A 106 Feb Newsletter

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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Transcript of A 106 Feb Newsletter




without concern of

the many external

challenges the World

can place in our way.

So when the load

gets heavy and tough

to bear, seek out the

support of others,

trust in a system, and

trust that there will

be battle buddies

there with you shoul-

der to shoulder to

face the obstacles

head on.

As we look

forward into the near

future we see a con-

stant and forever

changing Army that

has no limitations.

Soldiers have more

opportunities than

ever to explore all of

the many resources

available to them

that can change their

quality of life and

standard of living

not only for them-

selves but their fami-

lies as well. Provid-

ing the latest guid-

ance for training and

education is a must.

We hear in Alpha

Detachment believe

in making those op-

portunities a priority

for our Soldiers.

Stressing personal

and professional de-

velopment deter-

mines the force

structure of our

Army. Believing in

the abilities of your

Leaders, Subordi-

nates, and Peers will

change an organiza-

tion for the better

What’s Your Motivation...




Baby Shower


Through tough missions and strenuous

tasks, it’s always good to take a step back for

a breather. With that breather, the Outlaws

were able to congratulate SPC McPhail and

his wife Helen on their future daughter. Helen

was an exceptional member of the Outlaw

mission. She was excellent in maintaining

herself technically and tactfully. She consis-

tently scored in the top during her PT tests.

By her side is her husband, SPC McPhail.

He’s an all around great Soldier that can al-

ways be depended on. He goes the extra mile

to get the job done and takes charge whenever

necessary. It is without a doubt they will be

excellent parents. The Outlaws are eagerly

awaiting the arrival of the tiniest Outlaw.

As the weather continues to change here in Grafenwoehr, Germany we continue to

change with it. If there is rain outside, we are in our rain gear pushing through; if it is snowing

outside we have on our cold weather gear training to meet the standard. The important take

away from this matter is that regardless of the conditions the mission must go on. In under-

standing this fact, we as Soldiers have to remain adaptive and be able withstand all tests. Out-

laws are resilient.

All Season Soldiers




Although the times are changing and weaponry is becoming more advanced, it’s always im-

portant to maintain the basics. SGT StPierre is certified in Level 1 Modern Army Combatives and

conducted a class on the subject. She began the day with standards, conditions, and safety meas-

ures. The class was extreme and a taste of what the actual MACP class is. To loosen the muscles,

the Outlaws conducted drills that replicated techniques in combatives. It was intense training, but

the Soldiers knew that anything could happen on the field of battle and they will be ready.





To mirror what life is like downrange, SPC Hawkins created a CST class that allowed

new Soldiers gain experience and senior Soldiers to refine their skills. The teams were to drive

to various locations and conduct the finance mission. More often than not, the Soldiers who

need assistance have a limited window in which they can receive that assistance. Therefore, it is

up to the finance Soldiers to provide that assistance. It was an extremely well thought out plan

by SPC Hawkins and the Outlaws are proud of him.

SPC Hawkins CST Class




Outlaws continue to set the standard for training. We have an upcoming M203 and M249

range in late February. In March, we are set to hit the CS chamber full throttle as we set to test our

CBRN equipment. Take on the challenge of a new weapon system utilizing the EST 2000 and the

VBS2 Tactical Gaming system where we will test TTP’s and our unit’s skill set in maneuvering

while in a convoy. There’s some great training ahead for Alpha detachment.

On The Calendar

