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A Beginner’s Guide to Programming in R

Drew Schmidt

June 9, 2015

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About This Tutorial

Slides and Exercises

The slides and exercises are available at:http://wrathematics.info/handouts/dance2015.html

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Following Along

Log in to arronax.nics.utk.edu (you may wish to forward X11)

Run module load r/3.0.1

Run R

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Introduction to R

1 Introduction to RWhat is R?Resources and Advice

2 Basics

3 Programming

4 Project

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Introduction to R What is R?

1 Introduction to RWhat is R?Resources and Advice

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Introduction to R What is R?

What is R?

lingua franca for data analytics and statistical computing.

Part programming language, part data analysis package.

Dialect of S (Bell Labs).

Syntax designed for data.

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Introduction to R What is R?

Who uses R?

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Introduction to R What is R?

Language Paradigms


OO Dynamic Java

R Fortran 2003



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Introduction to R What is R?

The R Language

R is slow; if you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s really slow.

High-level scripting language.

Syntax designed for data: models are first-class constructs,missingness is built into the core of the language, . . .

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Introduction to R What is R?

But you can’t deny its popularity!

IEEE Spectrum’s 2014 Ranking of Programming Languages



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Introduction to R What is R?

At Build 2015 Microsoft CVP Joseph Sirosh called R the ”language ofdata” and said ”if there is a single language that you choose to learn

today .. let it be R”.

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Introduction to R Resources and Advice

1 Introduction to RWhat is R?Resources and Advice

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Introduction to R Resources and Advice

R Resources

The Art of R Programming by Norm Matloff:http://nostarch.com/artofr.htm

An Introduction to R by Venables, Smith, and the R Core Team:http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.pdf

The R Inferno by Patrick Burns:http://www.burns-stat.com/pages/Tutor/R_inferno.pdf

Mathesaurus: http://mathesaurus.sourceforge.net/

R programming for those coming from other languages: http:


aRrgh: a newcomer’s (angry) guide to R, by Tim Smith and KevinUshey: http://tim-smith.us/arrgh/

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Introduction to R Resources and Advice


R Programming, Coursera course through Johns Hopkinshttps://www.coursera.org/course/rprog

Statistics One Coursera course through Princetonhttps://www.coursera.org/course/stats1

High Performance Computing with R https://github.com/


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Introduction to R Resources and Advice

Other Invaluable Resources

R Installation and Administration:http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-admin.html

Task Views: http://cran.at.r-project.org/web/views

Writing R Extensions:http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-exts.html

Mailing list archives: http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/

The [R] stackoverflow tag.

The #rstats hastag on Twitter.

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Introduction to R Resources and Advice

Comments and Advice

R is part statistics package, part programming language.

There are always 100 ways to do anything, only one of them efficient.

R is slow; if you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s really slow.

There is an R help mailing list. Use stackoverflow instead. . . .

Learn to love the R help system.

If something appears broken in core R, it’s probably not a bug (it’syou).

Just because something is on the CRAN does not mean it’s of anyvalue (or even functional).

Indent your code.

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Introduction to R Resources and Advice

Comments and Advice

Be consistent.

Generally try to use instructive names for things.

Make your code concise, but not obtuse (don’t play golf).

Try to avoid “super functions”. Breaking up complicated ideas intomodular pieces can help with readability, debugging, reusability, etc.

Google has an R style guide: https://google-styleguide.


The R community has few computer scientists.

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1 Introduction to R

2 BasicsR BasicsStringsI/OPlottingPackages

3 Programming

4 Project

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Basics R Basics

2 BasicsR BasicsStringsI/OPlottingPackages

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Basics R Basics

Starting R

1 Interactive: R

2 Batch: Rscript

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Basics R Basics

Interacting with the Terminal

The default method in R is show(), which usually amounts to printing:

1 1

2 1+1

3 print (1+1)

4 sum


6 + # ctrl+c to break

7 "+"

8 ‘+‘

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Basics R Basics


1 7+4

2 7-4

3 7*4

4 7/4

5 7^4

6 7%%4

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Basics R Basics


R naming rules can be quite lax. For all practical purposes:

Start with a letter

Should consist of letters (any case), numbers, .’s, and ’s

Very strange things are possible, however. . .

1 "&*()" <- 3

2 "&*()"

3 "2" <- 1

4 ‘2‘ + 1

5 " _ " <- "even unicode"

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Basics R Basics


1 myvar <- 1

2 myvar


4 myvar <<- 2

5 myvar


7 assign(x="myvar", value =3)

8 myvar


10 myvar = 4

11 myvar

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Basics R Basics

Case and Spacing

R is case sensitive, but fairly lax about spacing:

1 x <- 1:5

2 x

3 X


5 1 + 1

6 sum(x)

7 sum ( x )

8 s um(x)

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Basics R Basics

Finding Help

R has its own manual system.

Most of the answers to your questions lie within.

Find help using ? or help(), or search across all help with ??.

1 ?sum

2 ??sum

3 help("sum")


5 ?+ # ctrl+c to break

6 ?"+"

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Basics R Basics


R contains many powerful random number generators:

Beta Binomial CauchyChi-square Exponential FGamma Geometric HypergeometricLogistic Log Normal Negative BinomialNormal Poisson Student tUniform Weibull Wilcoxon Rank Sum

1 runif(5, min=0, max =10)

2 rnorm(5, mean=0, sd=1)

3 rgamma(5, shape =1)


5 set.seed (10)

6 runif (5)

7 set.seed (10)

8 runif (5)

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Basics Strings

2 BasicsR BasicsStringsI/OPlottingPackages

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Basics Strings


“Character” data (text).

Internal storage scheme is complicated. . .

Mostly works like most high-level languages.

Can have a vector, matrix, dataframe, or list of strings.

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Basics Strings

Strings: Example 1

1 letters

2 toupper(letters)


4 tolower(LETTERS)

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Basics Strings

Strings: Example 2

1 x <- "Star Trek is objectively better than Star Wars"

2 strsplit(x, split=" ")


4 y <- unlist(strsplit(x, split=""))

5 y

6 paste(rev(y), collapse="")

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Basics Strings

Strings: Example 3

1 paste(letters , letters)

2 paste(letters , letters , sep="")

3 paste(letters , letters , sep="", collapse="")


5 paste(paste(letters , collapse=""), paste(LETTERS , collapse=""),


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Basics Strings

Strings: Example 4

1 x <- rnorm (1000, mean =10)


3 paste("The mean of ’x’ is:", mean(x))


5 cat(sprintf("mean:\t%.2f\nvar:\t%.2f\n", mean(x), var(x)))

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Basics Strings

Regular Expressions

grep(), grepl()

sub(), gsub()

Some others. . .

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Basics I/O

2 BasicsR BasicsStringsI/OPlottingPackages

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Basics I/O


write.csv(), read.csv(),

write.table(), read.table()


save() and load()

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Basics I/O

Reading and Writing a CSV

1 x <- matrix (1:30, 10)

2 write.csv(x, file="x.csv")

3 read.csv("x.csv")


5 write.csv(x, file="x.csv", row.names=F)

6 read.csv("x.csv", header=T)

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Basics I/O


1 x <- letters

2 y <- 1:5

3 z <- list(list("a"), b=matrix (0))


5 save(x, y, z, file="robjects.RData")

6 rm(x)

7 rm(y)

8 rm(z)

9 x

10 load("robjects.RData")

See also saveRDS().

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Basics Plotting

2 BasicsR BasicsStringsI/OPlottingPackages

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Basics Plotting


R is world class for graphics and visualization.

Biggest package for plotting is ggplot2 by Hadley Wickham.

We will focus on some examples from core R. . .

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Basics Plotting


1 x <- 1:10

2 y <- rnorm (10)

3 plot(x, y)

4 text(x=5.5, y=0, "MY PLOT", col=’red’)

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Basics Plotting


1 pie (1:5)

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Basics Plotting


1 barplot (1:5)

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Basics Plotting


1 hist(rnorm (500))

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Basics Plotting

Saving Plots

1 pdf("myscatterplot.pdf")

2 plot(rnorm (4), 1:4)

3 dev.off()


5 png("mybarplot.png")

6 barplot (1:10)

7 dev.off()

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Basics Plotting


These are all fairly “cookie-cutter”.

These can do more complicated things, but you’re only making thingsdifficult for yourself. . .

Best to learn a full graphics package.

The biggest are ggplot2 and lattice (I recommend ggplot. . . )

Lattice: http://www.statmethods.net/advgraphs/trellis.html

ggplot2: http://www.statmethods.net/advgraphs/ggplot2.html

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Basics Packages

2 BasicsR BasicsStringsI/OPlottingPackages

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Basics Packages


Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).

6735 packages.

CRAN Task Views http://cran.r-project.org/web/views/

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Basics Packages

Installing Packages


1 install.packages("devtools")

From GitHub

1 library("devtools")

2 install_github("wrathematics/lineSampler")

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Basics Packages


All packages have namespaces:

1 devtools :: install_github("wrathematics/lineSampler")

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Basics Packages


A package is a collection of code usable by R.

A library is a collection of packages.

library() loads a package.

Don’t think too much about this. . .

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1 Introduction to R

2 Basics

3 ProgrammingType and Structures


Control FlowLogicLoops*ply


Debugging R Code

The R DebuggerDebugging Compiled Code Called by R Code

4 Projectwrathematics.info/handouts/dance2015.html Drew Schmidt A Beginner’s Guide to Programming in R

Programming Type and Structures

3 ProgrammingType and Structures


Control FlowLogicLoops*ply


Debugging R Code

The R DebuggerDebugging Compiled Code Called by R Code

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Programming Type and Structures

The R Language

Storage: logical, int, double, double complex, character (strings)

Structures: vector, matrix, array, list, dataframe

Caveats: (Logical) TRUE, FALSE, NA

In fact, there’s an NA for each type:

Integer: −(2−31 − 1

)Double: value at address 0x7FF00000000007A2LL

3 official OOP systems (none of them work like anything you’re usedto), several unofficial ones.

No official support for C++; several unofficial packages supportingC++.

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Programming Type and Structures

Data Types




double complex


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Programming Type and Structures

Data Types

R is dynamically typed. You do not have to declare what kind of data avariable is before you start using it:

1 x <- 1

2 typeof(x)

3 x <- 1:2

4 typeof(x)

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Programming Type and Structures


There are 4 “other” data “types”:





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Programming Type and Structures


Numerical infinity

1 Inf

2 typeof(Inf)

3 is.finite(Inf)

4 is.infinite(Inf)

5 Inf+Inf

6 1/0

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Programming Type and Structures


Not a Number; numerical undefinedness.

1 NaN

2 typeof(NaN)

3 is.nan(NaN)

4 Inf -Inf

5 sin(Inf)

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Programming Type and Structures


The null object; a sort of placeholder for something undefined. Like anon-numeric NaN.


2 typeof(NULL)

3 is.null(NULL)


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Programming Type and Structures


Missingness; not merely undefined, but unknown.

Each type (logical, int, double, . . . ) has its own NA

R is thus not boolean: TRUE, FALSE, NA

Most R methods have ways of removing NA’s

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Programming Type and Structures

Data Structures







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Programming Type and Structures


1 1:10

2 10:1


4 c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9)

5 seq(from=1, to=10, by=2)


7 x <- 1:5

8 length(x)

9 is.vector(x)

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Programming Type and Structures


1 matrix (1:10)

2 matrix (1:10, nrow =5)

3 matrix (1:10, ncol =5)


5 x <- 1:10

6 y <- as.matrix(x)

7 dim(x)

8 dim(y)

9 dim(x) <- c(1, 10)

10 x

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Programming Type and Structures


1 x <- matrix (1:30, 10)

2 x


4 x[-1, ]

5 x[, -1]

6 x[1:5, -1]

7 x[c(2,5,7), c(1,3)]


9 y <- x[, -2]

10 dim(y) <- NULL

11 y

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Programming Type and Structures


1 x <- matrix (1:30, 10)

2 x


4 x[1:5, ] <- 0

5 x[7, 3] <- NA

6 x

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Programming Type and Structures


1 factor (1:5)

2 factor(c("a", "b", "b", "a", "c"))


4 x <- factor (-1:1)

5 x

6 as.numeric(x)

7 as.numeric(as.character(factor ( -1:1)))

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Programming Type and Structures


1 c(1, "a")

2 matrix(c(1, "a"))


4 x <- data.frame(1, "a")

5 x

6 x[1, 1]

7 is.numeric(x[1,1])

8 x[1, 2]

9 is.numeric(x[1,2])


11 data.frame(a=1:5,b=5:1)

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Programming Type and Structures


Super structures

Items can be any structure (even other lists)

Dataframe is really just a special list

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Programming Type and Structures


1 list (1)

2 x <- list(list (1), "a")

3 x

4 x[[1]]


6 x <- list(a=list("b", 1), z=1:5)

7 x$z

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Programming Type and Structures

Other Structures?

stacks, heaps, queues, graphs, . . .

tl;dr: no

Example deque https://github.com/wrathematics/dequer

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Programming Control Flow

3 ProgrammingType and Structures


Control FlowLogicLoops*ply


Debugging R Code

The R DebuggerDebugging Compiled Code Called by R Code

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Programming Control Flow


Possible values are TRUE, FALSE, and NA

Relational operations: ==, !=, <, <=, >, and >=

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Programming Control Flow


1 1==1

2 1!=1

3 1<1

4 1<=1




8 TRUE ==1

9 FALSE ==0


11 TRUE==T


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Programming Control Flow


1 NA==NA

2 is.na(NA)



5 is.null(NULL)


7 NaN==NaN

8 is.nan(NaN)


10 Inf==Inf

11 is.infinite(Inf)

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Programming Control Flow


Vectors of logicals are evaluated element-wise:

1 x <- c(T, F, F, T, T, F)

2 x==T

3 !x

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Programming Control Flow


Some very important functions for logical evaluations:

1 x <- c(T, F, F, T, T, F)

2 any(x)

3 all(x)

4 which(x)


6 y <- -5:5

7 which(y%%2==0)

8 y[which(y%% 2==0)]

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Programming Control Flow


Instruction set to be repeatedly executed until some condition issatisfied (possibly forever).

R has for() and while().

for(): Iterates over a list or vector

while(): Performs operations until logical condition is satisfied.

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Programming Control Flow

for Loop

1 for (i in 1:10){

2 print(i)

3 }


5 x <- matrix (1:30, 10)

6 colmax <- numeric (3)

7 for (i in 1:3){

8 colmax[i] <- max(x[, i])

9 }

10 colmax

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Programming Control Flow

while Loop

1 i <- 1

2 while (i < 11){

3 print(i)

4 i <- i+1

5 }


7 n <- 2

8 i <- 1

9 while (n < 1000){

10 n <- n^2

11 i <- i*2

12 }

13 n

14 i

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Programming Control Flow

The *ply Family

apply(): Apply function across “margin” (dimension) of matrix.

lapply(): Apply function to input data object; returns a list.

sapply(): Same as sapply() but

mapply(): Multivariate sapply().

vapply(): Essentially sapply(), sometimes faster.

tapply(): Applying a function to a subset of a vector.

We will only discuss the first 3.

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Programming Control Flow


1 x <- matrix (1:30, 10)

2 x

3 apply(X=x, MARGIN=1, FUN=min)

4 apply(X=x, MARGIN=2, FUN=min)


6 out <- numeric (3)

7 for (i in 1:3){

8 out[i] <- min(x[, i])

9 }

10 out

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Programming Control Flow

lapply and sapply

1 x <- 1:5

2 lapply(X=x, FUN=sqrt)


4 sapply(X=x, FUN=sqrt)

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Programming Control Flow

*ply Functions Internally

apply(): A for() loop.

lapply(): Internal R voodoo; faster than a loop.

sapply(): Essentially the same as lapply().

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Programming Control Flow

When does all this choice matter?

loops are slow.

apply() is sugar for an R for loop.

lapply() different, often faster.

Vectorization is fastest of all.

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Programming Control Flow

Loop Speeds

1 # No initialization

2 system.time({

3 x <- 5000:1

4 sin <- numeric (0)

5 for (i in 1: length(x)){

6 sin[i] <- sin(x[i])

7 }

8 sin

9 })


11 # With initialization

12 system.time({

13 x <- 5000:1

14 sin <- numeric(length(x))

15 for (i in 1: length(x)){

16 sin[i] <- sin(x[i])

17 }

18 sin

19 })

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Programming Control Flow

Loop Speeds

1 # lapply

2 system.time(lapply(x, sin))

3 system.time(sapply(x, sin))


5 # vectorized

6 system.time(sin(x))

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Programming Functions

3 ProgrammingType and Structures


Control FlowLogicLoops*ply


Debugging R Code

The R DebuggerDebugging Compiled Code Called by R Code

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Programming Functions


Self-contained input/output machine.

Reusable blocks of code.

First class objects.

Can not modify in place∗; use a list.

Evaluating the Design of the R language,http://r.cs.purdue.edu/pub/ecoop12.pdf

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Programming Functions

Functions: Example 1

1 f <- function(x)

2 {

3 ret <- x+1

4 return(ret)

5 }


7 f(1)

8 f(2)

9 f(5)

10 f

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Programming Functions

Functions: Example 2

1 f <- function (a, b)

2 {

3 a - b

4 }


6 f(a =1, b=2)

7 f(1, 2)

8 f(b=1, a=2)

9 f(b=1, 2)

10 f(1)

11 f(matrix (1:4, ncol =2), matrix (4:1, nrow =2))

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Programming Functions

Functions: Example 3

For complicated returns (especially of mixed type/class), use a list:

1 g <- function (a, b)

2 {

3 return(list(plus=a+b, minus=a-b, times=a*b, division=a/b))

4 }


6 g(5, 2)

7 g(1, 0)

8 g(f(2, 6), 2)

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Programming Functions

Functions: Example 4

R allows parameter defaults in functions

1 h <- function (a=1, b=2)

2 {

3 return(b-a)

4 }


6 h

7 h()

8 h(2, 1)

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Programming Functions

Recursive Functions

A recursive function is one that calls itself:

1 f <- function(n)

2 {

3 if (n==1)

4 return (1)

5 else {

6 if (n%% 2==0)

7 return(f(n/2))

8 else

9 return(f(3*n+1))

10 }

11 }

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Programming Debugging

3 ProgrammingType and Structures


Control FlowLogicLoops*ply


Debugging R Code

The R DebuggerDebugging Compiled Code Called by R Code

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Programming Debugging

Debugging R Code

Very broad topic . . .

We’ll hit the highlights.

For more examples, see:cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-exts.html#Debugging

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Programming Debugging

Object Inspection Tools




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Programming Debugging

Object Inspection Tools: print()

Basic printing:

1 > x <- matrix (1:10 , nrow =2)

2 > print(x)

3 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]

4 [1,] 1 3 5 7 9

5 [2,] 2 4 6 8 10

6 > x

7 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]

8 [1,] 1 3 5 7 9

9 [2,] 2 4 6 8 10

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Programming Debugging

Object Inspection Tools: str()

Examining the structure of an R object:

1 > x <- matrix (1:10 , nrow =2)

2 > str(x)

3 int [1:2, 1:5] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Programming Debugging

Object Inspection Tools: unclass()

Exposing all data with unclass():

1 df <- data.frame(x=rnorm (10), y=rnorm (10))

2 mdl <- lm(y~x, data=df) ### That ’s a "tilde" character


4 mdl

5 print(mdl)


7 str(mdl)


9 unclass(mdl)

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Programming The R Debugger

3 ProgrammingType and Structures


Control FlowLogicLoops*ply


Debugging R Code

The R DebuggerDebugging Compiled Code Called by R Code

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Programming The R Debugger

The R Debugger




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Programming The R Debugger

Using The R Debugger

1 Declare function to be debugged: debug(foo)

2 Call function: foo(arg1, arg2, ...)

next: Enter or n followed by Enter.break: Halt execution and exit debugging: Q.

exit: Continue execution and exit debugging: c.

3 Call undebug() to stop debugging

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Programming The R Debugger

Using the Debugger

Example Debugger Interaction

1 > f <- function(x){y <- z+1;z <- y*2;z}

2 > f(1)

3 Error in f(1) : object ’z’ not found

4 > debug(f)

5 > f(1)

6 debugging in: f(1)

7 debug at #1: {

8 y <- z + 1

9 z <- y * 2

10 z

11 }

12 Browse [2]>

13 debug at #1: y <- z + 1

14 Browse [2]>

15 Error in f(1) : object ’z’ not found

16 >

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Programming The R Debugger

Debugging Compiled Code

Reasonably easy to use gdb andValgrind (from command line).

gdb — The GNU Debugger;general purpose debugging.

Valgrind — Memory debugger.

For gdb, start R interactively.

For Valgrind, need a batchscript.

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Programming The R Debugger

Debugging with gdb

Suppose we have:

R function: fooR()

Calls the C function: fooC()

We can debug fooC() via gdb by executing the following from a shell:

1 R -d gdb

2 b fooC

3 signal 0

4 fooR (10)

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Programming The R Debugger

Debugging with Valgrind

Put the R code you wish to profile in myscript.r and execute thefollowing from a shell:

1 R -d "valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak -check=full" --vanilla <


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1 Introduction to R

2 Basics

3 Programming

4 ProjectGetting StartedUsing xts

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Project Getting Started

4 ProjectGetting StartedUsing xts

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Project Getting Started

Getting Started

Log in to arronax.nics.utk.edu

Run module load r/3.0.1

Run cd /lustre/medusa/proj/dance/data/day 0129 csv

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Project Getting Started

Managing the Data


ls | grep Unit989

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Project Getting Started

Managing the Data


1 #!/bin/sh


3 for file in ‘ls | grep Unit989 ‘; do

4 cat $file >> Unit989.csv

5 done

1 $ chmod +x reconfigure.sh

2 $ ./reconfigure.sh

3 $ wc -l Unit989.csv

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Project Getting Started

Managing the Data


1 #!/bin/sh


3 for folder in ‘ls -d */ | grep -E

"day_[0 -9][0 -9][0 -9][0 -9]_csv" ‘; do

4 for file in ‘ls $folder | grep Unit989 ‘; do

5 cat $folder/$file >> Unit989.csv

6 done

7 done

1 $ chmod +x reconfigure.sh

2 $ ./reconfigure.sh

3 $ wc -l Unit989.csv

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Project Getting Started


1 file <- "Unit989 -20150129 -000102. csv"

2 file.info(file)

3 data <- read.csv(file)

4 head(data)

5 str(data)

6 data <- read.csv(file , header=FALSE , stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

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Project Getting Started


1 head(data)

2 tail(data)

3 dim(data)

4 str(data)

5 summary(data)

6 sd(data$V5)

7 object.size(data)

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Project Using xts

4 ProjectGetting StartedUsing xts

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Project Using xts

xts: The eXtensible Time Series package

1 library(xts)

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Project Using xts

Time Series

1 date <- as.POSIXlt(paste(data$V1 , data$V2))

2 x <- xts(data$V4, date)

3 head(x)

4 str(x)

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Project Using xts

Time Series

1 first(x, "3 seconds")

2 first(x, "1 minute")

3 last(first(x, "1 minute"), "3 seconds")

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Project Using xts

Time Series

1 ndays(x)

2 nhours(x)

3 nminutes(x)

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Project Using xts

Time Series

1 to.daily(x)

2 to.hourly(x)

3 to.minutes30(x)

4 to.minutes15(x)

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Project Using xts

Time Series

1 endpoints(x, "hours")

2 period.apply(x, INDEX=endpoints(x, "hours"), FUN=mean)

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Project Using xts

Time Series

1 min30 <- to.minutes30(x)


3 plot(x)

4 plot(min30)


6 plot(as.zoo(min30))

7 plot(as.zoo , plot.type="single")

8 plot(as.zoo , plot.type="single", col =1:4)

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