90 Points Of Wisdom

Post on 20-Feb-2016

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Hopefully Helpful Words From The Creator Of "Welcome To Your Monday"

Transcript of 90 Points Of Wisdom

92 Points

Of Wisdom

(More Or Less Penned By Me)

Hopefully Helpful Words From The Creator Of ‘Welcome To Your Monday’

J Cleveland Payne

Copyright © 2014 J Cleveland Payne

All rights reserved.

‘92 Points Of Wisdom’ is a compilation of postings created for the ‘Welcome to your Monday’ feed I have been maintaining on Facebook and Twitter since 2012.

The subtitle of ‘More Or Less Penned By Me’ comes from the source of all postings, me mostly, although often inspired by sayings, quotes and phrases I may have encountered along my own path of life.

All of the points of wisdom are 115 characters or less (the maximum length of a Twitter post, minus the words ‘Welcome to your Monday’), and offer a quick pick me up whenever you feel the need for a mini dose of motivation or inspiration.

If you enjoy the work presented here, find more of what I’m writing on at my website, http://jclevelandpayne.net.

92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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You never know who's looking, so

always prepared for being positive. Or

prepare to explain being negative.

Forget 50/50 rationing in regards to all

relationships. Always give 100% effort

without keeping score.

Abundance means having enough to

give while wisely knowing not to just

throwaway. Give freely, not foolishly.

Worried about your future? Do one

thing today to ensure something good

will happen for some future


92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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Got a few kind words to spare? I'm

sure someone could use one or two

today. Or every day.

Feel like giving up? Go ahead and

quit...doing what isn’t working. Start

doing anything else and see how it


Every moment of your time and every

ounce of your effort is worth

something. Never give it away for free.

Whether it’s a reason to quit or

continue, if you look hard enough, you

will find what you’re looking for.

92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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Your world is only so big, but the

world is much bigger. That means

there is always room to expand your


Be mindful of your choices. A

seemingly random act today could

directly result in where you are a year

from today.

Your possessions are things you love

dearly, use yearly, or can easily leave

behind. Determine which are which.

A secret known to more than one

person will not remain a secret. If you

have dirty work to do, do it alone.

92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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People will screw up, and so will you.

If there is no harm and no foul, learn

to learn from it and move on.

Especially if it is you.

Want something bad enough? Don't

be afraid to ask for it. But be prepared

for a no, and be very prepared for a


Never let your first no be your final

answer. Rephrase your questions and

try asking a few different people.

Many fear opportunities they seek are

behind locked doors. It never hurts to

turn the knob and check for yourself.

92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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Don’t waste time rambling with

excuses or explanations. Just answer

the question with a yes or no, then

move on.

Do something a little scary to help you

grow a little. Even better, do

something a lot scary to help you grow

a lot.

The 'three strikes and you’re out ' rule

only exists for the game of baseball.

Life offers unlimited opportunities.

We all need a reminder of just how

awesome we are. Here is a reminder

from me. Plan to send one to yourself.

92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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The difference in who you want to be

and who everyone wants you to be is

something you need to figure out.


Stop feeling guilty about not getting it

all done. If you die today, your inbox

will still be full tomorrow.

You have access to the same tools as

your competition. It’s in how you use

your tools that makes the difference.

Have you been asked to do something

you didn't want to do? When will you

learn you don't have to do it?

92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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Important but not getting done? What

if a life depended on it? What could

keep you from getting it done then?

Making the right actions at the right

times for the right reasons allows

pathways to success to open before


A person teaching a topic you don’t

care for could still have a lesson made

just for you. Listen and learn.

Change is a constant thing, and the

day you stop changing is the day you

begin to die. Are you breathing today?

92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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Positive thinking is only the beginning.

Without positive actions, things will

never get done. Take action today!

Chase your dreams, focusing on

chasing for yourself. Because you may

be the only one who cares for a while.

Never stop being coachable. All ideas

are not actionable, but even some bad

ones are worth listening to.

An alarm clock is either a necessity or

useless. Determine how much

structure you need, not want and

prepare for it.

92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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Need a reason to be nicer to others?

It’s the best way to earn the benefit of

the doubt, should you need it.

Do those around you succeed because

of or in spite of you? Try being

supportive on their terms, not yours.

It's okay to not believe. It's not okay to

impede others right to believe. Even

when they detest your disbelief.

You cannot live for another person.

You can choose to live with and/or do

for others. You should live for, live

with, and do for yourself.

92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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Tomorrow is promised to no one.

Have something important to do? Why

are you not working on it today?

Try not to be distressed by owning

emotional baggage, as that baggage

holds your best stories. But do pack


A crisis requires keeping perspective.

Remember, your situation is not

permanent or out of your control.

Breaking things down is easy.

Rebuilding them afterward is not.

Remember this when asked for your


92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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Lessons are learned best when you do

not take the good advice you know

you should. Sound about right?

Are you the average of the people you

spend most time with? Or do you

bring the average down for groups you


Don’t stop offering help. The people

that need your help the most are least

likely to believe so, or accept.

All games have a winner and losers.

The same games have specific losers

and multiple winners. Know the


92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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Some people will always work hard to

block your efforts. Their labor says less

about you and more about them.

Some days are harder to count

blessings than others. Those days are

most important for counting blessings.

The answers to your questions are

always loud and clear. The source of

your answers may surprise you.

Your future is shaped by your past, but

should not look like your past. Look

forward, move forward, live forward.

92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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Sometimes, validation of a good idea

comes from seeing someone else

succeed with it. Don’t hate. Create a

new idea.

If you have enough time to complain,

you have enough time to attempt to

fix. Adjust your schedule accordingly.

Of the Seven Deadly Sins, envy offers

no fun. Work to remove all aspects of

envy for a better life.

Having backup plans allows the option

to quickly shift when your original plan

falls apart. Always have a Plan B.

92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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Reality dictates not all good ideas can

be seen to fruition. Don’t make your

reality to murder all good ideas.

Perfect diction does not equal quality

conversation. Take time to listen to

what is being said, and why.

Call them goals, resolutions, or ‘the

plan.’ Write them down and post them

were they are frequently visible.

We have limits, whether physical,

mental, spiritual, or legal. Some things

we can’t do. This is a good thing.

92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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Want advice from a personal hero?

Don't pester or prod. Make yourself

easily available to their schedule.

Prayer and meditation are very

important. Seek wisdom and strength.

Then get up and prepare to get to


Moving faster will not get you to a

destination faster if you’re going the

wrong way. Choose your paths wisely.

A tough life lesson is accepting that

people you do not like are just as

important as people you do. So accept


92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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Few people are paying attention to

what you are doing. Fewer have

opinions that matter. Do what you

want to.

Home runs are great, but you can

score with singles, doubles and triples.

Don’t set the need for a miracle play.

Goals are less daunting through

division. Divide the large numbers by

days, months, or years, then progress.

Words you use to help the grieving

rarely are right. Say ‘I love you,’ follow

up with a hug. Stop there.

92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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Work for daily learning, not daily

epiphanies. A life changing thought

daily means you’re doing it wrong.

Making declarations on social media

does not create accountability. Find a

real person to hold you to obligations.

Everything has a cost. Success failure

& apathy all charge for admission.

What are you willing to pay?

Ask yourself, “Who do you think you

are?” When your answer can convince

yourself, your answer will convince


92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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Some people enjoy the misery of not

having what they say they want. Don’t

let them bring you down or be one of


It is possible to love someone and not

be in love with them. You have to

figure out if you can live with that.

A source that offers a new lesson is

worth the investment. A source that

offers no lesson is worth bailing on.

Everyone is as messed up on the inside

as you. They are just better at hiding

it. You can learn the same.

92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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Coming up short in problem solving?

Try less complaining, more

introspection, and a lot more action.

Time may or may not be on your side.

Hedge your bets and make sure to

work in as much fun as possible.

You can only live in this moment, but

you must plan your life around future

moments, expected or otherwise.

Today is a great day to do something

amazing. Don’t let anyone try to talk

you out of your amazing action to


92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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You can learn from yesterday and plan

for tomorrow. You still have to live

your life in the current moment.

Rules are put in place for a reason, but

not always the right ones. Don’t be

afraid to test a few of them.

If you love someone, do everything in

your power to make it easy for them

to stay, not hard for them to leave.

You may be lacking in monetary

wealth, but you are already rich. There

is no price point to put on the life you


92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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Waiting for 'someday' to arrive? Today

is as good as any to count as someday.

Time to get started.

Simple formula for success includes

helping people, learning things, and

having fun. Not necessarily in that


Double check your why’s and why

not’s for everything. They will tell you

why you are succeeding or not in your


Receiving validation is great. It’s even

greater when you are giving it as well.

Don’t hold back showing love.

92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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Your competition has a head start that

grows with your indecision. You need

to get moving or give it up.

Symptoms help identify the illness so

the illness can be treated. Don’t just

treat the symptoms to get well.

Decide what questions are critical to

ask to keep your daily life productive.

Start with, “Are you being


Jerks can be changed into decent

people with the right amount of time

and effort. You do not have enough of


92 Points Of Wisdom (More Or Less Penned By Me)

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Take a look at the things you own. If a

thing is neither useful nor beautiful,

you can live without it.

Praise and love are not finite

resources. There is plenty to go

around. Send, receive, and share


You control the messages you will

accept or reject. If you do not like the

program, just change the channel.

You are the ultimate authority on you

and your abilities. Use your unique

skills every single day as you see fit.


J Cleveland Payne is a marketing and

promotions consultant who is lucky to

hold a day job as a radio producer and

personality based out of Little Rock,

Arkansas. He specializes in helping

small business and individuals craft

their message and master its delivery

to the world.

Payne offers commentary on news,

sports, and current events daily on the

radio, while giving instruction and

advice on addressing the media,

professional development, and

personal improvement in training

sessions online and in-person.

You can read more words from Payne

by visiting http://jclevelandpayne.net

and email him your own words

at jclevelandpayne@gmail.com.