9.5 Group 2 Apps for Good Competition Entry 2015

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 9.5 Group 2 Apps for Good Competition Entry 2015

Play Listen Learn

Alex Sparks.Chester Breeden.Karan Obhrai.Lambodhara Sivagangan


Mini Elevator Pitch

Alex Sparks.Chester Breeden.Karan Obhrai.Lambodhara Sivagangan

We have designed an app that will aid/help many people who are learning instruments. We are specifically targeting people who are practicing. Other people may download it just to learn at the start so they don’t need a private tutor and waste a lot of money. Our app lets

you record and save your pieces so you can track how you are improving and you can compare with your old pieces and with the real piece you are trying to improve on.

Background Situation

Alex Sparks.Chester Breeden.Karan Obhrai.Lambodhara Sivagangan

Many people out there will be playing a famous piece but they want to compare their piece with the genuine piece. Many 15-35 aged street musicians and people who don’t want to

hire a private tutor, can’t compare their work and the genuine piece on the same page. However, our app can do that. The same people don’t know how they are improving and

which part to specifically improve.


Alex Sparks.Chester Breeden.Karan Obhrai.Lambodhara Sivagangan

Our app would will let you get your recordings from your device and get the genuine piece, the improvement can be tracked by you. You have a calendar screen where you could see when you last recorded and then could regularly record so you can improve. You could get

your old pieces and see how you have improved in the past.

User Profiles

Alex Sparks.Chester Breeden.Karan Obhrai.Lambodhara Sivagangan

We have asked our classmates and teachers what they think about our app via a survey. The majority thought it was a really good app however, they thought it may be on some

app stores. We have not encountered any apps similar to ours. They weren’t willing to pay but, we weren’t expecting them to pay because the app is simple but effective.


Alex Sparks.Chester Breeden.Karan Obhrai.Lambodhara Sivagangan

How do you simply track your progress and how could you track your improvements?

Key Insight Statements

Alex Sparks.Chester Breeden.Karan Obhrai.Lambodhara Sivagangan

You can’t record your work and then play at the same time with the genuine piece. On a normal music player you can’t listen to two pieces at the same time. You can’t track your

progress as you can’t see when you last recorded. If you saved it on one day, the neat time you look at the calendar you could see when you saved your piece.

Competitors or alternative solutions

Alex Sparks.Chester Breeden.Karan Obhrai.Lambodhara Sivagangan

We have no competitors or any other solutions on the market. We basically got a music player and made it easier to compare two pieces. Also, you could track your progress.

Flow of app and core features

Alex Sparks.Chester Breeden.Karan Obhrai.Lambodhara Sivagangan

Our core features include: a music player (easier so that you can compare) and a calendar (could see when you last recorded)

Key Wireframes- Home Screen

Alex Sparks.Chester Breeden.Karan Obhrai.Lambodhara Sivagangan

Key Wireframes- Recorder Screen

Alex Sparks.Chester Breeden.Karan Obhrai.Lambodhara Sivagangan

Key Wireframes- Calendar Screen

Alex Sparks.Chester Breeden.Karan Obhrai.Lambodhara Sivagangan

Key Wireframes- Playback Screen

Alex Sparks.Chester Breeden.Karan Obhrai.Lambodhara Sivagangan

Feasibility Data and Technical

Alex Sparks.Chester Breeden.Karan Obhrai.Lambodhara Sivagangan

At the start we were going to do a feature in the app that says where you are going wrong however, we saw a problem . It was impossible for the app to give feedback or it may cost a

lot of money.

Business Case and Customer Pledges

Alex Sparks.Chester Breeden.Karan Obhrai.Lambodhara Sivagangan

We were thinking of making our app free. We asked a few music customers and they weren’t expecting to give any money. If we added the feature of giving feedback we may be

able to charge a little bit for our customers.

Marketing Strategy

Alex Sparks.Chester Breeden.Karan Obhrai.Lambodhara Sivagangan

We could find some street musicians and let them try out the app and see if they like it, if they do we can recommend it and tell them to recommend it to their friends and family.

We could post it on our social media and make a separate social media for our app.

Make a cheap advert on the local newspaper, some people may be interested.


Alex Sparks.Chester Breeden.Karan Obhrai.Lambodhara Sivagangan

We created a HTML 5 website which will give extra information about the app and also show our video which he have created.