8 Steps to The Perfect Website

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of 8 Steps to The Perfect Website

8 Simple Steps to the

Perfect Website PaulBarrs.com

Details Create the Big Picture

Sanford I. Weill (US Businessman)

Do Your Best - Unless your BEST isn't good enough!

No business can grow when 'one body' tries to fill

the roles of 'every body'. Do what you are good at,

and engage others to do the same!

Web Tech SSL


Search Console

Number One

There's no point not being online! And

there's no point trying to do what others

can do better. With every website build

there about two dozen 'tech components'

that need to be verified and 'checked'.

Security Login URL


Strong passwords

Number Two

It was a Sunday evening... a friend called

and said, "I've got a sexy Arab girl dancing

across my home page, I think I've been

hacked." 'Yup,' I said, 'You've been

hacked.' Even though it only took 45 mins

to fix, there are precautions you can make

to protect yourself from online vandalism.

SEO Keyword Research

Difficulty Analysis

Alternate Opportunities

Number Three

Search Engine Optimisation is as old as the

hills; but as long as people are still using

search to find things, it will always have it's

place. HOWEVER - there are only 10 slots

available (less in some cases) and over 50

things you should DO to help you get into

that top 10 above your competition.

Sales Copy

Number Four

Landing Pages


Content Experiments

Sales copy is all about acronyms...

Putting the UX first, we must address

the WIIFM. - while crafting an appealing

offer with a good CTA's.

Track your KPI's to stay ahead of the


Email Marketing Newsletter / Sub forms

Downloads / Reports

Customers / Prospects

Number Five

When was the last time you walked into a

restaurant and they asked for your email to go

in a 'draw' for a free meal for two? Never? Me

either. We all fail in this from time to time and

should do better. Remember, it's much easier

to get an existing customer back then bring in

a new one!

Social Media Number Six

Pimp Your Profiles

Content Partnerships


Once upon a time we would 'build it' and

they would 'come'... now we must go to

them! Where do your customers hang out?

When a potential customer first hears about

you, they're either going to either look up

your site, or check you out in their favourite

social app. Wherever they go, you must BE

there, so Pimp that Profile :)

eCommerce The Checkout Process

Use Trust-marks

Automate everything

Number Seven

In the world where Small Business can finally

compete with Big Business, remember that

there are two types of customers... those who

know what they want, and those who don't!

While some search for price, most search for

knowledge. Be the one to build trust, answer

their questions, and get the sale!



Number Eight

Research, Review, Re-use

Re-purpose Your Content

Prepare. Plan. Produce.

One morning each quarter I record a dozen

or so videos for my YouTube channel; my

team then re-purposes these to transcripts

for my blog (with the videos), featured

images for social media, info-graphics for

the longer content and special reports from

the popular content.

Could you do the same?

Done for You

or Done Together - My custom Checklist covers all these and more! These are the essential ingredients to

building a perfect website. Want to find out more? Perhaps my 'checklist' could help you

generate more leads, more sales and more business... just like it has for me.

Ask me how... @ PaulBarrs.com


