7.3 MASSACHUSETTS: NEW ENGLAND COLONY...Reasons for Founding •The New York colony was founded by...

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Transcript of 7.3 MASSACHUSETTS: NEW ENGLAND COLONY...Reasons for Founding •The New York colony was founded by...

Group 1



The colony was founded by the Puritans, they

wanted religious freedom

Some people wanted to separate from the

English church

They wanted to create a community based on

their religious beliefs

They went in a boat called the Mayflower


The soil was very rocky and the winters were very


But there were vast forests and clean water

Even though the winters were cold, it killed many

germs and bugs that carried disease

That way many Puritans lived a lot longer

because of the winter’s lack of heat


Some of the jobs were growing crops on a farm

Other people raised animals

The people that made ships were called the ship

builders including the Mayflower

The Puritans cut lumber and fished for food

Another way was they caught whales for oil and



Only men that were members of the Puritan church could vote.

They have a more democratic government than Europe.

They made very strict laws.

Once a year they have other neighboring villages elect representatives to help them govern the



They used whale fat to make oil and candles

The Puritans came 10 years after the Pilgrims

came on the Mayflower

They found land to be rocky and the Winters to

be very cold

They wanted to create a community that was

based on their religious beleifs


7.4 Rhode Island: New England Colony

Group 2

Reasons for Founding

• Rhode Island was found for people to practice different religions.

• The original town was Providence.

• Providence is now the capital of Rhode Island

• This was known as a place with free beliefs

Geography and Climate

• Narragansett Bay and many rivers provided transportation , trade.

• Animals were captured for furs.

• The lands forests provided timber.

• The southern part of the land’s soil was good for farming.

• Even though the winter was harsh they still survived.


• Most colonists living in Rhode Island were farmers or traders.

• These farmers or traders raised cattle and grew corn, tobacco, and beans

• They grew these crops on small farms

• Some colonists became wealthy by trading in African slaves

• Though most of them didn’t own slaves


• All men could vote for the colonies local officials and governor .

• Later though only men who owned property could vote .

• Rhode Island was one of the most democratic colonies.

• Not all voters had to belong to a religion .

Interesting Information

• In 1635 a young minister named Roger Williams ran into trouble for criticizing the government of Massachusetts.

• Roger Williams was banned, along with Anne Hutchinson .

• Williams believed religion and government should be kept separate .

• Williams started a town called Providence also known as the capital of Rhode Island

7.5 New York: Middle Colony

Group 3

Reasons for Founding

• The New York colony was founded by the Dutch.

• They wanted to set up fur trading posts.

• However the British wanted this land so that English settlers in New England could move westward.

• In 1664, the British captured the colony.

• The King gave the land to his brother, the Duke of York.

Geography and Climate

• The climate/geography were ideal for a settlement; a great dock, good trading, etc.

• Minerals were plentiful, and that was a good sign for most settlements.

• The Climate was very subject to change; cold in the Winter, hot in the Summer.

• They had oversea travel/supplies, and other boat-related benefits


• The New York colony’s economy offered good jobs for some people and unpaid jobs for others.

• It had jobs such as miners, lumberman, sailors, trappers, merchants, craftsman, and of course farmers.

• The farmers would grow wheat, corn, vegetables, and tobacco.

• However, some people that had these jobs were indentured servants or African slaves.


• New York Colonists had very little saying in government.

• The governor was powerful who was appointed by British royalty.

• The governor appointed other officials.

• He also enforced the laws.

Interesting Information

• Farming was easier in New York than in England because of longer growing seasons.

• The colony was originally settled by people from the Netherlands.

• The colony was taken over by the British.

• The British renamed it New York.

7.6 Pennsylvania: Middle Colony

Group 4

Reasons for Founding

• The people there had religious beliefs (Quakers)

• Pennsylvania had great resources so that provided great jobs and helped farmers.

• Pennsylvania was granted to William Penn in 1681

• Farmers were very wealthy so that attracted people.

Geography and Climate

• It had rich soil for farming

• Winters were cold and snowy

• Iron and coal were plentiful

• Rivers provided easy transportation


• There were people who farmed: dairy cattle, vegetables, corn, and wheat

• Men mined in mines

• Men became lumbermen

• Merchants sold things

• Craftsmen made things


• Pennsylvania’s government included a governor and a Provincial Council that thought up good laws.

• A general assembly was held to pass or reject these laws.

• William Penn was the governor.

• Every male property owner could vote for members of an assembly or try to become one themselves.

Interesting Information

• Pennsylvania became the best “poor man’s” colony

• William Penn’s ideas attracted many people from other countries and religions

• The Delaware Valley had rich soil for farming

• William Penn treated the Native Americans fairly and became friends

7.7 Maryland: Southern Colony

Group 5

R e a s o n s f o r Fo u n d i n g

• Maryland was started in 1634 by Ceciluis Calvert for two


• The first reason was to make money

• The second reason was for Catholics to practice their

religion freely

• Catholics were treated harshly by non-Catholics in England

and the British government

Geography and Climate

• Maryland’s geography and climate was perfect for growing and selling tobacco

• Chesapeake Bay split the colony in half and provided a route to sea

• Tobacco farmers could easily ship tobacco to Britain and other places

• The climate also had lots of mosquitos, that spread diseases


• There were many opportunities for jobs

• They were many farmers for the jobs

• Other colonists were lumberjacks, shippers, fishers and others raised cattle for milk and beef

• Some had business with slaves


• Participation was limited in Maryland’s government

• At first Calvert himself was in charge of Maryland’s government

• In 1638 Calvert permitted the colony to have an assembly

• Generally white men with property could vote for members at the assembly

Interesting Information

• In England in some colonies, Catholics like Calvert were harshly treated by non-Catholics

• Chesapeake Bay split the colony in half and provided a route to sea

• Families who grew tobacco or large plantations became rich

• Most of the work on the plantation was done by African slaves and indentured servants

7.8 Georgia: Southern Colony

Group 6

Reasons for Founding

• The British government wanted to keep the Spanish from moving north.

• Some wealthy Englishmen wanted to help poor people escape debtor’s prison

• Debtors in England went to jail when they could not pay their bills

• A colony in America could provide opportunities for poor people to support themselves

Geography and Climate

• Summers were hot and humid.

• Winters were mild.

• The south was a swamp, that’s good for growing rice and indigo.

• In the north, forests had lumber for homes.

• After forests were cleared, they made for good farmland


• Farmers grew rice, indigo, cotton, and tobacco.

• You could also be a craftsmen such as a shoemaker, bricklayer, blacksmith, and a potter.

• Some people also had to work as slaves.

• If you wanted to have a job in government you had to be a rich man.


• At first, only rich men who had started the colony ran the government

• They passed laws that they thought were best for the colony

• In 1752, they turned control of the colony over to the British king

• The king allowed only white men to elect an assembly, but the king could stop any law passed by the assembly

Interesting Information

• Indigo was a plant used to make blue dye (coloring)

• Farming was the most important job in Georgia

• Some colonists traded goods with Native Americans

• At first the colony did not permit slavery, but it was later allowed and used widely