9 questions to answer before investing in a CRM

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 9 questions to answer before investing in a CRM

9 questions to ask before you buy a CRM tool!

Do you really need a CRM?

It CANNOT increase sales

Now that you have successfully ignored me

Here are the real 8 questions!

Cloud v/s On-premise..The battle will last longer than the ice age!

What functionalities do you need?Oh boy! This could take a while

Total cost of ownershipYou can hire a whole new sales team with that money $$

How easy is it to use?Tougher than solving Rubik’s cube!

Does it integrate with your existing software?I love how we like to complicate things!

Will it bring you closer to your customers?Perhaps!

Does it give you measurable returns?The answer is YES if you want to buy a CRM

Is it Scalable?Do you want it to be?

Finally do you need a CRM tool?You need to answer some more questions !!

• Does your ERP tool meet your current business needs?

• Are your employees satisfied with your in-house tools?

• Are these tools giving you sufficient leverage to take your business ahead?

If the answers are NO, then YES you need a CRM.

With five years of offering top class services in all things related to CRM, we are well placed to address your queries, starting from whether you need a CRM, to which one to buy, and how to customize it for your unique needs. Do get in touch with us for all the right answers: services@suyati.com

Joydip Ghosh

Marketing Manager, Suayti Technologies