90005 Demonstrate knowledge of a dance genre or style

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Transcript of 90005 Demonstrate knowledge of a dance genre or style



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© New Zealand Qualifications Authority, 2018. All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the prior permission of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.

Level 1 Dance, 201890005 Demonstrate knowledge of a dance genre or style

2.00 p.m. Thursday 29 November 2018 Credits: Four

Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with ExcellenceDemonstrate knowledge of a dance genre or style.

Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of a dance genre or style.

Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of a dance genre or style.

Check that the National Student Number (NSN) on your admission slip is the same as the number at the top of this page.

You should attempt ALL the questions in this booklet.

If you need more room for any answer, use the extra space provided at the back of this booklet.

Check that this booklet has pages 2–12 in the correct order and that none of these pages is blank.






Subject DANCE Standard 90005 Total score


Q Grade score Annotation

1 E8

The response is a low E8 because it explains clearly and thoroughly how characteristic movements reflect the circumstances and conditions of a specific time period. There are two clear, detailed examples and explanations to make the response thorough.

The response is coherent. The examples and explanation are integrated together.

The examples are perhaps not the most obvious ones to choose but are strong evidence of the point being made. The response would be a more secure E8 if the candidate explicitly acknowledged that a lot of time has passed between the conditions in 1600s and the arabesque example, and that the way the style retains the upright posture in arabesque over such a long period of time illustrates the strength of the initial influence and the importance of tradition in the genre. (The reader generally assumes the arabesque to be a contemporary/current one). The explanation could have been improved by explaining that standing on one leg and lifting the other leg behind tips the dancer’s weight forwards and the natural tendency is for the torso and body weight to drop towards the floor. A lot of muscular control and discipline is required to maintain the torso upright, again illustrating the importance of tradition and rigidness of the original circumstantial influence.

2 E7

The response is E7 because it explains clearly and in detail how Sir Jon Trimmer has influenced the role of “dancer”.

The candidate has used the bullet point “The role of the dancer”, though possibly not as intended by the Examiner. The response does not describe or explain Trimmer’s influence on a movement feature but instead explains his influence on the maintenance and development of the RNZB.

The response explains in detail how Trimmer went beyond the role of “dancer” in this. The closing point shows insight.

The bullet point “The role of the dancer” was open to different interpretations, one being the role of ‘dancer’ in the dance industry, which is how the candidate has interpreted it here.

The response provides a catalogue of Sir Jon Trimmer’s achievements. There is potential for this to be another rote-learned biography. However, in this response, a number of sentences are key in making sense of Trimmer’s achievements. These sentences are all important in putting the information in context to make meaning of it and show the significance of his achievements in relation to the question:

“Sir Jon Trimmer has influenced the role of a dancer”;

“The traditional role is…”;

“However, Sir Jon Trimmer did not just…”;

“He supported…”;

“He challenged the idea that…”

“He influenced…”

3 E7

The response is an E7 at the lower end of the achievement range because it explains clearly and in detail how costume reflects the purpose of ballet.

Part a) describes costume in some detail. Part b) describes the purpose of ballet and explains clearly and in detail how costume reflects the purpose. There is a specific example with a clear explanation of how it illustrates the points being made.

More detail in the description of costume, particularly in the example in b), would make the response a secure E7.