9-1-57 The Church and Labor

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Transcript of 9-1-57 The Church and Labor

  • 8/6/2019 9-1-57 The Church and Labor


    .~~l"::.:")turo Los :30~: - :~icR.ll 6:-C::'v: - .'10nh E~ 8. II:1D.t doth t.~le Lord . eqn~1'>9 of

    h e c , b ut t o d o justly, cud G O l o v e m e r - cv , arid to'..aLlc hunbly t:tt..h tl:..:, God:!:ntrouuc:,iO!l: - -.~lat 11$.S t: e criui-ch to sa" today L"110.: of t:10 18.1'0:.... t:'oubles ",ie ar-e :1avind'~ It is e~~"'J

    :'0 say nothinz;, to be dumb, to li:"'!ore the si tuat.Lo-iand _0 0:1 Pl"Cllchi-:_-'" t_1C sir.-.p_e gospel. Bub hDS t.he:3 :"'lp10 Gosp31 r-.ot.hi:lC to do ni t..-:"lnec l, 1if,;:n John :. '.3'-:> a o t:!.s t did :10t thi . 1 . 1 - : so. '..11en c 0010 C8.r-:e to hil;l" '" - - .~_.-1 r: ~ !ct~d, 11 J'~ + 'Sl'H~'1 -.-,0 a-0 I "!o '''''Ol'A M , . 1 - - , t have~ ,,__. __ ...... _ "" _ ......... _ ~J ...... , " _ ... ..._~ , .... ~.1. _ . l . . _ca Ld to him, HDo::"(' be too s"':\6-cific. But he ~8.S v';',~1S ecLf'Lc -T." ,.. ....Ld 'I"e t'l"'" ~n';"t1. t,o o oat s '01.. ','1'1",1. .1. ..J. ,.v . .. . t . . ; ; .:....(..l.~ , _ r .....v _4;.J.VJ. __, U) _ L . t ~ _ J._~"1n"'1""t "'0 " , . 1 .. . - .l.; -,,,,~ ' . ......t.h no.,.,o arid he t'r""'t hct.h 1.,-,0 1.- . J :~" " l" " "" ' - . v ............. u.,.J.~ V __ ""'-.. __ ...._ --_-, ;'J,U._ ...... .._"-"" . J , . ~ 1 : ' - . . . . !" 1 0 . 1 ,:..ct hirl do l:'~ci:::CC he n t'1.G soldiers CD.!".:.e 0.::6 0..3'::-.II '-,,.,-'- ... ,,1' ".",do" " ' o r " " ' " 0''''''' m , _ ~ . , . L have

  • 8/6/2019 9-1-57 The Church and Labor


    :: ' ._1tf. the Bible does not conf Lne ; ' IO:t' l: to ma.nuaI labor.- r e is a heap t::J.inlcer rrno shouts that the only man';1:0 'orks is t:1B r,1U!1who wo1'1:s '.'lith his hands. This::'s :::0. rl!ble tsnc:liTI[;. Paul said, 11I :'abor,!! :16 was nJ!:ot talldnr:: about r:.a.-:i:::lf.;e nt,s , but ab out L:.1"eachi:.![;-!-"", rO"'IJel -~(:>. ...... ~r'" I~:r "T"I .., ''''''OO'''''l''-rr ,..,'..,~bec" -....._ U~ . J.....-' ,.; .1"" ~ "-', _ t..-.!.~... L.. _C o1... _ .... "" '~ ... _ ,--\. . . J . . , Q.llSfJ"oaoh t:1C , = , : .ut.h t~a t makes men free ~ ~'l'le ho~:,c1os .r:mr:: is not 'Jit:1. t:le handa, but "';ith the orcin, thesouL, the se If. ':.h8 E1D. :1 rrhoee hands are not di:""3cted

    . 1 : : 1 D . well-discipli:Qcd l:lind must remain a medt ocr-e,.orl;:er. There is no room i::1 the ';;orItd for idlers.1_1:8 sadde s t tui l:C the. t can tL~a!t'1~~Jp1)Ce-:~1~&.Q~i.-1f!S;l:;.4s-.t.!;o..t.J~!..~ t;&- ~

    II .rl d . r > . . . . -0 1 + 't-..__8 se c on zac t t.ne .....to ie as sume o i.s r.ne Sa.nctitycr 0"-1l1crship, 7l:ot:1.0r public or p:.."::vate. God eays,l.::c:'ld S 0 r f 0 f .7Ot~r :;'11.ichb 01-&' PI"operty ~ ..ho.t O:lC or; nsi8 his. If it is :10t ht a, i 7 r . . . : , r did riount, Si~'llli t.hundec01:t, IlThou s:1.alt not stealJ~ Thore can be no theft L:a -;io::.":d whor-e ovcrybod~" onns everythiD.. God r s Lanlooks 0! 1 talri::lG t::J.6 ot:1.cr l::o.:::2'S proport:r 28 steali::.,:,eDG s a;ls the thi f is dangerolls. OTI!1crship is sacr-ed,end tho man who n8.::1tonly des troy s his ne iz-wor ISr :>."oper1; ,J is an out InTi. O r . 'ner-srri P is a trus t :?S vie 11cs a right: Property is.a trust, and TIC are steuards.J:" isi:lb what is :1.1s own, a man r.tL st h~'.\TO rc~c,rd .:'01":::'s noighb or 0.s v311 as hit1SC 1:' .,iet caoita I not fOl"r:ct thc.t God lives \;ith the-;::10 '::01'1:8, a:ld let Tabor kecp its hands o::'f ofaocs not Delong to it.God 11.'-sor lahorer and for the sanott ty of O.7l1Cr-

    u1. r::he i'i:i."st is :uotice.-"'.ihat does the Lord r-equl cecf t.hee but to C;o just ' l . : n II God is ccnc evncd :;'Ii th C 0'1.-0t'Ct r-ather t~~UTOnel"'ty. ':'11cque stion is not n ow:1.;1c11.is a rrm ....o :'th, - but ' : rl13.t l{ir.!.d Qf 9. nan Ls he!. . 1l' ...' t -I-'';_"End :1.0.. is he 1;,.V~l1G': ~l1e 0:1 y lnG 0: c i,s 1.1'lC1.110.11';j:'-:iC:'1 God dr-arrs be t.rrce n nen is wheV19r the:, do ':;el10:" iII. : n un..S .ir-upuLous ::_J00l' L1C.T! -I.'ho is out ta pi. 'Yl-dc" and pillav() the r-Lch, and an une cz'uLr Lcus :...1c':1: .c, ::'1';;:"10 is out to oppress and e::pJ.oit the pccr-, ar o,.0t.h r......,!cal s ':10 ~e If' ish l : " . : l:}_i0:1aire anc the bumI..; ~ I"r. """, --. _ - ~ - .. .:....~ ,... 0 .11 1_n r1 d I_"' "")I t;.:':0 t:U'OHS a bOY:1D are lTI v.Q8 eame " as s ..:I'O s .Ll:"",u

  • 8/6/2019 9-1-57 The Church and Labor


    3 \ , r-ec 'l__"'e'r."e~nt0:1 c Ll nen ,_'s t.nab J.l~cT do J'l''"'tly I- < _ _ .

  • 8/6/2019 9-1-57 The Church and Labor


    t:~:Jn [,ere ~{. ~llerc iss omethiTlf:; ho lie!' t$l1 Ou::'r-e10.-t':"O:lS -~-!it!l eaen ot.her , It i3 our rclc..tions rlit:l God."c ;::ust Get r iG~1t ,7ith God if we 8.l"0 eV3Y' to --et11irl:.t l1it,h each Ot:;_6Y'. ~abor v;il1 never- be jL~st 'l7itl1.ccri-tal so lone ~E' it is t7D01:,s with God. ",c.pital i7i1.1novci- be mer cLrut to Isbo:' so lorrc 0.2 it. i3 rrI'o::1[~;:th GOd. God cone s f.irs t, c.:~d i76 cn n mever hone 'tdove lop a 2ocia l 0:'deI' t:l.at -;,-i11 las t, if we leave. . . .u oub.

  • 8/6/2019 9-1-57 The Church and Labor
