8 Rewards Of A Great Customer Service Culture

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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Transcript of 8 Rewards Of A Great Customer Service Culture

Rewards Of A Great Customer Service Culture


• In business today, customer service has become a very critical

component in the relationship between a brand and its


• Organizations that offer exceptional service are often leaders

in their various markets.

These brands all have one thing in common – a great service culture

• It is not mere coincidence that these brands, known for their

great service are also industry leaders in their various markets

• It is because they have invested in developing a solid customer

service culture.

Various research reveal the

relationship between a great

service culture, employee

engagement, customer

loyalty, and profit.

Here Are

8 Rewards


A Great Customer Service Culture

1. Better Employee Engagement

• Employee engagement and customer satisfaction go hand-in-


• You cannot deliver great customer service, without having a

customer-focused culture and engaged employees who live

and promote this culture.

• Before an organization can deliver great service the

employees must be engaged, and committed to the service


1. Better Employee Engagement

• The enthusiasm and passion of engaged employees

cannot be imitated, it is seen and felt by the

customers when they interact with these employees

or watch them do their jobs.

• This sets a positive tone for great interaction

between customers & employees. One that leaves

both parties feeling good.

• Employees feel fulfilled, and the customers feel


2. Better Trained Employees

• Investing in the personal and professional development of employees

contributes to building an exceptional customer service culture

• Building a great culture involves continuously training staff on its ideals,

how their various roles fit into it and what actions can or cannot

promote the culture

• An organization that invests in training employees demonstrates

that it cares about their continual development and progress.

• This motivates the employees as they become more

efficient in handling and dealing with

customer requests.

Having a great service focused culture creates the conditions for well-trained

employees, who understand the organizational culture,

buy into it and have the capacity to execute it.

3. Improved Staff Retention

• When customers are satisfied with the quality of service they receive, even

when things go wrong, they are confident that the issue would be resolved.

• Complaints and exchange of negative emotions with employees reduce


• Employees become more productive as they channel their energy and resources

into resolving the customer’s complaint.

With better-satisfied customers, quality training and an exciting work environment,

employees are even more likely to remain with an organization

• If customers enjoy the quality of service your

organization offers, you can be sure they will come


• A great customer service culture gives you an edge

over competition that is very difficult to copy.

• This makes it possible for your business to retain a

larger customer base, which competitors will find

difficult to break into.

4. Customer Loyalty

Even if they patronize competition for one

reason or the other, they will be reminded of your

great service is by the contrast in the level of service offered by the


5. Referrals

• Customers who are impressed by the sort of service they

have received will share their experiences with; friends,

family, peers, drinking buddies and even total strangers.

• Word of mouth advertising is the most trusted form of

advertising, thus the brand has by having a great

customer service culture amassed anonymous salesmen

and women who advocate for and promote their

products and services for free!

• Customers really want the service or product to work smoothly,

but they also want to know that they will be given adequate

support when it doesn’t.

• They are also willing to pay extra to ensure they are guaranteed

a high and consistent level of customer service.

• This indicates that offering great service opens up an

opportunity to charge a premium for the quality of service

being offered – therefore expanding income margins for the


6. Higher Prices

7. Profitability

• More engaged employees, loyal customers, more advocates & referrals and the

opportunity to charge a premium for services opens the door to great profitability

A loyal customer base gives the brand multiple opportunities to cross sell other

products to the customers and increases their lifetime value significantly

Improved employee retention reduces the cost of hiring and training new staff.

Referrals from advocates increases the customer base and reduces the cost of

marketing new prospects

Premium prices increase income margins

8. Strong Brand

• When a business masters the art of having a solid customer service

culture it is bound to become a benchmark brand in its market.

• It would be a brand that customers use as a reference to describe

positive service experiences

• In essence, the brand becomes a leader in its market and a household

name for consumers.

Be the brand that competitors

want to copy when designing

their customer experience



The best way to get and keep customers is to offer service

better than what competition is offering.

In today’s competitive landscape, no brand can afford for customers come across its

product offering and dismiss it with a shrug, because of a prior poor service experience.

Invest In Customer Service

Develop A Vision For It

Make It Culture For Your Organization
