8 Activities for Writing

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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Transcript of 8 Activities for Writing

Activity 1: Chain Story

Justification: This activity will test the creativity of pupils spontaneously. They need to sit in a

circle and teacher will starts giving a sentence for pupils to continue. They have to say the

sentence then they will write it down. Besides, the activity is so much fun because a serious

story can turns out to be very funny. This is because; pupils need to start the sentence with

fortunately or unfortunately. Other that than, this activity also can help pupils to build a

sentence in a short time. Since pupils need to continue the story quickly, they will start to

think faster even though they know that the sentence will lead to a nonsense story line.

Topic: Be Safe (Unit 4)

Level of pupils: Advance

Year: 4

Duration of activity: 10 minutes

Content Standard: 3.1By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to form

letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing

Learning Standard: 31.1: Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling:

b) sentences

Learning outcome: At the end of the activity, pupils will be able to:

i) Write at least 2 sentences

ii) Write in neat and legible print

Materials: Pictures of safety, paper


1. Teacher will pastes the pictures of safety on the board and asks the pupils to guess what

the picture is trying to say.

2. Teacher then will divide pupils into three groups and asks them to sit in a circle.

3. First group will come to the front and play the game while the rest will listen to what their

friends said and write it on a piece of paper.

4. Teacher will starts the introduction and pass it to the next pupil for her to continue. After

speak the sentence, pupil will write it on a small paper.

5. After finish the circle, the last person will collect the paper in order and retell the story to


6. The next group will do this activity but teacher will give another introduction.

7. After finish all groups, teacher will gives hand out for pupils to complete and discuss it.





Controlled writing:-

One day, Little Red Riding Hood’s mother said to her, “Take this ____________ of

goodies to your grandma’s cottage, but don’t talk to strangers on the way!” Promising not to,

Little Red Riding Hood skipped off. On her way she met the Big Bad ___________

who asked, “Where are you going, little girl?” “To my grandma’s, Mr. Wolf!” she answered.

The Big Bad Wolf then ran to her grandmother’s cottage much before Little Red Riding

Hood, and knocked on the ________ . When Grandma opened the door, he locked

her up in the cupboard. The wicked _____________ then wore Grandma’s clothes

and lay on her bed, waiting for Little Red Riding Hood.

Guided Writing:

Free Writing:

Find you own favourite story and by using the title, write a new short and simple story line on








Write some sentences about Red Riding Hood’s grandmother. You have to use the words given in the box.


Activity 2: Dreams

Justification: This activity is very interesting to handle in class as it will increase pupils’

listening skill. Since they need to hear the song and write it down, they also have activated

their alert sense and write it as quickly as they can. Besides, this activity also can improve

their confidence level when they volunteer themselves and write the answer in front of the

crowd. Apart from that, this activity also can motivate pupils to achieve their dreams. This is

because; they will be exposed to variety tips in striving for their dreams. They also can

practice their constructivism skills by including their existed knowledge in the ambition and

the new information shared with their peers.

Topic: Work Hard, Work Smart (Unit 13)

Level of pupils: Intermediate

Year: 4

Duration of activity: 15 minutes

Learning Standard: 3.1- By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to

form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing.

3.3- By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to

write and present ideas through a variety of media using appropriate language, form and


Content Standard: 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling:

b) sentences

3.3.1 Able to create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance:

b) linear

Learning outcome: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

i- Build short paragraph

Materials: Audio, worksheet


1. Teacher will discuss with pupils what they will get if they work hard and work smart.

2. Teacher will distribute a sheet of lyrics titled ‘What Dreams are made of’ and play the


3. Pupils need to listen and fill the blank.

4. Teacher will paste the lyrics on the board and volunteers will come to the front and write

the answer.

5. Teacher discusses the answer and asks pupils to write on the board their ambition

6. Teacher then will ask pupils to write short paragraph about their future story when they

have achieved the ambition. Pupils are allowed to use short sentences depends on their


7. Teacher will pick 5 pupils in random and open for volunteers to share their findings.





Controlled Writing

"What Dreams Are Made Of"

Hey now

Hey now

Hey now

Hey now

Have you ever seen such a beautiful


I could almost kiss the stars for shining so


When I see you smiling, I go

Oh oh oh

I would never want to miss this

'cause in my heart I know what this is


Hey now

Hey now

This is what dreams are made of

Hey now

Hey now

This is what dreams are made of

I've got somewhere I belong

I've got somebody to love

This is what dreams are made of

Have you ever wondered what life is


You could search the world and never

figure it out

You don't have to sail the oceans

No no no

Happiness is no mystery it's

Here now it's you and me


Open your eyes

(This is what dreams are made of)

shout to the sky

(This is what dreams are made of)

Then I see u smiling, I go

Oh oh oh

Yesterday my life was duller

Now everything's Technicolor


teach – classroom – instructions – guide

marking – discuss – fun - games

arranged – classroom – swept - together

Guided Writing:

Begin the composition as follows:

This is Miss Anum. She is an English teacher.

She goes to school by car. She likes to wear baju


Free Writing:

Write in short paragraph, write about your ambition and list the things you need to do in

order to achieve the ambition.

Activity 3: Collect Your Cards

Justification: This activity is attractive to be conducted because it includes all types of

learning styles which are visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. Besides, it also will increase

pupils’ intrapersonal skills when asking something politely. Before this, pupils might ask for

something in incorrect order and sometimes they just take the things without asking for

permission. This activity also will develop pupils’ integrity in working together as a team

when they need to collect all cards and gather at one place to complete the activity. In

addition, it also can enhance pupils’ ability to mix around with their friends and help each

other. In a classroom, there might be some slow learner pupils which need to be aware of.

While this activity is running, the slow learner pupils will mix with other pupils and speak to

them without any fearful feeling.

Topic: Our Solar System (Unit 9)

Level of pupils: Intermediate

Year: 4

Duration of activity: 10 minutes

Learning Standard: 3.1- By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to

form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing.

3.3- By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to

write and present ideas through a variety of media using appropriate language, form and


Content Standard: 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling:

b) sentences

3.3.1 Able to create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance:

b) linear

Learning outcome: At the end of this lesson pupils will be able to:

a) write neat legible print

b) build sentences

Materials: Mah-jong paper, envelope,


1- Teacher tells about the planets in the universe and some of their characteristics.

2- Teacher divides pupils into four groups and named them as green, yellow, orange and

blue and asks pupils to choose a leader in each group to hold the cards.

3- Teacher gives each group colourful cards of sentence and asks pupils to move to other

groups and ask politely the card that have the same colour as their group.

4- After collect all coloured cards, they need to arrange the cards of sentence until it become

a complete storyline.

5- A representative from each group will come to the front and read their storyline to the


6- Teacher then will take out a mah-jong paper written the story that pupils collect but in

jumbled up paragraph.

7- Pupils arrange it and write in their book.





Controlled writing:

Use the word bank to fill in the blank.

The ____________________is the centre of the solar system. It is the closest

________________. The planet of closest to the sun is ___________________. Mercury is

a heavy planet made mostly of iron. __________________ is the second planet from the

sun. This planet that has _________________ on it, as far as we know. ______________ is

known as the “Red Planet” and has always interested scientists. Mars has two

______________. The ___________________is in between the inner and outer planets.

The largest planet in our solar system is __________________ and it has faint

___________________. The second largest gas is ___________________ and it is the

lightest planet we know of. ____________________________ spins on its side and is called

the “ice giant” because it is so cold. The smallest of the four gas giant is

_________________. It has six rings and 13 moons. ___________________ is smaller than

7 moons in the solar system. It Is classified as a ______________________ planet.

Free wri

Guided writing:

Write your story about this planet

Pluto – ninth – smallest

Called – “dwarf planet” – icy objects

Three – moons – named Charon

Word Bank

Earth Asteroid Belt Uranus Mars

Saturn Pluto star third

Sun Neptune Mercury Jupiter

Venus life moons rings

Free Writing

1. Write a story about your experience going to the galaxy.

Activity 4: Find Me

Justification: This activity will enhance pupils’ creativity in building sentences. This is because, at the end of the lesson, they will build short sentences. It also helps pupils to communicate better with others as they have to make a role play among them. Other than that, they also will learn the correct intonation in speaking because when they see speech markers, they will know that it is a dialogue and they need to change their speaking. On the other hand, this activity also improves pupils’ intrapersonal skill when mixing with other crowd of people.

Topic: Care for the Sea (Unit 6)

Level: Intermediate

Year: 4

Duration of activity: 15 minutes

Learning standard: 3.1- By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing.

3.2- By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to write using appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes.

Content standard: 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling:

b) sentences

3.2.3 Able to punctuate correctly:

a) apostrophe

b) speech markers

Learning outcome: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

a) write neat legible print

b) use apostrophe and speech markers correctly

c) build short sentences

Materials: envelope, mah-jong paper


1- Teacher tells the story of Little Blue Fish to the pupils and asking questions about sea creature.

2- Teacher divides pupils into groups and numbers them.

3- Teacher gives text of Little Blue Fish to pupils and asks them to fill in the blanks.

3- Teacher provides time to pupils to move around the classroom and find the hidden answer in different numbers of envelop.

4- Pupils will refer to the answer and write in the blanks then discuss the answer with teacher.

5-Then, pupils need to correct the text using apostrophe and add some dialogues using speech markers.

6- After that, they need to make a role play and present it in the class by referring to new text they have made.





Little Blue Fish

Long, long time ago when the sea was created, lots of different kinds of colourful fishes were

born, all sizes and colours, and there was a special one, a little blue fish, shiny and beautiful,

it was different to the others because his blue colour reflected everything around him due to

the sunlight.

The little blue fish didn_t understand why was he like that. He was never going to play with

his friends because the bright of his scales could blind his friends_ eyes and didn_t want to

annoy them.

One cloudy day, all the little fishes didn_t have light enough to play and decided to call the

little blue fish because they needed him to illuminate the place.

The little blue fish realized that didn_t matter how different he was if he could help the


From that day on, he went to play with his friends every day having lots of fun all together.

Guided writing

Write a short story based on the pictures below. You may or may not use the words given.

Free Writing

Find a picture of sea creatures and make a story based on that picture. You may share the picture with your friends but cannot write the same storyline.

Happy – swim Argue - angry Sleep – calm - love

Activity 5: Comic strips

Justification: This activity is suitable for teacher to conduct in classroom because it improves pupils’ linguistic intelligence to complete the bubble text. Besides, it also increases their creativity in creating fun storyline. Since there are different ways of thinking in pupils, the storyline might come out differently. Further, this activity also can produce free anxiety to pupils as pupils are more attracted to visual. In fact, this activity is not usually conduct by teachers so pupils will give their full attention and develop the lesson.

Topic: The Prince and the Thieves (Unit 8)

Level: Intermediate

Year: 4

Duration of activity: 15 minutes

Learning standard: 3.1- By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing.

3.3- By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to write and present ideas through a variety of media using appropriate language, form and style.

Content standard: 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling:

b) sentences

3.3.1 Able to create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance:

a) non-linear

b) linear

Learning outcome: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

a) write neat legible print

b) create short story

c) build short sentences

Materials: Comic strips, bubble text, pictures


1- Teacher will distribute the text of The Prince and the Thieves and tell the story to pupils.

2- Then, teacher will paste some pictures related to the story on the board.

3- Teacher paste empty bubble text and asks for volunteers to write dialogue in the bubble.

4- Teacher will call upon some pupils to act as the characters in the pictures and use the dialogue

5- After that, teacher will gives random short story for pupils to make comic strips.

6- Teacher will randomly choose 5 pupils to present their comic strips.

7- Teacher gives worksheet for pupils to complete.





Controlled writing

Match the most suitable face expression.

Guided Writing

Based on the comic strips below, transform it into a storyline.

Free Writing






Make your own comic strips without referring to other stories. You are allowed to use any

pictures from other resources.

Activity 6: Hang your Story

Justification: This activity is suitable for classroom teaching because it helps pupils build

creative story using life circle of insects. It also increases pupils’ knowledge in learning the

life cycle of insects. Since this activity involves animal around pupils, they will find it

interesting and learn well. They also can use constructivism by relating to what they know

and what they learn in class. Further, they can explore and observe insects outside

classroom to apprehend more about the lesson. Thus, it will help them make a perfect and

understandable storyline.

Topic: The Insect Investigator

Level: Intermediate

Year: 4

Duration of activity: 15 minutes

Learning standard: 3.1- By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to

form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing.

3.3- By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to

write and present ideas through a variety of media using appropriate language, form and


Content standard: 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling:

b) sentences

3.3.1 Able to create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance:

a) non-linear

b) linear

Learning outcome: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

a) write neat legible print

b) know and write the life cycle of insects

Materials: insects’ life cycle pictures, paper clips, string


1- Teacher hangs the pictures and sentences of butterfly’s life cycle.

2- Teacher calls upon some volunteers to match the correct sentence with the pictures.

3- Teacher tells pupils about the life cycle of butterfly and asks if there are any unfamiliar


4- Teacher divide pupils into four groups and gives envelop that contain picture of different

insect’s (mosquito, fly, grasshopper and cockroach) life cycle including the sentence strips.

5- Pupils are given time to match the pictures with sentences and hang it on a string teacher

provides in front of the class.

6- 3 volunteers from each group need to explain the life cycle in front of their friends.

7- After all group has presented, they need to rewrite it in their book and draw the pictures.

8- Teacher will give worksheets for pupils to complete.





Controlled Writing

Rewrite the term of each picture in the box.

Guided Writing

Build sentence using they keywords based on the life cycle of a bee.

Free Writing

oval - white - tinylonger - white

wings - fly - coloured Face - hands - cannot


Based on what you have learned, make a short story on how is the life cycle of a bee.

Activity 7: Question Story

Justification: This activity guides pupils to write in sequence so that they will have ideas on

how the story will going on. Besides, this activity also practices pupils to focus on the subject

without going to the wrong path. In fact, it also can help pupils build story become more

attractive because they can imagine how is the character and how the setting is placed.

Other than that, this activity also can increase pupils’ creativity by including imaginative

characters and good moral values for readers to develop.

Topic: Good Values (Unit 12)

Level of pupils: Intermediate

Year: 4

Duration of activity: 15 minutes

Learning standard: 3.1- By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to

form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing.

3.3- By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to

write and present ideas through a variety of media using appropriate language, form and


Content standard: 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling:

b) sentences

3.3.1 Able to create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance:

a) non-linear

b) linear

Learning outcome: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

a) write neat legible print

b) make an interesting short story

Materials: Pictures of story, box


1- Teacher will paste the poster of Jack and The Giant Slayer and paste the words

“character”, “setting” and “time”.

2- Teacher tells the story of Jack and The Giant Slayer while pupils listen and list out the

characters, setting and time.

3- Teacher will call out 5 pupils to list out the character, setting and time that they have


4- Teacher asks pupils how the character’s attitude, where is the giant’s house, and when

did Jack go to the giant’s house.

5- Teacher takes out another picture of a ladybug and a mushroom and paste character,

setting and time.

6- Pupils will come to the front and pick a component in box and describe it.

7- After the last person finish write it on the board, teacher discuss with pupils on how to

compile the sentences into a story and give it a name.

8- To evaluate pupils’ understanding, teacher gives worksheet and guides them to combine

and create their story.





Controlled Writing

Based on the picture below, match the words with the suitable category.





Wings - Tail - Sharp claws -

Round eyes

Beach - on rocks - sea

Guided Writing

Based on what you have done on controlled writing, build sentences that can be related to

the picture.

1. Time - evening

2. Character – Wings- tails – sharp claws – round eyes

3. Setting- Beach – on rocks - sea

Free Writing

You have practiced on how to describe character, setting and time. Choose a picture and

write a story about the picture.














Activtity 8: Imagination

Justification: This activity is suitable for classroom activity because it train pupils to be more

creative. This is because, they need to imagine and write their experience to the place they

might not have been there before. On fact, it also helps pupils write using their own words

without any helps. At the same time, they are training themselves to be independent learners

that can write something interesting.

Topic: Going places (Unit 15)

Level: Intermediate

Year: 4

Duration of activity: 10 minutes

Learning standard: 3.1- By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing.

3.3- By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to write and present ideas through a variety of media using appropriate language, form and style.

Content standard: 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling:

b) sentences

3.3.1 Able to create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance:

b) linear

Learning outcome: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

a) write neat legible print

b) create short story

c) build short sentences

Materials: Pictures, video


1- Teacher shows video on interesting places in the world.

2- Teacher discuss with pupils about their experience going on a vacation.

3- Teacher shows picture of beach and asks pupils to imagine they had go to the place and

write what they saw there.

4- Teacher chooses 6 pupils to present what they have written and open for volunteers for

share their writing.

5- Teacher gives worksheet for better understanding of pupils.





Controlled Writing

Write the correct place for each pictures.

Guided Writing

Build sentences using the keywords given.

1. Weekend – vacation – Egypt

2. Family – gathering – packing

3. Pyramid – meet – foreigner – share story

Free Writing




Imagine you are going on a vacation to Japan. There, you have visited a beautiful garden. Write your experience there.