8th July 2020 Dear Year 5!...8th July 2020 Dear Year 5! An irrepressibly enthusiastic air Zhigh five...

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Transcript of 8th July 2020 Dear Year 5!...8th July 2020 Dear Year 5! An irrepressibly enthusiastic air Zhigh five...

8th July 2020

Dear Year 5!

An irrepressibly enthusiastic air ‘high five’ to our class. I’ve been immensely enjoying your entertaining and varied updates over

the last week – through your Y5 blog posts and comments, letters and phone calls. Your boundless enthusiasm is so inspiring

and energising. If we could bottle it and share it with others, the world would undoubtably be a more positive and productive


Our Get Set activity practically warrants our own YouTube channel to rival the fitness guru that is Joe Wicks! We’re currently

tracking on 1,129 hours and 30 minutes and we have overtaken Y6 on 1,076 hours and 50 minutes. Your efforts are simply

marvellous. Our friendly competition between the two senior classes is driving the overall school total, which now stands at

3,184 hours and 20 minutes. The upper Key Stage 2 classes still account for approximately 70% of this total, although Y2

deserve an honourable mention on 407 hours and 10 minutes.

Mayar – thank you so much for your wonderful letter. Your artistic creativity is awe-inspiring and I enjoyed your incredibly

touching recollection of your trip to Istanbul last year. Your holiday pictures and joyful expressions are a sight to behold and

they made Mrs Petrovic and me smile from ear-to-ear (figuratively speaking). I am so pleased to hear that your mother is

excelling in her interior design course – I’d move into her stylishly designed apartment in a heartbeat based on her diagrams and

it was lovely to hear of her feathery friend’s motivational support to complete her last assignment. Your Pokémon pictures are

fantastic and I mistook your world leader drawings for actual portraits! Well done for all your quiz answers too!

Milan – thank you for acknowledging my previous acknowledgement, which I now duly acknowledge (this could go on forever

😊). I am glad your FOUR birthday cakes were so yummy that a slice couldn’t be saved for me 😊 (although, my sister Sophie

wouldn’t probably allow this anyway as apparently, I’m soon to be on a gruelling Summer health regime to offset all the

homemade bread I’ve been eating ☹). Your watermelons sound like they’ll grow to the size of double-decker London buses

and yes, I’ve ordered your medal. It’s so big, I’ve had to source the raw materials from the furthest remote corners of the world

(although I note that the world is a sphere and therefore doesn’t have corners but it’s a well-known idiom) and I have set up a

construction company to recruit a workforce larger than those used to build the Great Pyramids of Giza to assemble your

magnificent medal. It’ll probably be ready by 2023 or soon after 😊.

Marina – the pen poem that you penned (I thought you’d like the wordplay 😊) is brimmingly brilliant! It is so entertaining,

humorous and witty in an observational comedy sense. I love your use of personification. You really are reaching the poetic

upper echelon heights of esteemed wordsmiths of the ilk of Michael Rosen. Your moving origami is masterful and I can’t wait to

hear your melodic piano piece. Maybe I could drop a rhythmic beatbox to blend our sound samples into a classic and

contemporary musical concoction (or maybe, let’s just enjoy your piano playing).

A huge ‘whoop whoop’ to our bodacious bloggers. Julia – your owl post was ‘hootiful’ and your cookie post was dangerously

delicious! I am absolutely confident that Mark Labbett would lead the chase in giving you a rapturous applause for your fact file.

Pepe – I was highly amused by your Diary of a Wimpy Kid book review. A light read from time to time is a well-earned reprieve

and dive into imaginative escapism. Just as the flaming-red Eye of Sauron turns away from Helms Deep and moves towards

Gondor between The Two Towers and Return of the King extracts from the Lord of the Rings, your reading eye should start

moving towards a Y6 reading list. Marina – your refugee post was moving and wonderfully worded. I believe the sum of the

digits to the answer of your temperature word problem may be a multiple of 3 (as I don’t want to reveal a spoiler ). Mayar –

Fantastic Mr Fox is true to its name – fantastic. Your collage post was absolutely remarkable. It would strengthen the collection

of any art gallery around the globe. Sebastian – thank you for posting your algebra answers and I was tickled by your ‘If What I

Thought was Reality’ post. Fast cars, fast food, fancy tech and fancy bling seems to be the culture and fashion on Planet

Sebastian - which would be a fascinating place to visit! Your riddle post is be-musingly brilliant. Jasmin – the mamooul you

dutifully hand-crafted and baked over 3 days looked delectably delicious!

In Sophie-news, bread is definitely ‘off the menu’ (which I can confirm is due to up-and-coming dietary and exercise initiatives).

Bobby is still loving the cooler weather, is still claiming any objects dropped on the floor as her own but she gracefully lets you

use her dog bed as a lost property reclaim department for missing items that she has ‘collected for safekeeping’. She’s also met

a few more friends in the park this week including two puppies!

I found a couple of excellent videos which include a mixture of human achievement, resilience and positive reflection in the face

of adversity that I wanted to share with you. They include a summit attempt of Everest, a couple of climbing conquests and

some extraordinary deep-water free diving. I think you’ll enjoy them.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-wjmIFlnNo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccPYyF-plQY&frags=pl%2Cwn


I hope you all have a great week Y5. Keep on smiling Y5.

All my thoughts and best wishes,

Mr Tauchert

Instructions for posting an image

First, take a photo of what you’ve done. This could be a piece of learning, artwork or an activity being done.

Then, save the photo to your computer (unless it was taken on the device you are using to access the blog).

Next, click on this

Now, click on

Finally, click which should let you find the photo you wish to share. Instructions to post on USO blog

First, go to USO Login at my.uso.im/SBSP

Once logged in (logins were sent home), click on j2e icon. Then, click j2e5.

Now, complete your learning and click publish icon (near the top left and looks like a globe).

Finally, type its title and make sure you've selected blog 55 from the dropdown menu.

Press publish to j2Webby

Instructions to view USO blog

First, go to USO Login at my.uso.im/SBSP

Once logged in, click on j2e icon.

Then, click j2webby (which looks like what you see to the right).

Now, hover over the word Blogs and select 55.

You are now on the blog and can view posts and leave comments!

Instructions for recording your physical activities on the ‘Get-Set’ website

1. First, go to https://www.getset.co.uk/travel-tokyo/log-activity 2. Then, enter school postcode (W8 6EJ) and click on school name. 3. Next, select year 5 4. Finally, click on the category that most closely fits your activity and the details about your activity. Then just

submit! It’s as straight forward as ‘on your marks, get set, go!’

‘I can help with the washing!’ ‘You dropped a sock …’

‘…which is now mine!’ ‘I think it’s raining outside; we’ll need a brolly.’

‘Bobby and Alfie the cavapoo puppy’ ‘Bobby and Bernard the Beagle puppy (digging holes)’

Last week’s answers:





5) Brave

Year 5’s ‘Famous Five’ Quiz Questions

1. The English language is conventionally divided into three historical periods. In which of

these periods did William Shakespeare write his plays?

(a) Old English

(b) Middle English

(c) Modern English

2. Which of the following is the longest word that appears in a play by William Shakespeare?

(a) honorificabilitudinitatibus

(b) sesquipedalian

(c) antidisestablishmentarianism

(d) disproportionableness

(e) incomprehensibleness


4. What are the Panj Kakke or 5Ks?

5. Movie titles phrased badly: Special insight into the thoughts, behaviours and feelings of follicly-endowed companions

reveals a rivalry for affection.