7 Ways to Support Your Spouse During Accident Recovery

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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You want to ensure that your spouse feels supported and encouraged throughout the challenging process, but you aren’t sure where to begin. As your spouse works through accident recovery, keep these 7 tips in mind for amazing ways you can be supportive.

Transcript of 7 Ways to Support Your Spouse During Accident Recovery

7 Ways To Support Your Spouse During Accident Recovery

No one plans for accidents to occur, and yet the fact of life is that they do happen. Supporting your spouse during accident recovery can prove to be a difficult and stressful event. You want to ensure that your spouse feels supported and encouraged throughout the challenging process, but you arent sure where to begin. As your spouse works through accident recovery, keep these 7 tips in mind for amazing ways you can be supportive.

1. Understand your spouses physical condition

One way that will definitely help your mission to support your spouse during accident recovery is to know what challenges and obstacles your spouse will face during recovery. If its possible, attend therapy sessions with your spouse so you can become familiar with your spouses level of ability. Ask the therapist questions if you have any.

2. Help make adjustments around the home to make mobility easier

Many people often forget that small adjustments around the home can make a world of difference to a patient going through accident recovery. Things that will make home life easier should consider being changed such as lowering the bed level so its easier to get in and out of, moving cabinet and refrigerator contents to a lower shelf for easier access, and purchasing a shower tools that will make bathing easier: shower stool, non-slip mat, and a loofa with a long brush handle.

3. Offer to help with chores and meals

When possible, offer as much help around the home so that your spouse can rest. Simple things like keeping up with the housework, cooking meals, and driving your spouse to and from appointments will be much appreciated as your spouse goes through accident recovery.

4. Encourage your spouse to complete homework

Sometimes a doctor or therapist might advise a patient going through accident recovery to complete light exercises or stretches daily as they continue to progress. If your spouses doctor prescribes this kind of homework, encourage your spouse to complete it. If the homework is a physical activity, show your support by doing it with your partner.

5. If your spouse if in Inpatient Treatment, visit during available hours

For those with spouses who are completing inpatient rehabilitation, be sure to visit as often as possible during visiting hours so you can encourage your spouse and offer your support.

6. If your spouse is in Inpatient Treatment, bring necessities when needed

Patients undergoing inpatient rehabilitation may need to supply their own toiletries and other necessities. Bring these things for the comfort of your spouse during your visits. Just be sure to check that youre bringing approved items with the doctor first because brining from home certain things like medication (even if its over the counter) is often advised against in physical rehabilitation centers.

7. Keep a positive attitude

Above all, stay positive, encouraging, and loving.

If youd like more helpful information on ways to support your spouse during accident recovery, go to GRMedCenter.com to learn more. Remember to always check with a medical doctor before beginning any treatment or remedy.