9 14 Genres review and Poly Vocabulary Questions

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Transcript of 9 14 Genres review and Poly Vocabulary Questions

Objectives: RI 6.1 Cite Textual Evidence and Draw Inferences

9-13-12 ThursdayWarm Up:Hairy Beast and Agenda

Activities:1.Review Literary Elements or Poly Prefix Ppt2.Genre review3.Possessive Pronouns

Check for Understanding:You will be able toIdentify Genres and POLY vocabulary terms

HW: Review Literary Elements and Genre for Tuesday Retest

Cafeteria seating is open based upon your behavior.9/17 Monday Constitution Day – BEST BEHAVIOR-

1. These melanistic chondro pythons are ______ because they are as colorful as a rainbow.

2. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all monotheistic religions because they believe in one god. The ancient Greeks and Egyptians believed in a _____ religion with many gods.

3. Water is ___, it can take the form of a solid, liquid, or gas.

4. The most famous ______ in the world is the five sided Great Pyramid built in Giza Egypt in 2560 BCE (4500 years ago).

5. Ms. Hutchison calls herself a _____ because she can speak Yankee, Southern, and Pig Latin.

6. Teachers that use _____ words often have to explain instructions to innattentive students a second time.

assimilation conscientiousness creativity diagnostician electricity humiliation mathematical opportunity popularity similarity incredulity pediatrician perpendicular unbelievable university vocabulary

7. Mr. Nelson has _______ feet that have as many fingers and toes as an octagon has sides.

8. Ms. Root teaches this term in her math class.

9. Moe Syzlak thought he could fool the ____ and be found innocent of robbing Homer because he took an online course on how to beat a lie detector.

10. UNC-Chapel Hill’s Medical facility is a ___ because it can treat patients with a wide variety of diseases. Like the Tarheel basketball team, it is vastly superior to the Duke Medical Center.