A Brief History of Forensics. 8 th Century BC Chinese use fingerprints to identify authors and...

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A Brief History of Forensics

8th Century BC

Chinese use fingerprints to identify authors and artists.


Marcello Malpighi described the characteristics of fingerprints


First recorded use of evidence matching used to convict a murderer, John Toms. A newspaper found with his pistol and additional fragments in his pocket were matched.

1835Henry Goddard of Scotland Yard use a bullet comparison to solve a murder. He traced a flaw in the bullet’s shape to the pistol of a suspect.

1877First article published in Scientific American suggesting that fingerprints might be used to identify a criminal.

1880Henry Faulds, a physician in Tokyo, used fingerprints to clear an innocent man and identify a burglar.

1883French criminologist, Alphonse Bertillon developed a system of body measurements to identify criminals.

1889Alexandre Lacassagne, University of Lyon, matched individual bullets to specific gun barrels.


Hans Gross, University of Austria, publishes first book on using physical evidence for solving crime


First fingerprint classification system published by Sir Edward Henry. He was later appointed the director of Scotland Yard (1901).


First official use of fingerprints in the United States (New York City Civil Service Commission).


President Theodore Roosevelt establishes the Federal Bureau of Investigation.


First crime lab established at the University of Lyons.

1916Detective Albert Schneider used a vacuum tool to collect trace evidence.

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First polygraph developed


First US Crime lab established in Los Angeles, California.


FBI sets up national fingerprint file for the United States.


America Association of Forensic Sciences (A.A.F.S.) is founded in Chicago.


Electron microscope technique developed for the detecting of gun shot residue (GSR).

1977The FBI introduces the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS). This system allows the computerized scan of fingerprints.

1984Sir Alec Jeffreys develops DNA profiling.

1986The first use of DNA fingerprinting in the solving of a double murder in England.


DNA profiling leads to the conviction of Tommy Lee Andrews, a violent criminal, in Orlando, Florida.


FBI database link law enforcement agencies throughout the United States.

Barry Scheck has help free several individuals falsely accused.

Although DNA evidence is compelling, less than 15% of cases are solved by using it. Basic other evidence including fingerprints is still the mainstay of evidence.


human identifications


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