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ETL-0516AD-A204 167

Dynamic ImageInterpretationfor Autonomous VehicleNavigation1987 End of YearTechnical Report

Edward M. RisemanAllen R. Hanson

University of MassachusettsComputer & Information Science DepartmentAmherst, Massachusetts 01003DTIC

S IELECTEDSeptember 1988 JAN 2 41981

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

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Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency1400 Wilson BoulevardArlington, Virginia 22209-2308

U.S. Army Corps of EngineersEngineer Topographic LaboratoriesFort Belvoir, Virginia 22060-5546

89 11904

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UosU.S. Army Engineer Topographic Laboratories

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Computer & Information Science Department Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5546

Amherst, Massachusetts 01003


Research Projects Agency DACA76-85-C-0008


1400!Wilson Boulevard ELEMENT NO. NO. NO. ION NOArlington, VA 22209-2308 62301E

11. TITLE (Indude Security Cassfcation)Dynamic Image Interpretation for Autonomous Vehicle Navigation1987 End of Year Technical Report

12. PERSONAL AUTHQR(S). Edward M. Riseman & Allen R. Hanson

13s. TYPE OF REPORT 113b. TIME COVERED 114, DATE OF REPORT (YearMonttOY) 1IS. PAGE COUNTAnnual FROM2/26/87 TO 2/25/81 1988 September 32


"17. COSATI CODES " ' 1 UJC EM f-

S18 SUBEC TERMS (Contnue o17 revr#re it neceary and identy by block number)FIELD GROUP SUB-GROUP Scene Interpretation

Sensor MotionI I Spatial Reasoning

19. ABSTRACT (Continue on revese if ncesary and identify by block number)

This report presents the results of the project on Dynamic Image Interpretation forAutonomous Land Vehicle (ALV) Navigation for the time period 2/26/87--2/25/88. The -.

purpose of the ALV project is to develop algorithms and tools to enable a vehicle to ".navigate autonomously through realistic landscapes.

The current effort continues our work on this problem. In the report we summarizethe accomplishments of the past year in constructing robust algorithms to be usedfor vehicle navigation, as well as tools that have been developed to more efficientlyutilize these algorithms.


DO Form 1473, JUN 86 Previous oftlont or* oblolete. - SICURIty CWASIfiC~O FTI Aj,,UNCLASS IFIFED

[] S, EOUNM TD SM ASR T [ OCUSSI'h' 'LEON ( ,,, c , l


End Of Year Technical Report:

Dynamic Image Interpretation For

Autonomous Vehicle Navigation

Contract: DACA76-85-C-0008

February 26, 1987 - February 25. 1988

Principal Investigators:

Edward Al. Risernan and

Allen R. Hanson

Computer and Information Science Department

University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Amherst, MA 01003


1 Nisual AMotion Analysis 3

1.1 Computation of the Optical Flow Field ...... ..................... 3

1.2 The Recovery of Environmental Motion and Structure from a 'Mobile Vehicle 4

1.3 Alternatives to General Motion Analysis: .......................... 6

1.3.1 Stereoscopic -Motion Analysis ....... ...................... 6

1.3.2 Analysis of Constant General Motion . ................ 7

1.4 Token-Based Approaches to Motion and Perceptual Organization. ...... 7

2 'Mobile Vehicle Navigation - 9

3 Perceptual Organization (Grouping) 11

3.1 The Perceptual Organization of Image Curves ...................... 11

3.2 Extracting Geometric Structure . ....... ........................ 11

4 Database Support for Symbolic Vision Processing -- 12

4.1 ISR1 ............ ........................................ 14

4.2 1SR2 ........... ........................................ 15

4.3 Generic Views and Indexing .................................. 16

B a ckg roq til d

Since the beginning of this contract, our research group has developed a variety of

motion algorithms, and in most cases applied them to real-world image sequences, including

domains of robot arm workspaces. indoor hallways, and outdoor sidewalkjroad scenes.

In particula:, experimental investigations of translational motion seouences demonstrated

Some (egree of robustness. Anandan 'ANA85b.. ANAS7a,. 'ANA8Tb'. ANA881 develuped

an algorithm for determining feature point correspondences between- frames that allowed

the computation of dense displacement fields with associated confidences. This capability

could be used to effectively track points across frames. Lawton -LAW83". LAW84! showed

that the focus-of-expansion (FOE) often could be extracted from a sensor undergoing pure

translational motion (i.e two degrees of freedom) to within a few degrees of accuracy. Glazer

GLAs7a. GLASb'. in his recently completed Ph.D. thesis, developed two algorithms

for the efficient computation of image m(.tions using hierarchical multiresolution methods

operating over image data pyramids.

Bharwani 'BlIA85. IBIIA861 developed a multi-frame algorithm for depth extraction

under known translational motion which iteratively predicts the image motion of a feature

point in future frames, determines correspondence by a search over the limited predicted

area. and then refines the depth estimate using the new match. Snyder SNY861 analyzed

the effects of uncertainty in 'he location of the FOE and feature points in the image on

the computation of depth., and showed how this analysis could be used to quantitatively

provide predictions for constraining the search window used for matching these points in

future frames.

Adiv Al)I85a'., '.Dl85b], 'AD185c! developed an algorithm for general sensor motion

(five degrees of freedom) in an environment with objects undergoing independent general

mot ion, the goal being to recover the motion parameters of both the sensor and any visible

moving (,hjects. This latter problem is much harder, and although there was some empir-

ical denmonstration of capabilities, Ihere was an assurmption that this algorithm would be

,r riipiitatiornally more complex, and perhaps less robust, than the algorithms for transla-

tialI lmt, iMn.I2......... ............ .... . . . . __ l i l= =I= =i= mnoit

Over the past several years, we have developed the notion of a 'schema' as the basic

unit of knowledge representation in the VISIONS system. Within thc schema system image

interpretation is the process of instantiating a subset of schemas to build a description of

the three-dimensional scene which gave rise to the image. Knowledge is represented in a

3 level abstraction hierarchy of schema nodes by part/subpart descriptions, class subclass

descriptions, and expected relationships between schenas; the resultant hierarchical graph

coiittitutes thc VISIONS knowledge network. ,HAN78b<I, IAN78c., 'HAN87a., 'DRA87b.

The VISIONS system is organized around three levels of data representation and types

of processing. At the low-level, the representations are in the form of numerical arrays of

sensory data with processes for extracting the image events that wifl form the intermedi-

ate representation. At the interm-atiate level, the representation is composed of symbolic

tokens representing re.gions, lines, surfaces and the attributes of these primitive elements(which might include local motion and depth information). The intermediate representa-

tion is stored in a data base called the intermediate symbolic representation (ISR) which

supports grouping (perceptual organization) and information fusion processes that are em-

ployed to develop aggregations of existing tokens to form new tokens. At the high level, the

representation is a set of object hypotheses and active schema instances which control the

intermediate and low-level processes. Control initially proceeds in a data-directed manner

and later is significantly top-down in a knowledge-directed manner.

Based on our experience with an initial implementation of the schema system and a set

f cxpcrirrients designed to interpret reasonably complex house scenes JHAN86, 'II N87a1,

\VEY86: a new schema system and support environment has been designed and partially

implemented 'DRA87a'. Two new tools. the Intermediate Symbolic Representation and

the Schema Shell. have been developed and are currently being tested and extended using

the interpretation of road scenes as a. second experimental task domain.

We vi ew the task of pcrceplt al organization and groiping as the extraction of relevant

styirictilre froim overfragmented and incomplete descriptions and the construction of more

alstract (Icescriptions from Iess abLstca.ct nes. By this we nman algorith mis which have as

ir1pit 0tih t okc.is liriced by the lw-heye[ system 1and other grouping operalions (region,

liTie,. ,,v fi'l. anid hav is ,u1itpim1 rnire comiplex tokens generated by gr, lping strate-

l it m

gies based oi the rclat:oiis between the tokens. The goal of this type of -intermediate' level

processing is the reduction of the substantial representational gap which exists between

the low level image descriotors and the primitives with which the high level semantic de-

scriptions are constructed. The process of abstraction thus involves the search for events

which can be more concisely described as a unit and which results in a description which

may be more relevant to the evolving semantic interpretation.

This is the approach taken by Boldt and Weiss 1WE186' who developed a scale-sensitive

hierarchical algorithm for grouping collinear line segments into progressively longer seg-

ments on the basis of geometric properties of the hypothesized group as well as the simi-

larity of image features along both sides of the component lines.

1 Visual Motion Analysis

We have continued our analysis of motion, with an emphasis on techniques which will be

of practical use for autonomous navigation. Our effort has been concentrated in several

directions which build on previous work done at the University of Massachusetts: the

computation of the optical flow field and the design of practical, robust algorithms for

determining the structure of the environment from a mobile vehicle.

1.1 Computation of the Optical Flow Field

In his recently completed doctoral dissertation 'ANA87a] Anandan provides a unified

framework for extracting a dense optical flow field from a pair of images, as well as an

integrated system which is based on a matching approach (see, also. 'ANA85a", 'ANA85b]

ANA87a:. AN.,STb). This framework appears to be sufficiently general to encompass

both gradient-based and correlation matching approaches. It consists of a hierarchical

seale-lased matching scheme using bandpass filters, orientation-dependent confidence mea-

su res. and a srno,)thness constraint for propagating reliable displacements. HIs integrated

LvlSerri .\ NA85a for the extraction of displacement fields uses the minimization of he-

S 1i rl i -of-s)i a ru.d -(h fferri ccs (SSI)) )casure as the local match crilerion. and c(omputes coti-

firl c Je, I -(., j n iIhc shape of ilw SS 1) surface. It also formulates it h SlOo 1h Iness S

OP oTID or


WLI ==_

a.;sumption as tle minimization of an error functional and overcomes many of tile difficult

problems that exist in other techniques. The error functional consists (,f two terms. One.

called the approximation error. measures how well a given displacement field approxin;tes

the local match estimates, while the other, called the smoot'"-ess error. measures the global

spatial variation of a given displacement field. The finite-element method is used to solve

the minimization problem. The approach also gives information for extracting occlusion

boundaries in some situations.

Anandan has also shown ANA84 that the functional minimfization problem formulated

in his matching technique converges to the minimization problem used in gradient-based

techniques (e.g. Glazer's technique discussed later). In particular, by relating an approxi-

malio, error functional used in his matching approach to the intensity constraints used in

the gradient-based approaches, he explicitly identifies confidence measures which have thus

far been implicitly used in the gradient-based approach. Finally, he suggests ways that

algorithms operating on a pair of frames can be developed into multiple-frarne algorithms

and discusses their relationship to spatio-temporal energy models.

Glaze-*s recently completed thesis GLA87c- presents an approach to motion detec-

tion using multi-resolution methods in a hierarchical processing architecture. Two motion

detection algorithms are developed and analyzed. The hierarchical correlation algorithm

u1tilizes a coarse-to-fine control strategfv across the resolution levels and overcores two (is-

advantages of single-level correlation: large se-irch areas, which require expensive searches.

and repetitive image structures. which cause incorrect T HtICes. The hierarchical gradient-

based algorithm iGL:87aGLA87bI generated over low-pass image pyramuids. extends

single-lc!vel gradient algorithms to the computation (,f large displacements. Within each

I,vel the next refinement of the displacement field is obtained bY coiribining a local initel-

sitv constr'aiNtt arnd a global smoothness constraint. The mathemalical formulation involves

Ihe irlitirirzati(m of an error frinclional con sisting of two terms, corresponding to the ii-

terlsitv arid I i she i,,thriss (:,r115 rairuts m(ntiorned above. Thlie ri inimization probilem is

-,,lved using Ihe finite-difference approach. which leads to a Imn lti-resol itioi telaxatio)n

;l,,,ri him..\ formal analysis )f lihierarchical gradient algori hili is pIresnte(l. including

I h b -biqu ) il, f(,r co ipl ipi)g a1 ncrh)d disparit 5" vect (,r. the discrete ri'C sentat ui s

i I l

n coflptitat ios for solviig t lese equations. and a geometric mierpretat on of the re-

-. liting relaxation algorithin. The experimental results shov that the two algorithms have

comparable accuracy and a cost analysis shows that the hierarchical gradient algorithm is

less ('.stlv.

1.2 The Recovery of Environmental Motion and Structure from

a Mobile Vehicle

Our previous research in motion analysis led us to attempt to deal with a real application

s-iibsvstem for the C',IU NAVLAB TI IOI87. The goal was to detect obstacles in the path

of the vehicle at distances beyond the limits of the ERINI range sensor. i.e. at distances

beyond 40 feet. Initial results from Bharx ajni' algorith-.I 131. .8 5_,BItA861 implied the

possibility of extracting usable depth of obstacles at distances between 40 and 80 feet. By

applying an FOE extraction algorithm prior to the depth extraction algorithm, there was

the expectation that an effective subsystem could be developed. To accomplish this in

actual imaging situations -n a moving vehicle turned out, to be far more difficult than we


In dynarric imaging situations where the sensor is undergoing primarily translational

motion with a relatively small rotational component (i.e. "approximate" translational

motion), it might seem likely that translational motion algorithms vojld be effective in

determining depth. Although translational motion is the dominant form of motion and is

approximately constant over a long sequence of frames, there usually are local variations

d ne to Irregularities in the road surface (bumps, holes. and lindulations). as well as minor

rotation of the vehicle as it translates. This is oft n manifested by changes in the location

of tIe F OF, (i.e. effectively it produces a different translational motion). and in rotational

Triti,,ns tat ii ust be renrlived if c ,rreet ,alues of depth are to ke extracted from the

fcatilre di splace ients. An attempt to correct, for these effects via a relatively simple

pr(-Irocesing r,. i IraiI I lo l i I Ihm SNY 8i without litilizing full anii aly sis Of t le general

Till ti,i pr lhr( I I I l 1 e'd (to I dllirlties. evern whenT the rotations were as small as 0.1" to

tt..". Ibis re.is - I Jl e ; d i,,i, i c,llisted f two parts. In lic first part. the mIotion of

i!:ll mlll? ':;i- I.' i . (l;1tiil 1; i c 1por cril ,f the vehicle's miotioti. and iii

. . .. i I I I

he second )art. t his rot ational componenTt was subtracted from thle full optical flow field.

leaVIng1 aI fl(\\ field that is (in principle) dine to0 purel V transl a tional irliO o.

File basic problem wvith this registration algorithm was that t he rot ational parameters

of thle vehlicles mnot ion could10 niot be foundI accurately., and hence 'ziibtraction of the rot a-

ljonal component of the Motion from thle optical flow field resulted in at flow field contai nilr

a reciilnal rot ational component. Our experimentation with the registration algor-ithm- a.s

at preprocess ing stepl to the Bhiarwarii algorithm led us to conclude that the Bliarwanil al-

g ~rithbin (as, well a-- anyv other algoritbnm assirng purely translational motion) was very

sensitive to ibis residual ro-tation. W\e discuss these issues in itreater detail in the paper

(Y1 Dot ta. et al. 'DUT8 . We also explain in this paper the theoretical reasons why it

is, ITIli kel that algorithmis based on wirek translational motion will work except in very

pai Tcular and rest rictiedi environments.

The(- theoretical and experimnential :,roblerms wve encountered with using purely trans-

lat ioni Tnt,(o'nI algOr"Ithbis ledl us to combine the optical flow algorithbm of An andan

AN AS5a and the algorithm oif Adiv "ADIS5a to obtain an algorithim for computing en-

vironnienial ino101o and st ructure for the case where both translationis and rotations are

present. i.e,.. at general motion algorithm. \Ve applied this algorithm to the same dynamiuc

imagec sequences for which the combi nation of the registration and l3harwanil algorithms

filed to recover environmiental mnot ion and st ructure accuratelY, and found that results-

were sigi implroved by us ing lie general motion algorithm. ]in particular, thle gen-

Cral mITi(on a Igori thin re'covered( the dept hs oIf oh jert sIn an imlage Sequeln(e taken fronti

IhIe CMl 1, N V LA 13 to wvithlin anl average errFor of I V% (see DUTS88- for fiirt her (letails).

[Ilie U(Conluion~ we dra w fromr t his analysis- Is t hat, in many real sitiiat ions general niot ion

analysis, liiist he applied Inl or'der to) determine- (eptIi of jpOiiitS. evenI whenI tCensor mo(tl-in

is prmr Y ranslatimial with onysiall amoun1tIs of rotation. 'kII One o)bviouis hardware

-iullttoin (at1 s.gi1ifICatit lV lIICTeasdl costl ) is i lie use of it gyro-stabilized p~latfornm )r a. land

ii viga i 'i >\- 1 tni recover I rawusi Ii a aind rt ta tit nal io t itn so thiat seniso r Mo~tionH

t vpie;lllYx Xill he TmulCl cloIser to, the case o)f pillc trarislatiomial muotlim.- In I lie next secct ion

'ye dicivs aternativtuprtoaclics forT 1 lie e:it riwt.ittii 4f iiitll In paluiciiiers andI de1 )t~h. We

'AI hrIt ( -I [Iv 11(-) t'sT id Ii c 1'mnII t I n i tii ii a ln liti disclissed atlit ye Ill

he conlt inuation of (ur wor k on the A-\utonomous Lanld Vehicle.

1.3 Alternatives to General Motion Analysis

1.3.1 Stereoscopic Motion Analysis

By carrying out motion analysis with a pair of camneras - stereoiscopic motion -tile addi-

ional constraints can significantly reduce the complexity of the analysis oni a theoretical

level. Balasubrainarivarn and Snyder 'BAL87a'.BA1L87b), have developed an algorithin to

ext ract the parameters of motion in depth: the single compoinent ol translation in depth

i.e. parallel to the line of sight) and the two components of rotation in depth (i.e. rota-

tions that are no~t around the line of sight'). This is achieved by bildin,: upon the work

of Adiv for seg~ine nl;-g the flex: rvJ into rtiid independently moving oh jects 'ADI85a,,

and the formu11.lationi of WVaxman and Duncan '\VAX86'- which shows that the ratio of the

relai ve optic flowv between a stereo~ pair of limages to the disn~irity between them is a linear

fune(-tio)TI of the image coordinates. Experimental results are presentedl for simulated data

Of Lgeneral mnotion of both the sensor and independently moving o biects. WVork is currently

iinoerxra\ to test the effectiveness of this algorithm oti real scenes.

1.3.2 Amalvsis of Constant General Motion

Another way to) introduce additional constraints to the problem of general motion analysis

in an effort to achieve practical. robust algorithmns is via Shariat's formulation: constant

hult arbit rarv general motioTn of a rigid Object SIAG.This leads to a set of dlifference

cq iia lions acro~ss a, sequence of image-S. rclat I ii- I lie ( positnins of at featunre in the image

plic. to, the rnot]0,n p)ratnet(crs l"ihe 1 )r(ject(l oit The soluion ob~tained Is a set

of 5th (order non-linear polynoiriial eqIIAMToti inI tlie un~knowvn tmotion paramreters, whose

s'ohitioim requires a Gas-ewo ioti-limicar least -squares, imtliod with carefullY de~signed

nitIIa guess schermes. Paylinl :\\ ha~i- l~s drlrveu a cl(seuld-fonITT 'soluitionl for tilie iid

ibject Tr etr yinteg(rat in the, I JiflecrentI iaI equa tions desrilb]ing t he iiotioni Of aI p()int

fl Yn t ie ra jct(l IL qut h.% Heiiertu qluil r ul ita iIt ar I. it

;111(1 ;1 rf(1 lier i ;ill(, 1wt lII t't i~l Pa Ipiuitt'.us cu'quii os ;IH)%lllctbeu' of ai Simiple

CiI - li It' err, r I Iii iiit iokn criterion ii an itermtivc sea rel o i ftcir aaees

1Ai 'I' en-Bascd Approaches to Mlotion and Perceptual Organi-

z at ion

Thle ')rulleis cit cl in Section 1 .2 withi respect to tihe ext ract ion o)f mfot ion and( depth

i !fr.n~ t1,nus')nc i rali t (n a Io(p tical fo (t%-IechIIquIIes h ave l ed uis lmv iard thle ex plIoraI on ()f

:ael i hodS f r C(Mlibi ni n g I lie ]t )cal flow displacement fidlds wi th larger 14-en-like structures.

It is ohmir p sj)Itl in I hilt t Ilie inherent ly local nmcasulremnen t of visual motion provided by

lTcal flc )"" is i nsxm IlicienI It o eet the va ri ed requniremien ts of dynaiic Image iuderstanding.

ilie icpprt tachi we are developing inlOves. COMnpit ing the correspondeceIC between tokens

.f iirlitIra rv spattial scale produced by percef.Ana 1 organization proc,, ss' . Suich 4C'kt r.

',Itn en ap dirct l to(ti CTvironntal structure, and dlescriptions of their movement o)ften

CeT rrel te' tillre close 1 x wVit the motion of p)hysical objects. than does the lo.cal motion

n frlnati('n con tai ned Ii thle displacement field. A token mat ch represents mnore than Just

a spat ia I (11i s placemilc mi: ills() explicit in this represent ation are the tirne-var i ng values of

hosec parairice rs which deufine the token or which can lbe extracted from the structure o)f

lie token.

Wfillaias and 1 laiso:(n WIl.88a_,,'NIL88b describe work in progress toward this goal.

Thel( prelise o)f t his work is that the structure ob~tained from perceptual organizationl

pro)cesses can be oi indwithl the locail motioni Informnation contained in the flow field

o( pro videI a imiore r ,bist esti rrial e of moilon a mmcl depthI parameters. The app~roach can lbe

VI we%'d ats amigniemity i glie ratt her Ii tint e( use of spatil st ructunrc Ill traditional a pproaches

wxit I the( rliher clesc-riptivi', v(lbillarv o)f spaltial si rnCtumre providled by the IpercceptliaI

'r-iluIi'/atihjIli procresscv (,ver ho(t Ii spaice amid iine. In this sells(,. the spatially o)rganized

'1 met lire> ('-eh ;1-n l1icis. 1.( Ions. ciirves., vertices. Iiitersections. rectantlakr groups, etc.),

wh'.iCh reac ixt'lv (Inrict(ld from I lie0 ima 1e 1 cahe considerel 1to be iiitcest o)pe'ratrs

lIn tihe firs-I V i88 .) ;1 Met hid fo)r cvcilit imig the 1tnpii)riil c)rresl)nidence

-Ii lin' ( !LiilIICHS is jmrete(d. We( c)ncsidher thle titx frmaic ea''w here. but tl'(

Ill'IncI j'*xtr~Ill. illid 1; hits lwe iC()t'II(IcI to iiciiltiple fraiMICS .. sA Slr;iigl1I lM, percepti nil1

orgraniza lion process. dcveloDCd ILv ioldt and Weiss 'BOL8V. 'WEIS6.i applied to both

framnes independentlY to provide straight lines in each frame...A displacement field is also

computed fromn tile two fr,-ines using the al gonthnii developed by Anaxidan 'A'\ A 87 _.

AN\A88 described above . After filtering the straight lines on length and contrast to

reduce the line set in both Images, the displacement field is used to construct a search

area In frame 2 for each line in frame 1. Since a one-to-one corresponidence between lines

is unlikely, a minimal mapping approach rU:LL79' is used to compute the correspondence

between the frame I and framne 2 line sets; such a mapping is called a minimal bipartite

cover. The similarity measure used to compute the cover involves the similarity and spatial

separation of the candidate token matches. By computing the connected components of

thle bipa -'ite graph. the global matching problem is conveniently divided into smaller,

indlividually tractable pieces which reflect the scope of potential interactions: a simple blind

search of the subgraphs is used to extract the bipartite cover minimlizing the positional

and similarity dis crepancy metric.

The matching results obtained are quite good. The system has been run repeatedly

on successive framnes of several multi-framie sequences. In the inulti-frame case, a directed

acVclic graph is constructed which represents the splitting and merging patterns of line

segments over timne. \Vork is iii progress to analyze the trajectories of the tokens over time.

In the second paper \VIL,88bl a met hod for computing- depth from the line correspon-

dences is described using tie temporal change in the length of virtual lines constructed

from the Intersections of the Boldt lines 'BOL87' . WVe use virtual lines b~ecaulse the length

f t _ h( rI "i Ti al lines IS rno(t reliable, althoiugh thii ir orienit ation and lateral displacement is

ii 1t e precise. Tbis "k omi ug'' Tmet hod is also genieral ized to areas. '[he method is genier-

alY appl)icableC to SIrll(:tlires whose total extent iii depth is small coimipared to the dlepth of

11s ceri troi ( (thIiat. is,. for Ii hse eases In wh\Vi ch perspecclive pr ject ion c-an be a pproximna ted

1) - ca ecl oIlt llwra plic pro)jctionT TI I MIS? ) iit( which do )rit exhlibit aTN, I indepenidenlt

ji ii.Thc 'ech III qt lie dloiS i1n 1 (lCI)'Ild oil I l' (-()III plet e ilet-eriii na t lo eg iitoipa

ri mltrs o)f the 5lllsoI, b)ut 11 dohws reljiire i lie ei~nipuitatioii of tie t rarislatincrioin

of 1111- seulsor III t11w dIiP lol 111idolo1i \ii analYSis" of the sewilti'it\' () the algorit hin

1) errors. III Ie It(II( Il -rrdl %\htli Ibes is phillell forI 1ii1c ll( 1 fimire: e'Xperiuieiitah results oil

I (

relal image sequences have shown that the algorithm may be quite rolbust.

2W Mobile Vehicle Navigation

The hardware platform for experimentation in mobile robotics at UNlass is a Den-

flinq MIobile ltobo)tic, vehicle \vih a lik \ television camera and (UHF transmitters and

receivers for uplinik arid downlinrk commnuni cat Ion to a Gould 1PS500 timage processing

systein con nected t ita Vax I 1 750) computer. Plans are underway to utilize a 12-node

Sequent multi processo~r 0i inprovye the compuitat ional effectiveness of our experimentatio.-

enIVI rollnmIent.

Arkin _AIRKS~a . 'ARKS71B . AHK87c. used this platform to develop AuRA (Au-

tonornous Robot Arch itect ure). wvhich initegral c, pjan iuln-' Lartographic. perception. mo-

tor. and homneostatic ss~tem1s ItO a functional robot navigation systemn. Teu system is

designed to navigate in the hallways and outdoor environim nt surrounding our building

ait L7\Jass.

Aura employs a *rneadow' map as its long11-term. memory: the meadow map is used for

global path planning and contains embedded a priori knowvledge to guide sensor expecta-

tions used for positional updating. A layered short-term memory based on instantiated

meadows represents the currently perceived world. A hierarchical path planner produces

a global p)ath free of collisions with all modeled obstacles.

Aura extends the idea of schemas, as currently employed in the VISIONS system,

to include the mobile robot domain. The schema-based path execution system handles

unexpected in~dynamic obstacles not present in-the robot's world nmodel. This motor-

schema based niavigation system p~rodluces reactive/reflexive beha vior in dlirect response to

serisor even ts. In addlion. Ti OW\% tech niqutes in the treatment of robot. uncertainty, which

cX1 )e i te sensor v processing. were devel 01)0(. 1These Inrcluide the use of a spatial error mapll

%vithI a ssoci ate 0 rowvth and redluct ion t cchniq lies.

several cot ipitter vision sen so r st ra teries h avxe been deveb pcd for use withbin Aura.i

I hese Hince a. fast lineC fiidling algorit.1ii I hat is a simnplified and inure eflicient versioni of

The Burms si r,1glitlin 1ext criiti lgrli ni (at H ie piieeof robuistness) Vl(.I\1T

a fast simplified region segmentation algorithm based on the VISIONS region segmentation

system BEVS7 . and a depth from motion algorithm BHA86i. Aura uses both vision and

ultrasonic sensing during path traversal.

We are currently rebuilding Aura to make better use of the information available from

the visual sensors and to more completely integrate the full spectrum of image under-

standing techniques developed in the VISIONS project. In particular. we intend to utilize

some of the depth from motion algorithms discussed above 'BAL88., DUT881, \V IL88a,

\\IL881b: and some of the simpler object recognition strategies of the schema system

DRA87a DRA87b, ItlAN87b], including strategies for multi-sensor information fusion

'BELS6. RIS87.

3 Perceptual Organization (Grouping)

3.1 The Perceptual Organization of Image Curves

Most of our work in perceptual organization -BEL86. rBOL87i,IBUR86t, DOL86,FDOL88 .

REY84. REY-86b-. REY87.,RIS8, ]\VEI851,3.WXEI86. ?WIL88aWWIL88bl has been fo-

cussed on rectilinear structures (e.g. straight lines, corners, parallel line pairs, and the

like). Of course not all of the world can be described by straight lines. Consequently,

Dolan 7I)OI881 has been exploring methods for extending the general technique developed

by Boldt ?BOL87'.AEI86j to the simultaneous extraction of curves, straight lines, and

corners (includiiig cusps); these are the primitive descriptive elements. The basic opera-

ion cycle consists of linking, grouping, and replacement, which takes place at increasing

perceptiial scales, resulting in a hierarchical scale-space description of these important

i mage events.

The linking stage finds subsets within the set (f initial local edge tokens that satisfy the

binarv constraints of the particilar grotiping principles employed. The grouping mecha-

nisfits perform a (letailed geometric analvsis on sets of linked tokens whosc extent is within

the current s ale: in l)olan's svstelt. tlis also entails classification and ranking of the to-

ken s!(ciI('rice' as 0 ie 1 1lit basic rJiTitive el leis. ]el)lacelCl Tnechaniisms encode theg'e(1TI, e " ( i rvivi ti grolp l)' subst Iiii ing a single ltoken for t)c gr(imp. The process


then repeals at the next scale.

3.2 Extracting Geometric Structure

Reynolds and Beveridge IREY87 have been developing a perceptual grouping system

for the extraction of rectilinear structures from an initial set of line primitives obtained

using the straight line extraction algorithm developed by Burns, Hanson, and Riseman

B/R86 . The lines are represented as nodes in a graph. The grouping criteria are the

geacmetric relations of spatially proximate collinear, spatially proximate parallel, spatially

proximate orthogonal, or any subset of these relations; the relations form the links in the


Line groups are c-.nerated :isinq i connected components analysis of the chosen ge-

ometric links. Finally, individual geometric structures (e.g. rectangles, collinear lines.

parallel line pairs. corners, etc.) may be identified as subgraphs of the connected compo-

nents. These techniques have been applied to extraction of objects such as road networks

in aerial images.

Object recognition strategies can be represented as relational graphs to be matched

to extracted data. The problems associated with fragmentation, as well as merged and

missing tokens, makes this a difficult problem. However, multiple representations (such as

lines and regions) can be brought together to provide partial redundancy [RIS871. Thus,

current work overlaps issues of constrained graph matching, perceptual organization, and

information fusion.

4 Database Support for Symbolic Vision Processing

It is becoming increasingly evident that intermediate-level vision, and the perceptual

groulping processes encompassed, are an extremely i rn portant cornponent of any knowledge-

based interpretation system. Our current view is that a major goal of the perceptual

organization processes is to reduce the substantial galp which exists between he extracted

r i,g desc rip ( Prs anil the liigh level koi ledgc represen tations of the objects. The more

;, bstr'act the iltcrrTieri,;I0 level t,)kens are. t li lore comr) utationallv efficient the maitching


is between high level descriptions and the intermediate levtl tokens., where general world

knowledge is used to constrain the set of possible interpretations.

The intermediate level may be viewed as simply a symbolic representation of primitiveimage 'events' as points, regions, lines, contours, areas, surfaces, etc. and their features.

created by an iconic to symbolic transformation of the image data. However. recent work

in vision has shown it to be much more than a passive level of data representation. Many of

the recently developed grouping operators. for example, function at the intermediate level

by building more abstract structures from the primitive descriptions 'BOL87,J[DOL88],

IDOL86, 1FIS86], [LOW8.5, REY87. AVIL88bl, AWIT83].

Consequently, we view the intermediate level as hosting active processes which con-

struct more abstract tokens from less abstract ones. Universally applicable similarity op-

erators and geometric constraints are employed on the evolving spatial structuies. In order

to facilitate research on image interpretation systems. where data and control are closely

coupled throughout all three stages, mechanisms must be provided for efficient structuring

of the data and processes.

In addition, the complexity of many vision systems requires the cooperation and inter-

action of many researchers and the integration of their subsystems. The applications are far

too large for an individual to solve on his own. Thus, the intermediate level representations

and s( itware environment must support, at a minimum, the following:

" a single uniform data interface to both high and low levels;

" sharing of data between levels, and between researchers at all levels;

" integration of research results into a monolithic system;

" standard handling of common relational and geometric queries, to reduce the pro-gramn-ing overhead of coding them from scratch;

" (listribition of data. and processes over several machines and in several computerlanguages (C, LISP, FORTRAN)

* an eflicient programming environment for intermediate level algorithm development.

Iif,)rulnatelv. currcin. un(lerstanding of this level of vision makes it impossible to

pric i 11c kind f sirtictures which i must be represented. the types of access to these


structures. the kinds of relationships which might exist between them, or the range and

type of descriptive features attached to them. At this point it appears that quite a diverse

set of representations and mechanisms are employed in various vision system components.

We can minimally assume that the intermediate level must support known methods of

information fusion and perceptual organization, and provide the flexibility to support the

representation and manipulation of geometric and structural relations. For example, the

types of data which should be representable at this level include:

" points: endpoints, points of high curvature, vertices, virtual points, etc:

" lines and curves: edges, straight lines, curve segments;

" areas: regions, surface patches, focus of attention areas. etc.,

" relations: adjacency, containment, intersection, etc;

" structures: grouped lines and edges, edge-vertex tuples (e.g.corners), line chains.geometric structures, and generally subsets of tokens defined by a relation.

Each has an associated set of features, or descriptors, whose definition may vary as

research progresses. ConSequently., there are two fundamental types of data access that

must be supported: access to tokens by name and by feature value (associative access);

note that we also treat relations as features. It is rarely the case that a token definition

stays constant over the course of an interpretation. Tokens may be split from or merged

with other tokens, features recomputed, and tokens may take part in many set relationships

with other tokens.

4.1 ISRI

Research into intermediate level grouping mechanisms [BOL871, 'DOL88j, [FIS86],

l(W85 :RFY87, WIL88bi, \WIT83' and the developmert of the VISIONS schema

svsterri DRIA87a, 'DRHA87b, IlDR,88 . tAN78a', hA N78bJ, [HAN78c , 11AIN86 have

Ie1 Us t ( Ward t he devlh)nent of a flexible and eflicient internnediat( lcvel of representa.t11i

cal led the ritcriredi;,tIe Syinbolic [(epresentation (IS R) [3 R088!, I)lA87a], iIAN T87a-.j.

[S RI was iIIIpl('Tcnte d in I f85 priI Iarily as a data intrfa:Ce be t weCn the Mtput of

hlie I.o'v-I'veI irnlge e(uCulki l i(r alld feal ure e' ract.i l pr (:esscs riutillilg in C on a I%'


VAX and the high-level symbolic interpretation system running in Lisp on a TI Explorer.

The unit of representation in ISR1 is the token, composed of a name and a list of features.

The features are described through a lexicon and tokens sharing a common lexicon are

organized into a tokenset. Each feature entry in the lexicon consists of a datatype and an

optional on-demand function for computing the feature value. Standard feature datatypes

include type real. integer, pointer, extents, and bitplane. Extents is simply the coordinates

of the bounding rectangle of the token in the image plane. Features of type bitplane are

binary masks defining the spatial coverage of the token in the image.

Since a tokenset may be viewed as a two-dimensional array, access to elements in

the array are by token name (the rows) and constraints on feature values (the columns).

Associative access of elements are returned as a list or as an array. One of the major design

deficiencies of ISR1 was that there were no conveient mechanisms for representing and

storing these lists of elements.

4.2 ISR2

ISR1 was used heavily over a period of years by researchers whose individual research

focus was distributed reasonably uniformly over all three levels of abstraction. During

this period of time. a number of design deficiencies were noted in ISRI; two of the major

problems which necessitated the redesign were:

" The separation of the lexicon from a tokenset created problems. When the lexiconhad to be modified, old tokensets no longer had valid descriptions; (for example,when a feature was added to a set of region tokens). Short-term solutions resultedin a proliferation of stored tokensets and a great deal of confusion at the applicationlevel.

" Sets of associatively accessed tokens could not be conveniently manipulated, madeinto tokensets. nor stored as features of other tokens. In particular., it was difficultto relate tokens across token lypes (such as regions and lines).

In response to these problcms a decision was made to design a new version of the

svnbolic database BR.088 . ISR2 retains the basic flavor of ISIt, including tokensets.,

ilie basic tikeri , ccc>> u inti,,ns. anid featiires and fcatoire datatypes. The lexicon concept',':;,s elirnii;,te ini fav,,r ,,f ssoeia ing lie feature (Iscriptions with the tokenset itself.


Recognizing that there were other pieces of information which apply to the tokenset as a

whole (such as generation dates, image information, and processing history), each tokenset

is now organized as a simple frame, with slots for I he various features of the tokenset. Frame

features include the simple types integer, real, string, frame., and tokenset and the complex

types composite. sort. slice, and virtual. The frame feature allows frame hierarchies to be

constructed. The tokenset feature points to the tokenset or tokensubset associated with the

frame. The composite feature is a generalization of feature types like bitplane and extents

frOM ISRI (i.e. they are multi-valued features). Virtual features are features whose values

can be calculated but not stored, hence they are always calculated on demand. They

serve much the same purpose as methods in an object-oriented programming language.

Sort and slice datatypes provide facilities for defining and maintaining partitions based on

feature values: for example, a typical application for a slice feature might be to create and

maintain a grid for fast 2D spatial access to tokens from the image coordinates. Other

modifications to ISR1 include a more comprehensive file management system to deal with

the frame hierarchies, the addition of several types of demons (on-demand functions), and

extensions to the command language to support the new capabilities.

Like ISR!, much of ISR2 will be implemented in C with a LISP user interface. Im-

plementation is now underway and testing will begin in the near future. Since vision is

such a dynamic research environment, it would not be unreasonable to expect ISR3 after

experience with ISR2 is obtained.

4.3 Generic Views and Indexing

(;iven a large number of models it is not possil)le to match each model with the data.

Regardless of the type of model being used, it becomes necessary to use image features or

tokens as an index into the rriodel base. We have formulated a solution to this problem

in terms f generic views (also known as characteristic views or aspect graphs) CAL85!,

CI IAs2. 1 81] K 1-'87 . f;t811, OtE81, rKOE'761, IKOE791, STE87I. Generic

Vi.ws Ca.i 1 be seen as an i itcrMIC(liate represeiitation prvi ding the link between a solid

uii((ieliii sVstcnri and a )redicilive graph structure to he used iH matching. \ generic \ieW

r()resr,.a!,)ln it s a set ,f t5"pic;,l views ;,f an bject or parts of an object which allow one to


distinguish that object from others in a given model base and from any viewing direction

which does not involve some special alignment.

The method of generic views is defined here for a system in which images are obtained

by orthogonal projection. but it has been generalized to perspective projection. Imagine

a sphere centered on and enclosing a 3D object model. Each point on this viewing sphere

corresponds to a unique view of the object, and hence to a unique parameterized 3D to

2D projection. Given a set of features (which can include relational features), one can a

pr'iori divide up the viewing sphere into generic sectors by grouping those directions for

which the same subset of features are visible. Thus, the image of an object does not change

qualitatively in terms of the presence of features over a generic sector. The boundaries of

the generic sectors are places where smrll changes in the viewing direction produce abrupt

changes in the features and the views at these points are said to be singular views.

A gcncric View of an object is a representation of the features which are visible for a

generic sector. The representation for a generic view (as opposed to a 3D surface or volu-

metric representation) can be as simple as a bit map indicating which features are visible:

or it can be more comiplex such as a hierarchical graph structure which makes explicit the

relations between the visible features at different scales and includes analytic formulae for

recovering object orientation from measurements of these features and relations between

them. In the current implementation by Burns [BUR881, [BUR87a], [BUR87b] for prisms,

a graph structure is used in which the nodes are lines and the arcs are binary relations

between lines. Thus. both the nodes and arcs of the graphs are the features of a view.

For perspective projection. three-dimensional space is divided up into volumes. In

practice. one has upper and lower bounds on the distance from the camera to the object, so

that the space to be divided is actually finite. These bounds can come from several sources:

(ne may have a priori knowledge of the environment, the object features themselves imay

not be resolvable by the carcra at certain distances, and since there are only a finitenumber ,f transil ins which can ,CUr due to chianges int distance, one can compute where

the oc i r and fi rid t lie largest ST E87).

One of the ioost inl)orlanl iss]es in o1b.ject recognition is how to ,)rganize large model

b;,.ses f c(,nipllx ,hj.cts so that Ile representatll0 does riot beconie uniiwieldy. TFhis


,)ecolnes Cvilent for the generic view approach since the complexity of the view sphere

for nt boolcan features is 0(,0) even for convex polyhedra 'DYE87 . MALS8., STE87.

One way in which this complexity is avoided is by computing the view spheres for single

leatuires and combining only the most stable and distinctive features 11EN87. Thus. it is

not necessary to compute the complete view sphere using every feature for each object.

For any recognition problem there will be a set of image features which is the basis

for iiidexing and for recognition. These features could be points (e.g. vertices), lines, or

regions: however. structures composed of these primitive tokens in particular relationships

are even more powerful. For polvhedral objects these geometric structures might be par-

allel lines, parallelograins, regions boun(led by straight lines, or any aggregation of tokens

satisfying specific relations.

At U-Mass we are developing a recognition system based on binary relations between

lines. Currently, models which are specified as planar surfaces., edges. and vertices, are

comipiled via. generic views into a graph structure called a prediction hierarchy. A predictio71

is a statement or predicate concerning features of the image of an object. For example, it

may be as simple and general as an assertion that a pair of line segments in the projection

are parallel: or as complex as constraints on the relative orientations and distances between

all pairs of line segments which are simultaneously visible. A prediction is represented here

as a relational graph; in the initial implementation, the elements in the graph are projected

straight-line segments. The relations associated with arcs in the graph are constraints on

the relative orientations, positions and lengths of a pair of segments. The constraints

define an extent box in the four-dimensional parameter space. The line-segment relations

described by extenut boxes form the primitive features which are combined to form the

prediction hierarchy.

T lie feat. ures \hi-h IcIiare used in a predi cI i I icra rchy are selected ant omat i cally based

n Ml analysis ',f the viewing spheres for all of the objects in the model base. These features

are ranked based on two fact ors. ()ne (,f those fact ors is the size of the extent box; the

,,ther is Ihe visibillfY. A fcattire is considered useful if its extent box is small in \'dlimuie

;1id it is visil)le ,ver a ,id, r;lIte iii vinwpoints (for example. the lwo view-invariant

re.I!, i,,rs: ; ~i llr~[,l and, e.iidiu ic, ,ii ucidhelicc). Having a simall extent box is important


if -he relation is to help characterize an object's projection with a specificitY snilicient to

discriminate the (bject from alarge number of other objects and from chance arrangements

of image seginents. Although invariant relations are clearly useful LO\VS5 they alone are

not sufficient to fully characterize projections. For instance, proportions are often strong

characterizations of object structure, but the length measurement ratios that represent

them are often not strictly view invariant. For example, a tall box has a height to width

ratio that is significantly different from a cube over a large range in vieVs.

It should be clear from the above discussion that a prediction may be valid only over a

rest rictecd set of views for a given object. A prediction in.stance is a set o)f model segments. a

mapping from the model segments to the segments of the prediction's relational graph and

the range ol viewpoints from which the prediction is valid for these segment. bindings. Fora given model base, each prediction has a set of such instances and a cumlfatirc Miibility,

the total area of all their visibility regions on the viewing sphere. across ali objects. The

prediction hierarchy is intended to be an efficient representation of all of the views of all

of the objects in the model base. In general, there will be many simple structures which

are shared by different views of an object or by different objects. As a result, we expect

significant savings in ilie number of stru:tures which need to be represented 'BU{88. The

prediction hiera-chv is used in the matching process and it provides a natural structure

for a flexible control stratlegy in the matching process.



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DO 1.85 .John Dolan and Richard Weiss, "The Perceptual Organization of Image Curves",(COINS I echnical Repo)(rt. 1University of 'Massachusetts at Amherst, in1 prepa.-ra t ionl.

1) 1R_\8 7 a Ii. Draper. It. Collins. .1. llrolio. J. Griflith. A. Hanson, and E. Riseman,"Tols !n I''xjcrrjirjt 11 te Kowedg-Dieced Interpretation of Road

Scenes ". Proc. of the1)i hI. Image U.nder.s Innding [Vorkshop, Los A\iigeles.C.FebruarY 19871, pp. 1 78-193

M08A71) II. IDrapcr, R. Collins. .J . birollo. .\ . Hanson, and E- Riseiran , "eSchemna

S,'sitt'. ('OhNS le Itiical-; Peport.lri'si of ?\Jlassachiisctts at Amherst,


DR.S8 B. Draper. J. Brolio, 11. Collins. A. Hanson. and E. Riseman. 'Information Fu-sion by Distributed Subsystems in a Know ledge-Based Vision Architecture",to appear in Computer I ision and PattErn Recognition, 1988.

D T88 R. Dutta, R. Manmatha, E. Riseman, and M.A. Snyder. "Issues in Extract-ing Motion Parameters and Depth from Approximate Translational Motion".Proc. DARPA Image Understanding IW'orkshop., Cambridge. MA. April 1988.

IDYE87 11. Plantinga and C. Dyer. "Visibility. Occlusion. and the Aspect Graph".Report 736, University of \WVisconsin-Madison. December 1987.

FEK84 G. Fekete and L.S. Davis. "Property Spheres: A New Representation for 3DObject Recognition". C V1184', pp. 192-20-1. 198-1.

FIS867 M.A. Fischler and R.C. Bolles, '-Perceptual Organization and Curve Parti-tioning", IEEE PAMI, 8(1), pp. 100-105. January 1986.

G LA87al F. Glazer. "Hie- rchical Motion Detection". Ph.D. Dissertation. Computerand Information Science Department. University of Massachusetts. Amherst,February 1987.

GLA87b F. Glazer, "Hierarchical Gradient-Based Motion Detection". COINS Techni-cal Report 87-77, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. 1987.

'GLA87c F. Glazer, "Computation of Optic Flow by Multilevel Relaxation", CoinsTechnical Report 87-6.4. University of Massachusetts at Amherst. 1987.

JHAN78a! A.R. Hanson and E.M. Riseman (Eds.),. Computer Vision Systems, New York,Academic Press. 1978.

IHAN78b A. Hanson and E. Riseman, "Segmentation of Natural Scenes.," in ComputerVision Systcrns, (A. Hanson and E. Riseman, Eds.), Academic Press 1978,

pp. 129-163.

IIAN7Sc :\. Hanson, and E. Riseman. "VISIONS: A Computer System for InterpretingScenes. in Computer Vlision Systerns (A. Hanson and E. Risernan. Eds.) pp.303-33.3, Academic Press, 1978.

IIAN8 A.. hianson and L.. Riseman, "A Methodology for the Development ofGeneral Knowledge-Blased Vision Systems." in V'ision, Brain, and CooperativcConmputatioui, (M. Arbib arid A. lanson, Lds.) 1986. NllrT Press, Cambridge,.MIA.

i .\,N87a :\.RI. HIanson and . . Riseman., "The VISIONS Image Understanding Sys-tCeTm". 11 .Adances in Con pa ter I ison, Chri s Brown, (Ed.). Erlbauin Press.1987. .\lso COINS Tecchnical Report 86-62, (iniversiy of :lassacliusetts at..\ ersi. .I)ecenibi r 19?6.


I lANS 87I A. Hanson and E. Riseman. "From Image Measurements to Object HIYpothe-ses". CON ehia eot8-2,Uiersity of -Massachusetts at Amherst,

December 1987.

1lE.NS7' C. Hanson and T. Henderson, '"CAGD-Based Computer Vision". IEEE W~ork-shop on Computer Vision, Miami Beach, FL, November 1987. pp. 100-105.

'iKES7' K. Ikeuchi. "P recompiling A Geometrical Model Into An [nterpretation ForObject Recognition in Bin-Picking Tasks:, JUlY87. PP. 321-330, 1987.

K%.AfIS 7 P. Kahn, L. Kitchen, and E. Riseman. "Real-Time Feature Extraction: a FastLine Finder for Vision-G uided- Robot Navigation", COINS Technical Report

87-57, University of -Massachusetts at Amherst. July 1987.

KER8I Y.L. Kergosien, "L~a Famnille des Projections Orthogonales. d'une Surface etses Singulari ties"', Comptes Randus .4 cad. Sc. Paris, 292. pp. 929-9:32, 1981.

1,'OLY 6, J.J. Koenderink and A.J. van Doors, "The Singularities of the Visual Map-ping", BC, Vol., 24, No. 1. p.3-9 96

KOE79 J..J. Koenderink and A.d. van Doors, "Internal Representation of Shape withRespect to Vision". BV, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 211-216, 1979.

K 0E84! .J.J. Koenderink. "Wh"lat Does the Occluding Contour Tell Us About SolidShape'?". Perception. Vol. 13, pp. 321-330, 1984.

K011871 C.A. Kohl, A%.R. Hanson, and E.M. Riseman, "A Goal-Directed IntermedliateLevel Executive for Image Interpret ation"', Proc. o 'f the International Joint

Conference On .4rtificial Intelligence, Milan, Italy, August 1987, pp. 811-81-4.

K0fl188 C.A. Kohl. "Goal-Directed Control for Computer Vi1sion", Ph.D. Dissertation,.Computer &Information Science, "University of 'Massachusetts at Amherst,

February 1988.

f.:\\83J l).T. Lawton, "Processing Tiranslational Motion Sequences", Computer Graph-i cs and Irnagc Processing, Vol. 22, pp. 116-144, 1983.

F A\V8*I D .T. Lawt iri. "Procesing Dyna rric Image Sequences from a IN ovinig Sensor."P h. 1). 1)i1SSert ati1oM (CO INS Technical Report 84-05), Computer and finforma-1,on1 SCACICc ffiepartmerICTt, Frii versitv of Massachusetts. 1984

1. ['118 7 N. Lehrer, G. licvimlas, and .J. (;rlfili, "A. Method for Initial Hypothesis

1 4)rinati(n i1n Itnage l- nd(ersta nding' . CO01N S Technmeal R~eport , University of

_NIassac huiise Its ait ATYn )h(rst. Mi prepalra1il. 1987.

1, ( D\ 5 I. (. LoAwe, Pr i-cc ph]7(11 1()' mpizallo()n and V11isual flr coqri it on. 1K ii er .\C

(biill uiblishers. I1985.


NlALS881 Z. Gigus. and J1. Malik, "Computing the Aspect Graph for Line Drawingsof Polyhedral Obj- ects." Report UC13-CSD 88-402. University of California,

Berkeley, February 1988.

PAV'852 I. Pavlin, A. Hanson, and E. Riseman, "AnialYsis of an Algorithm for Detectionof Translational Motion." Proc. DA4RPA 11.1 Workshop. Miami Beach. FL,December 1985.

PAV86 1. Pavlini. E. Risemani. and A. Hanson. --Translational Motion Algorithm WithGlobal Feature Constraints". COINS Technical Report 86-58, University ofMassachusetts at Amherst, December 1986.

PAV88S I. Pavlin, "\lotion From a Sequence of Images"*. Proc. of the DARPA ImageUnderstanding W~orks hop. Cambridge, MA. April 1988.

REY841 G. Reynolds. N. Irwin, A. Hanson and E. Riseman. "Hierarchical Knowledge-D)ir,'c: 2d Obj'ect Extraction Using a Combined Region and Line Represen-tation," Proc. uf the W~orkshop on Computer Vision: Representation andControl, Annapolis, Maryland, April 30 - May 2. 1984. pp. 238-2-4T

~REY85' G. Reynolds. D. Strahman, N. Lehrer. CoerigFeature Values to Evi-dence." Proc. DARPA IU Wforkshop., Miami Beach, FL. 1985.

REY86ai G. Reynls D. Strabman. -N. Lehrer. L. Kitchen. "Plausible Reasoning andthe Theory of Evidence". COINS Technical Report 86-11, University of Mas-sachusetts at Amherst. April 1986.

A'RSW G. Reynolds, J. Ross Beveridge, "Geometric Line Organization Using Spa-tial Relations and a Connected Components Algorithm", COINS TechnicalReport. University of Massachusetts at Amherst, in preparation, 1986.

R1EY87- G. Reynolds and J.R. B~everidge, "Searching For Geometric Structure in Im-ages of Natural Scones"'. COINS Technical Report 87-03. University of -Mas-sachusetts at Amnherst. Januaryv 1987.

RIS84 E.NI. Risemari and A.R. Hanson, "A Met hodology for the Development ofGe(neral Knowledge-Based Vision SN-stcis." IEEE IPioc. of the Workshop onComputer V is ion: Representation and Control, 198,1. pp. 159-1.70.

IRIS8 71 F'. Risernian . H a nson, an rIt( . Bel knap, "The In format ion Fusion P)rob)-lemn: forni ng Token A ggregat ions Acro~ss NMult i ple IkpresenlIa.11is" . Co I N STechnical Report 87-48, U ni1 versitLv of NIassachusetts at A niherst. 1 987.

I{() 87 A\. Rosen feldc. A-; Report on Lthe I) A R1A Image Und (erstan dintg A rchit ecLturesWorkshop", I'roc. of the 1)1 1 Imaget liodtrst n ding WIot4%qhop, .Is An-

(" ~ A . 1 bruiary 197. pp.~ 298-302.

S11A761 C. Shafer. -A Mathematical Theory of Evidence", Princeton U.niversity Press,1976.

SIIA86' 11. Shariat. "The Motion Problem: Hlow To Use More Than Two Frames".Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Southern California. Los Angeles. AlsoTechnical Report IRIS 202. Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems.University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, October 1986.

S 6 -\i. A. Snyder, "'the Accuracy of 3D Parameters in CorrLpundcr c Bas'rd

Techniques." Proc. of the 1W1orkshop on Motion: Representation and A4nalysis.

Charleston. S.C.. May 1986: also COINS Technical Report 86-28. Universitvof -Massacliisetts at Amherst, July .1986.

5SNY88 1I.A. Snyder, "The Precision of 3D Parameters in Corresponden ce- BasedTechniques: The Case of Uniform Translational Motion in a Rigid Envi-

ronment", to appear in IEEE PA MI. 1988.

STE8T J. Stewman and K. Bowyer, '"Aspect, Graphs For Convex Planar-Face Ob-jects". Proc. IEEE IWorkshop on Cornputer Vis ion: Representation and Con-

IT-ol, Miami Beach, pp. 123-130, November 1987-.

1:1101187 C. Thorpe. S. Shafer. and T Kanade. "Vision and Navigation for the Carnegie

Mellon Naviab", Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding W1orkshop, LosAnrgeles, CA. February 1987.,pp. 143-152.

T110M87 1 D. Thomipson and J. Miundy, "Three Dimensional Model Matching From an1Unconst rained Viewpoint, Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and.4uitornation. Raleigh, NC, 1987.

U LL791 S. Ullman, "The Interpretation of Visual IMotion", MIT Press, Cambridge,M A, 1979.

\V AX85 A.Ml. WaXmaln ind J.11. Dunican, "Binocular Image Flows: steps TowardStereo-Motin Fusion-, JET,., P,4111 1, Vol. IMI1-8, Novemiber 1986, pp. 715-729().

W\ 1. 1,18 l C. \Veerns. .I inage 1PrOCCSS1iii On a Contenit A (ldressa-ble A\rra v Parallel Pro-(csso r', Ph.1). I i ssertalin andI CO INS T'echni cal Report 84-1-1, Ui 'rsi ty of\l assachiis'. .ts at A in hersi. Sept ciriber 198-1.

wl~:E7 C.\Veeris.S. Levi t. an, A\. I a rison . and I%.. lRiseia i, "The linage Un der-

.-Aaniiig Archl vti rc \WVork shop", Proc. of thc I)l ?J.lIagc !ndcrstalldi7ig

I Vorkshop, I .os A igecls, CA, Feobri)iiary 1 987, pp. '183-498.


\YEE88a C. Weems, S. Levitan. A. Hanson. E. Riseman, G. Nash, and D. Shu. "TheImage Understanding Architecture", to appear in The International Journal

on Computer Vision, 1988. Also Technical Report 87-76, Computer & Infor-

mation Science, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, August 1987.

WEE881 Charles Weems, "Some Sample Algorithms for the Image Understanding Ar-chitecture", Proc. DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Cambridge, MA,April 1988.

IVEE88c C. Weems. E. Riseman, A. Hanson, and A. Rosenfeld., "An Integrated Im-age Understanding Benchmark: Recognition of a 2 1/2 D 'Mobile'", Proc.

DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Cambridge, MA, April 1988.

WE185i R. Weiss. A. Hanson, and E. Riseman, "Geometric Grouping of StraightLines,"' Proc. 1985, DARPA IU IWorkshop, Miami Beach, FL, 1985

:WE186 R. Weiss and M. Boldt, "Geometric Grouping Applied to Straight Lines",Proceedings on the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Visionand Pattern Recognition, Miami, Florida, June, 1986, pp. 489-495.

WES82 L. Wesley and A. Hanson, "The Use of Evidential-Based Model for Repre-senting Knowledge and Reasoning About Images in the VISIONS System",

Proc. IWorkshop on Computer Vision, Rindge., NH, August 1982.

W\ES83' L. Wesley, "Reasoning About Control: The Investigation of an Evidential

Approach", Proc. 8th IJCAI, Karlsruhe, West Germany, August 1983, pp.203-210.

"\VES86 L. Wesley, "Evidential Knowledge-Based Computer Vision", Optical Engi-neering, Vol. 25, No. 3, March 1986, pp. 363-379.

WE588 L. Wpsley, "Evidential-Based Control in Knowledge-Based Systems", Ph.D.

Dissertation, Computer & Information Science, University of Massachusettsat Amherst, February 1988.

WFYS6 T.E. Weyinouth, "Using Object Descriptions in a Schema Network For Ma-chine \ision," Ph.D. Dissertation, Computer and Information Science De-partment, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Also COINS TechnicalRteport 86-2., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 1986.

\VI L86 liancC R. Williams and P. Anandan, "A Coarse-to-Fine Control Strategy forStreo and Motion on a Mesh-Connected Computer", COINS Technical Re-port 86-19. Univerity of Massachusetts at Amherst, May 1986.

WIL88a 1-. \Villian s and \. 11Ians0m, "l)epl.h F'rom Looming Structure", Proc. of tlD. I II A n aq/C (jdc rs ta ndinq g lork.shop, Cambridge, MA, April 1988.


WIL88b' L. \Villiams and A. Hanson, "Translating Optical Flow Into Token Matches",Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Cambridge, MA, April1988.

\YITS3 A.P. Witkin and J.M. Tenenbaum, "WNhat Is Perceptual Organization For?",IJCAI, 1983, pp. 1023-1026.


J illam Hll llmlllii i I i iEnid