7th Cheyenne, Izaiah, Zach

Post on 18-May-2015

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Transcript of 7th Cheyenne, Izaiah, Zach

Going Green

By Cheyenne Czarnick,Izaiah Moore,Zach Carter

Air pollution We need to stop air pollution because it's hurting the earth.The gas and smoke are killing plants and it can make people sick.     Stop the madness!!!!!!!!

Bottled Water

Don't drink bottled water because it takes up room in a landfill where it will stay forever, but if you drink tap water it saves you money,space,and time.


Help us out!Be a part of  going green. We need to be a team! Do you think that you have what it takes?

Do you have what it takes?

Can you go green?Can you help make the world a better place?Do you have what it takes?

Let's save energy!

Did you know that saving energy can save money too? Do little things like turning off lights and buying Energy Star appliences.You can help save energy!!!!

Friends helping

Get your friends and family to make a diffrence and help our home

Gas is hurting our planet

Gas is hurting our home.If you walk and ride your bike you can stop the pollution!

How will you help

How will you help us,Can you help the earth?

I pledge

I pledge to thelp the earh,join us in the quest to save nature!

The Jungle

The jungles are in danger help them out.

Kindly save

Kindly save your home,planet, and enviroment.

  Landfills are big holes filled with trash, lets recycle so we dont have any more landfills.


Mother Nature

Lets treat Mother Nature right, lets show her love!

Natural Resources

Natural resources are running low so get in action and help.


Dont pollute the Oceans becuase it's killing the animals that live there. People would enjoy the oceans if they wern't covered in trash.


Lets stop pollution by picking up trash and tacking trash out of oceans.


Quickly help us because the earth is dying.


Recycling is the first step to going green.

Save the Earth

Save the earth for all of us to live happy.


Together wean make a diffrence and save the Earth.


Understanding these issues will help with saving the Earth.


Voluenteers can help by picking up trash.


We need water to live so help us by turning off dripping sinks and showers.

Extreme   You can make an extreme diffrence. You can help.       

You can help

By picking up trash and other litter you can help make the world a safe place to live.

zap to it Help the eath and zap to it becuase the earth is dying

When you help    When you help us go green we can do so much more for the earth.


How can you belive that one person can make a difference?  ther is to much to fix? If we all work together we can make a difference one person can't do it alone we need to be a team.


Going green is expensive, what if we can't afford to? If you do the little that don't cost you can make a difference without money.The earth could use your help.  


 Iam not going to be alive when the world gets bad, why should I care? If you save the earth you will be rembered as a hero, it will be a better place for everybody.


Lanfills-site.com                Sandaigpriamy.co.uk   Triangle.com Moddb.com                        Photobucket.comUnesco.org                        Activest.orgThinkquest.org                  Wordpress.comThedailygreen.com           Photobucket.com Allmyeye.com                   Go.comToastmasters.org             Hing.comPolyvore.com                    Casco-synergies.orgBrentdarnell.com              Arms2oai-webl=anu.net24.234.50.159                  Morthenliving.comFlickr.com                        Brigew.eduTiftsheriff.net                    Layoutsville.comMerchantcircle.com         Hawiiipictures.comMil.state.or.us                  Army.mil 


Unknown. “10 easy ways to be green”Unknown. “What’s the problem”