9 key frames

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 9 key frames

9 key frames

By Michael Byrne

Frame 1This image looks mysterious and calming suggesting the film is going to be calm and yet mysterious.

The mountainous terrain in the background shows that the scene is very isolated.

The background is clear and bright suggesting that the film is going to be quiet and peacefully.

This frame is where the film starts.

Frame 2This frame is shown to track up the screen. This helps to show that the family are on a journey.

The way the scene is shot shows that there are woods and forests surrounding the lake and road. This relates to the film because it is set in a hotel in the middle of nowhere and the whole film is based around isolation.

Frame 3This shot is taken from a high vantage point so that the scene can take in the mountain range in the background and the road with the hedge in the foreground.

The blue sky contrasts with the green grass and the white snow peaked mountains.

Frame 4This frame shows who made the film along with the mountains and the family on their journey.

The mountain roads suggests that there is a sense of danger and a sense of cautiousness because of the danger that could be lurking round the bend or up the hill.

The car is shown as a symbol in the frames because it links into the film later on.

Frame 5This frame, is of the back of the car on the mountain roads with an actors name on screen. it is on an empty road which suggests that there is no help and not a lot of deaths with in the film which is true.

This shot follows the characters as they are travelling to the hotel in which they stay.

The car looks normal for the time period it is set in however it stands out when put against the mountain side because of the colour scheme used.

The actor that’s name is on screen in this shot is the leading actor in which the film is based on.

Frame 6The title of the film is ‘ the shining’ which is put against a country side setting, this suggests that there are no cities or villages in site of the mountains or the hills.

The title in this scene is rising from the bottom of the screen to the top, however the shot slowly pans towards the mountains following along with the car.

The background in this frame has darkened which is usually not used in a thriller film.

Frame 7

In this frame it shows a famous actors name rising up the screen with the background being the car about to enter a tunnel or an opening.

This shot is a wide angle long shot as the camera moves over the tunnel to the next shot of the car coming out.

The use of the car entering a tunnel suggests that there is a hidden secret in the film.

Frame 8The author of the book is shown on the screen showing that is has been based on a story written which is a best selling novel by a famous science fiction writer.

This frame is where the car is still driving along the country road which shows the audience that the film is definitely taking place in the mountains and will be isolated.

Frame 9In this shot it shows the producer and director again, this shows the audience that they are the same person.

This scene is beautiful and makes the audience think that the film is going to be nice and not a thriller, which we know that the film becomes much darker and more thriller esc.