7NE Hunger Games L7

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Transcript of 7NE Hunger Games L7

Lesson Plan pro formaClass: 7NE (mixed ability sets)indicate levels of attainment

Date: 27/4/2016

Time: 12:20 – 13:25

No. of pupils: 30

Unit /SoW: The Hunger Games

Key Learning Goals:ref. to exam board criteria/NC as appropriate

… in pupil-friendly format:LO: Can I create my own tribute?Can I compare Chapter Two of the Hunger Games to Theseus and the Minotaur?

Expected Learning Outcomes:all pupils? some pupils? a few pupils?

All pupils will understand what happens in Chapter Two of The Hunger Games, comparing it to Theseus and the Minotaur. They will make comparisons with Chapter Two, and think about the two ‘tributes’ – Katniss and Theseus. Using these two examples of tributes, they will create their own tribute which will be able to survive in the arena.

Opportunities for Assessment:Formative & summative

Is Katniss a ‘good’ tribute? – Students will discuss this question in their pairs first to look at whether they think she is good. Would you change her? This will already get students thinking about their own tribute.

Comparison to Theseus and the Minotaur – students will watch the clip Theseus and the Minotaur and will think about how it links to The Hunger Games. This will help link the two events – showing Katniss to be the hero.

What makes a good tribute? – thinking about Theseus and Katniss, students will make their own list of at least 5 bullet points.

Create your own tribute – students will have to create their own tribute. They will have to think about giving them a name, opening ceremony costume, strengths and weaknesses and adjectives to describe them.

Cognitive challenges: Desirable difficulties for all abilities; how will students progress?

Creating their own tribute – thinking about Theseus and the

Minotaur, they will have to create their own tribute. They will have to think about their own attributes and their weapon of choice. This will allow them to be creative and think deeper about their choice of character. EBT strategies: e.g. APK, reciprocal teaching, collaborative learning, advance & visual organisers, similarities and differences, goals, repetition and practice, meta-cognition, feedback, cognitive challenge, subject knowledge, summaries and note-taking

Collaborative learning – students will be working together when they are comparing Theseus and the Minotaur, thinking about how it links to The Hunger Games

Key Terminology: Dystopia Utopia Hunger Games Primrose Everdeen Katniss Everdeen

Resources: YouTube clip from Theseus and

the Minotaur (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qrZ1clEp-Y)

A4 blank pieces of paperHomework and practice:• Finish designing their own tribute (if not completed in

lesson)• Due 3rd May 2016