7d Initiations Pt 1

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Transcript of 7d Initiations Pt 1


Into the Quantum World of Magic, Miracles & Manifestation.

Guided by the LORDS OF THE LIGHT

Table of Contents7D INITIATIONS(pt 1)........................................................................................................................1INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................3LORD MELCHIZEDEK 7TH DIMENSIONAL INITIATION..........................................................5ST GERMAIN 7TH DIMENSIONAL INITIATION........................................................................11MASTER SERAPIS BEY 7TH DIMENSIONAL INITIATION......................................................20LORD HILARION 7th DIMENSIONAL INITIATION...................................................................28LORD METATRON 7D INITIATION.............................................................................................34LORD MAITREYA 7TH DIMENSIONAL INITIATION...............................................................40LORD MELCHIZEDEK 7TH DIMENSIONAL INITIATION........................................................44MASTER KUTHUMI 7TH DIMENSIONAL INITIATION............................................................53MASTER JESUS 7TH DIMENSIONAL INITIATION....................................................................60Copyright notice.................................................................................................................................69

Michelle Eloff © www.thelightweaver.org 2

INTRODUCTIONThank you for choosing to purchase my e-book. You have made a choice that will make positive and long lasting changes in your life.

This is the first book in the series of 7D Initiations, there are still many to come! The fact that you have downloaded this e-book means you are ready to experience what will unfold as a result of the words on the pages to follow. Each journey into yourself will reveal more of your true self to YOU.

These initiations are VERY powerful to say the least. I have been through every single one of them and watched a number of people’s lives change as a result of attending the live channelling sessions. The processes are deep, intense and mind and life altering. It is for this reason that the information is being presented in parts.

I suggest you begin at the beginning and work through each initiation one at a time.

You’ll find that your body will respond in a variety of ways to the processes. For some you might feel emotional and start crying in the middle of a visualisation or generally feel tearful and sensitive. This is your body’s way of releasing pent up emotions that have been unlocked by the process. Other emotional reactions are feelings of anger, even rage, irritation and perhaps grief, sadness or sorrow.

Some people have physical reactions like headaches, yawning excessively, upset tummy, nausea, joint pain, sore throat, coughing, hay fever, stiff muscles and sometimes shivering with cold or breaking out in a sweat. All of these reactions are your body’s way of letting go.

DO NOT try and stop the process, because then you are repressing again and going back to square one. Surrender to it and let your body do what it needs to in order to attain the healing required.

The lower ego will resist and try it’s best to put you off and distract you. If this happens it’s a good sign indicating your ego is being challenged to let go, so persevere and take the upper hand. Some people have no physical or emotional reactions worth paying any attention to. Please note this does not mean you are not benefiting from the energy. It’s just your body’s way of dealing with it. You may find that you become mentally fuzzy, tired, or your mind might become very busy, filled with random thoughts and memories that distract you.

The effects of the energy activated by the visualisations can sometimes take between 7 – 21 days before you feel or notice any change/shift as a result, and can continue for up 90 days after you began working with the energies. During this time you will undergo a number of transformations either physically, emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually. It is important to bear in mind that we are all different therefore we react differently to energy. I urge you though to be aware that the changes can often be very subtle, so pay attention. I suggest keeping a journal of your experiences for the duration of working through these initiations. You will be amazed at what comes up in your journaling and how many insights lurk within your words. Don’t discount how important journal writing is! Take note that the 7-21 day period applies to each initiation individually, not the process as a whole.

I trust that your journey through these 7D Initiations into the Quantum World of Magic, Miracles and Manifestation will entice the Light within you to shine even brighter and stretch further a field, shedding light on the extended aspects of your life. May your adventure be filled with exciting discoveries of the treasures and wisdom that ARE inside of you, just waiting to be found!

My deepest gratitude goes to Master Kuthumi, and all the Divine Lords of the Light who trust me to be a channel for this extraordinary information. Thank you Mother/Father God for the gifts you have bestowed upon me and for placing me in the position to share your Divine Wisdom with the rest of humanity! May Your abundant blessing reach every soul ready to embrace themselves and see You looking back at them through their own eyes.

My wish for all of you reading this is that your life will never be the same again, and that all that you experience as a result enriches your life beyond your wildest expectations.

Michelle Eloff © www.thelightweaver.org 3

Much love to all of you,

Michelle Eloff

President/Founder – The Lightweaver Worldwide

Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with the Channelling being and a similar process facilitated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the presence of the channelling Master, however the effects are just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the channelling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing and Purpose.

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Channelled by Michelle Eloff ©

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 16 February 2005

To find out more about Michelle and The Lightweaver please visit www.thelightweaver.org

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet you at this time and to bring unto each of you the blessings of integration, the blessings of introspection, of expression and the blessings of integrating the higher wisdom of your Christed Self of the Light. Greetings beloved ones.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we gather with you upon this day as we hold each one of you firmly in the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved sisters and brother of light as we gather with you at this time in the presence of the Christed Energy, we embrace you within the higher chambers of light and sound and draw your energy and consciousness into the sacred chambers of geometric energy. These chambers are there to support you and, facilitate the process of integrating the higher levels of light and sound that all of you are exposing yourself to currently. These currents of energy offer you the opportunity to step out of many debilitating phases of life and raises your consciousness beyond the dense matrixes of the current world’s living styles.

The raising of consciousness beyond the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensional arenas of life being expressed brings one into a state of bliss. The bliss experienced is most certainly a state of mind as much as it is a state of consciousness. By realising that the gateway to heaven is on earth, you open your consciousness to many new worlds. This awareness further supports you in manifesting opportunities to experience bliss, and opportunities to get to know God here and now so that when you move through the gates to the other dimensions it is with great ease that you (re)locate the point of Mother/Father God within the consciousness of the outer worlds.

Lord Melchizedek brings another level of this opportunity to all of you here today. The energy that you carry forth as a result of today will emanate through your chakras and your magnetic field and touch the hearts and the higher consciousness of those whom you interact with, and in so doing offering them the opportunity to step into the higher expression of their divine self. In other words, they can choose to embrace the opportunity to raise their consciousness out of the old 3rd dimensional paradigm that most have become accustomed to and have called their reality of living.

As Lord Melchizedek presents this energy to you today, it is important that each one of you realise that your presence here (and reading this) is for a specific purpose. Those of you gathered here today (and reading this) come from different locations. The locations that you find yourself in geographically are places that you inhabited in past incarnations when all the sacred doors of light were active. In other words all the sacred sites of pure and vital life giving force were fully open. Where you find yourself now geographically is for the purpose of reactivating those energy grids. Each of you have sacred geometric codings within your body. This also means that wherever you travel to you will activate the sacred vortices of energy, of light and sound within those areas too. Some of you here today (and reading this) will be taking journeys across the seas. Those journeys are part of the process of acting as a conduit of energy to bring light and sound back into its full manifestation. So let us begin now with the initiation with Lord Melchizedek. I shall now take my leave from you, blessings and Adonai.


I am Melchizedek, of the Order of Melchizedek. Welcome into the Chambers of Light.

All of you are members of the Order of Melchizedek. Each of you fall within the different rays of this Order. This Order is in alignment with the Order of the emanations of sound relating to the sacred geometric forces within your form. Our gathering today is one of 14 gatherings, each for the purpose of re-awakening the

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geometric forces of light and sound within Mother Earth’s body. I am guardian of your universe. I too am guardian of the universal soul consciousness, therefore guardian of your soul consciousness.

At the beginning of your time, when you as a soul were manifesting into an impulse of light, I was present. My presence ignited the impulse of life within the sacred geometric forms of energy that make up your journey through time. I have been responsible for maintaining the light consciousness quotients within the sacred geometric formations of your Divine Nature currently Awakening. You know it as your DNA. Your world of common science mistakenly identified your dormant life print as obsolete. This indeed is quite the opposite. All of you have actively been working in your unique way to bring light to your Divine Nature and as it awakens, those geometric impulses are reforming, serving the purpose of relocating you to different areas of your world.

The consciousness held within DNA is far more powerful than any human mind can currently grasp. This consciousness opens the full consciousness of all life to each and every single person willing to explore it. My gift to you today as members of the Order of Melchizedek is to activate the dormant aspects of your brain linked to your universal mind for the purpose of further accelerated consciousness activation. Through greater awareness you offer your planet further opportunity to become fully aware of all that is.

The synthetic matrix, which has been holding your planet for many ages, is rapidly loosing its stronghold as a result of you awakening to the divine nature within. Every geometric shape within you vibrates, manifesting a sound and a colour. The vibration of sound and colour manifest portholes granting one access to other planes of existence.

You have been granted access to the 7th dimensional plane of golden consciousness and geometric technology, which opens the matrix of consciousness within your brain linked directly through your pineal and pituitary gland. The more light you bring into these glands, the faster your DNA awakens to its full potential.

On a daily basis, practice breathing light into your pineal gland -breathe the light in from the front of your body (3rd eye), exhaling it out the back of your head. This brings light to the cells of your brain in which the core material is geometric fibres of photon energy. Light has always manifested life. Where light is missing darkness prevails. The light your draw into your body clears the way for your journey ahead.

All of you here today (and reading this) are being removed from the synthetic Merkaba originally created by the Martians and Nephilim. Some of you know them as the Annunaki. The battle has played itself out for ages. Now the end is nigh and they hold on for dear life, so that the life they draw from those "asleep" is not withdrawn from them. It is wise for all of you to be aware of the fact that many people still "sleeping" are living lives of the mannequins, in fact, puppets on strings. You all chose to break the attachments. You have been able to shield yourself to a great degree and therefore have not been influenced by much of the technology currently being utilised by other forces who have disembodied light.

The technology they have used has brainwashed a large part of your collective community to remain "asleep", to remain as puppets. This is one of the reasons why all of you have been called into conscious service. You embody the capabilities to go against the forces trying to maintain the veils of separation. You however have not bought into that contract. By understanding and accepting the fact that a vast number of human beings will not make the transition is important for the purpose of moving ahead of time.

Time is another mechanism that holds you back and some of you present today will manifest the realisation of how the constraints of time limit the expression of your true self within your experience of life.

Certain rays of energy have been utilised for the past 4,5 years by the lords of limitation to try and maintain the synthetic Merkaba. Instead, a phantom planet resembling earth has been created. Not too long ago, your earth and its polarised aspect merged because sufficient members of your collective community chose to take the opportunity to awaken. Because your world is now changing at the accelerated rate it is, it became necessary to ensure that the vibrations you have all worked so hard at achieving is not interfered with. Therefore the law of energy resulted in the manifestation of the phantom earth, which will eventually be the earth so to speak that the dark ones will focus on. The transition will be one of such grace and love they will hardly notice that their own created world of illusion tricked them into another illusion, freeing all of you to experience the world of bliss as it was always intended to be.

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All of you here today (and reading this) are earth travellers. You are gypsies of your world, galactic and universal. All of you will be trained by me personally to build all 17 layers of your Merkaba vehicle for the purpose of inter-dimensional, inter-galactic and inter-universal travel. All of you are earth coders and will be called upon to travel to different places on the earth to ignite the divine nature of awareness, awakening this within the area you inhabit, frequent or have been asked to journey to.

You are required to begin the new chain of activations to bring about a new chain of events manifesting a deep cleansing and detoxifying ritual and cycle of release for Gaia’s body. Areas of her body have experienced numbness. This lack of feeling has manifested as deep grief in her heart. You have volunteered as facilitators of releasing the process. Once the doors of the old ways are shut tight and the new gateways are active, the Golden Consciousness can be fully grounded in the areas you live. You are key members in the process.

You will be required at times to use sound and colour to assist Mother Earth. The sound and colour you use will create the harmony required to place her body in gentle process for the sake of the children of your world and for the sake of her well-being. There are 13 time gates altogether. 13 time gates bringing the opportunity for the souls of the area you live into awaken from their slumber. Of the 13, you and your fellow travellers of light will be guided to recognise which of the gates are shutting and which of the gates are awakening. Please trust your intuition all of you. Are you willing to accept this task?

You are here to receive the geometric codes to reawaken the gates of light and sound for a vast area geographically in the part of the world you come from. Over a period of approximately 8 – 11 months you will be required to travel to different areas some of them being Scotland, Ireland, France and Cornwall, to press the buttons of new life on Gaia’s body. You are required to trust your inner navigator. You will also be alerted to fellow light workers who can accompany you and assist you. Are you willing to carry this task out?

There are also geometric codings needed in Canada -4 points specifically are to be activated for the purpose of bringing into full consciousness the higher ego of your planet. America represents the lower ego of your world while Canada represents the higher ego. These points of light must be awoken in order for the higher wisdom of the higher ego to filter into the lower ego so that the necessary shifts within humanity’s consciousness currently residing there, and the current powers that be, can move into their proper state of awareness.

You have all been put on high alert so to speak as time draws closer to 2012. And all that we ask you to do as Earth Activators and Earth Coders is to project your higher levels of wisdom, your expanded awareness and consciousness into the earth and environment you occupy. This feeds all the geometric forms of energy in the ethers as they become transformed by the light and sound of your inner light and sound. This is when the entire mechanism and make-up of the etheric field of your planet changes, and when the transition to the phantom earth will manifest. The anticipated date for this shift to take place is 21/12/2012. Some of you will be required to go to a place where the yellow people and the wolves live together. That point is the beginning of the full awakening process for all the red and yellow people of Canada and the rest of America to fully embrace their Divine Nature.

The awakening process will bring much change, even great disruption, all for a purpose. Taking ones power back can sometimes result in resistance and the current powers of manipulation will resist. All light workers are being strategically placed geographically as the build-up to the great changes draw closer. All of you will always be safe, even in the midst of chaos. Divine Chaos cannot be controlled by man and never was meant to be controlled by man. Divine Chaos is for a purpose and man must learn to surrender to it. It is the lesson of trust and surrender. To control circumstances is to try and control God. How far do you think you will all get?

All of you have already experienced life spinning out of control the more you try to control it. As I communicate this message to all of you, the members of the Order of Melchizedek are assisting each of you to switch on your geometric sequence of spiritually technologically evolved consciousness. The geometry within your body is different around the various major organs; however, the sound it emits is perfectly aligned. The Emerald Ray, the Sapphire Ray, Amethyst and Ruby Rays are now being filtered into your energy field. Please close your eyes and visualise this energy and light filtering into the structure of your energy and physical body.

The Emerald Ray specifically activates the geometry of light and sound within your heart chakra extending through all your multidimensional aspects, expanding beyond your solar system into your galaxy and

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beyond, touching worlds of higher light and sound. This vibration reflects light and sound back to you through your galaxy, through your solar system and into your inner world.

The Sapphire Ray activates all the sacred geometry of your throat chakra and extends beyond your physical body, beyond your physical world, beyond your solar system, beyond the galaxy. Reflected back to you are higher levels of light and sound.

Amethyst activates the geometric forces of energy in your 3rd eye and your crown chakra. Now visualise the Amethyst Ray penetrating the centre of your brain filling the pineal gland, the pituitary gland and the etheric glands, which embody the codings of full consciousness. Your Master Guide is currently in your energy field and has created a link through your heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye and crown chakras. We are now able to project the frequency of energy required to complete the process of 7th dimensional activation on the dormant parts of your brain and your so-called junk DNA. You however must give your Master Guide permission to transmit this energy into you. Without your permission nothing will be done. Please do so now.

You may be experiencing a tingling sensation in your scalp or you may be hearing sound in your inner ear. For some of you it may feel like a pressure building up in your brain, pressing out against your skull. Please breath deeply into your body and give the energy room to filter through you. Using breath, draw the energy down your spine and let it rest in where you imagine the seat of your kundalini to be. That point in itself is one of the core points of manifesting your 17 Merkaba layers. As the dormant parts of your brain and the dormant strands of your DNA become active, your kundalini will become more active. This will manifest in accordance with your divine time and will unfold harmoniously in accordance with the plan of your higher self.

By drawing light into your pineal and pituitary gland daily, you will be able to keep the flow of energy between your base, kundalini seat, 3rd eye and crown chakra seat perfectly clear and open. It is vital for this passage to be clear in order for you to function as a fully conscious being in organic matter. The flow between the kundalini force and the crown force enable the free flow of consciousness held within the core of your spine to be linked with the higher levels of divine consciousness as created through the original geometric force and expression of light as brought forth by the electron, the neutron and the proton. These forces of energy become realigned within your energy field and the Science of Spirit awakens all ignorance and dormancy within you.

This mass awakening will manifest with ease for you, yet it will be accelerated. You would not be experiencing a 7th level 7th dimensional initiation if you were incapable. Being a 7th level master carries responsibility as every role as a leader of Mother/Father God’s teachings do. Through the 7th level rays of the 7th realm, you serve Mother Earth’s body and you serve as activators of all the geometric functions within her, within you, around you and around her body. More and more of the geometric atoms of energy will become more active from this day forward. Other forms of consciousness will become more conscious of you, especially the animal kingdom and children who work through the Order of Melchizedek. Might I remind you that the Rays of the Order that you work through are Emerald, Sapphire, Amethyst and Ruby.

The Ruby Ray works directly through your base chakra. This ray roots you to earth. Your current choice of being incarnated requires that you be rooted to the earth in order to ground the mechanisms of higher consciousness for the world you are a part of. Being ungrounded will cause limitation for you. It has always been necessary to be grounded and rooted to the earth as well as rooted to heaven. Imagine yourself as a tree if you have difficulty grounding. As a tree draws nurturance from the earth, it also draws nurturance from the heavens. That is what you are required to do in order to sustain the levels of light within your body required to keep your vital force at the levels necessary to support and facilitate your evolution as a soul in physical matter.

Your Master Guide will complete the process of activation over the next 12 hours. Do not be disturbed if at different times during this period you find yourself experiencing rushes of energy through your body, sounds of buzzing in your ears or the sensation of being in a hollow space, and what you hear and say might sound like an echo. Do not concern yourself if you feel light in your head. Some of you may experience a sense of deep fatigue. Put yourself to bed if possible and allow the energy to continue its process of filtering through you.

Please breathe this into your body now so as to align you completely with the star tetrahedron of crystal infused light in the centre of the Milky Way and the dodecahedron in the centre of mother earth. Align your energy with both.

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These rays of energy will meet in the centre of your body, namely your heart chakra. Energy work will continue on your bodies for a further 72 hours during which time 7 levels of integration will take place. The integration is linked to the new world of 7th dimensional consciousness. As each level is integrated, you are detached from the synthetic matrix through all your subtle bodies and more specifically your subconscious mind. Most often the subconscious mind is the aspect that one attaches to the past through most, therefore it is necessary that new energy be integrated into the subconscious to release you completely.

Over the next fourteen days, fourteen geometric shapes will be introduced into your energy field, each geometric shape aligning with different aspects of the fourteen aspects of the universal mind. These aspects of the universal mind are linked to the dormant aspects of your brain currently being brought to light. This will also transport your energy through the first 14 Rays of Earth and Cosmic energy. Do not concern yourself too much by trying to understand intellectually everything we describe. It is a lesson to surrender to the words and trust that when you need to understand more you will discover the means to receive the understanding. Intellectualising complicates the process and manifests limitation resulting in an extended process of integration. Your heart and body understand the words. For now trust that is enough.

Some of you have already been inspired to study the mechanics of Sacred Geometry. Through this you have gained a better understanding of how your world came to be as it is, and in ways you will also serve as the teachers for the new minds of the new world. I too shall work through each of you influencing the children of your planet for the purpose of maintaining the proper rotation and propulsions of energy, light and sound to keep their geometric orders of light in perfect alignment with the energy fields of the omnipresence of all that is. By personal choice, you step out of struggle and will find yourself standing in the new point of expression. This is where you realise heaven was always meant to be on earth. I mentioned earlier, the gates to heaven are on earth. This is a fact. The more you understand this statement, the more inspired you become to find God/dess here and now.

The activation of your personal sacred geometric pulses currently taking place will result in you becoming released from time as you have come to now it, and will unite you with divine timing. It will bring you the understanding of the importance of the here and now, being present. The Order of Melchizedek has always been responsible for ensuring humanity’s consciousness recognise the manifestation of heaven on earth. As a guardian of your universe, I grant each of you the Mantle of Light to inspire the realisation that heaven and earth are one within the heart and mind of those who walk with you.

This mantle acts as a key unlocking doors to rooms filled with knowledge. Rooms you will enter into through the Halls of Amenti, and through the worlds of Shamballa. Through the Hall of Records within the world of Agnea, you will travel through the minds of the Lords of Light and Sound. You will travel into the realms of energy linked to the worlds of Agnea that hold the original truth of your universe and how your world began. Thunder is the sound of the physical plain. When Spirit touches the earth, thunder is heard. The big bang was the sound of thunder manifesting the spirit form linked within a physical manifestation of energy as a result of the electron, the proton and neutron. All of you began as a big bang. Sound brought you to light. The light, its power, brought you to life. Every soul is ignited through sound and light.

As the integration of what we have brought you today continues in your energy field and in your subtle bodies, building all the levels of your Merkaba vehicle, you will be shown different truths regarding the world as you know it. The truths will not differ in truth. You will see a variety of truths making up the central truth of all that is. Your responsibility is to keep track of this information. It will reveal truths about your own origin, it will reveal truths about the origin of Mother Earth and the mechanisms which will bring her into full alignment, resulting in complete ascension for her and all who work in alignment with her.

You are all actively climbing the stairway to heaven, re-ascending the spiral through which your consciousness fell. As members of the Order of Melchizedek you are granted the opportunity to enter the Sacred Libraries within the different planes of consciousness as you complete various layers of your initiations.

The light of the great central sun is perfectly aligned with your sacral chakra at this current time. Through the energy of Taurus you will be supported in manifesting whatever template you require to ensure the manifestation of tools within your physical world for the means of making your journeys to different points on the earth to perform the tasks we have requested.

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You and other Lightworkers will be required to awaken five points of energy currently dormant in Egypt. We will assist in the plotting of these points, which fall between Cairo and Luxor. It will also be required you trust your personal intuitions to take you to the points where light will be re-birthed.

There are two points in Mozambique that we are activating. This is the next phase of the original Golden Child point of activation already active. This Scared Grid will link up with your inner Golden Child consciousness.

The point where the elephants reside in Botswana, Africa is where some of you are to travel to. Four points of energy await activation there and one point in Zimbabwe linked to Botswana, which will release the final phase of the Star Tetrahedron Template for the current level of consciousness for the collective community of your world. This will support and facilitate the raising of their consciousness in preparation for the move of energy between the phantom world and the true world, the authentic light and sound.

All of you now visualise your energy as a group merging as a circle. Project the energy through your heart chakra moving to your right. (Those of you reading this alone, connect with Lightworkers energetically everywhere and follow the process). Move the energy from your heart chakra to the person beside you’s heart chakra and circle the energy through your group. Breathe the energy around the group and with each in breath and exhalation push the energy faster until it manifests a spiral, and push the energy up and out through the centre of your group. Breathe as you do this; maintain the rate of the energy pulsating through heart chakras. This will continue to feed the spiral. This automatically draws your heart consciousness into the 7th dimensional realm.

Now move the energy from your 3rd eye to the person on your left. And project the energy from 3rd eye to 3rd eye in the same manner. Breathing it around the group. Project it faster, feel your headspace fill with energy. Spin it faster and it too will manifest a spiral of energy moving upward through the centre of your group, drawing your awareness out of the psychic realms and into the spiritual realms raising your vibration fully into 7th dimensional awareness and expression.

Breathe calmly as the two energies continue to flow between your heart and your 3rd eye, feeding the two spirals responsible for raising your heart and spiritual awareness into the 7th dimension, where over the next 72 hours you will integrate all the levels of light and sound required to keep your sacred geometry fully active and in divine union with Mother Earth and Father Sky.

We place you in the centre of a golden orb, the circle of life giving light, which draws the consciousness of your world through the Golden Gates into the Golden Age. We seal the process of integration and activation so that you may be safe, protected and at peace throughout the completion of this process.

It is however vital that you absolutely refrain from any intake of alcohol whatsoever during this period (72 hours). Taking in alcohol during this time will result in a process of arrested development and will reverse much of what you have already worked toward achieving here today. If the use of tobacco is made on a regular basis, please do all in your conscious power to refrain from using it for the next 72 hours.

Beloved Emissaries of the Light of the Order of Melchizedek, I give thanks for your presence, and for your willingness to participate. I shall continue my liaison with you in a personal way through the utilisations of light, colour and sound geometry. Manifest your life blissfully and never forget to play. I am Melchizedek, guardian of all light and sound within your universe and planet. We are one. Farewell.

Michelle Eloff © www.thelightweaver.org 10


Channelled through Michelle Eloff ©

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 26 February 2005

To find out more about Michelle and The Lightweaver please visit www.thelightweaver.org

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom, to greet you at this time and to bring unto you, the blessings of warmth, wisdom, and of awareness. We also bring you the blessings of the higher integrated quotients of Light. Greetings, beloved ones.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each one of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the Heart of Christ, and securely upon the Hands of God.

Beloved ones, your gathering here today is for the purpose of investing additional energy in the development of your soul and awareness as a human being. All souls are growing at an accelerated rate and today’s gathering offers you the opportunity to understand the various kingdoms of life, how they are united, and how you as a human are connected to those aspects.

The activation of your Five-Fold Flame will assist you in raising your consciousness to higher levels of awareness for the purpose of understanding your position and purpose within your intimate community, as well as in the greater community of the Collective Consciousness.

Each one of you is developing a deeper aspect of your spiritual journey. You are actively working at moving beyond dimensions of illusion, and into the dimensions of awareness. At times this process is intense, because it shows you all the aspects of illusion that have to date governed your life; which to date have resulted in challenge, limitation, any form of poverty consciousness, victim consciousness – all aspects of conditional love consciousness, and fear that have kept you trapped in lust consciousness.

A spiritual journey is not about focussing on one day of the week being a day of devotion. A spiritual journey is about devoting yourself to the journey of expanding your awareness, and in so doing contributing to the expansion of consciousness within your environment. One day of devotion limits your potential. Recognising that one’s relationship with Spirit, or Mother/Father God – whichever name you choose to use is in every fibre of your being. By acknowledging that presence on a daily basis, you acknowledge your potential. You acknowledge possibilities as yet unrealised -however you are able to acknowledge the potential of it.

St. Germain shall join you now to facilitate the process of activating your Five-Fold Flame. He shall assist you in birthing the levels of awareness necessary for you to recognise your presence within all that you experience, and to recognise your reflection in all that you see.

Therefore, beloved ones, I shall step back now. I shall however transmit when St. Germain is complete in delivering his message. Adonai for now!


I am St. Germain. Welcome!

Divine ones your presence today is a celebration of life. Many groups of the Angelic

Kingdom, of the Animal and Plant Kingdoms are here to remind you about what you are made of.

You are an organic body of light. Light is present within all forms of the expression of

Mother/Father God. In order to recognise your full potential, one has to recognise the potential of Mother/Father God in all that is being created. Every flower you see, every bird you hear, every aspect of

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nature that touches your being is a reflection of your inner quality - the quality that you have not completely embraced in its entirety.

Ancient Masters have taught for eons of time the importance of gaining self-knowledge. Without knowing yourself, you never know God. You cannot recognise the power present within these manifestations; therefore you do not recognise the power of your ability to manifest all you require in your physical, in your emotional, and in your mental life. Your subtle bodies hold the vibration of potential on a permanent basis. How you utilise that power determines the quality of the experience you manifest. Ignorance keeps one limited. It keeps one in the denser vibrations of the lower consciousness – a lower world. It is man’s inherent ability to move beyond the limitation that has brought your world to its current form.

In ages past your world has had to face many dark ages and many cycles of destruction. The imprint of destruction in your cells can now be reversed. You however, are required to work consciously and actively with your personal process of expanding your awareness beyond the limitation you have experienced to date. Science is a magnificent tool. It reveals what you cannot always understand, yet science too is limited. This is a reason why men, women, and children are becoming more and more conscious of other worlds and of other presences within themselves, as well as outside of themselves.

The most tangible worlds present are the Plant Kingdom – the Animal Kingdom, and the rest of the Nature Kingdom. You have an animal nature and you have a plant nature. You have soul nature and human nature. By integrating the higher consciousness of these natures, you manifest the understanding of God’s Nature. The Five-Fold Flame embodies all levels of all these Kingdoms. We shall assist you today in awakening to that inner light for the purpose of assisting you in raising your consciousness to the next level of awareness you are ready to experience.

Close your eyes now and make yourself comfortable. All that is required from you is to sit peacefully, breathing into your body and ensuring peace is held securely within the centre of your being. Fill your lungs with air. Exhale deeply releasing tension and anxiety from your body. Breathe in deeply, filling your body with light, and exhale deeply, settling your body comfortably, keeping your eyes closed, simply listening to the words we bring you at this time.

You are all divine expressions of Mother/Father God. You are created within the image of these magnificent Beings. It is vital you understand these words and to integrate the meaning of them. Integrating the meaning sprouts a new Flower of Life inside of your consciousness, assisting you in discovering more of Who You Are.

The first flame of ascension we deliver to you today and activate within your base chakra is the Blue Flame. In your imagination, visualise a Blue Flame igniting in between your legs. And as it ignites, it fills your inner being with soft blue light. The Blue Flame of Ascension is linked to the Water Kingdom of Nature. It represents your emotional body, and your ability to flow with life. When one flows with life, the current takes one in the direction of least resistance. It takes one in the direction of one’s Truth. There is no struggle, only surrender.

Imagine yourself now floating in water, your eyes looking up to the sky as the water gently carries you in the direction your soul has planned for you. This gentle flow manifests serenity within your base chakra. It feeds the Blue Flame, maintaining an increased level of light within your body. It increases the levels of integrating light within your emotional body, and therefore assists you in healing the wounds of your past lifetimes, including the past of your current lifetime, so that you may mature emotionally, and fully embrace your Emotional Intelligence.

Intelligent emotions are managed with ease. This breaks the patterns of emotions governing your life experience. It is essential you understand that emotions are not bad. Uncontained emotions expressed destructively, and uncontrollably hurt you, it hurts others, and it hurts he environment. Maturing emotionally expands your awareness to the level of understanding how emotions are meant to motivate one to take necessary action in order to keep the Flame of Receptivity and of Creativity alive. Uncontrolled emotions have led to such dysfunctional and destructive behaviour on your planet.

The Lords and Ladies of the Light, and your personal Guides and Healing Angels enfold you in the Blue Flame and further facilitate the process of awakening your memory so you may be reminded of your Authentic Emotional Self. Emotions are extremely constructive. Emotions inspire and motivate, they build compassion, empathy and unconditional love. It is a vital part of the human’s development.

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Try not to ignore your emotions. Rather embrace them, comfort them, and trans-parent your Inner Child and discover ways to express your emotions in a constructive and healthy manner. This current Age is one of finding methods of constructive management, creative management of inner and outer conflict. If emotions are disregarded, resentment, cynicism, disillusionment, fear and anger manifest within the core of one’s being, and becomes the motivating destructive force within one’s life.

You can all find a way to manage your emotions in a healthy manner. This will raise the levels of your body’s physical energy. It will raise your consciousness into the Higher Dimensions, for anger and fear keep one locked within the lower astral plane where it continues to feed the lower Collective Consciousness of fear, lack and loss. It continues to feed the lower world’s matrixes of victim consciousness, lust, conditional love and poverty consciousness. This is a place you no longer want to remain, therefore you must commit to the journey of actively and consciously working with your personal self to raise your vibration and to take responsibility for all you feel.

It is important that you also acknowledge and consider the emotions of others. When one denies one’s own emotions, it is difficult to acknowledge the emotions of others. The more you acknowledge your world, the easier it will be for you to acknowledge the worlds of other people, for each person has created their own world in which they live.

Welcome people into your world where they can come to know you and understand the plan of your heart and your soul. They will reveal to you much more about yourself, for it is in a relationship that one learns the most about themselves. Running away from relationships means one runs away from oneself. Develop an intimate relationship with yourself first, and in the process you develop an intimate relationship with Mother/Father God. In so doing you will be guided as to how to develop constructive and functional relationships within the world outside of you.

Breathe in deeply into your body, imagine the Flame growing in strength, and as you exhale from your body, release any emotions you feel are uncomfortable or limiting you. Take another further three deep in-breaths and exhalations, each time letting go of what causes you emotional discomfort.

Now imagine the Blue Flame increasing in size, moving all the way up your spine, up to the centre of your head, and moving out the top of your head, expanding, until you are in the centre of the Blue Flame. This Blue Flame fills your emotional body with its Blue Light of Peace, of Tranquillity and of Healing.

Now imagine the Violet Flame igniting in the area of your navel. This flame awakens the spiritual intellect within your consciousness. The Violet Flame of Spiritual Intellect assists you in developing the awareness and power of you as a soul, and how spiritual power can move worlds, manifest miracles, and change any circumstance in a heartbeat. This flame is part of the Animal Kingdom, and represents the spiritual nature of your spiritual intellect, which the Animal Kingdom symbolises for your planet.

Animals are not bound by the limitation of ego. They are simply present. Instinct to survive motivates them. They are not bound by victim consciousness, or poverty consciousness. They are not bound by conditional love, or the need to take revenge, or initiate war to defend their boundaries. Animals respect nature, and animals recognise the natural boundaries within each species, including their own. On occasion if one oversteps the boundary, very quickly they are reminded of their error. Humanity has much to learn in this area. A disempowered person does not have the knowledge, or the inner courage to maintain boundaries. Therefore it is difficult, and at times from their perspective impossible to maintain boundaries. The invasion of their space manifests debilitating emotions and fears.

Your navel chakra embodies the centre of Creation. It is directly linked to your third eye chakra where spiritual intellect resides. Without boundaries you are constantly vulnerable. You are unable to maintain self-respect, and others around you will not respect you. Activating the Violet Flame within this chakra moves your energy at an accelerated rate into the future of your life, and you are supported in dissolving the barriers that have prevented you from feeling your power and strength to stand within your truth, to stand up for your truth, and to set the necessary boundaries in place that those who have disrespected you have simply reflected back to you - your inner behaviour.

Take back your power and teach the world how you choose to be treated. If you want the outer world to respect you, treat yourself with respect. If you want the outer world to honour your boundaries, be consistent and honour the boundaries you have set and maintain them. This builds your mental body and facilitates the maturing of your mental body. Spiritual intellect helps you understand the power of wisdom and the power of

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love. Without wisdom you cannot evolve, for wisdom is gained through lessons learnt, and cycles completed. The Violet Flame offers you the opportunity to complete cycles that have manifested self-sabotage, and conflict in situations where boundaries have been overstepped because they were in the first place never well-defined. Teach the world how to treat you. We shall repeat this often.

To those of you who are parents, teach your children the importance of boundaries. Respect your children. Give them the space to determine their truth. Give them the opportunity to define their space to you so they feel safe within themselves, so that they feel confident in their ability to define who they are, and safe enough to set boundaries and strong enough to maintain them. You give your children a very powerful gift, for life, by teaching them the importance of boundaries and supporting them in their boundaries, so for all of their life they will have the self-confidence to always be consistent in their boundaries – so they do not ever have to feel the necessity to sacrifice their boundaries out of fear.

This Violet Flame opens your inner eye to your inner world, and reveals to you your relationship with Mother/Father God, and why you are on the planet, what the greater purpose of your journey is. Those of you with children a part of your journey in this lifetime is to be guardians to these younger ones who are to be the future of your planet. In order to ensure dysfunctional behaviour ceases in the here and now, it is your responsibility to ensure that it ceases by teaching them the essential skills of life, and you are to lead by example. Therefore make your world right, and your children will follow in your footsteps. Always be aware of what you show the world about yourself for it will always follow in your footsteps.

Fill your lungs with air and in so doing give the flame oxygen to expand and to intensify in energy. With each exhalation release from your body what you no longer require. Continue to breathe in and out. Use your imagination to raise the Violet Flame up your spine and out through the centre of your crown. Expand it beyond your physical body until it is one with the Blue Flame and you are in the centre.

The Violet Flame of your animal nature and your spiritual intellect will reveal to you many of the techniques of nature regarding survival. You will also come to realise how the Animal Kingdom has been influenced by humanity’s ego. Many people have often remarked how a domesticated pet takes on the characteristics of its owner. This in itself is proof that man and animal are one. That consciousness penetrates whatever is in its environment, either in a constructive or destructive nature. What do you penetrate? What is the quality of the energy you emit that penetrates your environment? Does it uplift, or does it destroy?

Observing the Animal Kingdom will show you the state of the mental body of humanity’s Collective Consciousness. When animals become destructive within an environment, it symbolises the destructive mental attitude of humans in the environment. The intellect that has adopted conditional patterns of thought symbolises the manifestation of the destructive conditioning of negativity and limitation, and how the mind can keep the consciousness imprisoned for a very long time.

Animals react to the mental body the most. Spirit animates you, not your mind.

Understanding that Spirit is a force that moves through you makes it easier to merge your mind with the spiritual force of the higher-minded Mother/Father God. You therefore become better equipped to be a more conscious manifestor within your life. Now take a deep breath into your body, absorbing these words so they may settle comfortably in the cells and consciousness of your being.

On your next in-breath imagine the magnificent Gold Flame igniting in your solar plexus. This flame brings to life the power of your creative ability. It brings to life the power of your ability to take action, to use you will, and to propel your life in the direction that serves the highest good of all that you are. This flame links you directly to my Ascension Seat which is held within the Himalayas, and your consciousness is supported in travelling to this point so you may receive the necessary blessings of energy to complete the raising of your consciousness through to 7th Dimension.

The Golden Flame is the flame of your future. Golden Consciousness is in the Golden Age of peace – the ideal that all strive for. Activating this flame within your heart aligns one’s consciousness with the higher self, facilitating the process of integrating the higher wisdom of Mother/Father God so that you may be motivated from the heart and soul, rather than from the ego.

You entire world is being affected by the move out of Pisces into Aquarius. The Golden Flame is ignited as a result of this shift. Gold is a colour that is being utilised more often than usual at this current time. There have

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also been the discovery of more gold deposits in places that have already been mined and considered "empty".

This is the manifestation on a tangible level of the awakening of the Golden Consciousness. Gold is one of the colours of warmth and richness. It symbolises the opulence of the soul. Tap into the resources and wealth within the core of your being and realise that you are an abundant source of life, and that never do you ever have to be deprived of anything if you commit to and be true to your spiritual journey -the journey of self-discovery, the journey of self-empowerment. Own your life. Own yourself and discover what you are capable of. Discover how you function, and discover more of the world around you.

The Golden Flame is linked specifically to the earth planet herself, and the Nature Kingdom, and it teaches the vital lesson of unconditional love. Nature relies purely on the cycles of change. Nature surrenders to the cycles of autumn and winter. It surrenders to the cycles of spring and summer, and trusts that as sure as autumn and winter come, so will spring and summer. Due to the ignorance and abuse of power by humanity, the cycles have changed. However nature is adapting and your nature too will adapt to altered environments. Now it is your turn to adapt to the environment of light, to learn and to remember the original imprint of unconditional love.

The Golden Flame initiates the process of revealing all of that which has been in the dark. It has been the activation of this particular flame that initiated the revealing of corruption and all of that which has been rooted in darkness.

Breathe deeply into your heart. Imagine this Golden Flame growing, moving up through the centre of your crown, expanding beyond your physical body, and merging with the Blue and Violet Flame with you in the centre. This Golden Flame is the one that will root your consciousness within 7th Dimension. Breathe deeply into your body allowing the words we have spoken to settle in your heart. As the days, weeks, and months unfold before you, you will come to understand with better awareness what we have delivered to you today.

When you breathe in next, imagine a Silver Flame igniting in the centre of your brain. This is the Silver Light of Mother Goddess – the feminine counterpart of Father God. This Silver Flame represents your feminine nature -the goddess principle within you that links your energy with your inner world. It is the flame that feeds your intuition. It is the flame that feeds your instinct. It is the flame that feeds your senses -from one all the way through to twelve.

The Silver Flame activated in this manner assists you in developing the senses beyond your five physical senses. You will find as this strengthens, you become more conscious of activity and energy on a more subtle level. One of the ways that this has been described is as a heightened sensitivity to noise, and hearing sounds that others do not hear. People have spoken of sensitivity to heat and cold, and becoming conscious of the presence of other energies not seen with the physical eyes, yet the body reacts through the manifestation of an inner knowing of the sense by a shiver down the spine, or of the hair on the body standing on edge. (We call it goose bumps!)

As you develop these senses you will become more conscious, more aware of who you are and how much more there is to experience in your world. These insights reveal to those who are ready, the power of the unification of the Animal Kingdom, Plant Kingdom, Nature Kingdom and the Human Kingdom. When you work in resonance with all the kingdoms, the earth can manifest balance.

Abuse will come to an end. For with that level of consciousness, it is impossible to disregard and disrespect the laws and boundaries of nature. A relationship of a higher level of functionality becomes the process of inter-relating. Perhaps now you can see why it is so important for all kingdoms to unite, and especially for the Human Kingdom, which is meant to be the higher intelligence, to wake up to the pockets of light and use them constructively, with wisdom and love.

The love we refer to is not limited to romantic love. We speak of the awareness of love, which manifests compassion, understanding, and the utilisation of energy in a practical and responsible manner. The lessons of love are many. Ignorance limits one to the understanding that love is only of a romantic nature. Love is much more than you could ever imagine.

The Silver Flame of your femininity is the power to generate light from your inner self to the outer world. It is your ability to trust in Mother/Father God. It is your ability to create. It is your ability to surrender, and it is

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your ability to have faith. Whether you are a man or a woman, your feminine principle is a part of you. A woman can be more masculine than she is in gender female. The same is applicable to that of male gender. It is vital that every human being, manifest the perfect balance between the feminine and masculine principles. Equality is vital because of the qualities that each of these principles embody.

The feminine principle holds responsibilities that the masculine principle cannot. It has its unique role. Therefore any man or woman, who rejects their feminine principle, deprives them self of the ability to live a full life. You cut yourself off from your intuition. You cut yourself off from your inner instinct. You turn off the creative tap, and the flow of light becomes stagnant. This eventually manifests in physiological disability and dis-eases within your physical body.

The Plant Kingdom is a vital ally in this area with the feminine principle. For the qualities of the Plant Kingdom awaken the inner goddess, so that she may emerge from the darkness of misunderstanding for both men and women, and take her rightful place to stand beside the inner god. Therefore Ladies and Gentlemen, embrace your feminine self. Allow your goddess to bring you the gift of experiencing the fulfilment of life. For men to embrace their femininity adds to their power as creators. Every man must know that it is their feminine self that attracts the inspiration that fills them, and motivates them to manifest their ideas. Without the feminine present you are unable to integrate creativity. Imagination is an aspect of your feminine principle.

The Silver Flame is like the umbilical cord that connects an unborn child to its physical mother. The umbilical cord to your feminine self is being reconstructed so that you may feed from the placenta of abundant creativity and of unlimited resources, for the purpose of gaining insight, clarity and peace. As you breathe into your body now, allow the Silver Flame to expand, to move through your crown, until it embraces your entire body – becoming one with the Gold Flame, the Violet Flame, and the Blue Flame.

When you breathe in next, imagine a White Flame manifesting around your body, embracing all the other four flames. This flame represents the manifestation of the fully Mastered Self. When one’s awareness is aligned with 7th Dimension, one draws upon the masculine source of Father God, linked to Heaven. The masculine principle of Father God supports you to bring into manifestation that which your feminine principle has seeded within your consciousness and what your feminine principle has nurtured in the form of ideas, plans, and consciousness. It brings the energy to ground in Mother Earth’s body that which you require in order to manifest your needs as fulfilled.

The Five-Fold Flame is the integration of all the aspects of all levels of nature through all the Kingdoms of Life, which are present within your masculine and feminine natures. The Father God aspect offers you the energy required to stand as a provider of light, the provider of energy required to motivate all your plans into action. When in action, you continue to feed the energy of your feminine principle to perpetuate the process of Creation. In return she feeds the masculine principle to perpetuate the process of physical manifestation. Both must be merged as one for all to function properly in your life.

This Flame around you seals these energies within all your bodies. It unites all your subtle bodies as one within the 7th Dimension and begins to reveal to you the power of your inner spirit. If you have not touched upon that power, it will not be long, for through the process of facilitation of this day you will come to recognise through the words we have given you, that All is One. That never has man been separate from nature in all its forms and all the Kingdoms that are one with it, for every human being has an Animal Nature and a Plant Nature.

Your human nature is in the process of trans-mutation. It is re-developing itself in order to re-unite with the original Principles of Balance, so that all can come into balance. You will recognise your natures within the Animal and the Plant Kingdom, within nature herself - through the Water Kingdom, the Fire Kingdom, through the Air element, and the element of the Earth that embodies all these kingdoms.

By acknowledging the animal you are most attracted to, the plants and their aromas you are most attracted to, Water, Fire, or Air whichever you are most attracted to, reveals to you your connection will all life. Take some time to investigate more about your attractions. It will reveal to you additional strengths and qualities that to date you have not acknowledged. It will empower you, and add to your ability to create and provide.

For example, understanding the behavioural patterns of the animals you are attracted to, will reveal to you certain behavioural patterns within situations, which simulate the environment of nature that an animal resides in. The strengths of that animal reveal to you hidden strengths that you have. Use them symbolically.

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Use them through the mental body as well to re-programme your conditioning from the past worlds and times that have manifested in limited experience and consciousness.

Studying the plants you are drawn to and their aromas will give you a deeper understanding of what your body needs in order to maintain health and good vibrations. This is one of the reasons why aromatherapy has become so popular. Humanity has recognised the need to integrate that particular kingdom. Anyone who is privileged to breathe in the scent of a pleasing aroma has experienced the benefits of the tranquillity and peace it manifests. Utilise these resources to bring your life and your body into balance.

For you as a group, and all who will read these words in the future, the activation of your Five-Fold Flame takes your consciousness and awareness beyond the boundaries of society’s conditioning regarding the relationship with the other kingdoms. Your realisation will grow in the months to come as you tangibly experience your connection with these worlds. Through your realisations it will be easy for you to lead by example, to emanate the power of the spirit within all kingdoms, and you will help others see their connection to and safely accept the other kingdoms as a part of themselves.

Beloved ones, the blessings that Spirit bring you is for you to also acknowledge that the 7th Ray of Magic, Ceremony and Ritual is simply the process of acknowledging everything around you and within you. By maintaining an attitude of gratitude, acknowledges that you acknowledge the presence of Mother/Father God in ALL THAT IS, and in so doing you acknowledge your presence. Be kind to yourself. Nurture yourself. Remove judgement of yourself. Remove your judgement of others.

Your Five-Fold Flame has been successfully activated throughout your entire chakra system. It has been successfully activated through all your subtle bodies. The process will continue for some days to come as you integrate all the levels of information we have presented. Take time to interact with nature in the days ahead of you. It will assist you in integrating this initiation in a more harmonious fashion.

Breathe deeply into your body, releasing what weighs heavily upon you. And when you breathe in next, imagine all the flames merged as one flame burning brightly from the centre of your being bringing light into every situation. The flame will keep you warm. It will protect you. It will bring the light you require. It will feed your body and your spirit. It is the Flame of Passion. It is the Flame of Life. It is the Flame of Light. All this gives birth to further life. This brings to you love, it brings wisdom, it brings the opportunity to tap into the power of knowledge, and to recognise that knowledge feeds power.

Days of ignorant living have certainly come to their end. Master Kuthumi has already spoken that ignorance is truly NOT bliss. The process of awakening to this realisation can at times be challenging, and perhaps even painful. But it is after this realisation that one experiences true bliss. Choosing to remain within the world of ignorance deprives you of life. And the day will come where you have to – at some time or another – move beyond the barriers that prevent your awareness from expanding. You have made your choice and we celebrate with you and will continue to support you in the processes that shall unfold from this one to continue, ascending the spiral of light so you may find your Bliss Point.

I am St. Germain, Lord of the 7th Ray, and I hold you securely in your Five-Fold Flame. May your life burn brightly eternally, Au Revoir!


I am Kuthumi and I return at this time beloved ones.

Are there any questions at this time I can assist you with regarding what St. Germain has discussed with you, or of a personal nature?

Q:… something about household being inundated with ants …

K: Beloved Sister this is not a dilemma limited to your household, believe me. The ants represent industriousness. They also represent how much power exists within community coming together and working as one. You see humanity has separated themselves and often have difficulty working together as teams. Even within families there is separation. The polarities that the world has been exposed to are now being taught different ways through the Nature Kingdom, and this is what the ants represent.

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It is also important however to observe how the ants are speaking to you, and perhaps it may be of service for you to look and see if perhaps you are feeling invaded. Perhaps there are boundaries that are being overstepped by people. Or your energy levels are not being honoured. If you do not believe it is any of these, then simply thank the Ant Kingdom for what they have brought you, and acknowledge you are recognising what they are showing you, and then you can ask them to move on. Is this clear?

Q: Lord Kuthumi, St Germain spoke of using the Nature Kingdom to understand yourself better. How would you use the four elements? …. I like desert, so what does that mean about me?

K: Beloved Sister, people often consider deserts as barren places, lifeless. But in fact, deserts teem with life – often unseen. So for you it may then represent all the unseen aspects of life teeming within you, which you can now begin to reveal.

Q: Is that what you’re suggesting we do?

K: Yes! If you are attracted to all four elements, then that is what you work with. If there is only one or two, then so be it. One does not have to necessarily work with all four elements – only that which you feel most drawn to, because that will give you the most insight and clarity regarding your personal Natures.

Q: I notice he did not refer to the Crystal Kingdom…?

K: The Crystal Kingdom Sister is linked to the 5th Dimension, for that is where the Crystal

Body is being currently rooted, if we can call it that. So currently the Crystal Kingdom is more focussed through the 5th Dimension, rather than the 7th Dimension. Its function is therefore now until the 21st of March when the doors to the old world closes, and then its vibration will be raised. It is holding the vehicle of integrating those levels of consciousness that humanity has chosen to rise beyond the lower dimensions.

Q: Master Kuthumi the dog that I had a little while back has drowned …….

K: Certainly. The reasons why fits occur is because certain parts of the nervous system, and synapses within the brain become overloaded with energy. This is often as a result of a crack within an energy field linked between the mental planes and the astral planes. When that influx of energy is not monitored it causes problems physiologically.

This animal was in fact acting as a vessel, or grounding conduit for the energy that was manifesting in your personal space, as well as absorbing certain levels of geopathic stress where you currently live. Mother Earth at times experiences influxes of such energy as well.

These influxes of energy sometimes cause seismic activity, which therefore cause the tectonic plates of the earth to shift, which manifest then in earthquakes.

The movement of Mother Earth’s body causes many other aspects in her body to react. This was quite evident with the tsunami not so long ago – where the activity beneath the water manifested in the tidal wave. The same happens within human bodies, animal bodies and in nature bodies.

The drowning aspect is linked to the overwhelming emotions that sometimes overpower one. We therefore suggest that you perform a ceremony of thanks to this animal, which completed its cycle of life by transmuting that energy for the physical kingdom it was a part of. It was part of the animal’s blueprint and contract to leave in this manner. So there need not be any painful feelings about this, simply give thanks and that will be enough to complete the process.

No more questions …

And so it is then beloved ones that we embrace each one of you in your personal truth. We assist each one of you in finding the definition of what you are, and of who you are, and how all the aspects of your nature make up you, as an entire being. We assist all of you individually to safely, and confidently express all aspects of your nature in order for you to experience a fulfilling life.

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We will also assist each one of you in your world as a spiritual leader to lead by example, and to show others near and dear, as well as strangers, the power of the nature of Spirit and how important it is to live a spiritual life. Spirituality is the ritual of acknowledging the presence of Spirit in everything, bearing in mind that Spirit animates you, not your ego, not your mind. Spi(ritual).

See life through the eyes of Mother/Father God. In other words, through the eyes of your balanced self – masculine and feminine – and you will recognise the spirit inside. In fact a very good example of recognising the beauty of spirit in a person is when one looks at a person and is confused by the beauty they see. The beauty may not be traditionally aesthetic, but the spirit that emanates forth from the person makes them more beautiful than any modern, western authority’s concept of beauty, which is not spirit. That is physical. Inner beauty is the presence of Spirit. It is the light within. Every single one of you will come to see that in the very near future, within someone you already know or someone whom you will soon meet.

Children exude this as well. Let them show you the ‘on button’ that will open the floodgates of spiritual energy inside of you. Do not confuse spirituality with religion. They are worlds apart. Spirit is a life-giving force. It is a presence that embodies integrity, truth, wisdom, knowledge and power. And by living your life in accordance with those principles, you live a Spiritual Life. For the spirit within you feeds those principles.

Trust in the many invisible arms that hold each one of you, that carry and comfort you, and know that not ever do you walk alone, for we are All One, and we are with you always, in all ways. And may all that your heart and soul desire and require to manifest a fulfilling life for you – one that is in perfect alignment with the higher plan of your soul and that of Mother Earth – manifest under grace, in perfect, harmonious and miraculous ways. And may this manifest through the abundant sources through which Mother/Father God provide. May all always be well in your world.

I am Kuthumi – Lord of Love and Wisdom, and I greet and bless you in Love. Adonai!

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Channelled through Michelle Eloff ©

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 02 March 2005

To find out more about Michelle and The Lightweaver please visit www.thelightweaver.org

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of love, the blessings of wisdom, of truth and knowledge. Greetings beloved ones.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this day as we hold each one of you, firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved ones, as each of you are held within your truth and supported in raising your consciousness into the 7th dimension, you are also supported in releasing yourself from the lower vibrations through your seven major chakras, as well as through the four bodies of consciousness that keep you bound to lower earthly consciousness. Master Serapis Bey shall now step forward to take each of you through this journey of light integration. He shall complete the process of upliftment with you, and I shall speak with you later. Therefore, adonai for now.


I am Serapis Bey of the Fourth Ray, greetings. You are welcomed into the plane of higher intelligence. You are supported in drawing your consciousness into the higher planes of wisdom. We now embrace all your subtle bodies and facilitate the process of transporting you in an energy vehicle of light to the initiation temple in Luxor.

Please close your eyes, centre your body with your breath. Breath in deeply and exhale deeply. Now ask the Divine presence of the highest levels of Spirit to emerge from inside you. Ask this energy to expand beyond your physical body, and in so doing to activate your star tetrahedron Merkaba body of light.

Imagine yourself suspended in the centre of this geometric three-dimensional form of light, and simply using your intention, transport yourself through the ethers to the initiation temple of Luxor that we have already connected your energy with. For the duration of your initiation you will continue to stand in your Merkaba vehicle of light in order to be able to bring into manifestation the qualities of harmony in order to dismantle any cloaks of conflict that have kept you bound to the lower world of consciousness related to the synthetic Merkaba.

Brother and sisters of the light, our presence with you today facilitates the manifestation of a very important new grid of energy, which has been created specifically by the Seven Lords. These Lords have been responsible for taking every human soul through life’s journey and challenges in order to move out of the dark night into the morning sun. You symbolise the rising of the sun within your consciousness. The sun’s rays will emanate forth through your being, bringing light to all within your environment. This new grid will have completed its rooting process by the 21st of March of your earth year 2005. You are grounding mechanisms for this and have been required to be present at different points on the earth to complete the process, and ensure that they are drawn through all the levels of consciousness, and anchored firmly within Mother Earth’s body by the year 2010.

The next eight days are the most important for this grounding process and for you too. Wherever you will be over the next eight days will reveal to you where certain grounding points are being prepared. These points are vortices of energy being brought into life for the purpose of supporting the collective consciousness in breaking away from the bondage of darkness, so as to move into the free flight of liberation. All of you have had to face the challenge of breaking out of bondage and are experiencing some of the beginning stages of the freedom of flight. The next eight days will bring the end of a road, a door closing for all time to a world you no longer belong to.

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The intensity of the journey has been with purpose. Your purpose has been to remember who you are, to learn that you deserve life/light, and to realise that you have earned your divine right to life/light. The Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict is what you are rising above. The current state of your earth is in the midst of conflict. It has been left up to certain individuals of the light to step out of the conflicting and confusing world of fear and embrace the light. Your challenges have come rapidly, now you can breathe a sigh of relief and surrender to the comfort of knowing that the rest ahead of you has been earned. It will not be a long rest because it is important that you do not feel as if you are in a comfort zone, falling into complacency stifles your growth.

I, Serapis Bey, have agreed to serve with all of you in order to bring into manifestation the new grid for new light.

Use your imagination to see yourself inside the initiation temple of Luxor, joining you are all your master guides and teachers. Welcome them. Your healing angels, guides, your guardians, the keepers of higher knowledge of your soul, join you. Welcome them.

You must now call your higher self and call forth your self who is fully mastered on all levels, who has mastered all aspects of your soul in all dimensions of consciousness, and draw this into your Merkaba vehicle of light. At this point look directly into the eyes of this highly advanced master being, you, and acknowledge that your current journey is taking you to the point of reunion with this higher aspect of yourself guiding you.

Acknowledge that your choice to journey into seventh dimension is a step in the direction of claiming this light. Imagine this higher aspect of yourself projecting powerful rays of light, wisdom, love, knowledge, truth and power to your physical body. Imagine your seven chakras responding and welcoming the vibrations. This light holds you in a powerful shield of protection. These vibrations align your energy with the new grid and raise your lower bodies into the higher realms of the seventh dimension. This process will take 48 hours to complete.

At this point we are required to assist you in being released from the lower world, you however must ask. If you are willing in your heart and in your mind, request from the higher Lords that you now be released physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually from any parasites, from any probes that invade the sacredness of your lighter self, and that a shield be created by Lord Sananda, Commander Ashtar, Master Jesus, Master Kuthumi, Master El Morya and the mighty Elohim of Grace. Ask that this shield be created for the purpose of holding your bodies within the higher worlds of light, and continue to dismantle any attempts to reconnect your energy in any way whatsoever with any probe or parasite of a lower vibration and nature.

You are now required to call in Lord Arcturus. Ask Lord Arcturus to remove all implants that bind your consciousness to lower frequencies, to lower thought patterns, to any level or parallel level of darkness. Ask that he do the same by removing any implants from your emotional body, mental body and your spirit bodies. Fill your lungs with air and exhale imagining yourself being released from these energy attachments. Breathe in deeply once more and as you exhale ask that you be released from any lower frequency energy attachments. If at this point you have any other request for Lord Arcturus to assist you in any release process, continue now.

Upon completion give thanks to Lord Arcturus, on his departure he assures you of his service and assistance. He is responsible for ensuring that the maintenance process of release, be upheld for as long as you choose to be aligned with the higher worlds of light. Your life will certainly change. The changes coming to you will be as a result of your new level of illumination, because you are a conduit for the sun energy. This additional light will act at times as a catalyst in situations that may threaten to lower your energy or re-manifest a state of bondage. The more you choose enlightenment the more responsible you become for living a conscious life. This means the active application of the universal laws and principles of life and light. Leading by example requires one lead a life of truth, following the path of light.

Wisdom is the key to bring you out of complete bondage. Strive to find truth in all aspects of life, strive to attain your highest potential and never settle for anything less than what you deserve by divine right. The pathway of harmony and conflict has reigned through your world for ages. Choosing the path of light offers alternatives to the current world of conflict. This means you will act as a teacher, and a leader to demonstrate to others how to manifest harmony in life. You will be assisted in tapping into the universal wisdom, the universal truths and the universal knowledge and power in order to do this properly. You are required to commit to your path, to commit to finding your truth, to commit to manifesting a life full of light. Only through

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the authority of God are you instructed to lead. By no other instruction are you to be swayed, therefore honour your truth and honour your heart. Never turn your back on an opportunity to gain wisdom or to lead in light.

Lead your life, not others. Every person is responsible for leading their life and detachment enables one to do so. Becoming involved in the high drama of other people’s lives takes you away from your own life. This manifests when people focus on discussing other people’s lives, choices and decisions, judging them, criticising them, and paying no attention to their own way. This involvement and attachment to negativity will manifest dire consequences. The time has come where all that is held in false judgement and criticism will be revealed and that which is of true fault, will have to take responsibility.

Your initiation today releases you from the world of judgement and criticism. It takes you away from the desire or need in any way whatsoever to become involved in any form of judgement or criticism of another. Gossip is what it is referred to. Your initiation today rises through the worlds of fear and lack, of loss and limitation and brings you to settle within the heart of the sun of all life. This sun will keep your energy alive and will support you in striving to achieve all that you are capable of in this lifetime.

The beings present within the initiation temple with you now ask you to walk and serve with them and to teach all who come to seek the truth the importance of rising above conflict. This you will do as you yourself master this. You are to teach them how to use wisdom gained and how to use creativity to manifest harmony. The manifestation of harmony comes through many arms of creativity; music, poetry, dance, even sport is considered a creative art. These are all mechanisms to bring about solutions. You are to use these creative tools to find the solution to whatever challenges you at any given time. Focus on finding a solution rather than the problem at hand. Focusing on a solution manifests it a lot quicker than focusing on the problem. The Lords and Masters who have requested this assure you that you will never be pushed into situations that you are unable to cope with, and not ever will your life or your light be placed in a compromising situation. You are required to trust in the power, the wisdom, the knowledge, the light, the love and truth of Mother/Father God to guide you and to keep you safe, always.

You are now ready to move towards my Ascension seat and take your rightful place upon it. Your Merkaba vehicle of light accompanies you. As you take your seat breathe in deeply and as you exhale settle comfortably into this throne of light. The seat is made up of many mechanisms and frequencies of very powerful energy. Each of your chakras responds to its presence and power. Each chakra lights up like a glow of light. These lights penetrate the darkness within you and around you, and reveals to you the wisdom and the power within. This light reveals to you your potential, your strength, and truly how capable you are to move forward.

Continue to remain seated and imagine the force of light, the force of wisdom, of power and life surging through your body and imagine your entire being including your emotional and mental bodies rising beyond the frequencies of limitation and bondage and moving you into the realms of lightness. Imagine yourself being held within this position of light and comfortably breathe in and out. Initially it may be difficult for you to maintain your grasp on what we have said about you today. It will take practice and perseverance to remind yourself that you are in the world but no longer of it. You will however become accustomed to this the more you choose to focus on the light of the New World you are stepping into.

Use the power of intention to confirm to Spirit your choices and soul desires. Remember to strive to manifest your highest potential. Daily ask for support to understand whatever comes to challenge you. Ask for the insight to clearly grasp the light that Mother/Father God presents you with through the Seven Lords and their challenges. Having raised your consciousness to a higher level it becomes easier for you to recognise all challenges as opportunities.

We urge you to consciously choose to see your challenges as opportunities to grow rather than as limitation. To rise above the limitation of your old life you need to consciously be aware of what is required of you to hold your consciousness in the New World. Practice it. Remind yourself daily of what you are striving to achieve! Honour your journey and every other person’s journey. Use the power of discernment and trust the voice of your heart to show you the path of light, and all will be well in your world.

We shall continue to hold you in the Ascension seat of my energy and forces of lights for the next 48 hours. May it come to be known to all the levels of your consciousness that you are an initiate of the seventh dimension and that you have chosen light above limitation, that you have chosen love over fear, that you have chosen responsibility over co-dependency, and may it be known to all the levels of light that you have

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chosen to be a conduit for the Sun/Son of God to work through. For in you the sun rises and through you the sun will come to rise in others who seek the light. You are the eastern messengers and travellers of the road of light. We celebrate with you.

Be aware of what your body feels and what your mind tends to hold onto over the next eight days. Allow yourself to explore the new feelings inside of you. Impulses and urges may spring forth as mechanisms of motivation to get you started on your new path of light during this time so pay attention.

All your chakras are in perfect harmony with the seventh dimension and the initiation temple you are currently occupying. Your star tetrahedron Merkaba vehicle of light will remain with you permanently for the next 48 hours. This means you will not have to consciously imagine it or invoke it. During the 48 hour time period, you will travel inter-dimensionally and receive codings of further light symbols which serve as activation keys of wisdom and knowledge, stored within your being that can only be accessed when consciousness has risen above the fourth dimension. You have done so and therefore earned your right to receive these symbols of light.

Be aware of your dreams, be receptive and honour whatever impulse triggers a feeling inside you. You are bringing the new dawn, you help the sunrise and you help to awaken the sleeping souls who are a part of the journey into the new worlds of light. You help those searching for the right path, to find their feet, to find their way, to find Mother/Father God within. The entire energy process we have created with you and which you have created with us will remain with you for the next 48 hours. We shall complete the process of your first five levels of integration now and for the remainder of the time you will continue to integrate the new light codings until your system has completed the integration of the 13 levels of life giving light.

Ask that you be protected as you draw your consciousness back into your physical body yet remain perfectly aligned and in touch with what we have created with you. I guarantee my service and presence, my support and protection, my guidance, love and wisdom in service of the higher worlds of light and wisdom, for the purpose of raising the consciousness of your world into the new golden age of light. May you, my sisters and brothers of light, join us in the higher worlds where you may embrace the world of spiritual energy, as you leave behind the world of lower psychic energy. Your integration facilitates the reorientation of understanding the difference between lower psychic energy and higher spiritual light. Through this you are still able to utilise your psychic abilities, the difference being the energy you draw upon is of a much higher vibration than that of the lower astral plane.

Each of you represent a chakra of the seventh dimensional body of new light that you are creating. This creation is for the purpose of building the completed body of light that shall come into full manifestation within the next 30 days. This body of light is a manifested aspect of the golden child of higher wisdom, the preparation for the coming of the living Christ. You are energetically linked to 12 other groups of seven at different points on your planet who serve the same process of preparation.

The Golden Child is the child of light that Lightworkers have helped come into being. You will be blessed accordingly. So now go forth, shine your light, spread it, show yourself and the world the power of wisdom bathed in light and the miracles it manifests. Be not afraid to stand up for truth and be not afraid to challenge whatever you perceive as darkness. Be not afraid to challenge anything you perceive as evil for the power and wisdom of truth will dismantle its hold on the world. You are keys, as much as you will be given keys to open the doors to the higher worlds of light. May your life from this day forward be filled with the higher vibrations and frequencies of the light, of the new dawn, of the new age of light. May your life be an expression of the divinity of Mother/Father God within you, the Mother/Father God who holds the vibrations of heaven and earth, and may you unearth thegateways to heaven. I am Serapis Bey, namaste.


I am Kuthumi and I return at this time beloved ones to assist each one of you and to celebrate with you at this time, as you have drawn into your being the new levels of light that beloved Serapis Bey has facilitated with you to integrate. The understanding of the principles of the new worlds of light are very important. These new principles of the New World that we speak of, is in fact not new to you. Many of you have had insight to these wisdoms and truths, but because you have not heard it or read it somewhere else, you have questioned its source or authenticity. You are now free to explore these revelations beloved ones, and to put into practice that which you feel holds the vibrations of the highest levels of light, so that you may continue to grow and so that you can always be a beacon of light for those who still search.

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You see in the new world and the new avenue you have chosen to walk requires that the higher evolved souls make it possible for those of a lesser evolution to find their way into the higher realms, just like the Ascended Masters and many of the Lords and Ladies of Light have stepped forward to show you the way. Everything works together. It is when one chooses separation that one feels abandonment, rejection and isolation. In a way, you are the welding rod that God shall use, to bring people back into God wisdom, into God consciousness and into the true knowledge and understanding of what Mother/father God truly is. It is through the dismantling of the many other religions that this reunion will take place. This is why it is necessary for ones such as yourself to keep your flame burning brightly and to hold your flame of light up high. If at any time you feel exhausted from your journey, all you need do is call upon the Lords and Ladies of the higher worlds of light, and ask them to hold you, to re-energise your body, to realign you with the vitality of the source of all life and you will be replenished. For it is meant that your cup always runneth over with energy.

So beloved ones is there anything that we can assist you with?

Q: The incident that occurred with Daniela was that part of Lady Guinevierre’s initiation?

K: Yes it was sister. Even though she was not physically in the room she was still within very close proximity to the energy which affected her and she was in an altered state of consciousness during the time that Lady Guinevierre was working with the group. Is this clear?

Q: What happened to her that Saturday, was that part of the energy, part of the plan, is that supposed to bring in a lesson or understanding to whoever was involved?

K: everything that occurs, whether it was meant to be or not, always offers an opportunity to learn something. It is how one deals with the situation in one’s life that determines whether one has learnt or grown from it or not. Even if one is a teacher. Do you understand?

Q: She is very concerned about her journey that she wants to undertake and she would like some clarity from you on this?

K: Are you aware of which particular aspect she wants clarity about?

Q: She wants to go overseas, but is fearful at the same time and does not know in which direction, work wise, situation wise and country wise, she should go?

K: Sister at this time her fear is related to a level of maturing she is undergoing within her base chakra. There comes a time in a person’s life where they need to move away from the nest or family. That separation from the family manifests the opportunity to individualise the self, to come into alignment with the next level of ones powers and capabilities. In a manner of speaking it is a rebirthing process. Our suggestion is that you explain to her the base chakra maturing process and her anxiety is related to separation anxiety. She is moving out of the safety of her home space where she has been safe, nurtured, and where she has fitted in. Moving out of the comfort zone always gives rise to the fears she currently is experiencing. Once she understands this, we suggest she writes down a list of possible destinations and why they appeal to her. She should also write down a list of possible occupations and why they appeal to her. We also suggest that she research various career opportunities abroad which will help her tie-up her preferred career opportunities which she requires to manifest in alignment with the desired destination. Do you understand this? And then she needs to set the intention that whatever is in accordance with the highest will of her soul, come into manifestation and that the pathway be made clear so that she can move forward. Therefore we would also suggest that she call in the assistance of Ganesh who is responsible for removing obstacles from one’s way and to also work with Archangel Michael. Does that answer your question. Very well. Blessings be with you.

Q: Lord Kuthumi I am going through some physical changes in my body….why did this happen?

K: Beloved sister, this is as a result of all the energy work that is taking place, the initiations you have participated in, have resulted in physical shifts in your body. When one integrates many levels of new light, and many layers of new vibration into ones energy bodies, it eventually roots itself in the physical body and this is when one experiences such changes. Each person experiences it differently. Many people have been experiencing the impact of these initiations and these Light body activations in the food they have been eating. Many people have found that their bodies have started to reject foods that they could eat with great

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ease, many people are becoming more conscious of the acidity or alkalinity predispositions. This is bringing people to be more in touch with their physical bodies. When the joints, skeletal system and the skin are being affected by the changes then one can be aware that the base chakra is undergoing immense change as a result of the light frequencies integrated. If one is finding the reproductive organs, the menstrual cycle if you are a woman and still of age to menstruate undergoing change and men experiencing changes within their libido and within their emotional sensitivity levels, are undergoing change within their sacral chakra. When it impacts through the solar plexus one is highly sensitive within the digestive system, stomach specifically and so on and so forth. So by understanding sister, the different organs that are related to the different chakras you will be able to understand clearly through which chakra you are experiencing your greatest cleansing process and bringing into a new level of existence your fifth dimensional body. Do you understand? Yes. You are most welcome.

Q: Master Kuthumi you mentioned that each one of us hold the energy of a particular chakra, you mentioned the golden child of the seventh dimension, will you tell us which chakra applies to each of us?

K: Most certainly.. perhaps we will move around the group..and I can give the energy information to you. Please give me your name as we go along and I shall access it for you.

Maybe begin from right to left.

Sister Filo..sister you represent the base chakra

Sandy sister you represent the Crown chakra

Sister Gail…third eye

Sister Diane..sacral chakra

Sister Lizette ..throat chakra

Sister Nasim…solar plexus

Brother Pieter…heart chakra

You all clear on this?

Q: May I asked who are my Spirit father and Spirit mother?

K: Certainly, your spirit father is Lord Melchizedek and your spirit mother is Lady Portia

Q: May I also asked who are my Spirit father and Spirit mother?

K: Certainly, your spirit father is the Ascended Master Hilarion, your spirit mother is The Goddess Diana, the guides currently working closest to you are Master Hilarion as well as Goddess Diana, Archangel Zadkiel is part of your team of guides as is Saint Frances of Assisi, guide by the name of Celeste and another guide by the name of Thomas. These are the ones that are most active in terms of service to you at this time.

Q: May I ask you the same question Lord Kuthumi?

K: If you insist. Your spirit to mother is Lady Nada your spirit father is a guide known as Paul the Venetian. The most active guides with you at this time is I, Kuthumi, you have Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Daniel and Ariel with you, there is another guide by the name of Clarise, another guide by the name of Pearl another guide by the name of Jonah are the most active currently.

Q: May I ask you the same question Lord Kuthumi?

K: Your spirit mother is Lady Kwan Yin and spirit father is Lord Melchizedek, the guides currently most active with you are by no surprise Thoth, the master healer of all healers, Lord Merlin, Lady Guinevierre, Lord

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Arcturus you have another guide by the name of Sades, another guide by the name of Chiptera and a guide by the name of Coral who are currently most active in the line of service with you.

Q: May I also ask you the same question?

K: Your spirit mother is Lady Pallas Athena and spirit father is St. Germain, the guides currently most active with you are Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Chamuel, a guide by the name of Zephron and guide called Shiane, a Native American guide, also Silvia and it appears that Thomas is also a part of your energy field.

Q: Me too please

K: Beloved sister your spirit father is I, Kuthumi, your spirit mother is Lady Nada, the most active guides with you at this current time are Mother Theresa, Lady Nightingale, Lady Miriam, Lord Maitreya and Archangel Metatron, the other beings present are Lady Sheba, Stephanie, Barabus, Phillipe and Michael.

Q: Me too please

K: spirit mother Lady Portia your spirit father is Lord Maitreya, currently supporting you is Archangel Michael, Lord Sananda is part of your energy field, Lady Nightingale, Lady Nada is also present, as is the energy blanket of Babaji. You have some other guides present Petunia, Raguita and finally Lady Priscilla.

K: Are you all satisfied?

Q: …Lord Kuthumi what is the significance of the 21st of March

K: it is the equinox, it is also the day that the doors to the lower world will be closed once and for all for all for those who have chosen to move into the higher realms for experiencing their life journey. Many lower bodies of energy will be dismantled from the earth cloak on that day. This means some of the activities by the darker brotherhood that has held your planet within a limited frame of mind or being will be released. Do you understand?

Q: …..some of us were wanting to do light work around that day either the 21st and 22nd in the Botanical gardens…..

K: beloved sister we would suggest that you do it on both days, 21st you could work with holding the intention that all those doors to the lower world be sealed and you can also set the intention that all those who have chosen to walk the higher path into the golden age, be facilitated and assisted rather in moving their consciousness out before the doors close. On the 22nd you can work with helping those souls on an energy level to find their feet so they can feel safe in their search for those who will assist them. You see, where you are geographically located sister there are many vulnerable and volatile points of energy. There have been many people who have been stirring deep within, their desire to emerge from the dark night to find the dawn. But their fears have been amplified by the negativity that has been held within that area. Do you understand? So now they will have the opportunity to embrace the land of the rising sun. Is this clear?

Q:….exact spot………?

K: Beloved sister you will be guided, trust it.

Q: Lord Kuthumi may I have insight into the….beatitudes………?

K: What area of it?

Q:…..it seems to be going thru amazing change……

K: Sister the foundation of your light has gone through an amazing change because beatitude is part of you. It will grow and change, transform and reform just like you will. Right now you are having to determine what defines you. And it is the same for beatitude. Do you understand?

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And so it is beloved ones that we embrace each one of you with the power of the sun, may you be kissed by the strength and the support of this radiant presence and divine source of energy. We bless each one of you with all that you require in order to maintain your high level of consciousness, and to hold yourself in the higher world of light.

I am Kuthumi, Lord of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.

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Channelled by Michelle Eloff ©

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on the 4th March 2005

To find out more about Michelle and The Lightweaver please visit www.thelightweaver.org

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of release, of realisation, of illumination and expansion.

Greetings Beloved Ones.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we gather with each one of you upon this day in the presence of the Christed light as we hold each one of you firmly within the Christed energy of all that is, supporting your energy to move through the cycles of light into the highest level of your personal expression of divinity and light.

Beloved ones our presence with all of you today is cause for great celebration. Over the past months there have been many causes for celebration as your earth’s consciousness has moved through numerous gateways into worlds of new light. Light and sound are two vibrations of paramount importance at this current time. The importance is because these vibrations are being utilised to dismantle the attachments of density and darkness that have kept each one of you bound within limitation, within the consciousness of poverty, conditional love, lust and that of a victim consciousness.

The process of awakening has accelerated to the degree that a number of activations that were meant to take place between the year of 2010 and the year of 2012 are already in activation and the portals of light that shall be activated over the next four days takes your earth into a higher vibration of expression. Lord Hilarion, the Lord of Manifestation and the 5th Ray of Concrete Science and Knowledge is responsible for supporting humanity’s shift into the new world of science and light. He will support each one of you individually to do the same. So I shall step back for now leaving Lord Hilarion to take his place with you and I shall transmit later. Adonai for now.


I am Hilarion, greetings.

I am Hilarion, Lord of the 5th Ray. I transmit at this time for the purpose of activating your 5th Ray body and facilitating your merging process with the science of your spirit. I shall transport each one of you in your light body to a vortex of energy not far from where you are currently located. This point of energy holds an ascension seat which each of you are ready to be a part of. It is the ascension seat located in Table Mountain, Cape Town. This ascension seat is in perfect alignment with a ley line of energy that extends to a point in the eastern region of Marble Hall. That point aligns perfectly with a central point in the heart of the current geographic location you are all in, in Johannesburg. This point extends through to Kimberley, connecting in the great hole itself, and it extends to another point where waters flow, Augrabies Falls, and back to Table Mountain.

This template of energy has manifested to assist Lady Gaia in moving all her subtle bodies into the fifth dimension in preparation for the activation of the sixth dimensional portal, which shall take place in the very near future. This activation enables humanity to access the fluid energy of love. Lord Kuthumi gave your world keys to find the way home when he embodied the planet through a force of light known as Thoth. Our activation of light today is for the purpose of bringing into balance the systems of wisdom and power required to support humanities consciousness in moving into the higher realms.

Many of the sacred points on your planet became inactive because of man’s ignorance. Their ignorance resulted in a number of dark energies emerging in the world you experience as your life experience. We are

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very happy to say however that there have been sufficient souls who choose to move into the light of the new age to enable the reactivation of these power points. This means that the phantom creations meant to house the souls who have chosen to remain within the slumber of darkness will no longer effect those who have chosen to wake up. This also means that the Halls of Amenti now become available to all who have chosen to move into fifth dimension and beyond.

All the geographic locations we mentioned to you are sacred points that shall be activated over the next 21 days and at each of these points, a porthole through which darker forces gained entry to your dimension, will be closed.

For the purpose of our journey for you today we need you to imagine yourself joining hands with other Lightworkers around the world. Close your eyes. Together breathe in deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Take another deep breath in, exhale releasing yourself from your ego and make a connection with the Lightworker on your left.

Feel the chakra in the palm of your left hand open and respond to the energy of the soul on your left. Now open your heart chakra and imagine this chakra spinning in perfect harmony and balance drawing upon the power and light of the great source of all life. Feel it filling up with power, with wisdom, with love and light. As it continues to spin project this energy through your arm to the soul on your left. Project this energy through the group moving from left to right and visualise this energy beginning to spin faster and faster.

Breathe in deeply and exhale. Allow the energy to move through you, so that you create a scared spiral of light. As the light increases in vibration it manifests a sound, this sound calls to your soul and begins to link with all the places on the planet that you have a spiritual connection to. This spiritual connection will help you activate the understanding of your purpose in supporting Mother Earth’s uplifting of consciousness and energy so that she may maintain her title as a scared planet. You have all become scared cells of her body. The spiral you are creating keeps you connected to the stars drawing upon your starlight and further assisting your personal process of love activation so that at all times you may understand the importance of striving to attain wisdom.

Great Master Thoth teaches the importance of striving to attain wisdom in everything and at all times. You are being lifted out of any patterns that have held you in ignorance and you come to serve as a Lightworker of Spirit as you integrate the science of wisdom and light.

Now imagine an emerald green light penetrating your body through your crown chakra and moving down your spine. When it reaches your coccyx bone breathe in and draw the energy back up your spine and hold it in the back of your throat. As you breathe in and out imagine the emerald green light moving up and down your spine. Now imagine this emerald green light moving from your throat into your right shoulder, down your right arm, activating the chakra in your right hand, moving into the hand of the soul on your right and beginning to filter through each soul, spinning faster and faster to create another spiral of energy. Imagine this energy moving upward into the ethers. As this emerald energy moves through your body you are aligned on more levels with your fifth ray body. This body brings you into the higher wisdom understanding of concrete knowledge and science. This is the preparation for the activation of the movement into light and sound that your journey of awakening has brought to you.

I, Lord Hilarion, walk on the emerald ray. As this emerald ray continues to spin through every fibre of your being it awakens the cells that hold the memory of your origin. The Kimberley hole holds many sacred secrets linked to the origin of man, linked to one of thirteen sacred tribes of your planet, the Bushman. Their bodies are being activated to release etherically a number of templates that will help to bring humanity’s consciousness into realignment, for they too hold great wisdom regarding the origin of man and the combination of Spirit and Science.

The original thirteen tribes knew all the keys that would unlock the wisdom of the universe. Your planet is now ready to activate these memories. There are sufficient of you to hold the light, to stand up against the dark and wield the light in order to dismantle all that has been constructed by ignorance, therefore darkness.

The Emerald Ray moves you into my mystery school where I, Hilarion, Lord of Manifestation will work with you for the next twenty four months to help you activate the Laws of Manifestation in every aspect of your life and help you understand the power of manifestation and the power of your power. The Laws of Light and Sound are the key to manifestation.

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Breathe the emerald energy through your body. Allow your arms to relax, allow the energy to flow freely. Relax your body into the emerald energy. Breathe deeply. Now visualise yourself present at the Ascension Seat of Table Mountain. Imagine yourself sitting on this Emerald Throne of Light. Imagine all your chakras responding to the emerald energy, manifesting perfect alignment of all the higher aspects of yourself.

Imagine your entire body filled with emerald energy and imagine your auric field becoming a pure emerald gem. In your mind ask that the emerald energy activate all the cells in your body that hold the codings of manifestation within you. Call upon all the Lords of Manifestation and ask them to form a circle around you. Imagine them holding their hands up before you and in each of their hands an emerald light emanates from their palms.

Imagine this emerald ray extending out to your heart chakra, which expands your energy field until it is large enough to embrace the entire Table Mountain. Expand it and breathe as you do this. Breath brings light into your body. Without breath there is no light, therefore breathe. Consciously draw this light into your body.

I, Lord Hilarion, Lord of Manifestation, Lord of the 5th Ray of Concrete Science and Knowledge activate within you all the codings of the Science of your Spirit, all the codings of manifestation of the higher Lords and Ladies of the Hierarchy of Light that you are a part of, and bring into your physical body the process of initiating the manifestation of these qualities of Love and Wisdom, of Power and Knowledge, of Light, Sound and Truth to penetrate every aspect of your life, to spread it into every aspect of your world so that you truly may lead as a light for this world. Mother Earth is also considered the great emerald. You vibrate to the emerald vibration now, therefore you serve through the emerald ray. You bring the emerald ray consciousness into the golden age and those who vibrate to the emerald ray will recognise you no matter where you are. Relax your body.

Relax your arms. Continue to breathe in and out, simply allowing the energy to flow through your body. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale bring your hands together over your heart chakra. Now place your hands, palms over your knees, place both your feet flat on the ground and in your mind repeat after me.

“Mother Earth, Sacred Planet of Light, hold me in your womb, hold me in your heart. Support me in awakening to the Science of my Spirit so that I may truly understand the Science of your Spirit. Mother Earth, Sacred Planet of Light assist me in understanding every aspect of your Spirit and Science so that I may understand the Science of Spirit’s plan.”

Take a deep breath in, feel the emerald vibration increasing around your body. As you exhale release anything that you no longer need in mind, heart or spirit. Now repeat:

“Oh heavenly Father, Cosmic Body of Light, Celestial Vibration of Sound embrace my being, embrace my mind, embrace my spirit and fill my heart with the light and sound that will manifest the understanding of the Spirit of my Science and the Science of your Spirit. I now ask that all the cells of light within my body respond to the light and sound of the vibrations of love and wisdom that the heavenly Father and the heavenly Mother and the Mother of earth offer me.”

Take a deep breath in and as you exhale feel all this energy settling in your body. Become aware of energy shifting in your hip area, in your lower back, in your digestive system and in your diaphragm. Acknowledge to yourself that it is safe to release everything that has bound you to the lower world of fear and darkness.

Now visualise this emerald energy penetrating your base chakra, your sacral chakra and your solar plexus chakra. Emerald green is the colour of manifestation and it is the colour of new life, of new beginnings and the 7th dimensional frequency of love.

Through your statement today and through your choice to sit upon the Ascension Seat of Table Mountain, through your willingness to align with the sacred sites of your planet your consciousness is raised beyond the lower vibrations of ego’s fear and negativity. You have taken yet another step in your ascension process and you have raised your eyes to the light and sound of Mother/Father God and as your eyes turn to greet the sun, so do the eyes of Mother Earth.

The Lightworkers of the planet, including you, are what has made it possible for Mother Earth to take on her status as a Scared Planet. Your dedication to discovering truth and attaining wisdom has brought you to this point. May you always continue your journey upward.

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The emerald light you have integrated today will retain it’s seat within your heart chakra for the process of understanding the Science of Spirit, the Spirit within Science and keeping your 5th ray body active. Therefore your heart must be active. You must become accustomed to trusting your heart for it is through the heart that Mother/Father God speaks the words of truth and wisdom. Your heart is the bridge between earth and heaven, your lower chakras and your upper chakras. Through the journeys all of you have taken over the past years, months and weeks you have raised your chakras out of their lower vibrations and you are successfully integrating the teachings and disciplines of the higher levels of your chakras.

Beautiful souls of light, continue your journey upward, continue to believe in yourself and when you feel doubt rising in your mind use the emerald energy to activate the sensation of peace in your heart and ask that the emerald energy dismantle any negativity.

I, Lord Hilarion, Lord of Manifestation, Lord of the 5th Ray of Concrete Science and Knowledge assure you of my support and assistance. I assure you of my service to serve, to serve with you and to serve through you. I personally will teach you the Laws of Manifestation. Therefore be ever receptive to the Principles of Light that present themselves in opportunities to serve humanity, to serve the planet and to serve Mother/Father of God.

Beloved beings of ancient Atlantis your memory of the powers that were once yours are stirring in your being because of the eons of separation you have experienced. Your earthly mind rejects the possibility that such power could ever have been yours to use. You are the ancient alchemists of Atlantis. You are now required to remember and put into practice those laws, to put into practice the disciplines that were once yours freely to utilise for the greater plan of your planet. You have slept now for long enough. I Lord Hilarion, Lord of the 5th Ray, Lord of Manifestation agreed that at this time in Earth’s history I would step forward and remind the ancient Atlantean Alchemists of their power to manifest.

Therefore Alchemists of Light, I shall continue to watch over you as you develop your powers, moving them out of the lower astral realms and into the world of Spirit where you can utilise the higher principles of science, and in so doing manifesting the abundance of light and sound required to help you attain the wisdom and love, and the power and knowledge required to take you to your highest level of achievement for this current cycle. The spiritual movements that have come into being is moving those who are ready into the higher worlds of Spirit and Science.

Breathe in deeply allowing these words to settle in your being, allowing them to be integrated at their own pace so that you may come to find peace in the understanding of what Spirit has brought to you and what you have attracted to yourself.

Now remove your hands from your knees, raise them and imagine touching a soul next to you, palms touching one another. I, Hilarion now call forth on your behalf the following -

“Mighty worlds of light we call to the power of All That Is, of all that has ever been and all that will ever come to be. Let these ones with the memory of the alchemy that they once held within every aspect of their being, awaken to their power. May the Seven Lords of All That Is, hold each person within their light, within the harmony and wisdom of the Great Creator of all light. May these souls be blessed in the light and sound of Mother/Father God’s heart beating in unison with all that they have become. I Lord Hilarion, Lord of Manifestation, Lord of the fifth ray, called in the powers of light and sound to raise the vibration of these souls into their rightful position, leaders of the light, walkers of truth, bringers of the dawn, alchemists of the magic of all that shall come into being, to bring each person into their divine place of expressing the truth, the love, the wisdom, the knowledge and power of the Lord of All that ever has been. May each of these souls be blessed, may each of these souls be supported, in embracing and acknowledging their divine right to be at one with All That Is.

Bring your hands together to your heart chakra once more. Give thanks to the Lords of Manifestation and to the Ladies of Manifestation who have presented you with the Emerald Ray. Give thanks to your higher self for having drawn you into this place of embracing your Emerald vibration, your 5th ray body. Breathe it in, absorb it and surrender to it. I shall continue to work with you through the 7th dimension. Know that you may call upon my energy any time that you require assistance. I shall work with you personally to raise your vibration so that you may truly understand how to utilise the Science of your Spirit, and how to manifest the Spirit within Science of All That Is.

I am Hilarion, farewell.

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I am Kuthumi and I return to stand with each you, still embraced within the Emerald Ray of all that comes to be at one with you, greetings beloved ones.

Beloved ones as we shared with you in the beginning of this transmission, this is a time of celebration. There are many active groups around the globe who are responding to the impulses of Spirit to merge with the science of life and to bring into being and into life all those ancient codings of truth that held you and Mother Earth within a very different vibration. Each of you will be guided at different times on your journey to work with her and to work with others, therefore we urge you to respond to those impulses and trust Spirit to guide you in different areas.

We are very aware of how vulnerable many of you have been feeling in your chakras over the past while, and we embrace each of you in an energy blanket of golden light so that you may safely and comfortably raise your vibration without feeling the need to protect yourself from the outer world, so that you may be at peace through your awakening process.

Now are they any questions that we may assist any of you with?

Q: I have a question Lord Kuthumi, it is now said that the earth is now a sacred planet, it is said in the writings Master Djwal Khul that the earth was definitely not a sacred planet, is that one of the changes that has taken place?

K: Yes it is. When this information was given it was in the very early 1900s, Mother Earth moved into her role as Sacred Planet from the year 1996. This when the process began to unfold and she is now most certainly a fully active sacred expression of light. Do you understand?

Q: Is that the reason the words from Master Djwal Khul that you could not contact a Master is no longer valid?

K: This is true. This is why beloved brother of light we have been working with individuals, building their ability to use discernment and understand how truth changes. You see the earth and its consciousness is in a constant state of change. All that is expressed manifests a process of motion. That motion automatically manifests new energy, new light, new sound and new vibrations and with every birth of new light, sound and vibration something changes. There are so many cycles within lights process and each cycle brings with it a new level of consciousness. Therefore at this time let us tell you that the teachings that were brought in the last cycle of the Piscean Age are now not holding full the vibration of truth, which means they are not untrue, all it means is that they are obsolete, because the energy has changed.

There still are facts which are applicable because these writings will help one understand the history of the planets spiritual revolutionary process, but many of the principles taught that were applicable at that time have certainly changed, just like computer hardware and software needs to be upgraded on a regular basis, it is the same with such information.

Think for a moment how much humanity’s consciousness has changed, how much technology has developed, therefore it is impossible for the writings of the past, from such a long time ago to still hold 100% validity within the modern age. Many people are being utilised as vessels to upgrade the programming brought by those original teachings. They were the ones responsible for creating the foundation that would bring into being the new light and consciousness that man is now being introduced to. That is why it is important that one move out of limitation, expanding one’s consciousness, allowing ones awareness to move beyond the boundaries that one has become accustomed to, and to search beyond what has been given to date as fact, even when others consider it fiction. So explore the inner world within yourself. Build a relationship with the spiritual aspects of yourself. Ask spirit to reveal to you the universal truths so that you may build upon many of the facts that were delivered to the earth in the 1800s and the early 1900s.

Q: Could you tell us who the other sacred tribes are?

K: They are the Native American Indians and the Eskimos. The Zulu people of Africa and the Aborigines are a part of these. There are still within manifestation Mayans. The Mayans and Aztecs are part of the vibrations of these sacred groups, which rooted the ancient teachings to the planet. These six tribes will be worked with

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initially to upgrade the energies of light, and then the remaining seven tribes will come into the manifestation of their true roots. One of the ancient or sacred tribes will move out of their current animal body and into human body. These are specifically the dolphins. A few dolphin beings have begun the process of manifesting a human body so that by the time the clearing has taken place they will be of an age in physical human form to take their role in supporting humanity’s consciousness to integrate the Sirian codings of complete awakening. The Atlanteans are also a part of those sacred tribes, however at this current time one cannot single out who the Atlantean race is. However as the first six have been brought into their balance so it will be easier to recognise these. The Egyptian people are also a part of the sacred tribes. Is this clear to you so far?

Q: And the others?

K: Let us ask if we can give you the remaining three…….Lord Metatron has asked us to hold this information for this current time and has also informed me there are four remaining tribes and not three, my apologies for that.

And so it is beloved ones that we embrace each one of you within the Emerald light that Lord Hilarion has brought to each one of you. We rejoice in our ability to work in such a way with all of you and rejoice that each one of you consciously choose to ascend the spiral of Ascension and to come into your rightful place as a knowledgeable, wise, empowered and enlightened soul of divine expression. We shall continue to serve with you and serve through you. We shall continue to serve you as you require it, so that your journey may always be a spiral upwards. May all that you require to manifest your souls desires come to you under grace in perfect and miraculous ways, may this come through the abundant sources through which Mother/Father God provide and may each one of you continue to walk as ambassadors of the light, emissaries of the purest love, messengers of Mother/Father God and the answers to prayers.

I am Kuthumi, Lord of Love and Wisdom, and I greet and bless you in Love. Adonai.

Sacred Tribes (13):

1) Bushmen

2) Native American Indian

3) Eskimos

4) Zulu

5) Mayans, Aztec and Inca

6) Aborigines

7) Dolphins

8) Atlanteans

9) Egyptians

Lord Metatron withholds the names of the last 4 tribes

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Channelled by Michelle Eloff ©

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 10 March 2005

To find out more about Michelle and The Lightweaver please visit www.thelightweaver.org

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each one of you upon this day and to bring unto each of you the blessings of purity, of innocence, the energy of abundance and integration.

Greetings beloved ones.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this day as we hold each one of you, firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Brothers and sisters of the light as we gather with you in the presence of the Christed energy, we welcome you into the world of light, into the presence of light expressed within a divine form of love, you. Your presence and the presence of Spirit, forms a unification of light, of sound and many other frequencies of energy that manifest through the vibration of your subtle bodies, including your physical body, and the vibrations emanated by the bodies of light held by Spirit beings.

Lord Metatron also known as Archangel Metatron, the Lord of Light comes forward to take you through your personal 7th dimensional initiation into the world of light that you come from, unto which you return and through which you will lead. I shall now make way for Lord Metatron to address you and upon the completion of his message I shall retransmit. Adonai for now.


I am Metatron, Archangel of all Light, greetings. Your presence today is honoured and acknowledged as the acceptance to step into a New World of light, light you have chosen to make one with you. The world of light reveals everything. It reveals what you are disregarding, everything you have disregarded and that which you until now, to a degree, denied. We refer not only to shadow aspects you have denied, we refer more so to the aspects of light within you, that to date you have disregarded.

This initiation serves the purpose of planetary awakening just like all others do however, this one brings light into every aspect of your family. Every person linked to you genetically and energetically will be touched by this light. The time has come for light to infiltrate all corners of darkness where stagnation has rooted itself. Light routes energy, and each of you will experience a re-routing of your energy, maybe even your personal goal and plans.

The divine plan of humanity is changing at an accelerated rate. The rate at which light is being integrated into your world has resulted in many changes taking place, often changes not expected by the governors of energy of the higher worlds. This is a good sign because until now the predictions for your planet have most certainly not been as accurate as they were in the past. This is a good thing. People have chosen to light up their lives and take responsibility for what they have created and choose to manifest new creations.

People who have chosen to remain within the comfort zone of ignorance will experience a time when they too will have to move in some direction. The direction may not necessarily be up the spiral of ascension into the higher worlds of consciousness it may be into a parallel dimension of experience. It may be the move or shift of energy of the collective consciousness of the complacent ones, into the phantom earth, which has been discussed at length already. The phantom earth is already inhabited by a number of sleeping souls. In this place they continue to experience the journey of the lower world until such time they choose to take advantage of the opportunities presented by Spirit to raise consciousness and expand awareness into the higher worlds of light.

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All of you here today (and reading this) represent a pathway of initiation. The pathway of the 10 roots of expression linked to the tree of life. I, Metatron, guide and tutor through the teachings of the Tree of Life will help you get to know the Tree of Wisdom, the Tree of Knowledge, the Tree of Light, the Tree of Truth and the Tree of Love. The tree is a very powerful symbol of balance. Individually and as a group it is your journey to manifest balance. Light and dark are not the energies having to be brought it to balance. The only energies manifesting balance are your masculine and your feminine aspects, other than that only light will reflect light.

You have chosen to integrate your 7th Dimensional Body of Light. As a group you will experience this process for the next 21 months. Therefore, be prepared to experience a de-light-full time as your Light body merges with your Crystalline body. This Crystal Body is part of your Light body. The two must be integrated in order for you to fully function through 5th, 6th and 7th dimension in preparation for the expansion of consciousness and awareness into the higher dimensions of light and sound.

Light and sound are the vibrations that penetrate all planes of existence. Light and sound create the portholes between dimensions, parallel and multidimensional. You are bringing all the light of the past and you are drawing towards yourself all the light of your future, accumulating this light frequency and rooting it firmly in your root chakra. This root of energy re-routes the flow of light along your spinal column between your crown and base chakras. As you integrate your Light body your crown chakra will undergo a rapid transformation within its structure, therefore your pituitary gland will experience change too. Therefore, physiologically you may experience a change in your metabolism and in your chemical system. Because the hormonal system governs more of their behaviour than that of a male, in general females will be affected by this more so than males.

Men, you may experience this light affecting you as a change in your sleeping patterns, for what you draw into your pituitary gland automatically affects your pineal gland. This additional light integration will cause three layers of illusionary consciousness to become dismantled and removed from your emotional body. Some of you may have already experienced pressure in your emotional body.

Men and women, this pressure may manifest in the form of sensitivity to the emotional frequencies of the collective consciousness in your environment reacting to the impact of darkness, ignorance, imbalance, dysfunctional behaviour and atrocities performed by those of dysfunction and ignorance in your world today. Dysfunction and ignorance are as a result of the lack of wisdom and knowledge. Very often dysfunctional behaviour comes about as a result of wounds inflicted on the subtle bodies including emotional and mental bodies. Physical wounds may not be present, but the other bodies may very well carry the wound.

You as Bringers of Light will serve in a manner to help people heal the wound that manifests in ignorant and dysfunctional behaviour. I, Lord Metatron, will assist each of you individually to acknowledge and recognise your own wound that results in any form of dysfunctional behaviour in your current lifetime. There are no more excuses for remaining in the dark, there is sufficient light within you to reveal to you the power of your will, the power of your heart and the power of Mother/Father God present in everything you see around you.

The light you magnetically draw to yourself will reveal to you the constructive function of light in your life, and through the expression and definition of this light you will facilitate processes of transformation and transcendence in your personal life, as well as in the lives of those who come to you to receive assistance. This assistance may at times be unconscious, not everyone will be aware of their reason for speaking with you. They will however at a later stage experience the result of their interaction with you, as much as you will come to experience the results of your interaction with us.

Light is one of the most powerful tools of healing and dismantling negativity, for in the presence of light all is revealed. Nothing goes unseen. Your pathway of initiation through the Tree of Life is offering you a new lease on life, presenting you with an opportunity to carry a new torch of light. Therefore today each of you is being presented with an opportunity to step into a new lifetime without having to drop your physical body and reincarnate.

This means you have come to the end of a cycle and are ready to begin a new one, to take on a higher level of yourself and the opportunity to express it. This is the reason why I mentioned earlier on that some of you might experience a re-routing of your plans, your hopes and wishes. If you do not feel comfortable in making this choice do not do it. Only commit to this if it feels right within you and resonates with every aspect of your heart. However, be sure your feeling of discomfort it true and not your ego resisting promising, positive change.

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If you are unwilling to make the choice, we suggest you stop reading now.

Close your eyes, breathe deeply into your body, as you exhale feel your body relax. Make yourself aware of how you breathe. Do you normally breathe on a shallow level or do you draw your breath all the way down to your sacral chakra? The more light you bring into the body the deeper you need to breathe to support all that it brings. Therefore consciously breathe in deeply and each time you exhale set the intention that all discomfort be released. In your minds eye imagine a mighty Archangel in your midst. Imagine the wings expanding creating a veil of light around you. Acknowledge this veil of light as a protective shield.

Whenever one passes from one world of experience to another the soul is required to reflect on their journey. Because of your choice to make this transition you must now reflect on what you have experienced up until this point. We require you to now acknowledge a minimum of three achievements or lessons learnt however you wish to interpret it.

You are then to acknowledge two areas you feel are incomplete, the incomplete aspects you will carry with you into your new world of light where you will receive assistance and support to manifest all you require in order to complete what you have recognised as unfinished business. Take this time now to reflect and decide what unfinished business you wish to complete.

For the purpose of completing your initiation we require your verbal expression of what you acknowledged as an achievement and what you desire to take with you. On completion of your verbal communication we shall inform you of the initiation path you reflect. State your name before you proceed. (Pause to verbally express your acknowledgement and what you have chosen to complete.)

For the next 10 months you will undergo and physically experience the 10 Initiations of the Tree of Life. For the next 30 days you represent the 1st initiation, the Initiation of the Crown - The Initiation of Light. This initiation requires that the initiate consciously open to receiving light and consciously intend that light be one with all, within and without. You have intended this process of light therefore it shall continue to show you the path before you.

Month 2 -Lady Nada and Archangel Uriel will facilitate the manifestation of light and healing with you when you step into the 2nd Initiation of the Tree of Life. Through your journey you will bring the Wisdom of Father God, the wisdom of the masculine for the purpose of manifesting healing, light and love. You will also be initiated into Master El Morya’s ashram of service to build your God self and complete its creation so as to manifest the balance you seek. Your psychic abilities are active and will continue to grow with you. St Germain will hold you within his Violet Flame of protection. Its light will serve you and continue to nurture your journey forward.

Month 3 - The 3rd pathway of initiation is the feminine journey of understanding the Wisdom and Power of Father God. The feminine Goddess presence brings new life in at such a rapid rate that at times it requires focus on the wisdom aspect in order for all males and females to understand its purpose. During these 30 days your purpose will come into its full expression of light, and by following the light of your wisdom and of your heart you are guaranteed further achievement. The planes of darkness have manifested systems of technology that keep much of human’s consciousness in an arrested state of development. The light you bring in, as a vessel will assist those near and dear to you to continue their journey into light. Focus on light, for negativity feeds the technology of darkness and keeps one bound to the past. You are paving a new way for yourself and those who will come after you.

Month 4-The 4th Initiation is the pathway of the Ruler who must at all times display mercy, compassion and unconditional love of self and others. This initiation impacts on the throat chakra most. Therefore with the assistance of Archangel Michael, I, Archangel Metatron and Archangel Zadkiel, we will assist you in creating the new foundation from which you will build a structure to safely house and nurture your creativity. During this time you will be a voice of light for the future because you embody the rays of indigo, of crystal and gold. You are linked to the Sirian Masters of Light and are therefore required to persevere and see your journey through to completion. You will also be the voice for the children of the Indigo Ray, the crystal children and the golden children. You make clear the path of light for them to follow. You prepare the earth to receive their seeds of light so that all may benefit when the time to harvest comes. The light, wisdom and knowledge coming to you from the Archangels will serve you and will guide you. You must take responsibility to use your receptivity to hear our transmissions in the form of inspiration and guidance, to bring to fruition what you have chosen to take into the new world of light with you. Choose your communications wisely. Live always in integrity. You will soon understand why.

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Month 5 – The 5th Initiation is the Initiation of the Warrior. Your journey during this period is to teach the proper use of light and energy and to bring into tranquillity the conflicts of human nature. You will move into places and spaces that many fear to tread. You will however reveal to the fearful ones the true face of their demon so they may recognise the illusion by which they live their life. The Light Warrior works alongside Archangel Michael and with wisdom and diplomacy reveals truth. Always be conscious of where your ego is, never become complacent.

Month 6 – The 6th Initiation is the Initiation of the Sun, which manifests beauty. Your journey at this time will reveal to humans the truth about beauty -beauty present within every manifestation of the divine expression of the creative force of Mother/Father God. At all times you will be required to be conscious and aligned with the beauty of Spirit, the beauty within you, the beauty of the God force represented by the Sun and the beauty of the Goddess represented by Lady Gaia -Mother Earth. Many children will look at your energy field and will be comforted by the knowing that you can freely recognise the beauty of Spirit. For it is ones such as you who will dismantle the matrix of illusion regarding judgement of what is beautiful and what is not. This refers to all aspects of life -human, animal and every aspect of the nature kingdom. Every aspect of beauty you acknowledge becomes a part of you, light is beautiful.

Month 7 – The 7th Initiation brings Light to the Intellect -all aspects of intellect, both mental and spiritual. Your transformation cycles will come into manifestation as a result of penetrating the spaces of intellect within men and women during this 30-day period -the intellect that separates them from emotional and spiritual intelligence. You will be a bridge between the higher mind and the lower mind. This you facilitate specifically through the heart chakra. The completion of your cycle regarding persecution has prepared you for this journey. I, Metatron will guide you often and assist you in manifesting sufficient light in order to manifest the spaces you require for transformation to take place. You will bring light into the heart spaces of families and individuals, as well as the world of business. The heart space is a highly volatile space. Anger, pain and sorrow are in the core of many people’s hearts. They require light to gain clarity and you will facilitate this. Intend this manifestation confidently and then know beyond a shadow of doubt that because light is at one with you, it shall come into physical being.

Month 8 – The 8th Initiation is symbolised by the moon and the building of foundation. If the foundation lacks light the structure cannot remain strong for the duration of the cycle. Your purpose now is to teach the power of creativity and the essence of masculine and feminine consciousness operating as one unit of light creating life. The foundations of the New World must embody light in order for it to prevail. All the dark nights you endured have been your initiation and prepared you for this task. You will be drawn into many arenas in the game of life to show the power of this truth. You will be called to interact with ignorant and wise women/men. Never turn your back on an opportunity to interact with either the ignorant woman/man or the wise woman/man, for you have something to give and you have something to receive.

Month 9 – The 9th Initiation is the journey into unconditional love, unconditional acceptance and unconditional manifestation of all that light has to offer. The journey before you is one of service to the children of earth, Mother Earth and the many women of earth. The light you integrate will give you new eyes, therefore the vision to recognise the child within and to understand its wound. The Lords of light invite you into a new creative world of light, one in which you will be supported to integrate your receptive and creative side as an expression and co-creator with Spirit. The animal and nature kingdoms respond to your presence. Water is the element that will serve you best, nurturing and easing the stress that life may manifest as you journey into re-igniting receptivity and creativity within the heart, the mind and the spirit of the children of earth, as well as the inner children of earth and earth herself.

Acknowledge your ability to recognise darkness within and acknowledge your ability to recognise the light within the darkest night.

Month 10 – The 10th Initiation is the journey in the Whole Self, the journey into the depths of you. The difference with this journey is that you will be in a position to consciously notice how much you have shifted and transmuted over the past 9 months, and that now you are ready to re-birth the Whole Self. Maintain what you have learnt, apply your wisdom and confidently life your WHOLE life to the fullest.

I must now relieve you of the intensity of my presence. Kuthumi will take over and complete the initiation. Goodbye.


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I am Kuthumi and I return at this time to be present with each one of you and to complete the current cycle of integrating the light you have chosen to have merged with you and to bring to you further clarity or understanding required, so that you may be clear in your heart and mind as to what Lord Metatron shared with you.

Beloved ones firstly it will be of great support for each of you to realise that your choice to move into the new world of expression will certainly bring about different experiences and circumstances. These are not necessarily of a challenging nature these may be more so of an uplifting nature. You see the more you raise your consciousness into the worlds of light, the more you are able to see light, to expect light and even in the face of challenge, the light is easily recognised, rather than wallowing in any fear, negativity or dark aspects of your personality.

Each of you will undergo a rapid shift, a transformation rather, of certain personality traits. This is drawing you into more of your authentic self and building your authentic identity so that you may identify with all that the light reveals to you as being a reflection of your divine authenticity. Over the next few hours your body will complete its initiation and integration of the 7th dimensional energy.

All of you are absorbing an immense amount of light through your crown chakra, therefore ensure that you ground yourself properly. You may even find with this high vibration of light that you have difficulty concentrating or even sleeping. If this is the case try and perform creative tasks to focus your energy and to realign your energy with the planes of life in which you exist. This does not mean that your energy will descend into third dimensional consciousness. All it means is that you will be re-rooted to the earth so that you may confidently and successfully bring into manifestation all that is required to fulfil your purpose and destiny for the upcoming cycle.

We would like you now, to take a moment and breathe deeply into your body and as you breathe in and out to fill your body with light, fill it with a sense of balance. Fill your body with strength and acknowledge that the power of light presents wisdom. Acknowledge that wisdom enables one to better utilise the forces of love. Accept that when you better understand how to use the forces of love you gain more knowledge, which in turn gives birth to further wisdom.

The continued manifestation of wisdom within your world magnetically attracts further light. This light continues to feed all forms of consciousness and gives it more life. This life is a form of power and your journey into the 7th dimension today will help you to see your inner power. Try and understand that light is not limited to what you see when you flick a switch or when you ignite a flame, light is present in the form of humility, it is present within integrity, it is present within faith and trust, and it is present within the expression of creativity.

Life grows wherever light is present. Therefore acknowledge that within every aspect that you experience growth you are utilising light. Call upon the presence of the beings of the light to feed you with additional light so that your life may continue to grow.

The continuation of the manifestation of life and light will help you embrace what the majority of you have intended and that is the experience of unconditional love, the expression of unconditional love of self and your world. Light is its most powerful in the form of unconditional love, therefore you are very much on the right track to find it, to integrate it, to feel it and express it.

The challenge between the world of light and dark has been going on inside of you, for eons of time. The battle between your lower ego and your higher self, the battle that manifests in doubt and at other times confidence, pleasure and pain, success and what you perceive as failure, those battles will not be with you for all eternity. For through the power of choice you have chosen a different world, you have utilised your divine right to choose freely and sure as day follows night you will experiences a new world. One that will feed your spirit, one in which you will flourish, one in which you will leave your mark of love within.

You have responded to the call of Spirit to take up your Mantle of Light and to lead. Archangel Michael guides each one of you to hold your sword of truth firmly, confidently, fearlessly and to always acknowledge your divine right to express truth and to be heard, to experience your divine right to be provided for, to be

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nurtured and to be loved, your divine right to be accepted and your divine right to accept, your divine right to be at one with All That Is.

It is your divine right to be on earth beloved ones, for you are the Bringers of Change, you are the Bringers of the Light. You are the ones clearing the way for the children of light that come from the sun, that come from the stars, that come from the higher worlds of light that will carry your world through its golden age.

We rejoice in the completion of this energy, we rejoice in the acknowledgement of your choice to lead, to live, to be loved, to experience and express love and to recognise that you are divine manifestations of light. Therefore no darkness can take root in your midst for it is automatically dismantled by the presence of the intention you have set for yourself.

And so it is that we embrace each one of you in the power and forces of all aspects of light that are at one with you. We bless each one of you with every tool of light you require to manifest your destiny, to complete the cycle you move into. Trust in the many invisible arms that hold you and know that not ever do you walk alone for we are all one and we are with you always in all ways. Beloved ones may the pearls of wisdom that fall from Mother/Father God’s heart find a place to rest within yours, and may all always be well in the world.

I am Kuthumi Lord of love and wisdom and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.

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Channelled by Michelle Eloff ©

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 22 March 2005

To find out more about Michelle and The Lightweaver please visit www.thelightweaver.org

(In this channelling Lord Maitreya refers to Master Grid Builders. Those of you reading this who feel a very strong pull to what he is talking about are probably also Master Grid Builders. I suggest you align with Lord Maitreya and ask him to bring you confirmation of this)

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom and bring unto you the blessings of courage, wisdom and of self- knowledge. Greetings beloved ones.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this day as we hold each one of you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Brothers and sisters of light as we gather in the presence of the Christ energy we manifest a creative shield of crystalline light around you individually and around you as a group of planetary Lightworkers. The creative shield is one that emerges directly through your sacral and third eye chakras. The purpose for manifesting this shield is to support the process facilitated by the Lords of the Light and that which Lord Maitreya shall activate with you today for the purpose of bringing into being that which you desire on a soul level to create and manifest in your physical reality.

This process requires the utilisation of the intellect of your third eye and your sacral chakra. The intellect we refer to is the one that is in perfect alignment with the God-mind and Universal principals of light, which Lord Maitreya shall introduce you to as well.

To begin with, close your eyes, breathe deeply into your lungs and exhale, and as you do this, allow your body to relax, and to become centred and focused within this space. As you breathe in and exhale slowly imagine a shield made of crystalline energy, extending out in all directions from your sacral and third eye chakras. As you continue to comfortably breathe in and out, this crystalline shield of creative energy will continue to expand until it encompasses all your energy, holding you in perfect and Divine alignment with the Higher Mind of Mother/Father God, with the higher mind of your Higher self, and with the Higher mind of Mother Earth.

While breathing in and out set the intention that with each inhalation and exhalation, your body becomes more relaxed yet alert. Intend for it to manifest peace and vitality.

Now call upon your personal guides and ask them to be present with you. Invoke the presence of the God Mind. Invoke the presence of the Goddess Mind and ask your fully mastered self of the light to activate the cells of joy, laughter, light and sound in your physical and subtle bodies. Continue to breathe in and out comfortably. If there are any other beings of the light whom you wish to have in your presence, invoke them now.

Now while I Kuthumi step aside for Lord Maitreya to step forward and deliver his message to you take the time to reflect for a moment on everything in your life you are currently experiencing, that separates you from joy, laughter, pleasure and light. Lord Maitreya shall continue the process with you therefore I bless and greet you. Adonai.


I am Maitreya the Christ. Welcome.

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Your presence is a joy. Life is a Joy. The world you experience is as you have created it. Grasping this liberates you from the world you have created and now experience as a reality. Every reality is in fact an illusion, for every reality is coloured by the belief systems of its creator.

There are billions of realities and within those realities are even more illusions. The initiation I am to take you through today is to reveal to you how in truth you are to decide how your life will continue to unfold. Many Masters have taught that the joy of living is an art. The art cannot manifest its fullness if the heart is not in it.

How does your heart feel today? What weighs heavily upon your heart? Is your heart full of Joy? Does your heart sing at the thought of being alive, or is your heart weighed down by the responsibilities you create in order to keep you bound to the illusion of your current reality?

Your journey into light is for the purpose of creating light and shedding light on the illusions within your reality, revealing to you the reality of light is resident within the core of your heart, therefore, the art of the heart is to be within the centre of your heart, so that you can understand what the matters of your heart are and what your basic requirements are.

You have all lived through many cycles of ascension and awakening. All of you here today have sat with me on numerous occasions contemplating the laws of life, studying the universal principles and mastering the art of the heart. Every chakra in your body impacts on your heart chakra, and your heart chakra influences all the chakras beneath it, and above it. Embracing the light side of life means making the choice to see the light rather than focusing on the dark aspects.

The challenges you have faced up until this point have brought you to an inner state of understanding some of the matters of your heart, although there are still areas requiring additional attention. You have reached a stage where you can truly integrate the Higher laws of the God Mind by beginning to apply them in your life in new ways.

Three of you here are Master Grid Creators. This means, through the cycles your planet has experienced, you along with other Master Grid Creators across your globe have created grids of energy. These grids have carried humanity’s consciousness into higher realms of understanding. These grids have worked with light and sound, which manifest electromagnetic currents of energy drawing universal laws of life into the ethers of your world. You have built grids around human beings using sound and you have created grids within the human energy fields for protection. You have built grids to raise people’s consciousness from the depths of darkness to reach the brightest heights of light. And I, Lord Maitreya, have brought you back to your senses because I need you, we need you. Your planet needs you to remember the master you are.

The remainder of you, are co-creators, who work specifically through the Heart Ray. The Heart Ray is governed by Master Jesus, which is also over-lit by Master Serapis Bey, Chohan of the Fourth Ray.

I, Lord Maitreya will continue to work with my Master Grid Creators. I will continue to supervise the workings of light, which Master Jesus and Serapis Bey will continue to create.

The energy manifesting as we discuss this matter with you, is facilitating the additional manifestation of a frequency activated yesterday. I, Lord Maitreya the over lighting energy force for the activation, assisted by Lady Kwan Yin, Master Hilarion and a group of souls are to bring into manifestation the Gold, Green, Ruby, and White lights for the base chakra of your planet. Johannesburg is the point coming into consciousness, bringing into feeling a new level of awareness through the base and heart chakras for the residents of the geographic location I speak of, which will rapidly spread through the rest of your planet.

The place of Gold, Johannesburg, and the Point of Gold, Ponta D’ Ouro in Mozambique, hold the frequency of light and sound which facilitate the manifestation of the Sirian principals of healing required for the purpose of awakening many of the sleeping souls who are a vital part of the current awakening process.

Now, Grid Builders, I extend my energy into your energy field. The energy stirs within you a sense of urgency, a sense of quickening in your being for the purpose of reminding you of what your soul contract is at this time.

Heart Ray workers, I project a sheath of energy from my heart chakra to your heart chakra awakening the stillness within you, the stillness that holds deep wisdom, and the deep knowing of the origin of truth, the

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origin of joy, of lightness and laughter. Your role is to bring the seed of joy and the seed of laughter into the lives of all who choose to share and encounter you, regardless of how long the encounter is to be. Your duty to yourself is to embrace these gifts of life with all of your mind, so that you can take the next step in your ascension healing to open the door to joy and light.

Many of you have probably heard on more than one occasion of Master Teachers delivering a message regarding how your belief systems influence the life you create. This of course is a fact. Another fact is that the belief systems of the dark ages have highlighted suffering and pain, lack, loss and limitation. You have been conditioned to accept that without pain there is nothing to gain. By handing any situation you find yourself in over to the Divine power of Spirit and asking for Divine intervention and the manifestation of joy, of light and laughter to fill your heart and being, you begin attracting a very different frequency of light and sound into your energy. With every additional intention of bringing more light, joy and laughter into your life, the cells of your body physically change. The structure of your physiology undergoes remarkable mutation. Your body shut down more than you realise. This shut down occurred as a result of conditioning and as a result of the power utilised by those in the know at that time, to keep you quiet.

The dark ages are a thing of the past. This is the age of manifesting light and sound. Today is the second phase of the activation of the base and heart chakras for every single human being living in all base and heart chakra points on the planet. There are nine levels of activation required to come into completion to ensure that the place of Gold will be in a position physically and consciously to birth the Golden Consciousness.

These nine levels are linked to each one of you. Nine ways of experiencing joy. Nine ways of expressing light. Nine ways of experiencing light. Within the nine ways of each of the three pillars, are a further nine avenues leading to the expression and the experience through which the new grids of light and sound are manifest. As we get the Master Grid Builders into action again, the grids created will send vibrations of light and sound through the earth, your body, the etheric field of your planet and will complete the next phase of dismantling the grid of Piscean consciousness which has governed the process of your conditioning for the past 2200 years.

The dawning of the Aquarian age has come. You have all been part of many such activations of light and sound, and in your own way you understand the process of manifesting this energy. There is no process to go and study. All you are required to do is remember the feeling of light. Remember how you feel when your body is vibrating with laugher.

Remember how you feel when joy courses through your veins and every thing before you looks very bright. Your future appears bright and the thought of living another day on the planet is not such a daunting one.

The second phase of this activation relating specifically to the magnetic line of energy between the place of Gold and the point of Gold, connected through Sirius and through the Dolphin Kingdom, which we activated yesterday, today becomes activated through the Feline Kingdom. I am sure all of you have heard the saying that a cat has nine lives. Those nine lives represent the nine cycles of all you experience in every incarnation. You manifest a physical body. Every cycle of nine manifests the end of a vibration of energy and offers you the onset of a new vibration of energy. Every cycle of nine opens the cell receptors to release and integrate new information. The nine cycles you have experienced have continuously echoed the vibration of limitation and now the time has come to disconnect the cell receptors from the continuation of limitation. Therefore, to move your consciousness into 7th dimensional frequency today, we ask you to focus on any coloured ray of light you choose connecting at the point of your crown chakra and bring it into your brain.

Imagine frequencies of sound vibrating through your brain, it does not matter if you don’t hear them, just imagine sound frequencies continuously reverberating through your brain. Imagine the light in your brain and the sound frequencies reverberating through it affecting the cells in your brain in such a way that the cells respond by opening. Imagine each cell opening to release nine cycles of conditioning that have kept you manifesting similar realities over and over again. The reality you recreate may not necessarily be obvious to you. The subtlety of it may be what deceives you leaving you feeling despondent, disillusioned and confused. Breathe light and sound into these cells, and consciously intend for the higher frequency of light and sound of the 7th dimension to merge with your brain cells, and imagine this dimensional energy filling your cells and dissolving all the old ways of co-creating.

Now that you are accustomed to the light and sound vibration moving through your brain breathe the light and sound through the rest of your body, and repeat the same process imagining the cells responding to the

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light, the sound vibrations and willingly releasing the old paradigm conditioning, giving you free will to integrate your new way through 7th dimensional consciousness. Will your soul to continue integrating the 7th dimensional light and sound frequencies now.

The next phase of your initiation requires that we the Lords of the Light, remind you of your Divine right to a joyful and happy existence. Your choices determine as much as your belief systems do, the quality of the life your experience. When a life challenge faces you, you can choose to interpret it as an experience that paralyses you, or an experience of empowerment. No experience ever manifests in your life to destroy you, only to destroy what no longer supports you. You create the magnetic grids in your energy field to purposefully attract into your conscious reality an experience needed to reveal to you a different way of constructing your perceptions and a different way of experiencing a life experience. This again is influenced by your choices. If you were created believing joy to be an experience experienced in the same quantity you experience fear, your challenges would manifest very different circumstances. The joy of living is the art of the heart. I, Lord Maitreya the Christ messenger have come to present the opportunity of recognising how you determine the quality of your life. I offer each of you the opportunity to ask any question, a question that will add value to your life, one that through the answer given will help you to recognise how you deprive yourself of a joyful life.

Take time to ask Lord Maitreya your question. Remain receptive, and if an answer does not come immediately, it will come to you within 72 hours.

Beloved ones, stepping out of the wound is certainly one of the most difficult aspects of healing. However, times come in the cycle of healing when one simply has to just take the step regardless of whether it is understood or not. There is an initiation on the path of ascension that challenges one rather severely for it brings to the fore the realisation of the ego’s desire to understand and know everything, whereas one is required to trust the Higher force and power of the Soul to know that whatever lies beyond the wound is much better than the current experience. This initiation you have been in for many months. To put into context life times of betrayal will take a lifetime, and what you have right now is this lifetime.

Master Jesus will facilitate your process of looking beyond the wound. You need to let go of your addiction to the feeling that confirms you can feel, the feeling that reminds you, you are alive. To change the identity of the old self into the identity of the new self one must let go of everything that has contributed to the old idea. And that wound, that deep pain has simply been an affirmation to yourself that you can feel.

Choose to feel something different. Take the bold step and never doubt for a moment that you cannot do it. That is the challenge. By seeing this challenge as an opportunity to learn how to break out of old identities you will see it as a gift rather than a situation that paralyses.

This state of transition should be enjoyed. Therefore make use of your time to partake in activities that you don’t usually partake in, or make use of your time to surrender within the activities that you enjoy doing, and just be within that state with no time constraints on your consciousness in any way. Moving into a state of being after being in a cycle of doing for lengthy periods will re-centre your energy and align you with a new focus coming with your new cycle.

Embrace this time of change with the knowing that you will never be the same again. Embrace this cycle of consciously experiencing your truth change. Embrace the authentic you emerging form the dark realms of ignorance that clouded your vision. Rejoice knowing that the TRUTH IS SETTING YOU FREE!

I am Maitreya, Christ Lord. Our deepest Love be One with You. Farewell.

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Channelled by Michelle Eloff ©

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 31 March 2005

To find out more about Michelle and The Lightweaver please visit www.thelightweaver.org

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet you at this time and to bring unto each of you the blessings of laughter, of healing, of balance and simplicity. Greetings Beloved Ones.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we gather with each of you upon this day, as we hold each one of you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely within the hands of God.

As the energy is being prepared for the presence of Lord Melchizedek, we embrace you in a crystalline vibration of energy and sound for the purpose of releasing from your subtle bodies any density or stagnant energy that may be limiting your healing or awakening of awareness in any manner whatsoever.

The presence of light coming to you upon this day is here to serve you as well as it is here to serve humanity, through activating the sacred geometric forces of light and sound. These forces stimulated within the cellular structure of the human form, initiates the process of dismantling all the synthetic threads of energy maintaining what is referred to as the synthetic merkaba vehicle around the planet, and the synthetic merkaba that has been activated for some of you through personal processes which we shall not go into much detail about at this time. What is important however is that they are being dismantled and your higher aspect, the merkaba body of light, will come into its full manifestation in accordance with the natural vibration and construction of light and sound through all the dimensions of consciousness manifested by you and through your highest self of the light.

This merges consciousness with your Christed self of the light and brings into your conscious consciousness the activation of even higher frequencies of energy, referred to as your quantum consciousness. This is another phase of preparation of light and energy that Commander Ashtar shall take many of you through including the global consciousness, as grids replacing the old matrix take root within the systems of new golden consciousness to further aid the ascension into the higher realms of light.

As we deliver this information, the cells of sacred geometric force and expression in your body already begin their awakening. This quickening within your being will impact on every single area of our conscious and unconscious life. The experiences magnetically gravitating toward you will gently usher you into a new sphere of experiencing what you have come to call your life experience. Each of you will undergo a very powerful metamorphosis as such. And you will see how that which has kept you bound to past dramas, limited consciousness, victim consciousness, any aspect of any energy that has bound you to a way of life, to a way of thinking and believing that no longer serves your higher plan, will crumble and fall away.

The foundation upon which it was created no longer holds any ground.

Some of you may find as you make the choice to step away from a person, situation, belief system, or attitude, a sense of anger, frustration, irritation, or shame may come to the fore as you realise how long you played the game for, and you realise that it was possible to step out of the drama so much sooner. However, this reaction is not from you -it is the reaction of your lower ego.

So let me end my transmission at this time, making way for Lord Melchizedek to continue the lesson and the initiation with you as a group. Blessings be with each one of you. Adonai.


I am Melchizedek of the Order of Melchizedek. Welcome.

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This gathering here today serves to inform you and add to the wisdom you have to this date already integrated on many levels. These levels of energy are vital aspects of the program of ascension Lord Maitreya put into manifestation and motion some years ago. Your planet has embraced the ascension process in a way we did not anticipate prior to this particular timeline, especially prior to your year 2000. This in itself has caused great excitement at the projected expectations of where this energy will take each of you individually and collectively.

Kuthumi begins the lesson addressing your lower ego. This aspect of you is what has kept you to a great degree in the illusion you have come to accept as your life. Life is the greatest teacher. In the journey of life you are given the opportunity to explore endless realities. The reality you chose to step into in this incarnation has served you beyond your conscious imagining. Your lesson now is to step out of the predictable manifestation of life experience created by your lower ego.

Each of you in a way, are being asked to break the spell placed on you and to venture into the world of the consciously unknown and become a part of the consciousness known to those who show you the way, who show you a different way and who present endless possibilities. I, Melchizedek, of the Order of Melchizedek, embrace each of you as a collective soul expression. I acknowledge each of you as an individual expression of Mother/Father God.

Each of you are being integrated into a vessel of energy linked to the make-up of human DNA, purposefully, to bring into being the higher understanding of what your universe is all about.

Ignorance is no longer an excuse for a stagnant reality. You have at your disposal everything you need to take you to a new level of awareness. Nothing is inaccessible to you. The only thing that leads you to believe that information is not at your disposal is your lower ego. You have danced many dances to many tunes with this lower aspect. The problem, which has been created, is that you have been led to believe this aspect dictates the quality and circumstances of your life. First of all, you need to acknowledge your lower ego as an ally.

This places a sense of security within the consciousness of your lower ego because it has an important purpose.

Breaking away from lower ego influence is not about discarding the lower ego completely. It is about giving it space to do what it was meant to do, and that was to preserve you, just as fear was created as a mechanism of self-preservation. This became distorted as a result of ignorance, as a result of souls buying into lust consciousness and through their fear of lack and loss chose to disempower humanity, and chose to use this knowledge and power to put souls to sleep. The anaesthetic, however, is wearing off rather rapidly. Frantically, the anaesthetists are grasping at many straws and do not have much to hold onto. This is where your role becomes so important.

The Order of Melchizedek has been in a state of manifestation for ages that you could not even comprehend. It has been acknowledged under many different names. This structure and unit of consciousness has travelled through every single age. Serving the role of ensuring that consciousness always finds a way back to the one truth lying in all that is, all that ever has been and all that will ever come to be. This in itself acts as a catalyst. The catalyst serves as a motivating force, bringing each of you to a point of deep questioning; inner searching, soul searching, and this search brings you to all the destinations you have come to experience over the past five years.

The past five years has been the most rapid in its change, the most accelerated in its soul development and evolution. This next phase of 7th dimensional consciousness takes all of you into a state of no time, a state of no being, a state of nothingness, and reveals to each of you that within the state of nothingness, absolutely everything becomes possible. This means you step fully into quantum consciousness. Some of you may already be aware of the fact that quantum physics; quantum consciousness is simply the science of possibilities. It removes the boundaries from absolutely everything and presents everything to you and emanates the message that everything is possible. You have the power to experience absolutely everything you ever dreamed of. The only reason why you haven’t experienced it is because you did not believe it possible.

Everything every person has ever dreamed of has come into manifestation. All exist because enough people believed it into manifestation. That is the very nature of quantum energy. This is the law Einstein presented to humanity, (even though he wasn’t completely comfortable with it’s volatility). These are the laws that were

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altered -the laws of consciousness altered within humanity’s consciousness through Newtonian consciousness and many of the theories presented by the scientist Darwin.

Breaking Newtonian consciousness is becoming easier. You have already completed the most difficult aspect of dismantling this particular matrix. Now you stand in the light of Golden consciousness and you come to see that all along you have been involved in developing your quantum self – quantum consciousness. This means quantum science, quantum physics, quantum psychology, quantum anything for that matter, is in fact nothing new to you.

Shifting the mind to another level of understanding is what creates the shift within yourself to recognise what you have been doing all along. It presents it in a different language, a language that offers another perspective. This adds to the integration process and deeper understanding of this very simple science. The complexity of science, the complexity of human nature has affected all of you to this point. Now you shift out of complexity into simplicity and as confusing as the quantum aspect of consciousness may sound, it is far simpler than the complex science you have been living with to date.

Limitation has impeded your ability to grasp very simple concepts such as surrendering, such as trusting, such as recognising the ability and power to create your future, and understanding multi-dimensional expressions of yourself. Can you imagine being conscious of your multi-dimensional lives? Can you imagine being conscious of many aspects of yourself living different experiences and absorbing those lessons collectively, ascending collectively, and that through every life you have chosen to experience a reality through, you are able to see through the eyes of that aspect’s experience, understanding that it is a part of you? So instead of viewing your life as a thousand or so separate incarnations, see it as a collective current experience. You draw from every single experience in the moment it is experienced and you apply that wisdom, you apply that knowledge – your personal growth accelerates by a further 650%. Can you imagine that level of growth?

But what does it feel like? Lots of things sound great, sound exciting, but what does it feel like? The only reason why you haven’t felt it and experienced it, is because you have experienced the limited science, you have experienced the lameness of science as a result of the absence of Spirit. Spirit animates everything. Einstein spoke the words that science without Spirit is lame and religion without science is crippled. The two have to be together – exactly the same as masculine and feminine need to be balanced and the aspects of the feminine energy and a male energy are required to create a human form. What I have just presented to you is in fact, a reality. It is possibility. Remember, I have said everything is possible. It is only the lower ego, holding onto the old science, the old way, the old paradigm -the old age -that prevented you from grasping these ideas. So today, you are integrating the geometric forces of energy, which emanate vibrations of energy, which dismantle the density within your cellular structure, which therefore dismantle the limited systems of consciousness psychically, etherically and mentally. This in turn continues to dismantle the emotional, limited experience so you can in fact train yourself in quantum consciousness.

Commander Ashtar will take you through the final phase of stepping into that. Preparation is vital.

Each of you is required to take physical steps to understand the spirit within science, to understand the science of your universe, science of spirit. Forget science in the old science understanding. Science is no longer limited to nutty professors. You are all scientists. Every single one of you experiment with life on a daily basis. Every single one of you is applying theories. To date you have successfully completed the experimentation with limited consciousness and the results thereof – you are the results thereof. The rest of humanity is the consequence of such experimentation. You are the scientists, the researches, the pioneers, the creators and the inventors of Atlantis. So, sorry, there is no excuse!

Every single one of you understands the geometry of the sacred flower of life. The reason why you understand it is because you were birthed from that sacred geometric shape. When life began as a single cell, you developed through the sacred flower of life. The unfoldment process was through the sacred flower of life -the geometry of absolutely everything that exists within you. You are not separate from anything. Everything that exists within you exists within nature. And everything that exists within nature is within you. Slice through your bone and rings exist within your bone like it exists within the trunk of a tree, like it exists within a hippo’s tooth or an elephant’s tusk. The same geometry exists in a stem of a flower. When the petal of a flower is studied under a microscope, exactly the same geometry is present. The geometry present in one of your blood cells is present within the sap of a flower, within the blood cells of an animal, within the structure of the minutest molecule of crystalline presence within a crystal, within any kind of mineral or gem. That geometry is present in you. Minerals extracted from the human body have the same trace elements

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within the minerals of the Earth, which is why you need minerals to keep your body healthy. When Mother Earth is depleted of certain minerals, whatever substance is grown within that part of her body, lacks those minerals. She needs what you need and you need what she needs.

Sacred geometry is the understanding of the forces of various levels of energy that manifest forces, which motivate expression through the human form, through the mind and through the soul. Integrating this information dismantles the synthetic merkaba that has been responsible for keeping the world of “old” science alive. The synthetic merkaba is a structure created for the purpose of keeping human beings in a limited state of consciousness. The creators of the synthetic merkaba, however, did not anticipate the power of the soul expressing itself through a human form. They did not anticipate the sophistication of the mechanism that was created and how its natural instinct, the spirit that animates it, would always ensure regardless of the time span taken, that it would always return home to its origin of creation. This is proven by the animal kingdom. You are one with this kingdom of life as well. Nothing is separate from you. The only difference is your form, yet your life force is affected in the same ways. You respond to love and hate in precisely the same way. There is absolutely no difference in how the energy reacts to those projectors of frequency.

You were created from the same original essence of creation. Why do you think shamans are able to shape-shift into such forms? The only reason why it can be done, quantumly speaking, is because that energy exists within. It is a part of you. It will take time for your lower consciousness to grasp the meaning of this. I assure you that with every concept you integrate, you will open the doors to unlimited worlds of potential. Those of you who have turned your heart to Spirit and called forth the force of light to take you into the manifestation of your full potential, this is it for you. This is the stepping into the mechanism that will take you there - the next phase of the project of ascension you have asked to be a part of.

You have been told on endless occasions that with ascension comes additional responsibility. This is not to be taken lightly, for the responsibility is upon you to ensure you have what you need to keep you on your path of awakening. It is no other’s responsibility to make you aware of what you need. It is your sole responsibility. As you act this out, all others who seek the same end will attract you into their space, or you will attract them into your space and the information is made available. You are all messengers for one another. You are one another’s teachers and one another’s students. Not one of you is better than any other. Not one of you is favoured above the next. You are all equally loved, and it is time you accepted this.

It is time that you stepped out of your need to be fed instruction. It is time that you let go of the pacifier you hold onto so desperately. It is time to give yourself what you constantly crave from the outer world. Therefore if you seek approval from the outer world, stop right now! And approve of yourself. If you seek validation from the outer world, stop right now and validate yourself. If you want the outer world to tell you, you are right, stop and acknowledge to yourself what is right or wrong. Stop giving your power away for goodness sake! You are grown-ups. You are not ignorant and you are not paralysed. You are not as weak and helpless as you like to think sometimes. That is ignorant behaviour. That will keep you in the quagmire of self-destruction. So, what on earth, do you want? What do you want from Spirit? It is not our responsibility to make you feel better about yourself. It is not our responsibility to tell you what to do with your life, or what not to do with your life. That, Precious Souls, is your baby!

Own yourself, own up to yourself! If you want the responsibility of an advanced Lightworker – sounds very glamorous doesn’t it? – If you want that responsibility, well, then earn it! Behave in a way that shows you are capable of it. As long as you choose to behave like an unenlightened soul and send out victim energy, you will find yourself swimming in the same old pattern of destruction day in and day out.

This may sound like a harsh message, and it is, in fact. But the harshness of it, Beloved Ones, is to truly bring home to all of you, the facts of ascension. To bring home to you, what qualifies any person, any soul, to consider them self a Master. If you seek self-mastery, well, master yourself! Get over your victim consciousness. Kick your poverty consciousness in the pants, and live your life like a Master. Every step you take that presents, or emanates the intention of mastery will create that in your space. 5th dimensional energy is about instant manifestation, you’ve heard this on endless occasions. 7th dimensional energy is the quantum space, it has been explained to you that it is the dimension of magic, miracles and manifestation. Kuthumi has said it is not the magic that you know of as a Harry Potter nature.

7D is your entry into the world of quantum reality, quantum consciousness, and all of you here have been prepared for this. So, you are finished with kindergarten, you are finished with your lower grade school.

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Now it is time to get down to some serious application of what you have studied. The lower grades such as kindergarten, such as grades that lead up to the entry into what you call high school, is the time spent learning and developing skills. Once one enters the higher level, or high school, as it is called, one should, in all truth, carry on developing one’s skills, by practically applying the skills already mastered. All of you know what negative thinking does to you. All of you know what guilt does to you, shame and blame, and you know what destructive anger does to your body. You know what it does to the world around you, and you know what ignorant behaviour does. You know what denial does, and therefore you know enough to be able to successfully master your life. You have the tools. You have completed self-mastery 101. What more do you want before you will accept that you are able, and quite capable of bringing into full manifestation what your soul and your higher self desire for you - what you simply at times perceive as a fantastic notion? That fantastic notion, or fantasy, or dream, can be a reality.

I, Melchizedek, of the Order of Melchizedek, bring into the order of the structure of light within you, and around you, all the mechanisms you require to assist you in stepping completely out of the psychic realms. You are required, to consciously entertain within yourself the notion of being fully mastered. Exercise your imagination on a daily basis and entertain the notion of self-mastery. If you were a fully mastered being, what would you do today? How would you live your life? How would you handle confrontation, conflict, life challenges? What would be your motivating force? Take some time now to think about this.

What do you imagine your life would be like? What do you imagine the experiences you attract into your space would be like?

Your task for self-mastery to bring your scared geometric force into perfect alignment, to hold your consciousness within the 7D, is to acknowledge your power to observe, to acknowledge that there is never a need to understand because one understands everything already. All one in fact is having to do, is recognise what one is observing. The recognition through observation already in itself manifests the understanding. It is because of the experience of separation that one needs, needs, to understand. Wisdom completely dismantles the need for understanding, because it is already an inner knowing.

If you want to experience being in the moment, BE in the moment! If you want to experience unity, behave in a unified manner, as best you know it to be. But, as long as you keep it here, in the thinking process, “I would like to be in the moment”, “I would like to experience unity”, but you never DO anything about it, it will always remain there. Grounding it, this is why grounding is so important. In order to BE it, DO it! And one must BE in order to DO. And in the doing, one becomes. So be in the moment as best you can – every single moment of the day. Even the moments when you find yourself in the past or in the future, be in the moment of recognising the behaviour and come back to earth. Come back to the moment. See yourself united with everything as often as you can, until you are it completely. It is not more complicated than that. You are a master of complicated science! (laughter) You believe that only complex notions will bring you what you desire. Simplicity is always the key to peace.

Kuthumi has often said how amused he is by humanity finding the simplest tasks in life the most complex to carry out.

Master Kuthumi has given information regarding the necessity to understand one’s chakric system. At this current time in humanity’s evolution it is a key part of unlocking the door to the future and locking the door to the past. The chakric system is a very powerful influence in everything one experiences. Trust and surrender are base chakra issues. Trust is developed through the base chakra. This manifests from the time one is in-utero and to the completion of one’s first year of life. Throughout life one is challenged with various situations that will either rebuild trust or will continue to break down trust. You need to begin by getting to know everything you can about your base chakra -what the conditionings were that created the foundation upon which your life is built. This will then give you the next step in your ascension process. This will help you remember the power of trust – not to understand trust and surrender, but to remember how to do it because you have always known. It has been contradictory manifestations within the life experience that have caused trust and surrender to break down. Everybody has been affected by this to some degree or another.

So, the information we present you today is about taking you beyond what all of you have come to believe is the reality you are in. Because you are being exposed to the quantum consciousness your belief systems will change and you will come to recognise and remember that absolutely everything is changeable. That is the law of energy. The law of energy states that everything is interchangeable. When an energy does not change it becomes stagnant, set in its ways, frozen, and isolated. Take this concept. Apply it to the world you have come to know as being the world you live in. This means that every person experiencing an absence of

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change in their life is frozen in time. Hear our words “frozen in time”. Ice-olated from the greater picture of life, the vibrations of the geometric forces of light have shut down. Therefore, explaining the inability to recognise the unification and at-one-ment with all that is. Any person frozen in time, will not ever be able to see beyond the timeline, the level of consciousness, and the age of experience and expression they have become trapped in.

No one is ever expected to change their life all at once. This means being something now and in the next moment having to be something totally different. That cannot be done with the state of conscious humanity currently embraces. But, every change experienced leads to the great change. And all of you here have been through that. You have experienced it. Sometimes the change is very subtle, but you feel on the inside something is changing. There are many people who fear even subtle changes. They will not get out of a dead-end job because of the fear of change. They will not get out of a destructive relationship because they fear change. They may not even up-grade their motor vehicle falling apart because they are set in their ways, or they believe they do not deserve any better.

Poverty consciousness, victim consciousness, conditional love consciousness and lust consciousness all fall into the same category. The fear of change maintains the limited experience. Society’s greatest fear is loss and the unknown. “If I leave my dead-end job, I have no guarantee I will find another job”

What is lacking? “I cannot leave this destructive relationship, because who else will love me?” What is missing? Deservability. The person does not believe they deserve anything better than they have. Therefore trust and self-worth go hand in hand when it comes to making decisions that manifest change. If you do not feel you are worthy of a better job, or a better relationship, or more money, you will not be in a position to trust in your ability to manifest it. And because you cannot trust, you do not believe in your worth, and your deservability of something better. This all said it is vital that every person be given the tools to manifest the healing necessary to bring the change about.

Welcome to the world of quantum consciousness - What you believe is what you will create.

Living in the moment, in each and every single moment provides one with the level of awareness required to recognise whatever is in one’s space in that moment. And if you are required to address a certain issue or behaviour, or put a boundary in place, in that moment you can respond from the place you are in and act accordingly. Not acting based on your history, but acting based on what is happening in that moment. Let go. This is what takes one out of the tug of war that goes on within the self. “What can I, or should I, or must I hold onto from the past?” “What do I need to hold onto for the future?” There’s nothing left in the middle, in the present moment, because you are being split down the middle. And you feel incomplete, so can’t really be there anyway. Heal whatever needs to be healed in that moment based on that moment’s circumstance. If in that moment you recognise an aspect of you history is influencing the reaction or behaviour at that moment, deal with it in that moment. Take the necessary steps required to erase the historical input related to the behaviour and move on. Change and move on. This is why we often say “grow” with the flow What you are currently experiencing is the exploration of the quantum and multi-dimensional worlds. The imagination is a vital tool regarding manifesting different states of being. It has been through societies conditioning that you have been led to believe the imagination does not serve any valid purpose in life, that it distracts you from what you should be doing. It would be ideal to remove the words “should” , “I can’t” and “maybe” from every language’s dictionary – either you will or you won’t. So what you are experiencing is not necessarily wrong or right – that you must determine for yourself. A key we can give you is to be aware of balance. In other words, be conscious of grounding yourself. Not grounding yourself could result in becoming disconnected from your physical body, which as you may already be aware of, results in the inability to manifest whatever one requires physically. Other than that, you can imagine to your heart’s content.

You are experimenting with the forces of quantum energy and you are exploring all possibilities. When one is experiencing multi-dimensional worlds of consciousness, you will automatically enter the worlds of other beings, of other states of consciousness which other beings frequent and inhabit. This is what builds inter-dimensional relationships between various forces of energy manifested in the expression, which appears to be a totally foreign or alien in form. However, the essence of creation is all the same, provided you have set the intention that your experimentation and exploration of energy keeps you in the realms of light.

Remember fear is connected to self-preservation based on the experience of being in the illusion that has been created to this point. One of the most difficult things, for every person moving along the pathway into the higher worlds of ascension is to first of all forget everything they have been taught, to forget every teaching that has been delivered by any Master you have ever been exposed to, be it incarnate and

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discarnate. This means tossing everything aside and looking at what’s left, whatever is left is who you truly are everything else is part of the illusion. It is the make-up that colours who you are. It’s what the ego defines you as. Now we’re really pushing the boundaries, we understand. But that is the point that all of you get to sooner or later. The only way any soul can truly know who they are is by dropping everything they have been conditioned with.

Question absolutely everything, by not believing anything, only believing what one believes here (pointing to heart) and nothing else. That is when you are left standing in your truth. This is the beginning of the road of this new level of energy, but you chose the 7th dimensional road, and this is part of the journey. For now, allocate time for your explorations and use tools such as crystals to keep grounded. Another way to remain grounded while you do this is to write down everything you are experiencing as you experiencing it, or verbalising everything you are experiencing as you are experiencing it. This will create a sense of inner safety that will slowly diminish the fear of losing control.

You will note at some point that one seems to go through a kind of void, experiencing something, not really knowing who you are, and then going into a kind of void, because you’re integrating the last few initiations you’ve been through, and integrating a lot of stuff, trying not to intellectualise it, but at the same time you’re not sure who you are, because there’s a lot of new information and energy, as well as changing of perspective. It may feel like you are in-between the integration and the behaviour and haven’t got the two together.

The way to cope in the material world and do these things at the same time is to make use of the back up one has on an energy level. This is when one needs to discuss the situation one is in and what one is feeling with ones guides. You have helpers there for that purpose. The allocation of these presences is not there merely to test your ability to see them or feel them or not. They are there for a much greater purpose. By expressing the desire for support, by setting the intention to move through the void, harmoniously, and to be supported in maintaining one’s connection to the Earth, eases the process dramatically. So communicate with your discarnate support structure. It will make a big difference.

Today’s initiation, Beloved Ones, is about bringing you into the reality of consciousness, into the sense-ability of what your world is made up of, how your mind separates you from your ability to feel, to be and to do. You create thoughts, but are you truly applying the concept behind what you are saying. “I feel like chocolate” – so, what does chocolate feel like?

Imagine being a piece of chocolate. Exercises like this bring you back into feeling because in your energy fields, everything is here (pointing to head) and surface, and it is not in here (heart). This Beloved Ones is the gateway to manifesting heaven on earth. I, Melchizedek of the Order of Melchizedek, am here to assist each of you with the help of many of the Great Masters, to manifest heaven on earth. You need to get beyond your lower ego to do that. For ages, we have listened to people praying for peace, praying for harmony, praying for healing, praying for the suffering to end, but they don’t stop believing in suffering. People continue to abuse themselves as they continue to feed the consciousness that creates what they are asking to have ended. Because of the separation manifested, people have not had the tools necessary to know how to stop the old program from running. People have not understood how to truly apply whatever is required to bring into manifestation their true soul’s desire.

The how is simple. The how is to do what you have not done as yet. Kuthumi often says if you continue to do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got. In order to effect change, one must become the change. So instead of throwing in the towel, don’t. Go one step further than you’ve been before. Persevere one day longer than you usually would. Do one little thing different. The next time, you will persevere a little longer. That is not self-discipline. That’s commitment, which is related to the base chakra. It always comes back to that chakra, the foundation, the basis -the root system of everything else. You have the means, the information and the spiritual technology at your disposal to break through the conditionings and the experiences that have created the foundation upon which your inner child reacts from. Just do one thing different. Hang in for one day longer and it will change. Just when you think you are predicting your behaviour, do something totally different.

Acknowledge everything you have created, every time you motivate your children or a friend, every time you stand firmly in your power and urge your children or friend forward, remind yourself you have to do the same for yourself. This will begin to unify the energy. Initially it may feel like very awkward, but something new always appears difficult for the first time. Imagine taking a journey to a destination you have never been to before. The first time you go there, it feels like it takes ages to get there. The second time you go there, it

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feels like you got there in half the time. It is simply because initially it is unfamiliar territory. You are not too sure where exactly the destination is. So the anticipation creates the illusion of a long time. But the minute your consciousness connects with where the destination is at, you are able to project yourself there and the distance is covered a lot quicker. The illusion is that you believed it happened a lot quicker. It is exactly the same for changing any program, belief system or conditioning one faces which perpetuates the process of limitation or pain, suffering or humiliation, denial or destruction. It is the same energy that applies, the same theory applies to all of it. So that is your first how-to. I guarantee you the rest will automatically unfold from that one.

The day will come when you will stop and realise that you’re not giving up anymore. You may not recognise the exact day it happens, but you will be amazed at how you integrate the new energy and how it simply manifested. And any person who experiences such change in their life will always tell you they are not quite sure when exactly the shift took place. All they know, is something changed and they realised something was different.

So Sisters and Brothers of Light, you are all of the Order of Melchizedek. Every single one of you serves through the Platinum Ray of the Order of Melchizedek. The platinum vibration of light, sound and power, wisdom and knowledge flowing through your energy field moves into a vortex of energy situated approximately 21 inches away from the nape of your neck.

The Platinum Ray is linked to what you could call the Platinum Chakra, which directly impacts on and influences the seat of your soul situated in the base of your skull. This feeds the information coded into your cerebral spinal fluid and every single one of you is experiencing impacts in this area of your physical make-up and the energetic make-up resulting in the desire to manifest change.

The moment the Platinum Ray of energy merges with the blue and gold rays of the Sirian connection and the Sirian consciousness, the Golden connection and the Golden consciousness, your Platinum Ray can hold your focus in the world of quantum consciousness. Quantum consciousness is quite simply moving beyond the boundary of 3D reality -the illusion you believed to once be your life. The journey into 5D has extended into 7D. Your platinum chakra, the Platinum Ray created through the Order of Melchizedek, maintains this process of cosmic ascension and cosmic evolution for you as a soul. Through the unification of this light, the energy and consciousness brought into being as a result of this initiation, you unify all levels of energy required to maintain the life force moving through the chakra in order to keep the codings of sacred geometric force active on a cellular level, as well as in your cerebral spinal fluid, often referred to as your blueprint.

Your blueprint is information encoded inside of you. It is the map to everything, the map of everything that you decided to create within the various worlds of reality. As you master the illusion, you recognise that reality never, in truth, was what you believed it to be. This is why the Masters have taught you to accept that your truth will always change -as you grow and evolve it has to. There is no other way. This is why quantum consciousness demands of you to drop everything you have adopted as reality in order to discover who you are, who you are not, what you have become and what you will become.

Beloved Ones we welcome you into the new world, the world where boundaries do not stand in the same position as in the world you have left behind. The sealing of old negative gateways has propelled all of you into this new world of experiencing life. The world as you knew it no longer exists. You can see it; you still interact with people of that world yet you feel you are no longer a part of it. By the time 2012 comes you will have moved beyond 7D, you will be observing the world from 12D, if not higher. Again, the world you are now coming to know, will no longer exist for you because you will be in a new world.

You have entered a different dimension. You are living your life from a different dimension, a different perspective. You do not see life the same as the average person living in the 3D consciousness does. You are in two completely different worlds. You are on different frequencies. Therefore live the truth you currently experience. Lead the way. When others are ready, they will follow you. Welcome to the world of multidimensional living. You exist in a 3D world, but you live through 5D, you express through 7D, you create simultaneously through 5, 6 and 7D and you manifest in 3D. This too will change as soon as you are ready to integrate the higher dimensional AND universal energies that will be introduced to you in the not too distant future.

I am Lord Melchizedek, of the Order of Melchizedek. Peace be with all of you. Namaste.

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I am Kuthumi and I return at this time very briefly Beloved Ones, simply to help you pull yourselves back together again, to draw your energy into the state of alignment and awareness that Lord Melchizedek has taken you to.

At this time, there are various levels of your consciousness trying to integrate the vastness of what he has delivered to you today. Be safe in the knowing that Spirit is ever-present, that we are with you every moment of every moment, that we are supporting and guiding the process. It is truly a day of great celebration as we gather with all of you, welcoming you into the new world you have worked so diligently to enter. You have come into a new state of being and all you need do is continue being yourself, doing whatever you require from yourself to continue being the being you are. This is not a deliberate attempt to confuse you – that is childish play – our attempt in bringing you this teaching is to reveal to you the world beyond 3D, the world you chose to enter into, the world that existed and always has existed beyond the world of lower expression, the third dimension that your lower ego was bound to.

Upon the 21 March of your current year (2005), a grid was activated in the Johannesburg area. Some of you were present at that particular activation. This has opened many new portals for the 5D. As you access 5D, you automatically initiate the processes of fine-tuning your energy to integrate higher levels. Those of you who have chosen 7D initiations are travelling inter-dimensionally which is why you have been welcomed into the world of multi-dimensionality.

Your human consciousness has to grasp the theories we have presented to you today. Your higher consciousness understands what we have told you in its completeness today. Some of you are sensing an inner understanding, an inner knowing of what we tell you. Focus on that inner feeling, even if you cannot analyse what the feeling means. Simply hold it, sense the truth manifesting inside of you. Had we told you, you were preparing yourself to enter the world of quantum experience, it would have meant nothing to you. Now that you have completed many of the experiences and the initiations, and you have experienced the changes occurring inside of your being, you have been present at many of the teachings we have delivered regarding the changes experienced, the lessons about dropping the psychic consciousness, about leading your life, about seeing the answers within, about understanding that you need to learn the lesson in order to complete the plan, has brought into tangible sense-ability and sensitivity within every structure of physicality within your physiology.

The cells respond to the energy completely differently because it was not an intellectual process for you up until this point. It has simply been a process of being and doing. So those of you who have not understood the concept of being and doing – you’ve done it! Now you have been taken into an intellectual aspect of what the quantum dimensions are all about. But you are already where you need to be in order to integrate what your intellect is currently grappling with. The energetic digestion process will complete itself, I assure you of this, and I assure you in six month’s time we will be having discussions similar to this. Your questioning around the world of quantum energy will be quite simple to understand, and you will be asking what is next.

So Beloved Ones, embrace what you have come here to integrate, acknowledge the initiation you have stepped into and know that you are actively working to manifest heaven on earth. The sacred sounds created by the activation of the sacred geometry within you, is emanating frequencies that will manifest this for you – in other words the manifestation of the recognition of your heaven on earth.

Your consciousness has been lifted out of the psychic realm. When one is in a state of quantum consciousness, one no longer requires the psychic realm to bring answers or to validate the self, because one knows exactly what one is creating for the self. This has been the most intense initiation of reclaiming power that any group has been through to date. Reclaiming that power is what will bring each of you into your power.

So Beloved Ones, may all that you require come to you under grace in perfect and miraculous ways. May the power and force of Mother/Father God hold you, grounded and rooted to Heaven on Earth. May Mother Earth hold you within your power and light and keep you rooted to the earth. And may all always be well in your world.

I am Kuthumi, Lord of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.

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Channelled by Michelle Eloff ©

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 1 April 2005

To find out more about Michelle and The Lightweaver please visit www.thelightweaver.org

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom, to greet each of you at this time and bring unto each of you the blessings of deeper awakening, blessings of stillness, inner peace and tranquillity. Greetings beloved ones.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we gather with you upon this day as we hold each of you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved Leaders of Light, as we embrace you within the Christ presence, we wish to begin with you closing your eyes, focusing on breathing deeply into your body, filling your lungs with air and moving this air through your chakras, exhaling and letting go of all that weighs heavily upon your energy. See each in breath as energy, vibrating through you and each out breath as a release of that which constricts you. Take in consciousness and release what no longer serves you.

Breath feeds the cells of your body with life force. As you consciously exhale you release consciousness, which no longer serves the purpose of your plan. Continue to breathe in and out, in a rhythm that is comfortable for you, always being aware that the breath is deep and full and completely release it. Generally humanity does not breathe any further down than the heart chakra. This means insufficient life force, therefore insufficient stagnant energy being released.

If you cannot inhale freely, you are unable to exhale freely. The stagnant energy in your body therefore continues to feed the creation of what no longer serves you. Take another minute to consciously focus on breathing in, consciously focus on exhaling, filling your lungs, and emptying your lungs. Proper breathing facilitates the process of feeling again. It energises every system within your body and resuscitates you. When breath is shallow one cannot function in full consciousness, because there is insufficient air. Your heart chakra is your air element. It needs sufficient air, sufficient oxygen to feed the flame of your solar plexus chakra.

The additional oxygen to feed the flame strengthens the flame’s ability to maintain the circulation of warmth in order to ensure water is flowing through your sacral chakra so that you do not become frozen in time, i.e. ice-olated. This in turn ensures that the earth element, your base chakra, is kept adequately irrigated for the purpose of feeding the seed you have planted to ensure an abundant harvest. Oxygen is also required to be able to produce a full clear sound. Insufficient air impedes ones ability to fully express.

Therefore, breath work is an important part of your healing and development. Take five minutes each day, to focus on how you are breathing, then at any other time during the course of your day, when you remember, simply become aware of where your breathing is, is it shallow or deep? And then consciously breathe deeper and purposefully, exhale and empty your lungs, and in time you will retrain yourself to breathe more freely, to fill all your chakras with the life force required to maintain their proper function and serve the well-being of your physical health as well.

In order to lead your life you need to be aware of how much life is in you. The initiation I am carrying you through today is about bringing you back to life. The world you have come from has created a sense of numbness within your consciousness, this you are aware of. Having stepped into the higher dimensions, you are now required to embrace your ability to utilise consciousness, energy, power, wisdom, light and sound. The vibrations created by sound, either heal or continue to manifest disease in the emotional body, depending on the quality of the sound. Light helps to build the structures of your physical body within your physical body and the physical world around you.

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Insufficient life force makes it impossible to experience life to its fullest. Therefore, you need to decide today how much life you would like to experience. You need to decide how you would like to lead your life. What do you believe you need to do for yourself now, to ensure your ability to freely lead your life? All of you present here today are teachers. You are here to remember your contract, and your agreement to educate humanity. Your fields are different but the role is the same.

I, Lord Kuthumi, teacher of all teachers, Christ of the Second Ray of Love and Wisdom, present this force of light to each of you today. You can take it or you can leave it. Understanding the importance of leading your life is what will further assist you in integrating 7th dimensional consciousness.

Yesterday Lord Melchizedek revealed to those of you who were present, the fact that 7th dimension -the dimension of magic, miracles and manifestation, is in fact entry into the world of quantum consciousness. It is the dimension of quantum consciousness. Your choice to experience life in a whole new way has brought you to this point. I have been working with all of you for a number of years already. Some of you in this manner as well as on the inner planes. You have been prepared adequately for the time you have stepped into.

The current manifestation of time is one you have been working toward your entire lifetime. This current day and age is one of the most important destinations you have reached in this incarnation. It has been part of your life purpose to reach this goal in order to take the next step. You have taken the quantum leap already now, you must remember how to maintain it.

The very first lesson in quantum consciousness is to own you and to take full responsibility for you. Therefore, lead your life. By doing this beloved ones, you fully embrace your power and ability to discern. When you are scattered energetically and you have given your power to an outer source, discernment becomes a very difficult task. Your energy has tapped into other sources, some positive, some destructive. All of this influences your ability to discern. This often manifests in a sense of confusion or inner conflict, and self-doubt. For some time now many have asked, “how does one trust what one is feeling?” “How does one discern?”

This initiation is an answer -this is the first exercise in the lessons brought to you compliments of the 7th dimension.

Because it is the dimension of magic, miracles and manifestation, you have to be aware, i.e. conscious of what you are creating. This serves a vital purpose because it takes you closer to yourself. It takes you deeper within yourself. How many times have I said to each of you, “Know thy self?” You cannot know Mother/Father God in their fullness until you can experience and know yourself and your fears. Stepping into the light is what sheds light on what once lurked in the shadows and recesses of your mind, your heart, your spirit and your being. Besides being initiated into 7th dimensional consciousness as teachers, educators and leaders, all of you are being initiated into the higher aspect ashram that I am responsible for.

If it is your wish and your will to continue your journey within the energy and light of Christ consciousness, you are welcome to journey the path of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom along side me. Today is a very important day for the collective consciousness of your planet. And this is when the second Ray of Love and Wisdom also merges through 5th, 6th and 7th dimensional levels of consciousness. This means, that through the application of love and wisdom, one can experience an even greater accelerated process of ascension awakening, and of activating every single dormant aspect of you within the next 5 years. This means, in the next five years, you can manifest yourself as a fully conscious being of the light.

It may at this point seem impossible. However I assure you by applying the laws of the universe, learning the laws of quantum consciousness, living them, challenging every boundary that you have accepted as your lot in life and by lifting yourself out of every comfort zone you have become ingrained in, not only will you move mountains, you will change worlds. This is why you are teachers. Every thing you teach, you teach because you have learnt it. Your ability to be the powerful teachers you are continuously becoming will come into being through mastering aspects of your life, which result in your power to lead your life.

I am taking 14,440 students per cycle into the 7th dimensional ashram and Ray of Love and Wisdom, whereas I usually only take 1440. My master channels, located globally, are being worked through to deliver the message you are receiving today. And when all 1440 are gathered together your role becomes fully active. There is no thing to fear in this role of yours. Your challenge to step out of fear has been one you have grappled with for most of this incarnation. By recognising fear as serving a positive purpose in certain

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areas of your life, in other words, acknowledging its purpose for self-preservation means you do not have to separate yourself from it, it means you are able to discern the reason for its presence. You are able to manage the energy. Set boundaries when you recognise it moving out of its natural state of purpose, in other words, self-preservation, and put it back in its place and step out of worry, anxiety, stress, dread, and all the other aspects of fear. All of these inhibit your ability to lead your life. These are tools that set you free, these are the tools that help you break out of the limited consciousness you accepted as your reality.

We the Masters of Light will continue to push the boundaries with all of you. We will continue to support you in stretching your mind beyond what you have become accustomed to. You have graduated into the higher worlds of energy and power application. This is the time to practically live what you have studied for all this time. How are you breathing right now? Where was your breath? How much life force are you giving yourself? Fill your lungs again and empty your lungs again.

Over the next 48 hours you will be given the opportunity to put together a plan of intention relating to the path you choose to create for the next 5 years of your life. To begin with, you are required to choose a focus. This focus may be anything currently important to you. We are fully aware of the fact that you are unable at this current time to anticipate where you will be or what you will be experiencing in 2010. You can however certainly begin to influence the process by choosing what you believe is currently in your best interest. This focus will guide you along the pathway ahead, and with every conscious effort to become more aware of who you are and who you are not, you will see the road ahead of you.

This will continue to facilitate the process of embracing and applying the ability to use the tools of quantum consciousness to lead your life. This also means drawing your energy back to yourself. Soul retrieval needs to become for some of you a daily practice until eventually at the drop of a hat you will know exactly when an aspect of you has become fragmented and in a split second you will be able to call it back.

As long as you are scattered, as long as all pieces are not gathered together, you will not feel empowered enough, adequate enough, equipped enough, conscious enough, or learned enough to lead your life. Along with the soul retrieval, you will also need to make it a monthly practice to consciously create a focus for yourself. This focus can be about any area of your life -healing, manifestation, creativity, further growth, deeper understanding, what ever you choose. These exercises are the ones that will assist you to become more grounded. To be more aware and conscious of who you are, of what you want, and if you don’t know what you want, make a note of everything you don’t want.

At different times I will work with all of you, and focus on an aspect of your life that you have accepted as a reality. You will be asked to drop it, to release it completely and to live your life as if that program never existed. Already this brings up fear in some people. "What am I going to hold onto then?" they ask, " It is part of my identity". Remind your ego, all it needs to do is ensure self-preservation your soul will do the rest.

Letting go is one of the most important parts of any initiation because until you can let go, you cannot embrace anything new. This is why your processes as you call it, have been of the levels of intensity you have experienced to date. As fast as you are integrating you have to release. In order to manifest health, you must let go of everything that has maintained the belief of illness or disease. That belief may not necessarily be that you believe that you must be ill but there is a diseased belief system within you that creates disease -all the inflamed thoughts that feed anger, the inflamed thoughts that cause acidity to build up in your joints, each must be released, so you become stronger, empowered, centred and balanced.

Thoth delivered a message to humanity, in the Emerald Tablets, his message was, that when you are balanced, perfectly balanced, no harm will ever befall you. Not ever again will you ever experience harm. You become to a degree, untouchable by negativity. Anything that is in full balance generates pure, untainted, light. Those vibrations in themselves manifest a force field of such immense power, that it dismantles any negativity before it can even enter your consciousness. This may sound far fetched for some however quantumly speaking, it is possible.

Those who choose to embrace the quantum reality will know it as a fact. The fact of life beloved ones is that life is a gift. A gift you chose to accept, and a gift you can enjoy. Some of you may recall, some moths ago, I delivered a message explaining to you that you have experienced suffering. You have experienced pain, trauma, in fact all the negative aspects of third dimensionally reality, and that you have mastered them. Now it is time to experience the other side of the coin. That is the gift you receive for the discipline you have applied to attain 5th dimensional consciousness and to make the choice of stepping into quantum

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consciousness. You have the power to experience health, wealth, peace, joy, laughter, and whatever your heart and soul desire. You are the ones who teach those who shall follow the path you have created.

The path you create is by no means a school of limited thought. It is not a religion, it is simply a path you have created through the forest of darkness, which leads to the fields of openness and freedom. You are the ones who have trudged through the thistle and you have sliced through the vines that have choked the life out of many. Beloved ones this is part of your life purpose. Many of you have asked me on a number of different occasions, "Kuthumi, what is my life purpose?" Today is your lucky day in that we are giving you a direct answer. I am giving you information that you can work with, and there is no riddle involved.

Every time you involve yourself in the life of another without their permission, you are running away from your own life and shirking the responsibility of leading your own life. Every time a person spends time in judgment of another person’s journey, ridiculing another’s choices, speaking words of falsehood around another’s action, they are simply wasting time and running away from the ability to rebuild their own life. So how do you want to lead your life? How do you want to serve? You are being given an open canvas.

Where will you start? What will you start with? Any Master Creator will tell you, you have to start with one point. The end result may not be clear in your mind, but as the picture or the form unfolds, so it becomes clearer.

All of you here today (and reading this) are creating a new body of light. There will be all together 14 440 new creations, or new bodies of light. These bodies of light will extend and merge to become one unified body of light, holding your planet and holding the collective consciousness of light, which has chosen to experience the quantum realms. Energy will continue to filter through this vibration feeding this body and this unified body of light will feed your body, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and intellectually.

Each of you are an aspect of the consciousness of the collective body. You are an aspect of consciousness within the body being created here, which merges to become one great collective body. Your personal choices regarding how you want to lead your life, and where you want to begin, contributes to the manifestation of energy within this body that will manifest as lessons within the consciousness created, to assist those who have chosen to walk the spiral, and in so doing to ascend the stair way into full consciousness.

Today I present you with a variety of opportunities to serve as teachers and way showers. All of these opportunities will come to you at which time you can choose whether you wish to take it further or move on to the next one. I will give you an idea of what these opportunities will consist of so that you are prepared and aware of what is being presented to you, enabling you to make informed decisions.

Your teaching role is not limited to physical interaction with human adults or children, with the animal, plant or nature kingdoms. It is multi dimensional. From this day forward, everything you do will become a more conscious creation of multi dimensional experience. I suggest to all of you that you take time to investigate information that is already presented regarding quantum consciousness, so that you can better understand what we are getting at.

Your soul and spirit suggests to you that in order to break out of the old world one needs to accept the new world. When the doors to the worlds of darkness where shut on 21 March 2005 you stepped into that new world. You accepted quantum consciousness into your life. Now it is time to familiarise yourself with this new energy and the new world you have chosen to live in. There is no going back now. Just in case you entertained that thought. Not even as a teacher.

Every aspect of your personal self that comes into a state of perfected consciousness, will filter through the body of light created here today and will continue to filter through the collective body of light, which shall manifest through all 14 440 bodies of the light. You all become a part of a greater body of light, a group Soul, made up of 14 440 beings. Human beings, holding a specific purpose specifically through the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom. This ray has now evolved from the Yellow Ray to the Gold Ray. Therefore the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom, for those of you who have moved beyond 3rd dimensional consciousness, will not ever again be integrated through the vibration of the colour yellow again. You will only be integrated through the Golden Ray, hence the Golden Age, the Golden Consciousness.

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The Golden children who have been incarnating were catalysts in bringing this formulation of energy into being, and now it is time to dance to a different tune.

Through your personal awakening you will also be in a position to help make people aware of the needs of mother earth, if you so choose. You will educate them to understand how they are one with the Earth. How their disease is reflected within the state of her body, and visa versa. Part of your journey as a teacher or educator, is to make people aware of how their personal healing process will automatically bring into balance the well being of mother earth.

Accepting your inner child’s need to be heard and to be acknowledged will resonate into the ethers of this collective body with the support of 143 members of your group soul. You will support one another in amplifying this energy therefore people will be more inclined to want to listen to their inner child. They will feel safer in their ability to address the wounds of the past in order to create a foundation of strength and stability upon which to create the structure of their life and in so doing feeling safe enough to lead their life.

You will also be presented with the opportunity to serve in the role as a teacher, and assist individuals through the application of the universal laws of being in the moment and to understand the importance of building ones inner vitality by pulling oneself together. Your soul and spirit will ensure that you are made aware of when it is that you are loosing yourself in the past or future, in fear, doubt, stress or anxiety or in powerlessness. Every time you bring yourself back to the moment you will be bringing yourself back to earth. Therefore part of your journey as a teacher, and as one who leads their life, would be to help individuals reclaim their right to be on earth and to understand that every person has a place, a purpose and that not every ones purpose is to be rich and famous rock star or movie star. Everybody has a role of power. Your journey is to recognise your role of power. The 143 members of your group soul will experience similar processes and in so doing, as a collective body of light merging and becoming a unified consciousness of light, people will begin to realise the importance of being in the now, of being full of themselves.

You will also be presented with the opportunity to truly get to know the aspect of the body that manifests the ability to release self imposed limitations. To overcome the fear of stepping into ones power as enlightened manifestations of the Creator of All that Is. The 143 members of your soul group will facilitate this with you and as each member of the soul group overcomes the fear of self empowerment, so the world will be able to grasp the understanding of what has always been their Divine Right -to be filled with the power of energy, light, spirit, love and wisdom, to see themselves and every other soul through the eyes of Mother/Father God and in so doing being able to achieve whatever goals have been created in alignment with the highest will of their higher being You will embrace the role of serving through the body of consciousness of light, which will be to help to bring people, including yourself, back to life and to help them realise that they do not have to die in order to live, that it is safe to feel and that joy maintains peace. We suggest you work with Archangel Jophiel who brings the power of joy to life, and into the light. Your role is to work with both adults and children, to help them to feel that life within, to also accept their right to experience a joyful life and to be full of life. The 143 member of your soul group will assist you in bringing this into being and will filter through each of their lives. This will filter into the ethers of the collective consciousness, and more and more people will be able to grasp the concept of joyful living.

You will be offered the opportunity to represent the miracle of the manifestation of energy for the collective body currently being created. Through the manifestation of the full embodiment of the Goddess energy, you will be able to work through adults and children, by showing them how to reclaim their right to express their goddess self and reclaim their right to manifest miracles. Miracles come into being through the application of the laws of quantum consciousness. This manifests through synchronicity. So a synchronistic life dismantles what is considered coincidence and one recognises coincidence as the manifestation of the miraculous workings of quantum energy -the possibility that everything is possible. Group soul members will experience similar manifestations in order to further support the integration of this interconnected body. And this in itself will filter into the consciousness of your world, as more and more people feel safe to trust the synchronicities of life and recognising the presence of miracles are always present. Cynicism, doubt, and disillusionment will also begin to fall away.

You will be presented with the opportunity to serve in the role as a teacher and define the art of simplification of life for those whom you will come into contact with. There are very few people who understand the concept of letting go and what it requires. There are very few people who understand what simplifying entails. People automatically imagine that to simplify their life is to simply throw out all their material possessions, and live in a tent in the middle of the forest. Therefore the true definition of what simplifying one’s life means is vital so that people are on the right track to begin with. Through the support of the 143

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members of your soul group, the facilitation of bringing this into being will take place. And through your choice of this focus, you make the means for the rest of your soul group members to apply this in their life and to understand the definition of letting go and simplifying the task of life. So one needs to drop complexity so as to embrace simplicity. Remember, the soul simplifies, the lower ego complicates.

You can look forward to being presented with the opportunity to serve in the role of bringing into manifestation the power of magic. Magic is in fact simply the utilisation of the world of silence that lies beyond the boundaries of the human mind, which lies beyond the limited consciousness that has been created to date. Therefore part of your role as teacher or educator is to facilitate the healing process utilising energy to assist children to assist those who are also in their adolescent years, and the child and adolescent within adults, to reclaim their magic wand. Lord Merlin will assist you to bring this into being and will work through your energy field for the duration of 5 years ahead of you, to bring this into creation. The 143 members of your group soul are there as an energy support for you to go in to define the tools of magic you require and in return you create the opportunity for each member to discover the magic within themselves and manifest their magic tools, their wand of life, to create whatever their soul desires.

Children need to be reminded of their power. The creator of the Harry Potter stories is a great teacher for she stirs the memory of truth in all who read the words, who understand the story and the message behind what she has created. The children must remember the power of magic, in other words the power of creation, which lies beyond the limitation of the human mind.

Therefore beloved brothers and sisters, the initiation you are in at this time, is resulting in the break through of all these aspects of your self. All the possible roles you will be presented with today represents an aspect reflected within each and every one of you. The journey ahead is certainly an exciting one. Remind yourself that you are in a different world. You experience the materialistic aspect of third dimension, but your consciousness is being motivated from a different realm. You are in another world. The world you currently occupy is a world present within the 3rd dimensional world, however you are currently consciously, living multi-dimensionally. Now there is a different set of rules, new laws apply. This is truly a time to remember what you are really made of.

In order to continue creating multi-dimensionally remind yourself of what you have mastered. This is why the process of reflection is so important. We are not telling you to ponder on old hurts or painful experiences. We ask you to recognise what you have mastered. What did 3rd dimensional challenges teach you? You have mastered many aspects in order to get to where you are. Use those tools of your past life to serve you in your new life. You are becoming more capable of remembering.

Do not become surprised if you find at times it seems that many areas of life are becoming interwoven into one experience. Initially this may be a little disorienting, therefore remember the words we have spoken today. I will reiterate as often as is required to remind you that you are in a different world, experiencing a different reality, one that you are consciously creating. One in which you have deeper awareness. As you begin to recognise more of yourself experiencing different aspects of life, you will also begin to grasp the meaning of no time.

Beloved ones, in completion of the initiation it is important to acknowledge that through every application of right action you take, the contribution to leading your life, you set an example. This example always is noticed. Each of you are a part of different environments, you know different people.

Some of you are in the world of business you interact with people who are in the world of business. The energy you bring will deliver the message of applying integrity, of moving beyond the fear of lack, loss, and disempowerment. You are the catalysts to move the business world out of lust consciousness and into trust consciousness. The business sector of the world reflects the base chakra energy of the world. Your world is undergoing a base chakra transformation, this is why the economy, and businesses all over the world are either crumbling upon the foundations they were created, or are growing from strength to strength.

Do not be afraid to weave the light through the base chakra. If the roots are weak, the tree will not stand for long and soon will become uprooted. If the roots are not planted firmly within the ground it will not be able to draw within it the sustenance required to ensure the tree can grow strong and tall. Look at your root system, and where your roots are buried. Go back to your roots beloved ones, and you will know how sturdy your tree is. The tree of life is not called the tree of life for no reason. The tree symbolises the power of Spirit present in everything - earth, ether, and all that is present within body and mind.

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One of the reasons we have been punting the theory of releasing your fear over and over again, is because stepping into 5th and 7th dimensional consciousness, means that what you focus on is what you will create very quickly. Because you are in a quantum reality, in other words, the quantum of 5th, 6th, and 7th dimension, you will not be permitted, to a degree by your higher self that is, to bring your fear based consciousness into that reality, because then it will create a level of density for yourself which then creates additional work for your soul to dismantle. So leaving fear in the old world is for the higher purpose of your self, and for the higher purpose and good of the whole

Q: Master Kuthumi, I just want to talk about “going back to your roots”. You have mentioned this a number of times and what has come up for me is the question of spiritual roots and spiritual genetics as apposed to physical. Can you expand on that for me?

K: That is a crown chakra related issue. The physical roots are the root system, in other words, the base chakra, the spiritual is crown chakra related in nature.

Q. So when you are speaking about going back to your roots, you are talking about going back to your biological family, is that what you are saying.

K: It is part of it yes, and to go back to the belief systems rooted within your being which has created the foundation upon which you have built your life. Yesterday Lord Melchizedek said in order to truly know yourself you need to drop absolutely everything you have learnt -Every message that has been given by every master, and every teacher, by absolutely everyone in your existence. Everything you learnt as school, every book you have read, must be forgotten, for only then, will the true core of who you are exist. Everything else has conditioned you. It has created a belief system in you. Do you understand?

Q: Yes sort of. I was just wondering about guides, for example….

K: Everything. Where does that leave you?

Q: I think very much alone.

K: That is a belief system. It is a feeling you have become accustomed to associate to the world, to the word, lonely, and that brings up fear. But it is not a true state. That you should keep you busy for a week or more (laughter …. Yes definitely). Q. Lord Kuthumi, I understand, creating multi-dimensionally, would be for instance, having an intention of say abundance, which will manifest in the 3rd dimension, so the whole creation process takes place through the dimensions, but that differs from parallel realities and I have been very busy trying to get to grips with parallel realities of existence and there is …….. (inaudible) …...

K: All you need to concern yourself with is here and now. You are aware of the fact that you exist in other realities. Those parallel realities exist multi-dimensionally as well. Your present focus is to bring the current self that you are currently a part of and conscious of into a state of balance and healing. Energetically the rest takes care of itself. Do you understand? That is also the understanding of the multi-dimensional levels of energy. It is not limited to the physicality of what you experience.

Beloved ones, the time has come for us to bring you Universal Blessings of all that you require to ensure you manifest the fullness of your authentic self. Embrace the beauty of life and live it to it’s fullest. Embrace the fullness of your beauty and potential, and allow yourself to be all that is!

I am Kuthumi, Lord of Love and Wisdom. Adonai.

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Channelled by Michelle Eloff ©

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 7 April 2005

To find out more about Michelle and The Lightweaver please visit www.thelightweaver.org

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet you at this time and to bring unto each one of you the blessings of peace, the blessings of understanding, of awakening, and the blessings of a deeper awareness. Greetings Beloved Ones!

It is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this day, as we hold each of you firmly within the heart of Christ, and securely upon the Hands of God.

Beloved Brothers and Sisters as We prepare for the Presence of Lord Jesus to take you through your initiation today, we begin the process of activating your 7th dimensional Heart Charka. This process serves the purpose of bringing all the levels of lower consciousness understanding into the level of 7th dimensional understanding.

Bearing in mind all that you have been taught thus far regarding the 7th dimension, and it being the entry point into Quantum Consciousness, you will be able to better understand why Lord Jesus is activating your Heart Chakra in this manner at this time. The Heart of all Matter is within the core of your Being. The doorway to the core of your Being is your Heart Chakra. The entry point through a bodily level into 7th dimension is first to penetrate through 5th dimension, then to penetrate the 6th dimension through the heart chakra, bringing the full light of new awareness through the Crown Chakra.

The importance of today’s initiation will be better understood in the transmission that Lord Jesus will bring to you. However it is also important to know that through every pulsation of energy you are exposed to today, you are contributing to the assimilation of. As your heart charka goes through its activation, some of you may be aware of deep emotional (feelings/shifts …sound fades on tape), some of you may feel grief and sadness, some of you may feel feelings and sensations physically within that area. Regardless of the nature of the sensation, breathe into it, go with it and trust the Presence of Lord Jesus to carry you through your activation, your initiation, and the releasing of whatever prevents you from fully integrating your 7th Dimensional Quantum Heart Consciousness. Therefore I shall step aside now for Lord Jesus to deliver His message. Blessings be with each of you. Adonai!


I AM JESUS of the CHRIST! Welcome into a place of Love and Lightness. The journey into Light is taking you through new dark worlds. Every world has brought you into a new world. The World of Light I refer to is the world that begins its journey within you and for you in 7th Dimension. All the initiations you have been through up until this point have prepared you for the awakening of the deeper aspects of Consciousness, especially the deeper aspects of your Soul that have waited for this particular moment of integration for thousands of years. The darkness you have been exposed to has not been limited to the past Piscean Age.

There have been a number of dark ages you have had to move through, and this movement through darkness and into Light has in fact supported Mother Earth’s journey into a new world of presentation. The presentation of Her energy has changed dramatically. This is what’s brought Her into a place of being acknowledged as a Sacred Planet, being seen as the great Emerald. The Emerald is the highest vibration for the Heart Chakra. Mother Earth within the system of the galaxy emanates the vibrations of Pure Love because Her Body is the only one currently able to sustain such intense vibrations within your galaxy. The solar system that makes up much of the energy you are exposed to has to interconnect with a number of other levels of awakening which as yet do not consist of Love Vibrations which, she is responsible for exposing to the other worlds. This is another reason why Planet Earth has been through so much abuse.

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The wonderful news however is that the cycles of abuse are at an end. It was agreed that the moment Gaia reached a level of consciousness that would enable the inhabitants of Her world to collectively step into Quantum Consciousness, would be the signal for the process of dismantling all the dark connections of dark force energy, to take place.

All of you have had to go through your personal dismantling experience. You’ve had to face the demons of your past that plague your Inner Being, the guilt and shame, and endless other emotions that subconsciously influence your behaviour and your perceptions of the world you have been part of.

One of the greatest distortions you were exposed to was the story of My Life. Quite honestly there was very little that was presented in its entire truth. Sadly it caused astronomical amounts of loss of physical life, abuse and trauma. In hindsight we can acknowledge the gift it brought. What we want each of you to do though, is bring your consciousness more consciously into the Present Time, and rather not focus too much on what was done in the past.

Many of the words, many of the lessons and teachings I presented have had vast and very important parts of the story omitted. This resulted in only a quarter of the picture being presented to all of you. All the parts of the stories that emphasised the importance of Self-Empowerment, Self-Knowledge, and the union of matter within matter was omitted. Everything that referred to the Science of God/Goddess was removed. When I speak of the Science of God, I am referring to the Science of Spirit, and the Science within absolutely everything within you and around you. Being able to understand that Science makes you more powerful than you can ever imagine. That power has been abused on many occasions, but because you do not at this current stage understand what that Power is, it is difficult for you to understand how it could have been abused, and to what extent is was abused.

Atlantis and Lemuria were ascension attempts where humanity was in full contact with their power. This led to destruction, which you are all conscious of – to a degree at least, because you are all a part of it – all the Quantum Knowledge, and Quantum Science removed from the teachings of the Bible have kept you asleep, powerless, ignorant, and defenceless. The removal of this information has resulted in poverty, victimisation, tyranny, control, greed…the list is endless.

Now I, Lord Jesus – Lord of the Christs come to remind you of the Common Sense resident within your Being that you have forgotten. One’s ability to sense should be as natural as it is to love, to nurture your body with food, and to satisfy a thirst your body has.

What you have come to believe as common sense, is survival sense – not Common Sense. The word ‘Common’ describes everything that is in fact alike, everything that is One. It is something that is understood everywhere. The ‘common man’ as he is referred to is often seen as an insult. However you gathered together in common-unities, communities – communities of the manifestation of the coming together of common units that resonate in similar vibration. These vibrations work through magnetic frequencies, which draw you all together. These frequencies may not always be in harmony, yet they still draw you together.

Therefore Common Sense is the True Sense within you to be able to feel, and to sense everything at One within you that lies within the Community of everything that you are a part of.

Your Common Sense is in fact your ability to sense the Quantumness within everything. Therefore your ability to realise that all possibilities are in fact a possibility – that absolutely everything you set your senses on can come into being. Faith is the motivating force that brings what your desire to you. Faith and Love are energies that work in collaboration to strengthen your Quantum Consciousness. Love and Faith keep the systems of energy within you and around you open so that you can effectively communicate through Quantum Energy.

As you better understand how Quantum Energy is in fact a part of you, the better you will understand why these teachings were removed from the scriptures that depict the stories of that time. How do you think I was able to walk on water? How do you think I was able to multiply fish and bread? How do you think I was able to turn water into wine?

Lord Merlin will teach you about True Magic – the Science of Magic. This is what is going to cause the greatest shock for your society – the realisation that magic is not the evil they have come to believe it to be, but rather that Magic is in fact a science, and that Science is what has created everything in your existence.

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Standing in the Light of Knowledge is standing in your Power. My Brother of Light, Kuthumi, has worked closely with the majority of you for a while now. Every teaching He has presented you with has been preparation for what you will experience for the rest of your life. The teachings of Master Kuthumi and a number of the other great Masters who have worked in depth with people all over the world over the past three years have prepared you for what will take place in 2012. What we are doing with you now relating to 7th Dimension is part of the programme of presenting and preparing you for what you will be exposed to over the next two and half years.

Religion will undergo the greatest structural changes, other than the economy of your world. These two structures in fact go hand in hand. They are responsible for poverty, as well as the imbalanced distribution of wealth, which is why both will crumble almost simultaneously. The crumbling I refer to is the crumbling of all organisations that have chosen to lead by fear; who have chosen to perpetuate the belief systems made up of fear, and to maintain a system of control that no longer serves the higher good of the Planet.

All areas of fanaticism will break down. People will find the more they choose to live their lives upon the principles of superstition, the more they will bring their worst nightmares into reality – because your world as a whole is now being exposed to Quantum Energy on a more conscious level. It was inevitable. However, two and half thousand years ago it was never anticipated that humanity would reach a level of awareness resulting in their ability to recreate their power.

Many of those leaders have reincarnated already and have been playing roles in government, as well as in religion. They too will undergo very powerful transitions themselves; and the death of the Pope is the raising of the flag to begin this process. From the time of his death world religion began its disintegration. You will witness some of the greatest religious and spiritual changes ever to occur in the Earth’s history. True Power is coming back to the people.

I, Lord Jesus of the Christ, hand the 6th Ray of Devotion over to my Feminine Counterpart, Mary Magdalene. She will take the Power of this Ray and bring the Force and Light of the Creator Goddess into Her full expression. I, Lord Jesus of the Christ, will raise the 6th Ray of Higher Consciousness and Devotion into its rightful place, which will bring the remainder of humanity’s consciousness into Platinum Consciousness into the Platinum Ray which will signify the union of the Goddess with the God.

I, Lord Jesus of the Christ offer My Presence, My Love, My Light and Energy to every Soul prepared to journey into the Light of the New Day, every Soul prepared to stand firmly within their Truth and lead the way into the Light, to help those who will see the world of ignorance they have been a part of fall away. There is already great concern regarding the amount of Souls supporting the archaic religious ways. Yes there are still billions of people worshipping in the old way; but many have strayed from their path so to speak. All that has happened is that the sheep have realised they are lions. As each lion finds his or her voice and roars its truth, so other lions in sheep disguise will hear the roar, the call to roar their Truth, and more will break away.

It does not mean the religions of the world will end. What is will mean is that the religions of the world will unite. Each arm of worship will acknowledge the other, respecting each pathway Home, and this is when Unified Spirituality will be experienced.

Currently your world is in a state of judgement. The judgement that another’s pathway will lead them to hell is the greatest error that any religion can make. In fact the Ten Commandments taken from the 99 Moses presented have been broken over and over again, and are constantly broken. The lesson I bring your world is the lesson of recognising blasphemy, the lesson of recognising how so many people have lived their lives with two faces – presenting one on Sunday, and from Monay to Saturday presenting another.

Owning one’s feelings, reactions and judgements will in fact be the most difficult process of Self-healing your world will face. You have had to face it already. You have had to look at yourself and own where you come from. You have had to look at yourself, and acknowledge what you deny. You have had to take your power back, you have had to forgive and be forgiven. You have had to let go of the chip on your shoulder that blames your ancestors for your current state of being. The path you have walked has paved the way for the rest of the world to follow. You have had to listen to lessons on judgement, and why you don’t have the power to judge. You only have the power to DISCERN, because judgement from a human perspective causes separation. Not even Mother/Father God judge.

There were several laws set in place to take care of the various levels of consciousness the Earth would be exposed to. The law of karma was created to take care of 3rd dimensional, lower vibrational consciousness.

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This was meant to ensure that all actions that violated the Universal Laws throughout the dark ages would be brought into balance. The manifested illusion of God standing with a book ticking off who has done what is a very good theme for perhaps an award-winning cartoon story. God never judges anyone. You do that for yourself based on your belief systems. Again this has been proliferated by a system set in place a very long time ago.

I Lord Jesus, in fact spent many years in your time line in different dimensions. All the teachings I was exposed to by the Master Essenes took place multi dimensionally. My teachers, the Essenes travelled inter-dimensionally all the time. Their way of living was and is very different to what most people know. In fact very few people know how the Essenes lived their lives. Very few people know much about Essenes anyway. However the Essenic teachings influenced many secret movements. The Masonic Movement was one of them; and on the original Masonic movement was an arm of the Essene Masters who were protecting the great wisdoms that would have lead to severe destruction had it fallen into the wrong minds.

The hindsight we spoke about earlier on regarding information being removed from the Bible – the hindsight in the sense of how to serve your world – is that had all of the information I presented, and the Essenic Masters presented been abused, Earth would not exist today. This was why I asked you not to focus too much on the past, but to rather focus your Consciousness in what you are holding now.

My Father, Lord Maitreya, the Master Essene – the Grandmaster of all Essenes – Head of the Ascension Programme along side Sanat Kumara, ensured the time to reveal this information would come so the Truth could be known. He made sure that humanity would reclaim its Power and all the Divine Rights that Mother/Father God presented you with. Therefore Beloved Ones as I, Lord Jesus of the Christ gather in your presence, and I offer you the Gift of Common Sense. I offer you the Gift of Strength. I offer you the gift of Knowledge, of Wisdom, and a true devotion to Spirituality.

These Gifts will assist you to drop your judgements and to stand in the Truth of Who You Are now, and to continue growing as a Being stepping into Quantum Energy. This Energy is what expands you. It is what brings you into the Higher Level of Awareness you have been intending and praying for. The archaic systems of worship currently coming to an end will contribute to humanity’s transition into empowerment. The reason why this has to change is because of your association with Prayer; another reason why meditation in the old way no longer needs to be practiced because of many people’s associations with the practice.

Your associations contribute to your limitation, especially if the association manifests a belief in limited consciousness. You have a sub-conscious programme in you that triggers fear around religion every time you hear the word prayer. For some the same happens when the word meditation is heard. It triggers a programme, which causes a reaction; and the reaction is more so within people of western Christian movements than in people who have studied Spirituality in a more conscious way.

The Truth about My Teachings will empower you on levels you at this current time are unable to comprehend. However I assure you of a deeper awareness, a deeper level of understanding, which will liberate you from all limitation for the rest of your incarnations.

The only time you will enter into a state of limitation will be by personal choice.

You are Masters currently remembering your purpose for reincarnating on Earth. Every activation of energy you experience contributes to the awakening of your memory. Already the brainwaves are increasing in activity. This is a reason why some of you have been experiencing discomfort in your head area; another reason why so much work is being focused on the Base Chakra -the Base and Crown impact on one another. Much new Spiritual Energy/ Quantum Energy is being integrated into the Base Chakra – the foundation upon which Life has been created will, and must change in order to accommodate these Higher Vibrations. The brainwaves increase inside of you so the waves of Consciousness that created the foundation upon which your Life is being created will also change. It has to. It is inevitable.

On a planetary scale, the body of your world and the foundation upon which the order of the world’s belief systems have been built upon must change. This is why Johannesburg, and Africa as a whole, will undergo such immense change. Africa as a whole experiences the world’s challenges collectively. All the challenges going on around your world are being experienced in the entirety of Africa. It is from the African continent that many new systems of Life will emerge. The African continent will give birth to the greatest teachers to ever lead your world into a new way of applying systems of energy – not only etheric energy, the utilisation of

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energy to eradicate the damage being done by fossil fuels, and many other chemicals contributing to current global warming.

The Spiritual movement is the most important movement of energy in your world today. This movement is what is opening people’s consciousness to the greater understanding and the recognition of what My Life Story is all about. Many people have sensed that the story of My Life has not held Truth. You are some of them. You felt that what the Church was presenting you was not true. Your inner mechanism - your inner sense – the Common Sense I referred to, is what ensures you reaching the point you have reached today.

The continuation of the Spiritual Movement will reveal more Truths about My Life story. At this point may I make it clear to all of you, I, Lord Jesus of the Christ was taught by the Master Essene. I seeded children. My Life Partner was Mary Magdalene. She was taught the science of alchemy by the Master Essene as I was. There were twelve female disciples, as well as twelve male disciples.

Eliminating the Truth regarding the female disciples was part of the separation of the Goddess and God Energy. It was part of the conspiracy to keep people disempowered. There is no sin in an intimate relationship between two people of deep and pure love. There is no sin in two people expressing their deep and pure love and as a result creating a Being that shall for all its day be a representation of the love that brought it into Being.

Every human Being seeded was meant to carry the Love Seed – the Seed of Love that created it. Because of the distortion created by the omission of such Truths, most of humanity has carried the seed of destruction, fear and separation. The time to re-seed the planet is upon you. This is why I bring the blessing of Divine Love to your planet as a whole.

This is the reason why we are activating your 7th Dimensional Heart Chakra so that you can go forth and find the Seed of Love that shall for the rest of your days motivate you by Love, and therefore everything you created – be it a Human Being, or any other project of Light that will represent the Love that originally seeded it.

It was through the Creative Force, the union of Mother/Father God that you all came into Being. You certainly did not evolve from monkeys! Every force of creation around you has been seeded by a different aspect of the creative energy of Mother/Father God. You create Human Beings, but you also create other forms. You have created forms that embody creative technology. Every form you create differs. It is unique regardless of its animation or in-animation. The bottom line is you created it. Because you are able to create, you are one with the Creator of All That Is – the Creator that brought you and I into Being, and every other force of Living Consciousness into Being.

I, Lord Jesus of the Christ had siblings whom you are aware of. I taught my siblings to follow the same path of the Essenes. Their choice to be a part of these teachings also caused disruption within many of the systems that created the stories of truth. Now let Me also tell you, the figure crucified on the Cross was not My full body. It was a holographic projection of My Body. You will all learn about this science. This is a natural part of Quantum Physics. The Masters you follow are Master Scientists – God/Goddess being the greatest of all. Quantum Physics is an endless science because it brings into being every possibility that could ever exist. This means an endless list of possibilities.

Living multi-dimensionally means you are able to transport your energy holographically to be a part of an experience and be in another place at the same time. Many of the Masters work in this way spreading themselves through many different places at many different times simultaneously. The sightings of some of the Beings that have taken place have been the sighting of holographic projections by various Beings who have needed to gather information or present a system of energy for a very specific purpose. A Being is never seen accidentally. Either you have allowed yourself to see it, or they have allowed themselves to be seen -the holographic projection of any energy form. Not every sighting is that of a holographic projection though. Some are the physical manifestation of the Master or Being.

In general, sightings of angels are holographic projections. The Angelic Realm has a vibration of such high frequency it is impossible for them to enter into the dimension that you occupy – so holographic projections are made. The more you raise your frequency, the easier it is for you to travel inter-dimensionally. The more possible it becomes for you to move through the different dimensions with your physical body.

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The Avatars have mastered this. They too are adept Quantum Physicists. They have mastered the science of your world. The Avatar Sai Baba has mastered Quantum Energy, which is why He is able to manifest whatever He requires at any given time. This takes the mystery out of Spirituality – I understand. But this is also for a very specific purpose. When the mystery is removed, it becomes a reality. A sense of tangibility becomes one with your fibre. When that fibre senses the tangibility and reality of what you have been led to believe as supernatural, and in your world that’s a unreal thing, which has meant the association that it may not be possible begins to fall away; and this is when you experience more and more of your power.

You grasp it and begin to utilise it.

This is what scares all of you because you know what it can do, you remember it cellularly. I ask all of you to drop your past experiences, and focus on here and now and affirm to commit to and be devoted to the path of Spirituality, the path of Right Action. In other words, to devote your attention to mastering God/Goddesses Science. The Science that has made you Who You Are. The Science of Spirituality, which in fact is what Kuthumi has been speaking about as Science and Spirituality merging. Many other great teachers have made the same association and referral. Spirit and Science merging is not new. All you are doing is uniting the original separation. You are bringing the chasm to One Manifestation – One Body, which is what you all are.

In the understanding of Quantum Energy you understand that it was never possible, not ever possible, and never will be possible for you to be separate from one another, because Quantum Energy is what keeps you together. It is this field of Energy that is between everything -which Scientists of the past have referred to as empty space -that has kept you together. How do you think telepathy works? How do you think a person on the African continent can conceive of an idea, and in another continent somebody conceives the same idea – and in four or five different places across the globe the same invention can be collated, or the same idea is conceived and action is taken to bring it into being? Quantum Energy is responsible for this. Nothing else.

Telepathy is simply the art of mastering the utilisation of the field between everything. This makes it more real, doesn’t it?

In addition to your initiation today you need to decide what illusion regarding religion or spirituality, superstition, or the lack of common sense you would like to drop from your sub-conscious, and what you choose to replace it with. You need to ask what support you require in order to bring this into being. This will complete your 7th Dimensional initiation and activation of 7th Dimensional Heart Consciousness for you as a Group (including those of you reading this). However as a Group you will continue to hold this vibration for the next three and half years. This is the duration of the greatest change for religion; and you and every other Soul who choose the higher vibration of the 6th Ray of Devotion will be a part of the team of Light Workers to resurrect the Souls who have been a part of the old movement of religion – regardless of what arm of religion it has been part of.

I wish to affirm at this point that I do not refer singularly to any specific religion. I refer to every single religious practice active on your Planet today.

I will give you a few moments to think about what I have said and to prepare yourself, to affirm what you are choosing to sub-consciously let go of, and what you are choosing to replace within your sub-conscious, and how you require support.

When you are ready begin your dialogue with us. Be clear and concise and will be make sure it is done according to your intentions. (Take as long as you need now to dialogue with spirit)

For those of you who might feel a sense of fear regarding utilising Quantum energy, understanding the Science of Telepathy, and understanding how energy is projected along a frequency of Consciousness which influences the energy of possibilities is vital in the process of controlling One’s fear. This is applicable for both you and of course the rest of you. The moment you feel fear closing its icy grip over your Heart remind yourself that the energy you are projecting into Quantum Consciousness will create a possibility of what you fear becoming a reality. You see Quantum Science is not new. How many times have you all been told that what you focus on is what you create? You have been using Quantum Energy all along. By understanding the Science of the Mind and the science of fear as we are now presenting it, helps you recognise how you utilise Quantum Energy. Spirals are very powerful forces. Therefore sensing that feeling of fear is your cue to visualise the spiral drawing you upward into your Heart Chakra. At that moment invoke

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the presence of Archangel Michael. Call upon Michael’s presence and we will assist you in remembering the Power of Creation you have tapped into.

Why do you think visualisation is so powerful? The reason it is so powerful is because you are making use of the art of Quantum Creation. All of these practices have been encoded with negative associations through the religious movements to keep you separate from your Quantum Power. Making you fear the Power has been the greatest trick of all. As long as you are afraid of your Power you will not embrace it; and the way to keep the fear rooted is to perpetuate fear. As I said, these masters who removed the teachings still allowed you to use Quantum Energy, but without your knowledge. You have used it ignorantly and that is how they have ensured fear be rooted in the system you create for as long as they need to have control over your system. So the more you fear the more possibilities of fear you create.

All the dimensions and worlds such as hell that have been created have become affirmations and confirmations that the fearful places you have been taught about exist. The only thing you don’t realise is, you created it! Now you do; but religion doesn’t teach you this. How do you think religion would feel if it was told that all along it has been dancing with the devil? That all along it has been keeping its perception of the devil alive? That they have played beautifully into the hands of the devil? It would cause havoc don’t you think? Now because we cannot and will not present a teaching in this manner we are depending on your Higher Power to reveal the Truth however. Through your doing, through your manifestation of Truth and Love people will automatically recognise the Truth for themselves. This is what you have to do for yourselves.

The reason fear comes up for you is because your body remembers, your cells remember the power of the Power’s destructive nature. You have witnessed its power over and over again. In the current world you are a part of, you have all experienced the Power of using Quantum Science for destructive purposes. Remind yourself daily of what I am saying here today. The more you remind yourself of what motivates your fear the easier it will be for you to grasp the other levels of Consciousness. I repeat the only reason why you are unable to understand or imagine living multi-dimensionally is because your Consciousness is currently limited to that possibility. The only thing you need to do is focus on the possibility of every possibility of Light you choose to align your Consciousness with coming into Being. Remind yourself that the darkness that has been manifested through the abuse of Quantum Science will be reversed and that you are a mechanism to make it happen. Step into your Heart and trust that the safe haven of your Heart will keep you grounded. The transition is often experienced as a disconnection; because you are disconnecting from an old level of consciousness and reconnecting to the Higher Level of Consciousness.

The journey you are on is the journey in the direction that will manifest the goals you seek to achieve. You are all on the path to remembering; you are all on the path to becoming fully conscious Self-Mastered Souls in the human body. Be in the moment of what you are experiencing right now. Use the currency of faith to feed your ability to trust that you will attain the next level of Consciousness just as you are attaining a new level of Consciousness right now. It is a natural process. The next step will come as naturally.

As I have said, Lord Merlin’s role is to remind all of you of the Science of Magic. Lord Merlin is one of your Guides therefore trust His wisdom. Trust his power to penetrate whatever has caused separation in your heart and mind. Alchemy is a manifested Reality you are already a part of. This manifested reality continues to change. The morphing of that reality comes about as a result of your belief systems changing. Kuthumi has spoken about your truth changing; and as one grows one’s Truth changes, that is because your belief systems change. Your belief systems need to change in order to fully integrate Quantum Consciousness. I repeat, your belief systems need to change in order to properly integrate Quantum Consciousness.

You all have to let go of the old world as I asked of all of you initially, forgetting everything you have learnt is the initiation into Quantum Consciousness, because everything you have learnt has created the identity you perceive yourself as now. The conditioned belief systems you have adopted have created your separation or at least the belief in the illusion of separation. In fact nothing can be separate because the field of Energy binding everything together cannot ever be separated. It never has been and never will be.

Everything you have been taught by the Masters and other great teachers has become a part of your identity. A part of you, you are terrified of losing because it is the part of your identity that keeps you sane, that makes you feel safe in the world of illusion. The only reason why you are being asked to forget all of that is so that you can remember that you are All of That and that it is not something that is being taught to you because you don’t know it. It is simply something you need to remember from you Inner Being rather than perceiving it as something that is being given to you from an external source. The more you associate the

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teachings as being provided by an external source, the more you perpetuate the need for affirmation and validation from an external source regarding your Spiritual Journey specifically.

All you are required to do at this point is to trust the direction your Heart is guiding you in. It has been one of the most difficult things for a Human Being to do, the reason being you have been taught not to follow your Heart. Impulsiveness has been associated with irresponsibility. This means most people subconsciously associate following the impulses of their Heart as being ridiculous notions. Your journey is to reverse that and integrate deeper levels of awareness regarding following the compass known as One’s Heart. Many people find themselves at a loss, lost because they deny the prompting of the Heart. Spirit has heard on endless occasions how people discuss what lies in their Heart and how they talk themselves out of what their Heart is telling them by thinking too much about what they can’t do, what they shouldn’t do because it is not accepted. Billions of people on your Planet have had to face the challenge of following their Heart or denying themselves their True Path by staying in situations that have been created as a result of the fear to follow the Heart, as a result of the pressure placed on them by society’s conditioning, by parents, teachers, siblings, and friends to go against their natural grain.

Bear in mind now that every time you feel yourself doubting, that it will be necessary for you to stop yourself in that moment, and change the doubt into active Faith and Trust. Every time you find yourself in a state of doubt – be it self doubt, or doubting the support of Spirit, or any other aspect of your life, spontaneously put a face to the doubt, or a name, or a feeling, colour, a symbol – I said spontaneously – this will help you determine where the original conditioning or belief system was set in place that perpetuates doubt when it comes to having Faith or Trust, in the ability to follow your heart. Every time you experience doubt you need to consciously and practically act Faithfully and Trustingly. This will reprogramme your sub-conscious belief system, and in so doing you will help others learn how to do the same.

Begin guiding yourself with Light. Accept the path you have chosen completely. This means accepting that whatever level of support you require will manifest automatically. You need to have Faith that every member of your family, and social circle ready to accept and embrace their Quantum Consciousness will support your choices. Those who don’t have full right not to because their Truth, their belief system, their experience of Consciousness is not in the same place yours is. This however does not mean sacrificing your truth, or expecting them to sacrifice theirs. What it means is that it is time to accept what reality is presenting you with. This presents you with endless other possibilities. You must act in accordance with the Highest Will of your Heart and Soul. Every time you follow that wisdom you will be taking action that supports the good of the whole, even if it means stepping away from a situation, person or people for a period of time, and in some instances permanently.

Make it a ritual of invoking Lord Kuthumi and Lord Maitreya to assist your journey everyday. Lord Kuthumi will teach you about Love and Wisdom. He is the Lord of Love and Wisdom. Lord Maitreya, the laughing Buddha will teach you about Joy. By recognising or admitting to everything that keeps you separate from experiencing Love, Wisdom and Joy is a vital key in manifesting what you have asked for. Ignorance is certainly a part of it. Everyday make an effort to learn something new about yourself AND life. Spirit can present this to you, or you can choose to actively participate in an activity that will bring this into being – reading and/or studying, are all ways of moving away from ignorance. Knowledge is empowering. The more knowledge you gain, the more empowered you become. I am sure all of you have already realised, based on the new information you have all received today for some of you, and over the past very short weeks for the rest of you, the more you know about the mechanisms of Life the stronger you feel because you know how to use it. You have more tools at your disposal so to speak. It is through the application of Love and Wisdom, and the sharing of your Knowledge that you will be able to show others how to do things differently.

Beloved Leaders in the World of Light your time to drop all fear is upon you. Fear is a superstition. I have already explained how it feeds the consciousness of negativity. Therefore I, Lord Jesus give all of you the Power to choose how you will use your Quantum Energy, how you will use the Consciousness of 7th Dimension to create. You are actively in the world of Magic, Miracles and Manifestation. Karma as you know it, it no longer exists for you. There is no coming back to fix what you have broken. All the fixing is to be done instantaneously. What you perceive as past lives are in fact Parallel Realities. If you take time lines out of the equation, you are living it all now.

Lord Kuthumi once presented a message where he entertained you with the idea that your Current Self is your Future is your Future Self’s Past Self. You are your Past Live’s Future Life. Teasing you with this concept holds more Truth than you realise. Behind every joke lies much Truth. And so it is that you are this – not a joke that is!

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You are your Past’s Future and your Future’s past. This is not limited just to lifetimes, but also to the quality of your life’s experience. All your fear of your past has created the life you live now. And your present fear will create your future life.

All your past positivity, focus and devotion to healing your wound has manifested in your current state of well being, and the devotion to healing and awareness you currently focus on, will determine the quality of your future life, and every other future experience from this day forward. When you remove time from the equation you will see everything is one big pool of experience. You will be able to see yourself playing many different roles. A good way to imagine this is as being an actor or actress. In fact imagine one of your modern day modern actresses playing a role in a film you see today. You could have four or five screens in the same room and have all four or five films playing at the same time, and in each film the same actress is playing a different role, and you can watch all of them at the same time.

I shall leave you with this in your Consciousness and I continue to bless each of you with the Power and Light of the Source from which you were co-created. Mother/Father God in the act of co-creation manifested You, the World your live in, the World your World lives in, and all other worlds. Know that everything you’ve asked to come into being today will manifest in accordance with the Highest Will of your Soul. Have Faith and Trust. You will experience the Miracles of Life in so doing. I am Lord Jesus of the Christ. I bless you, I love you, and I am Ever Present. Adonai.


I am Kuthumi and I return at this point to embrace each of you once again in the Power and Light of All That You Are, and in the understanding of what it is that Lord Jesus has brought to each of you today in the sense of integrating the vastness of your Power, and the Power of your Power. Do you not find it amusing how afraid you have been of the Thing you have wanted most? Do you find it not amusing how you run away from the thing you want most, and how you deter yourself from the Journey you have been seeking for such a long time to complete?

Recognising that you have truly all been kept in a state of limitation will truly help all of you to step out of and move beyond the ‘fishbowl’ effect so to speak, that you have been living in. I personally celebrate in the knowing that all of you are gracefully moving in the direction of waking up to a new level of recognising the potential of your power, and I do hope you will celebrate with Me.

Therefore Beloved Ones go forth, seek the Power that has been utilised for the purpose of perpetuating the fear you have come to accept as a norm in your life, and take that Power and mould it into a form that will continue to represent the Power of Love, and you will certainly be amazed at what creative Co-Creators you are.

The realisation that your ability to have created the fear you have created to this point, is equal to your ability to create its opposite. It is simply applying the same Law of Creation to a different theme. Therefore I choose to acknowledge and embrace each of you as the manifestation of your full potential, actively living in the Power of Love, fully active co-creative Alchemists of the Divine Magic of Science, the Truth that Life is meant to be, the Truth that you will create for yourself through the discovery you are currently moving through.

May everything that you require to bring the dream into Reality manifest for you under grace, in perfect and miraculous ways, and may all always be well in your New World of Light.

I am Kuthumi Lord of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in Love. Adonai!

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• None of this information may be used for monetary gain, be altered, translated, deleted in part or whole or built upon in any form whatsoever.

• You may publish a short excerpt from these channellings on the condition that you include the authors name and copyright and add the link www.thelightweaver.org With a note explaining to people that they can obtain the full transcript on The Lightweaver website.

• The Lightweaver has assigned translators for the channellings and they may not be translated by anyone other than these people. Please contact us if you would like this channelling in another language or if you would like to translate this material into your language.

• This information remains the intellectual property of Michelle Eloff at all times.

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