cultural products reached millions of

people.• No homogenous culture but fragmentation of

culture.• Is it creation of a global culture or a cultural



• As an open-ended and internally contradictory process globalization brings some new risks unlike the previous ones

• External risks: Risks that are unrelated human actions like drought, earthquakes, famines, storms…

• Manufactured risks: Risks that are created by technology etc..• -Environmental Risks: environmental destructions of

impacts of human made things like dams, large-scale agricultural productions, nuclear power programmes, pollution, urbanization, global warming, and climate change…

• -Health Risks: Harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun, depletion of ozone layer, use of chemical agricultural mixtures, genetically modified foods, mad cow disease. Real dimensions of their effects are still not known.


• As technological changes bring new risks individuals should adjust themselves to those risks.

• Risks are not limited with environmental and manufactured one but also we have social risks like new employment patterns, new way of non-traditional constructing identities, democratization of personal relationships, getting married and decisions about education..

• Risks have personal and global effects/consequences.


• Globalization brings inequalities within and between societies.• Developing countries are suffering from poverty, overpopulation, inadequate

educational and health care systems.• The disparity between the developed and developing world is widening.• Income of the fifth of the world’s population living in the richest countries

was 74 times greater than the average income of the fifth living in the poorest in the late 1990s.

• Over the past century, among the richest countries income per person had reached six times more while it had in poorest countries are three times more.

• International trade grew by 6.5 percent between 1990-97.• Some developing countries like Chile, India and Poland benefited from this

expansion but some others like Venezuela, Algeria have benefited less.• There is a danger that many of the countries most in need of economic

growth will be left even further behind as globalization progresses.

Campaign for Global JusticeThe Claims of the Campaign• World Trade Organization (WTO) is known as organization that works on free liberal trade

between countries • Critics:• WTO favors the rich countries.• WTO works one-sided world trade in terms of equal representation of the world’s countries.• WTO protects intellectual rights of those who live in developed countries.• local communities are hardly participating IN global market with their local products.• WTO makes secret decisions behind the closed curtains. Members are not elected but assigned.• USA is influent on WTO decisions as one and only world super power.Answers from WTO• Number of the countries are 146.• WTO gets high marks for accountability and transparency.• Deals trading between nations and provides a forum for trade negotiation.• Provides national monitoring to trade policies.• In touch with other INGOS.• Provides technical assistance for trading to developing countries.• It ‘s not a dictatorial tool of the rich and powerful.• It does not destroy jobs.• It does not ignore health, development and environmental issues.


Today, we observe many similar cultural patterns all over the world. For example similar kinds of dress, pop music, similar fast-food stores etc.

• Are we going to a global culture? Uniform, unisex... Even in EU countires, there are some cultural differences between the countries altough basicaly they may seem very similar to us.