9 Secrets on Forcing Yourself to Succeed Online

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 9 Secrets on Forcing Yourself to Succeed Online

9 Secrets on Forcing Yourself to

Succeed Online

1. Goal GettingProblem : We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

Solution : Focus on Goal Getting and NOT just Goal Setting – Write them Down! Set your goals for your business that you want to achieve. Work Backwards : 1 year, 6 mo, 3 mo Set them outside of your current environment Set non-monetary goals What will the income give you ? What would it feel like to have accomplished your goals?

How many people have written goals, really??....

2. Set Revenue GoalsProblem : You get overwhelmed with how much you have to spend in order to reach a financial goal. Failing to set your revenue goals to your marketing ain’t gonna have good results…

Solution : Thing Big and set your Revenue Goals that would make you happy. Work backwards with the “end in mind” i.e 5,000$ monthly revenue Use conservative numbers first to give you an idea of what your

marketing needs to be achieve your results.

3. Calculating Marketing from Revenue Goals

Case study : If my goal is to make 5,000$ monthly revenue , how much traffic do I need to realise that goal ? ( Backwards thinking ) Process : Based on assumptions below , if I send 2600 targeted clicks to my capture page and get an average 850 leads, I will make 100 sales which equals to 5000$. marketing cost : depends on traffic source but let’s say we do a FB ad campaign with 0.5$/click = 1300$ ( 2600 clicks * 0.5 ) Profit = total revenue – costs => Profit = 5000$ - 1300$ = 3,700$

Conclusion : Now you know where you are. By spending 1,300$ you can make 3,700$ profit. If you want to reach your 5,000$ profit/month you need to spend some more to make it happen or find alternatives to get these extra sales! Assumptions: - 30% optin rate on your capture page ( getting leads for an offer ) - 10% conversion rate - 50 leads per sale- 1 sale = 50$ **These are estimates ONLY to give a basis to calculate your potential sales. Tracking is very critical to know your results to redo calculations. **

4. Consistency

Problem : Many see some first sales and then they stop or procrastinate or lose focus and things go down again…

Solution : Build your momentum and grow steadily and profitably. Create a consistent flow of traffic into the sales funnelSet a level of traffic flow on a weekly basis and NEVER stop.

5. Tracking Problem : The #1 reason that people don’t make enough profit online is because they don’t know how much they spend and where they should ideally spend the money to make the best outcomes. Solution : Trial and Error - ALWAYS track your numbers for EVERY traffic sourcesEPC = Earning per Click = total revenue/ unique visitorsConversion rate = #leads/#sales Optin rate = #clicks/#leads

6. Avoid to-do-listsProblem : With To-Do-Lists we try to judge how long something will take to complete but usually these lists never gets fully checked off

Solution : Create project to-do lists . The project to-do list is easy to create: just start at the bottom with your end goal (finish project X), and work your way backwards from there. You'll have a roadmap to completion all written out, and can easily check things off as you go along.

Benefits Not stressed out about meeting "little deadlines" throughout the day Embrace distractions and focus on finishing the project and not the task alone

7. External Pressure Problem : most people failing online try internal pressure, which rarely works

Solution : set up an announcement well before your have even created what you announced. Notify your list about the launch coming on a set date.

Benefits : It massively puts you under the gun to get it done. If you didn’t create this

external pressure, the product would likely never see the light of day. Makes you more accountable and helps you grow faster both personally and


8. Imagine reaching your next level

Problem : Working on your dreams or goals can take a lot of focus. Where you put that focus matters a lot. You might know where you are and where you were, but do you know where you need to go?

Solution : Imagine that next level for reaching your dreams and take steps to get there.

Benefit : Working backwards towards your end goal helps set montly, weekly, daily goals. Try that and see how everything seems more likely to happen…

9. Your WHY and Celebrating Wins

There are always Ups and Downs in your Online Business like in EVERY business. Be clear on WHY you are building your online businessMore than just money…What will do for you? As you reach your goals, no matter how small you must

celebrate them in some way! Increase energy and have the right mindset!

Take Action and Stop being a Wanabbee!