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  • 8/3/2019 7966621


    Jia, S., et al.


    Human Recognition Using RFID Technology and Stereo Vision

    Songmin Jia, Jinbuo Sheng, Daisuke Chugo, and Kunikatsu Takase

    University of Electro-Communications

    1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu-City, Tokyo 182-8585, JapanE-mail: jia@taka.is.uec.ac.jp

    [Received November 1, 2007; accepted June 25, 2008]

    In this paper, a method of human recognition in in-

    door environment for mobile robot using RFID (Radio

    Frequency Identification) technology and stereo vision

    is proposed as it is inexpensive, flexible and easy to

    use in practical environment. Because information of

    human being can be written in ID tags, the proposed

    method can detect the human easily and quickly com-

    pared with the other methods. The proposed methodfirst calculates the probability where human with ID

    tag exists using Bayes rule and determines the ROI for

    stereo camera processing in order to get accurate posi-

    tion and orientation of human. Hu moment invariants

    was introduced to recognize the human being because

    this method is insensitive to the variations in position,

    size and orientation. The proposed method does not

    need to process all image and easily gets some informa-

    tion of obstacle such as size, color, thus decreases the

    processing computation. This paper introduces the ar-

    chitecture of the proposed method and presents some

    experimental results.

    Keywords: RFID, stereo vision, probability, mobile

    robot, human detection

    1. Introduction

    Indoor environmental obstacle recognition of mobile

    robot is main topic in order to navigate a mobile robot

    to perform a service task at facilities or at home. S. Ikeda

    and J. Miura developed 3D indoor environment modeling

    by a mobile robot with omnidirectional stereo and LaserRange Finder [1]. Hiroshi Koyasu et al. developed om-

    nidirectional stereo obstacle detection method for mobile

    robot moves in dynamic environment [2]. D. Castro et

    al. proposed LRF based obstacle detection [3]. T. Watan-

    abe [4] developed moving obstacle recognition using opti-

    cal flow pattern analysis for mobile robots. Robust recog-

    nition of humans in images is important for many applica-

    tions. Detection of human body is more complicated than

    for objects as human body is highly articulated. Many

    of the methods for human detection have been developed.

    Papgeorgiou and Poggio [5] uses Haar-based representa-

    tion combined with a polynomial SVM. The other leadingmethods uses a parts-based approach [6]. In this paper, a

    novel method of indoor environmental human recognition

    of mobile robot by using RFID (Radio Frequency Identi-

    fication) system with a stereo camera is proposed as it is

    inexpensive, flexible and easy to use in the practical en-

    vironment. Because the information of human being can

    be written in ID tags in advance, the proposed method en-

    ables the obstacles recognition easily and quickly. In or-

    der to localize the ID tags accurately, the Bayes rule wasintroduced to calculate probability where the ID tag exists

    after the tag reader detects a tag. Then stereo camera was

    started to processed the ROI (Region of Interest) deter-

    mined by the results of Bayes rule. Because the proposed

    method doesnt need to process all input image, and some

    information of environment was got from ID tag, thus de-

    creases the image processing computation, and enables to

    detect the obstacles easily and quickly. Hu moment in-

    variants, recognition method of visual patterns and char-

    acters independent of position, size and orientation was

    used. This paper introduces the architecture of the pro-

    posed method and gives some experimental results.

    The rest of the paper consists of 5 sections. Section 2

    describes the structure of hardware of the proposed sys-

    tem. Section 3 presents ID tag localization using Bayes

    rule based on RFID technology. Section 4 details the prin-

    ciple of the proposed method of human recognition. The

    experimental results are given in Section 5. Section 6 con-

    cludes the paper.

    2. System Description

    In our system, we developed a nonholonomic mobile

    robot that was remodeled from a commercially availablemanual cart (Fig. 1 ). The structure of the front wheels

    was changed with a lever balance structure to make mo-

    bile robot move smoothly, and the motors were fixed to

    the two front wheels. It has low cost and is easy to pass

    over bump or gap between floor and rooms. We selected

    Maxon EC motor and a digital server amplifier 4-Q-EC

    50/5 which can be controlled via RS-232C [7]. For the

    controller of mobile robot, a PC104 CPU module (PCM-

    3350 Geode GX1-300 based) is used, on which RT-Linux

    is running. For communication between mobile robot and

    mobile robot control server running on the host computer,

    the Wireless LAN (PCMCIA-WLI-L111) is used.KENWOOD S1000 series was used in the developed

    28 Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics Vol.21 No.1, 2009

  • 8/3/2019 7966621


    Human Recognition Using RFID Technology and Stereo Vision

    PC for Stereo VisionStereo Camera

    RFID Reader



    EC Motor

    PC for Stereo VisionStereo Camera

    RFID Reader



    EC Motor

    Fig. 1. The developed mobile robot platform.

    system. Table 1 illustrates the specifications of KEN-

    WOOD RFID system. Tag reader S1500/00 communi-cates with tags via 2.45 GHz radio wave. Since there is

    a communication area between ID tag and tag reader (the

    communication between mobile robot controller and tag

    reader is via RS-232C), so if ID tag comes into the com-

    munication area while mobile robot moves to the place

    close to the ID tags, the ID tag can be detected and the in-

    formation written in it can simultaneously be read out by

    tag reader mounted on the mobile robot. When the work-

    ing domain of mobile robot is changed or extended, what

    needs to be done is just putting the new ID tags in new

    environment and registering these ID tags to database. It

    is also helpful to improve dynamic obstacles recognition

    (such as chair or person).Bunmblebee (PGR, Point Grey Research) stereo cam-

    era and MDCS2 (Videre Design) camera are usually used

    in robotic field. In our system, we selected Bunmblebee to

    integrate RFID technology to localize the service mobile

    robot. The Bunmblebee two-camera Stereo Vision system

    provides a balance between 3D data quality, processing

    speed, size and price. The camera is ideal for applications

    such as people tracking, mobile robotics and other com-

    puter vision applications. Table 2 illustrates the specifi-

    cations of Bunmblebee stereo camera. A note computer

    (Intel Pentium3 M 1.00 GHz, Memory SDRAM 512 MB,

    Windows XP Professional) was used to process input im-age.

    3. Calculating ID Tag Existing Probability

    Based on RFID Sensor Model

    Obstacle Recognition is an important issue and a key

    function for the mobile robot to perform a navigation-

    based service task in indoor environment. We proposed

    the method of indoor environmental obstacles with ID

    tags recognition for mobile robot using RFID and stereo

    vision. We introduce Bayes rule to calculate the probabil-

    ity where the obstacle with ID tag, then recognize that the

    obstacle is human or not.

    Table 1. The specifications of KENWOOD RFID system.


    Frequency 2.45GHz

    Ca r d M emo r y s i z e 7 2 b y t e

    The maximum

    communication distance 4m

    Interface RS -485,RS-232C

    Power requirement DC24(V) 1 . 0(A)

    W e i g h t ( r e a d e r ) 2 k g

    Dimens ion (reader) 2 63x176x53mm (WxLxH)


    Frequency 2.45GHz

    Ca r d M emo r y s i z e 7 2 b y t e

    The maximum

    communication distance 4m

    Interface RS -485,RS-232C

    Power requirement DC24(V) 1 . 0(A)

    W e i g h t ( r e a d e r ) 2 k g

    Dimens ion (reader) 2 63x176x53mm (WxLxH)

    Table 2. The specifications of Bunmblebee stereo camera.

    Item Specification

    Baseline 1 2 cm

    Frame Rates 48 FPS (640x480)

    Interfaces 6 -pin IEEE-1 394a

    Power Consumption 2 .5W at12V

    Dimensions 1 57 x 3 6 x 47. 4mm

    Mass 3 42 grams

    S ignal To Noise Ratio 60dB

    Gain Automatic/Manual

    Focal Lengths 6mm with 43

    Item Specification

    Baseline 1 2 cm

    Frame Rates 48 FPS (640x480)

    Interfaces 6 -pin IEEE-1 394a

    Power Consumption 2 .5W at12V

    Dimensions 1 57 x 3 6 x 47. 4mm

    Mass 3 42 grams

    S ignal To Noise Ratio 60dB

    Gain Automatic/Manual

    Focal Lengths 6mm with 43

    3.1. RFID Probability Model

    Obstacle recognition; specially, dynamic obstacle

    recognition such as chair or human person is a difficult

    problem. For human being, it is easy to avoid the obsta-

    cles such as chairs, tables, but for mobile robot, it is very

    difficult. We proposed the method of indoor environmen-tal obstacle recognition for mobile robot using RFID. Be-

    cause the information of obstacle such as size, color can

    be written in ID tags in advance, so the proposed method

    enables the obstacle recognition easily and quickly. By

    considering the probabilistic uncertainty of RFID, the

    proposed method introduces Bayes rule to calculate prob-

    ability where the obstacle exists when the RFID reader

    detects a ID tag.

    In our research, for the obstacle objects like chairs and

    tables, we attached the ID tags on them, and the system

    can detect them when the mobile robot moves the place

    where ID tags enters the communication range of RFID

    reader. Simultaneously, the data written in the ID tags can

    also be read out. But localizing accurately the position of

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics Vol.21 No.1, 2009 29