9 Meaningful Ways to Improve Your Personal Branding Today

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 9 Meaningful Ways to Improve Your Personal Branding Today

Your Speaker

Laura E. Pence (a.k.a. the first Social Savvy Geek or @SocialSavvyGeek on

Twitter) is the founder and president of Social Savvy Geek, LLC, an online

marketing agency specializing in social media management and consulting. Laura

has worked with some of the top names in Internet marketing and has consulted with entrepreneurs, businesses, and nonprofits in the U.S. and abroad. She is the author of the popular article, 10 Tips to Build Your Twitter List Now, which has been

published both online and in print in the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand.

Laura E. Pence

9 Meaningful Ways to Improve

Your Personal Brand Today




1. Define your brand.

2. Choose your standards.

3. Your website is your domain.

4. Create appropriate social profiles.

5. Monitor your online presence.

6. Stay on target.

7. Provide value within your network.

8. You are defined by the company you keep.

9. Reevaluate over time.