7042381 Subconscious Mind

Post on 08-Apr-2015

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Transcript of 7042381 Subconscious Mind

If you want to be successful, you must know how to unleash the hidden power of your subconscious mind. Some successful people do it unconsciously, without understanding how it works. But now, you have a chance to understanding how the subconscious mind power works and how to unleash its hidden power.

Awaken the giant within. Where is the giant?

During one of my seminars, a participant stood up and asked, "I know that there is a sleeping giant within me and I’ve infinite potential. How do I awaken the giant and unleash my potential?" "Good question." I said, "but first of all, my question to you is what is that sleeping giant anyway?"

The participant was dumbfounded. He said, “I've never thought of this question. I don’t know.”

The truth is the sleeping giant within you is your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is 30,000 times more powerful than your conscious mind. To unleash your hidden potential, you have to tap into your subconscious mind power.

World No.1 motivation guru, Tony Robbins, once said, “All personal changes must take place at the subconscious level.” To have permanent changes in our lives, we must change the thinking of our subconscious mind.

Many people spent thousands of dollars buying self help books, CDs and attending motivational seminars, only to discover that they are still a member of the U.U.B club (U.U.B stands for Unhappy, Unhealthy and Broke). This is because the information they have acquired stops at the conscious level and never sinks into their subconscious minds.

How to unleash the hidden power of the subconscious mind power?

Tons of proprietary techniques and tools have been developed to unleash the hidden power of the subconscious mind power. They range from fundamental methods such as affirmation and visualization to more sophisticated techniques such as binaural beats, subliminal and even mind machines.

It’s a multi-million dollar industry!

These techniques and tools have helped tens of thousands of people and disappointed tens of thousands of people as well.

The problem does not lie in the tools. The problem lies in the person.

The truth is you don’t have to use any special technique to activate your subconscious mind power if you have a clear goal and a burning desire to achieve the goal.

Imagine this. If I kidnapped your love one and asked you to bring me $100,000 in 48 hours, will you still give excuses of why you can’t find the money? Do you still need to attend a course on how to find $100,000 in 48 hours? Of course not!

You will most likely automatically unleash the hidden power of your subconscious mind power and come out with ways to find the money and at the same time attract the money to you within the stipulated time.

Notice that I highlight the word attract? I do it to highlight to you the fact that the universe works based on the law of attraction. We attract things to us; we don't pursue them.

And the part of our mind that is responsible for attracting things is our subconscious mind. That's our subconscious mind power.

Why most people fail to unleash the hidden power of their subconscious mind power?

Most people fail to unleash the hidden power of their subconscious mind power simply because they never spend time thinking through what they want in life and setting clear goals.

They may have a strong desire to succeed but they fail to give specific instructions of what they want to their subconscious mind. In the first place, they are not even sure of what they want.

Now, assuming you have a definite goal and a strong desire to achieve the goal, the next question is

How to achieve your goals?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "All you have to do is know where you're going.

The answers will come to you of their own accord." Earl Nightingale


Well, if you really know your goals, you are already halfway through the game.

There is no need to worry about the 'How' because the 'How' will be attracted to you through the use of your subconscious mind power.

You simply program the goals into your subconscious mind and it will bring the goals to you.

As what Brian Tracy, world renowned success coach, said, "Once the goals are programmed into the subconscious mind, it will take a power of its own to achieve the goals automatically."

I know what you are thinking. You may ask "Kenneth, are you telling me that there is no need to work and the goal will come to me automatically?"

Please, I never say that. In fact, massive action is important because while your subconscious mind can bring the goal to you, you on the other hand have to be ready for it.

When I say ready, I am talking about your personal development.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "We cannot see things that stare us in the face until the hour comes that the mind is ripened. "

Ralph Waldo Emerson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Your subconscious mind can bring you a million dollar business opportunity but if you do not have enough experience and knowledge to handle it, you will miss that opportunity.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "It is a psychological law that

whatever we desire to accomplish we must impress upon the subjective or subconscious mind."

Orison Swett Marden ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

How to program your goals into your subconscious?

Here are 2 simple exercises you can use right away to program your goals into your subconscious mind.

1. Create a dream board.

Create a pictorial version of the goal that you want to achieve and paste it at a place where you can see everyday.

A good place is your study table or at the right hand corner of the windscreen of your car.

Richard Brooke wrote in his book Mach II With Your Hair On Fire that he purchased a mock-up of the cover of SUCCESS Magazine with his picture on the cover and looked at it every day. 9 years later, he was chosen for the cover of SUCCESS Magazine.

I used to paste a picture of my first dream car when I merely had a couple of thousand dollars in my bank account. 1 years later, I bought the car.

These stories are not coincidence. That’s the power of the subconscious mind.

As what Earl Nightingale said, "The mind moves in the direction of our currently dominant thoughts."

Scientists will tell you that this method works because of the R.A.S. (Reticular Activating System) in our brain, which is our antenna or radar that attract things that we focus to us.

2. Write your goals every night just before you sleep.

Every night, just before you sleep, write down your top 5 goals, 20 times each. Continue to repeat your goals in your mind until you fell asleep.

The reason for this exercise is to dominate your mind with your goals while your subconscious mind is most active. (Read more at alpha brain wave.)

Law of The Subconscious Mind

The #1 law of the mind that governs your health, wealth and happiness

The universe is governed by law. Success is governed by law. Your subconscious mind is also governed by law.

The law of your subconscious mind is the law of belief.

Many self-help books and motivational gurus talk about the power of belief. The general message they are trying to put across is basically what Napoleon Hill had said, "What your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve".

Is it true that everything your mind believes can achieved or it is just some kind of motivational lie? This was the question I asked myself after reading several self-help books and attending several success seminars. I also asked questions like "what if I happen to be the unlucky one" or "what if I'm not destined to be successful".

My concept of belief changed when I read the book Spiritual Marketing by Dr. Joe Vitale. You will get a free copy of this book when you sign up for my newsletter.

Strictly speaking, the statement "what your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve" should be "what your conscious mind can conceive and your subconscious mind believes, it can achieve". That's your subconscious mind power.

Here is the reason why.

Your subconscious mind power is like a magnet. It attracts things that resonate with its beliefs. To put it bluntly, if you have a certain belief in your subconscious mind, your subconscious mind will vibrate based on this belief and attract events and people that resonate with or correspond to this belief. This is the Universal Law of Vibration and Attraction. It is a law that exists whether you believe it or not, just like the law of gravity. Let me repeat. This law works on you whether you believe it or not!

If your subconscious mind believes that life is tough, surely, your life will be tough. You will meet people and events that give you hard life. If your subconscious mind believes that money is hard-earned, money will be hard earned. You will only be attracted to opportunities that will take a super-human effort to make a penny!

Let me twist the words around and repeat the previous paragraph. If your life is tough now, that's because your subconscious believes that life is tough. If you are finding difficulties in making money, that's because your subconscious believes that money is hard earn. There is no other reason and there is no need to blame other people for your tough life or your financial situation!

The message I'm trying to put across here is this:

"Your subconscious beliefs create your realities"

The above statement is probably the most important statement that one must fully and thoroughly understand in order to achieve true success in life.

-------------------------------------------------------------- "Money is usually attracted, not pursued."

Jim Rohn --------------------------------------------------------------

We use our conscious mind power to conceive an idea, but our subconscious mind power to attract the result. Most people do it otherwise. They use their conscious mind to pursue the result, which often result in stress and worries. That's the difference between using your conscious mind power and your subconscious mind power.

Here is a good analogy of what your subconscious mind is like. Your subconscious mind is like the hard disk in a computer, and what your see on the computer screen is your reality or your life.

Ask yourself, where does the information on the computer screen come from? It must come from the hard disk, isn't it? If the computer screen is showing your reality, then where does your reality come from? From the above analogy, it must come from your subconscious.

What it means here is your reality or the life you are experiencing now is actually a reflection of the beliefs in your subconscious mind. Many people change from one job to another, but realize that they are still getting the same problem everywhere they go. What they don't understand is that instead of changing the external circumstances, they should change their inner beliefs. Once their beliefs change, they will be attracted to new people, new jobs and the world around them will change according to the new beliefs in their subconscious mind.

When I told the participants of my workshop that your beliefs create your realities, a common negative response I got was "I never believe in the kind of reality I'm facing, but why am I still experiencing them?"

We must understand that it is not what you think you believe that creates your reality. It is what your subconscious believes. You may think you believe that life is abundant, just because you've read some books about it. But subconsciously, you may not be convinced.

So how do you know what your subconscious believes?

The answer is fairly simple. Just look at your reality!

Your reality is the mirror of your life. It reflects your inner beliefs. If you consistently use your reality to guide yourself in reprogramming the beliefs in your subconscious mind, I guarantee your life will never be the same again.

Mind Power Explained

Secrets of your conscious, subconscious and superconscious mind

Conscious, subconscious and superconscious mind power. Confused? Not after you've read this article!

Your mind power is more powerful than what you think. Read this:

"Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

What I'm going to share with you here is not some metaphysical or new age theories. It is what Napoleon Hill has been emphasizing on.

It is an important part in the entire success philosophy.

How many minds do we have?

Technically speaking, each of us only has one mind. But this one mind has 3 parts to it: conscious mind, subconscious mind and superconscious mind. The first two minds are within us, but the superconscious mind is without. It is the mind of our extended self.

Conscious mind power

Your conscious mind is the only part of your mind that thinks. That's why most people use their conscious mind power to solve problems and to achieve their goals. However, the conscious mind power is limited, as compared to the subconscious mind power and superconscious mind power. The most important conscious mind power is the power to decide. It has the power to decide what information to enter into your subconscious mind, but most people are not exercising this power. Instead, they let rubbish enters their subconscious mind and thus garbage in, garbage out.

Your conscious mind also has the power to reprogram your subconscious mind, mainly through repetition. For instance, remember the first time you learnt to drive a car, when you had to consciously think of which paddle to step and which gear to shift? But now, you no longer have to consciously think of these actions. They have become automatic, i.e. you are able to do it subconsciously. Through repetition, you have programmed your subconscious mind. Once it is in your subconscious, it becomes automatic.

While it’s true for driving a car, it is also true for achieving success in life!

Subconscious mind power

Your subconscious mind plays many different roles in your life. As far as I know, we can classify its functions into 5 different areas.

1. It maintains and balances the well-being of our body. That's why our body is self-healing in nature. It has the power to heal any form of diseases you can think of. It is the fundamental of all so-called alternative therapies.

2. It protects us and sometimes our love ones, from emergencies or dangers.

3. It is the mega-memory bank. It stores all our past experiences.

4. It is like a magnet. It has the power to attract things that resonate with its beliefs.

5. It is like radar. It sends and receives information to and from the superconscious mind. This is the function that we are going to discuss further in this article.

The relationship between the conscious, subconscious and superconscious mind looks something like this.

Your conscious mind is connected to your subconscious mind, which in turn is connected to the superconscious mind. Same goes for my mind as well as anyone's mind.

From the diagram, you can see that we are all connected at the superconscious level, through our individual's subconscious mind. The conscious mind is not connected directly to the superconscious mind. We rely on our subconscious mind to send and receive information to and from the superconscious.

As your conscious mind impresses your desire upon your subconscious mind, your subconscious mind will impress it upon the superconscious mind which will then conspire to make it happen, as what Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen".

Superconscious mind power

Napoleon Hill called it the Infinite Intelligence. Scientists call it the Universal Mind. Some books or metaphysics gurus sum everything up as the Unconscious Mind. The term Superconscious Mind is widely used by Brian Tracy, and I prefer to use this term.

How is it called is not important. What’s important is what it can do for you.

These are what I know about the superconscious mind.

- There is only one superconscious mind (the Universal Mind), to which all of our minds are connected to.

- It helps you to make good decision, since it has Infinite Intelligence. It has all the answers you want, including tomorrow’s share price!

- It is the source of all true invention. Great inventors like Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein have mastered the technique of receiving great ideas from the superconscious mind. Where else you think they get all their innovative ideas from?

- It helps you achieve your goals. This is the function that I will talk more in the next paragraph.

The superconscious mind is like a mega computer that orchestrates the activities in every little computer connected to it. By impressing your goal upon your subconscious mind, your superconscious will respond accordingly. The right people will start appearing in your life, opportunities will come and lessons will be provided to strengthen you if necessary. Everything will be set in motion to help you achieve your desire. Once you truly understand the superconscious mind power, you will realize that success is not a function of luck.

Alpha brain waves

The secret passage to your subconscious mind

Conscious, subconscious and superconscious mind power. Confused? Not after you've read this article!

In case this is your first time hearing the term, alpha brain waves is one of the four categories of the brain frequencies. When your brain vibrates at 7-14 Hz, you are said to be in Alpha.

Alpha brain wave is the most mysterious brain wave that has aroused the interest of many researchers in the recent decades. You will find out why soon.

Have you ever experience a light bulb moment when you are bathing? Or suddenly have a solution to a problem just before you sleep?

If you observe carefully, you will realize that creative ideas always come to you when you are relax, which is the time when you are in alpha.

When you are in alpha brain waves, you are relaxed and calm; your creative juice flow faster; you can recall things better, such as where you left your keys; you can learn things faster; you absorb information faster. More importantly, the best time to reprogram your subconscious mind is when you are in alpha.

Besides alpha brain waves, the other brain waves include beta, theta and delta. When you are in beta, you are conscious and alert. Too much beta frequency can make you feel stress and breathless. When you are in theta, you are in a twilight state. You are not conscious. When you dream in your sleep, you are in theta. When you are in delta, you are sleeping. You are not aware of what’s happening because you are in an unconscious state of mind.

Everyday, your brain state moves from delta (sleeping) to beta (alert) and then from beta back to delta. In between, you will experience alpha and theta.

The simplified relationship between your brain waves and your state of consciousness can be summarized in the figure below:

Whenever I draw this relationship, people always ask "Kenneth, how about alpha brain waves?"

Alpha is the bridge between your conscious and your subconscious mind.

Imagine your mind is like a house when two rooms, separated by a door.

When you are in beta, you are in the conscious room. The door is closed, so you have no access to the subconscious room.

When you are in theta, you are in the subconscious room. The door is closed, so you have no access to the conscious room. That's why most people can't remember exactly what they dream about.

But when you are in alpha, you are like standing at the door, with the door open. You are conscious, yet you have access to your subconscious. It is the best time to reprogram your subconscious mind. That's also the reason why you always have your light bulb moment when you are in alpha brain waves.

To prove this point is very simple. Everyday you dream. When you wake up, you often can't remember what you dream. But the moment you just wake up, i.e. when you are in alpha, you can still remember what you dream, but just for that short moment. The moment you are fully awake, you miss your dream again because you are already in the beta room.

If you read any self improvement book, you will learn that the best time to do your affirmation or visualization (techniques used to reprogram your subconscious mind) is before your sleep and after you wake up. By now, you should know that that's because these are times when you are in alpha.

Now I can enter alpha anytime I want because I took up an alpha meditation course, similar to Silva mind control. I have one good news for you. I found a similar but abridged course on the net and it is FREE. Surprised? Me too! You can go to www.subconscious-secrets.com/silvamind to signup for the free course now.

Recommended reading

The High Performance Mind - by Anna Wise

This book consists of a lot of fundamentals of brainwaves and guide to mastering the power of your brainwaves. Read this book and find out what is a high performance mind. The answer will surprise you!


Beginners' tool to reprogram the subconscious mind

Affirmation is one of the most basic ways to reprogram your subconscious mind.

It is simply a process of repeating your goals or new beliefs that you want to instill on your subconscious.

This can be done in the form of writing, saying verbally or mentally, listening or acting, until the statement is fixed into your subconscious mind.

If an affirmation comes from yourself, it is called autosuggestion. If it comes from other people, it is called heterosuggestion. It's that simple!

Some examples of autosuggestion include:

- repeating your affirmations aloud or mentally;

- writing down your affirmations;

- listening to your self-recorded autosuggestion tape;

- pretending to be the person whom you want to be. (i.e. put yourself in the shoe of someone you admire and pretend that you are the person.)

Some examples of heterosuggestion include:

- listening to self-help, affirmation or subliminal CDs;

- reading books and articles;

- listening to parents', siblings' or friends' opinions;

-Watching TV programs.

Like it or not, you are already practicing affirmation everyday.

When you talk, your subconscious listens. When you grumble about your life, your subconscious listens and obediently follows your instruction by giving you the kind of life that you keep on grumbling about!

So from now onwards, watch what you say, especially what you say repeatedly.

I believe very few people seriously practice autosuggestion everyday. That's why there are fewer successful people in this world.

Warning!!! If you don't auto-suggest, you will be hetero-suggested. Everyday, you hear your friends complaining that the economy is bad, it's hard to pick a good stock these days, life is tough etc.

When you listen repeatedly, your subconscious mind starts to believe that it is true. Then you will see in your reality that it's true (because of the law of attraction). Finally, you are convinced that it is true.

If you do not want to be a victim of hetero-suggestion, it's important that you do affirmation everyday.

Here are some affirmations you can do.

• Every day in every way I’m getting better and better.

• Everything is coming to me easily and effortlessly.

• I am a radiant being, filled with light and love.

• I am naturally enlightened.

• My life is blossoming in total perfection.

• I have everything I need to enjoy my here and now.

• I am the master of my life.

• Everything I need is already with me.

• It’s okay for my to have everything I want!

• This is a rich universe and there’s plenty for all of us.

• Abundance is my natural state of being. I accept it now!

• Infinite riches are now freely flowing into my life.

• Every day I am growing more financially prosperous.

• The more I give, the more I receive and the happier I feel.

You can either write or read these affirmations before you sleep and after you wake up, or record them and listen to the recording over and over again before you sleep.

The key to success in affirmation is repetition.

Your subconscious mind is like your muscle. You have to keep affirming it with things that you want.

If you are lazy to do affirmation everyday, someone else will do the job for you and the result is always not something you want!

To me, the simplest way to keep myself positive is to listen to good self-help CDs everyday on my journey to my office.

The advantage of doing that is twofold:

1. It allows me to start my day with a positive mental attitude.

2. It cleans up my subconscious mind with positive beliefs so that my subconscious is not polluted by all the negative opinions that I hear in my work space.

If you do not have any good affirmation CDs, I highly recommend the CDs from Think Right Now. Mike Brescia calls them the Accelerated Success Conditioning Programs. These programs are capable of instilling powerful thinking, beliefs and attitude into your subconscious mind. When that is done, your subconscious mind will do its part by changing your reality. There is no subliminal messages. You hear every word consciously and subconsciously. It's a wonderful program.


The language of your subconscious mind

Visualization or mental picture is the language of your subconscious mind.

If you choose to remember only one thing out of all the articles I've written, please remember this:

"Your subconscious mind cannot differentiate what is real or vividly imagined. Through repetition, the image you visualize must come to pass."

Let me illustrate this statement with a real story that I've extracted from the book "The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind".

A young pharmacist, being inspired by Dr. Joseph Murphy, began to imagine that she was in her own store, arranging the bottles, dispensing prescriptions and waiting on customers. Mentally she worked in that imaginary store.

Several years later, her work took her to a small town where there was only one drugstore. When she walked into the store she was surprised that it was exactly the store she had visualized. More amazingly, the store owner was ready to retire and was willing to let her own the store while providing her with the financial support she needed.

That's the power of visualization.

Visualization is not just seeing what you desire in your mind's eye. It is about living in your mind's eye. When I say living, I mean using your five senses to make the images as real as possible.

The best time to do visualization is when you are in alpha because when you are in alpha, you can concentrate on your inner world and fully immerge yourself in your world of visualization.

As what Jose Silva put it, the difference between visualizing in beta and alpha is like saying the word swim and actually swimming. (If you do not know what I mean by beta and alpha, please read the article The Power Of Alpha Brain Waves).

When you visualize in Alpha, you will realize that you can visualize better and the images that you visualize will be so vivid that you may end up thinking that the images are real!

The clearer the visualization, the faster it shows up in reality.

One problem that many people face when starting to do visualization is that they keep changing what they visualize before the goal is achieved. This is often due to lack of self-understanding and poor goal setting technique.

If you are still searching for the right path, you may go into different opportunities.

For example, you may go into a sales job, and you started to visualize yourself being the top salesperson in the company. But before you achieve the goal, you realized that sales is not something you like. Your goal changed and what you visualized changes as a result.

This is bad because in success psychology, we always say success attracts success and failure attracts failure. When you have a successful experience, it is easier for your subconscious mind to relate to that experience and thus bring more of such experience to you.

But if you keep having unsuccessful experiences, you will naturally fill your subconscious mind with images of those experiences, which becomes a hindrance in achieving your other goals.

In fact, one very powerful technique of goal achievement is to condition your subconscious mind with a successful past experience and convert that experience into your new goal that you want to achieve. This technique basically deceives

your subconscious mind to believe that what you want has already happened so that it automatically brings forth the belief into reality. Click here to find out more.

If you keep changing what you visualize or keep changing your goals, your faith in visualization will fall and your confidence in yourself will also sink. In this case, the more you visualize, the more you fail to achieve your goals and the worse you feel about yourself. Eventually visualization becomes a tedious and unrewarding process that actually hinders your progress instead of helping you!

The only reason why visualization doesn’t work is because you are not sure of what you want. If you are very sure of what you want, visualization must work for you!

Recommended reading

How To Get Lots Of Money For Anything Fast - By Stuart A. Lichtman and Joe Vitale

Stuart Lichtman, a scientist by training, manage to simplify the process of visualization into a step by step system that everyone can use. I'm really impressed by his systematic approach to use our subconscious mind power to attain anything. I highly recommend it too.

Intuition - Subconscious Communication

How your subconscious mind communicate to you

Can your subconscious mind communicate to you?

Yes. It's through your intuition. When you ask your subconscious for guidance or help, you may have an urge, an inspiration or a hunch to do certain task.

You may see the answer in your dream or a mental image may just pop up in your mind. Intuitively, you know that there is a message for you.

You may also be intuitively guided to read a book or talk to a person and then you found the answer from these sources.

Different people have different preferred or natural mode of receiving messages from the subconscious mind. Some are in the form of feeling, some are visual while some are auditory. Some can be in terms of external events such as books, songs etc.

I'm not an expert in this topic, but I can speak from my little experience.

For me, I usually get my messages through inner voices and external events. If I program my subconscious, I can also get answers in the form of dreams.

I truly believe that meditation can improve our communication with the subconscious mind. The more you meditate, the more intuitive you become.

The key to receiving messages from your subconscious is this: "Be sensitive to what’s going on around you and trust yourself, your own feeling and your inner voices."

At this moment, you may think that intuition is something that is unique or spiritual. Actually it is not.

In a 2-year study on decision making techniques, Dr. Daniel lsenberg, professor of Harvard Business School, discovered that 80% of the senior managers he had researched said that they preferred to use their intuition especially when making complex decisions or decisions involving other people.

Ask any successful businessman how they make business decisions. I asked this question before. Most of them said they used their guts feeling.

What is guts feeling? Well, it's your intuition.

Intuition should be part of our daily evaluation process. The more you use it and trust it, the better it will serve you.