9th March 2012 - Wilmslow Preparatory School · 3/9/2012  · ESBs Well done to our Form 6 girls...

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Transcript of 9th March 2012 - Wilmslow Preparatory School · 3/9/2012  · ESBs Well done to our Form 6 girls...

Newsletter House Music Competition

Today our pupils took part in our annual WPS House Music Compe-

tition. This morning girls from Forms 1 and 2 played for an audi-

ence of peers and parents, playing pieces on the piano or on strings.

The standard was very high and all of the girls who took part won 3

points for their Houses.

This afternoon it was the turn of the Junior girls, who played for a

packed house of parents and peers. A huge number of girls took

part and were awarded points by a panel comprising of Mrs Rundell,

Mr Reynolds and Christine Gill, our adjudicator. Thanks also to

Miss Levendis, Mrs Smith and Mrs Wood for accompanying the


The winning house was Tatton, with a total of 118 points. Con-

gratulations to everyone who took part.

Friday, 9th March 2012

Book Reviewers’ Club meet Kate O’Hearn Some of the members of our monthly Book Reviewers’ Club were lucky enough to get

the chance to meet best-selling children’s author Kate O’Hearn. She held an invitation-

only question and answer session on Tuesday evening, where she talked about what it

was like to be an author, where her ideas come from and hinted at the content of her

fourth book in the ‘Pegasus’ series.

Caitlin in F5 said, ’Kate O’ Hearn is an amazing author and it was fantastic to meet her.’

F5 Trip to Spaceport.

On Thursday, our Form 5 girls had a trip out to the Wirral on Merseyside. Our

first stop of the day was The U-Boat Story. Here the girls were given the oppor-

tunity to explore a World War II German submarine U-534. They got to see the

cross-sectioned submarine and discover its amazing story through a highly inter-

active exhibition. After lunch we then headed off to Spaceport where the girls

had a fascinating time exploring all the hands on galleries and learning what the

life of an astronaut is like in the planetarium dome.

Grace in Form 5 told us, ‘First of all we went to the U Boat Exhibition, we saw

the German ship and we saw each bit of it. It was split into bits and you could

see inside—we saw old wellies and the toilet! Then we went inside and there

were a few ship games. There was a whole glass window of things that they

found including fountain pens, typewriters and medicine bottles.’

Lydia in Form 5 added, ’Spaceport was extremely fun because we got to go in a

room where the floor vibrated and everyone got scared and screamed. Also we

sat down in cinema seats with a dome above us and watched a 3d film about it

astronauts. It was amazing.’

The girls had fantastic day exploring in the sunshine. The trip supports the space

topic that Form 5 have been learning about in Science.

What’s on Next Week?

Monday 12th March

12.35pm School Council (F2-6)

12.35pm F5 & 6 Team Practices

12.35pm F3 & 4 Handicrafts Club

3.45-4.15pm F2 All Star Cheer & Dance

4.15 -5pm F3 & 4 All Star Cheer & Dance

4-5pm F5 & 6 Sports Club

Tuesday 13th March

8.10am F4 Prep Club

8.10am F5 Prep Club

12.35pm F4 – 6 Recorders

2.30-3pm KG & Rec Stretch & Grow

4-5pm F 3 – 6 Orchestra

Wednesday 14th March

12.35pm F5 & 6 Public Speaking Club

2.30-3pm KG Ballet

3.30-4pm Reception Ballet

4-4.30pm F1 Street Jazz

Thursday 15th March

8.00 am F3-6 Fencing Club

12.35pm Rec – F2 Puzzle Club

12.35pm Chamber Choir

4-5pm F5 Maths Club

4-5pm F3/4 Sports Club

Friday 16th March

10.35am F5 & 6 Library Club

4-5pm F2-4 Football Club

4-5pm F5 & 6 Hockey Club

Merits and Courtesies Gold Merit

F2 Noor, Becca

Silver Merit

F4 Vanessa, Juliette, Millie, Natasha

F2 Anna, Holly

F1 Maggie, Alyssia, Lydia,

Reception Ava, Imogen, Rosa

Silver Courtesy

F1 Hallie

Brainteaser of the Week

Label a world map, showing continents, main

oceans and countries of interest to you.

House Hockey Report by Ruby & Fabia (F6)

On Wednesday 7th March all the teams (Gawsworth, Capesthorne,

Moreton and Tatton) competed in a hockey tournament. We all did

well but Moreton won with all the other teams coming in second.

ESBs Well done to our Form 6 girls who took their ESB exams this week.

Mrs Clark was very pleased with their performances and we hope that

Form 5 will do equally well when they take their ESBs this coming

Monday. Good luck!

Tesco & Sainsbury’s Vouchers Just a reminder that we are collecting Sainsbury’s and Tesco vouchers.

The Sainsbury’s vouchers will fund new sports equipment whilst the

Tesco vouchers will contribute towards improving our ICT provision.

Boxes are by the front door and all contributions are appreciated.

Parents Committee—Big Breakfast 30th March A date for your diary! This year's Big Breakfast will take place in the School

Hall at 8am on Friday 30th March (the last day of term). This is a lovely

opportunity for you to come into School and have breakfast with your

daughter(s). All girls, siblings, parents and grandparents are welcome. We do

hope that as many of you as possible will be able to come!

Order forms for the Big Breakfast should be coming home in your daughter's

bag tonight. The order forms, together with payment, need to be returned to

your Form Rep by Monday 19th March.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Brownies There will be no Brownies next Tuesday (13th March). Brownies will

continue as usual the week after.

Don’t forget our Open Day tomorrow. Girls should arrive at 9.40am.

You are more than welcome to come and show your support - there will be

refreshments served in Form 6 and fun activities in the Sports Hall courtesy

of i-Can.