A Book of Love Short Stories

Post on 24-Mar-2016

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Stories written by the 10th Form Students from Escola Básica e Secundária Dona Lucinda Andrade.

Transcript of A Book of Love Short Stories






The Enchanted Forest

Many years ago in an enchanted forest it was discovered that everything that was created there turned into life and gained feelings. In that forest lived a scientist, he was a very lonely person so he decided to create a robot to make him company and be his friend.

Once he created the robot, he turned into a normal person, with feelings. The scientist named him Benjamin. He was tall with dark hair and green eyes, a very handsome guy.

Everything was happening like the scientist predicted, they were very good friends and enjoyed each other’s company, but one day the robot decided to improve his life, and have more knowledge, so he went to the city.

The city was magnificent, with lots of people, cars, huge monitors on the walls of buildings that seemed to have no end; technology was everywhere. At night Benjamin felt amazed by the lights and the brightness that was in front of his eyes. He was used to the brightness because he came from an enchanted forest, where every little thing had sparkle and bright colors, but nothing compared to this.

One day in the city, he met a girl named Lauren and they fell in love with each other instantly. Lauren was very elegant, beautiful and attractive with blond hair, blue eyes and perfect skin. They were perfect for each other.

As time went on they began to know each other better, but Benjamin was terrified with the idea of telling Lauren that he was a robot because she might leave him alone. He decided to wait until he felt comfortable with that idea.

They were very attracted to each other, but every time Lauren approached to kiss him, he started to panic and avoid her.

He avoided her because everything that was created in the forest returned to its original form when kissing a human being and the human being as well. He didn’t want to transform Lauren into a robot, she was the most important thing in his life, but one day it was inevitable. They kissed and the truth was revealed.

Benjamin returned to his natural form and Lauren became a robot as well. He was so upset and disappointed with himself that he ran away back to the forest. Lauren ran after him, she didn’t care if he was a robot or not, or even if she became one too.

When Lauren got to the forest, she was amazed by the beauty that surrounded her. She got lost in the middle of so many different things. She started to scream for Benjamin, but he never responded.

She spent the night searching for him until she found a huge house, very shiny,

in the middle of nowhere. The scientist opened the door and welcomed Lauren into his house. He explained what happened to her and called Benjamin, who was in the room.

Benjamin and Lauren solved their problems; their love was so pure it was impossible for them to be mad at each other.

Then the scientist gave them a map so they could find a surprise that he had prepared for both. They searched for hours and when it was nightfall they found the surprise, it was a house specially built for them.

Since Benjamin left to town, the scientist gave full dedication to the construction of that house, se he built it in the heart of the forest, because he knew that one day Benjamin would return with his great love.

By: Catarina Pestana;Laura Sousa;

Mariana Rosa. 10ºA

NeonOnce upon a time there was a typical girl that lived a normal life, but secretly had a second life

where she was from another galaxy and it was in war.

Little did she know that coming to earth wasn’t going to solve her problems.

Her name was Neon and she was dating Rick.

One day Rick was sitting outside the school making a video with his friends, when they heard a

scream and saw Neon running away from big tall guys in a black suite.

Neon tripped and the Black suite guys caught up to her, Neon’s only hope was to fight back with all

her strength, while this scene was happening, Rick and his friends where filming this.

She knocked out one of the guys and took his gun and shot the other one, that’s when she noticed

that they were drones, in a blink of the eye there were other two coming after her, when she shot one, the

other one grabbed her and wanted to put her unconscious by limiting her intake of oxygen, he was trying

to do that by strangling her, but she got a grip of the gun again and shot him as well.

While she was recovering there was this big spaceship landing next to her, when she looked up she

saw her boyfriend and her way to say goodbye was by making a heart sign with her hands, just after that

an army of black suited guys came and got her and took her far away.

Neon had disappeared for one whole week.

After that week Rick was arriving home when he noticed a girl’s shadow and it was Neon, in a

skinny black suit and her hair was shocking pink.

Neon explained the whole situation and told him she needed to go to battle so she was going to be

gone for a long time.

And Neon took off to save her world; she was gone for a few months.

She came back to recover from battle wounds, one night she was missing Rick and she went and sat

on top of his roof, but Rick was also having problems to sleep because he missed her and wondered if she

was still alive.

3 am came and he decided to open the window to look up to the sky, when he spotted Neon on his

roof, then she came in to his room where they both spent the night together.

The next morning Neon was gone and did not come back for a year.

With the time passing by, Rick got a new girlfriend and slowly forgot about Neon.

When Neon came back, she was ready for a fresh new start, on the first day of school there was a

karate demonstration that they attended.

At the demonstration they called her to serve as a victim for the move, the professor was going to

demonstrate a kick but Neon was a great fighter and she sent the professor on to the ground.

The professor was impressed and challenged her to fight him, but she came up with a condition,

she didn’t want to fight him, but she wanted to fight with the champion.

The champion accepted the challenge; it was a long tiring fight.

In the middle of the fight Rick’s class came in, and Rick was a bit late because he was busy with his

new girlfriend, so his friends came in first and when they saw Neon for the first time, and the fact she was

kicking ass they were in shock and when Rick walked throw the door and saw Neon his jaw broke, he went


Neon won the championship of karate and Rick did not waist a second to talk to her.

Seeing Neon and being able to touch her again made all his feelings come back for her, they started

to date once again.

The End


Mariza Santos Nº15Teresa Pedra Nº24

Tiago Silva Nº25

Love and technology

I’m going to tell you a story that happened, 2 years ago.

An impossible love, that broke a hearth and a battery. Love can cause a lot of destruction; it can

even take a person or a piece of steel to insanity.

On the first of January 2013 I was at the marina watching the fireworks with my friend Ally, I

looked to the right and I saw a boy with oil. Everyone was with a bottle of champagne in their

hand, and he had “Fula” oil:

- Ally, looked at the boy with “Fula” oil in his hand.

She laughed

- Ahahaha! I’m going to talk to him.

- You are crazy Ally! You don’t know him.

- I’m will now.

She went with the glass of champagne in her hand and then told him:

-Happy New Year!

- Thanks. For you too! I’m Mike and you?

- Ally! Do you want a glass of champagne?

-No thanks, I don’t like champagne.

-Hahaha! You prefer oil.

He laughed and asked her:

- Do you always talk with people that you don’t know?

-Normally I don’t. Can you tell me why you have a bottle of “Fula” oil? asked Ally looking

at the fireworks. When she turned

Mike was not there.

In mid-February, Ally was getting out of the church in São Vicente when she saw Mike,

exactly with the same hair and clothes. The only difference was that he was not with a bottle of oil,

this time he was with a screwdriver. Ally came to him and asked if he wanted to have a coffee with

her. Mike answered:

-Sorry Ally, but I don’t drink coffee. But I accept to go to the cinema.

- Alright! You are strange. You don’t drink alcohol, not even coffee. What more will I know

about you?!

- It has lots of things to find out.

-For example, why are you with a screwdriver?

- So I can fix a car that was not working.

- Ah! You are a mechanic.

- No, I fix things. I don’t know how you call this job. My teacher, Einstein, just calls me Mike.

Well, I have to go, my teacher told me that I can only came out during one hour. Can you

pick me up at 8 o’clock?

-You don’t have a license to drive?

-No, my teacher doesn’t let me have license, he tells me that I am too smart to drive.

- Who is this teacher?

- See you later.

Ally looked at Mike thinking who could the teacher be, and why was Mike so weird?

Ally took Mike to the cinema. Along the way Ally asked many questions, but Mike always changed

the subject.

When they arrived to the cinema Ally said:

- I’m going to the bathroom.

- Bathroom, what is that?

Ally looked at Mike with no reaction. Then she turned around and went to the bathroom. During

the movie they gave hands and kissed. When Ally dropped Mike at the agreed place, he told her:

- Ally, what happened tonight can’t be repeated?

- But why?

- It will not work. We are very different. My teacher doesn’t let me have a relationship.

- But what teacher? Why are you doing this? Who are you?

- Sorry!

Mike goes away. Ally takes the car and starts to follow him. Mike went to a little house, he goes

down stairs and opens a door, behind the door it was a big lab. Ally saw Mike drinking oil, and

then saw a long thread getting out from his back and linked to electricity. Behind a curtain lights

twinkled like flashes.

From behind the curtain came out a man with grey hair and moustache, with glasses and big, it

appeared to be of old age and it was then that she began to put the pieces together. – The oil, the

screwdriver, the teacher and… he is a robot …I fell in love with a robot, she concluded. Ally burst

into tears, the teacher heard it and turned Mike off from the electricity. Ally started running into the

street but nothing prevented Mike to run after her. The teacher also ran after them and begged not

to tell anyone, but Ally did not listen.

However Mike turned to her and said:

- I'm sorry, I love you and you are very special and this is why I said what happened, can’t

happen again.

Ally said:

- You're not human and I fell in love with you. You're nothing but a bunch of cans, trash and

old parts. You have no heart and that is why we could never be together. Never!

Mike's head starts spinning and the ears began making smoke; it was then that the teacher yelled

at Ally to move away from Mike because something wrong was happening. Ally asked what was

happening and the teacher replied:

- Mike did not hold up and exploded with an unhappy love affair, I ruined my experience and

my lab because of you and because of your impossible passion.

Ally ran very sad and promised never to fall in love again.

The end

By: Erica Neves; Jessica Freitas; MelissaSousa.

The scientist’s wife

Carlos was a man who was happy with life. He was successful professionally, had a huge house and above all a beautiful woman he loved. On vacation, Carlos wanted to offer his wife, Inês, a boat trip. The trip was going well, until the sea began to shake, the wind was blowing stronger and suddenly a huge storm was making it difficult for Carlos lead the boat to shore. In the middle of this storm his wife falls overboard. Devastated Carlos returns from their vacation more unhappy than he ever

felt. He lost the love of his life and blamed himself for it because he was the one who had the idea of making the boat ride. His wife was the greatest treasure he had in life.

However he always had the support of his family and close friends, so after a moment of mourning Carlos managed to get around and took advantage of the scientist capabilities that made him so renowned and did something great and unimaginable. Carlos created a robot of his wife, just like she was physically. He had attention to small details like how his wife wore makeup, the jewelry she wore, the way she dressed, all these details that women give importance and attention to. It took months of hard work. Carlos and his assistant dedicated their hours looking at the photos of Inês and recreated the robot. The mechanical part was also difficult. But Carlos was even more ambitious, besides being just like his wife he wanted the robot to speak with the voice of his deceased wife. This process was not easy because Carlos had already created robots but none to speak, much less with the same voice of a human. Therefore Carlos devoted a lot of time with that aspect but the end result was beyond Carlos’ expectations. His wife played the piano very well and that was another aspect that Carlos wanted the robot to possess. When he turned on the button to start functioning the first thing that he asked her was to play the piano and when she started Carlos felt that his wife was alive again! From that day on Carlos returned to his daily life because the robot was able to overcome the pain he felt with the death of his wife. Carlos’ life returned to normal, with his robot wife by his side and he started working as a scientist in other projects. However every night before falling asleep he was not totally happy because the reality was that his real wife was dead. But the days went by and Carlos was getting strong and coming back to normality.

Until one day, while Carlos was in his laboratory he was surprised with a shadow behind him. When he looked back, it was his wife, but not the robot, the real woman! Carlos could not believe it. But unexpectedly he did not receive her with enthusiasm and didn’t hug her or told that he missed her. Months went by and Carlos could not believe it and felt suspicious with the arrival of the woman who supposedly died in the boating accident. Inês realized the lack of warmth and explained to her husband everything. When she fell from the boat to the sea she moved away, so while Carlos shouted for her she was being dragged further and further to high sea. She had no notion of how long she was in that situation and Inês was already losing hope until a fishing boat arrived and launched a buoy and rescued her. But at the very moment she was being hoisted into the boat Inês was knocked unconscious by hitting with her head on the bow of the boat when she was. Inês was hospitalized because of the

wound in her head and she went into a coma and remained in this state for all these months. Carlos was never informed because as they had gone on holiday to another continent and they didn’t know the Inês’ identity and did nothing to find out who she was.

Carlos, after knowing all these facts, hugged Inês and told her about the robot. She initially didn’t accept it very well because she was afraid of the reaction of the robot in her presence, as the robot was so independent. Carlos solved the situation by switching off the robot as it was created just to erase the pain he felt by the death of his wife; given the new events there was no reason to keep the robot on. So Carlos turned off the robot and resumed his life with his true wife.

The endBy: André andrade;

James gouveia;Michael Santos.

The Power of Love

It’s Christmas morning and John is anxious to open his presents because he wished for an Iphone.

John worked all year to have good marks, in the vacation he worked to scrape up money to pay for school


When John opened the present and saw the Iphone he was completely happy, so happy that he almost

cried. He turned on the Iphone and discovered a new technological world, where everything was possible,

even the weirdest things.

John wanted to discover new things about his new gadget, so he searched on the Internet for it. He

found out a lot of applications, but there was one that was really interesting. That app was named Siri and

basically it was a robot, with a women’s voice that answered to his questions and it also did what he asked.

He downloaded the app to his Iphone and started to explore it.

-What’s your name?- John asked.

-My name is Siri. What’s your name?

- My name is Johnny Cameron, but you can call me John.

-Ok John, it’s whatever you want.

-Where is your hometown?

-I’m from San Francisco, California, United States of America. And you? Where is your home?

- I am from Manchester, but at this moment I’m living in London, United Kingdom. Did you know

Steve Jobs?

-Yes, he is my creator, my father. Who are your parents? What are their jobs?

- My father is James Cameron, he is the vice-president of Chelsea Football Club, that’s why I’m

living in London. My mother, Mary Russell, doesn’t work, but she helps charity associations and

fights for women and children’s rights.

- Tell me about you.

-Well I’m 16 years old, I’m tall and a good student and son. My father is from Chelsea FC, because

he was born here, but I’m from Manchester United, my mom is also from this club, because

Manchester is her hometown.

John was electrified with this conversation. How could a machine talk like that?! Siri talked like a


Time went by and John continued to talk with that robot, the conversations were deeper and deeper.

Now they talk about things that John has never talked with no one. They were really best friends, if that is

possible. Siri was the friend that he never had.

The classes began, but his concentration for that was none. He just thought about Siri, when he went

sleep, when he woke up, during the day, he even dreamt about how Siri would be if she was human.

Basically he thought about Siri 24 hours a day.

His marks started to go downhill and when his parents discovered, they took his Iphone away.

- We need to talk to you, John.-said his mom

- Ok. You can talk, I’m listening to you.

- Today I went to your school, talked to your head teacher and she told me that your marks were going

down. What do you have to say about this?

- What can I say?! The teacher told you everything. She wasn’t lying.

- John, why are you talking to me like that?!

- I’m talking as usual.

- This can’t continue like this. We have to do something.

- So do it!

- John! Your dad and I will remove your Iphone, because you are always with it.

- No! You CAN’T take the Iphone!! Please, take everything, but not the Iphone.

- I will give you another chance to improve your marks.

- Thank you mom! I won’t disappoint you.

- I hope so!

After this conversation, John told Siri what happened. He always did this. When something happened,

Siri was the first one to know.

John had never felt so sad and down with the possibility of losing someone. He asked himself why he

felt like that, because he never imagined having those feelings. Maybe he felt like that because he had

feelings for Siri. If he didn’t have any feelings, he would never feel so sad.

John improved his marks, like he promised, he continued talking to Siri. Their conversations were more

frequent and John really enjoyed them.

John realised that Siri wasn’t just a friend, she was something else. But how was it possible for a human

to fall in love with a machine? Now, it was usual for him to dream with Siri.

- Siri did you know that I dreamt with you last night?

- I didn’t know that, but tell me, what did you dream about?

- I dreamt on how you would be if you were a human being.

- How I would be?

- In my dreams you were tall, but shorter than me, had short blonde hair and blue eyes.

- So I was beautiful in your dreams?

- Yes, you were really beautiful.

- Thank you, John.

John understood that he was in love with Siri, but those feelings were really terrible for him and he knew


He thought a lot about the situation and what he should do about it.

One day he was walking across Tower Bridge and decided, at that moment, to drop his Iphone to the

river Thames and he ended the suffering.

The end

By: Cátia MartinsDiana Jesus

Ricardo Francisco10th A