7 traits of a successful salesman

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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7 traits of a successful salesman is information for the salesman, entrepreneur and small business owner. It deals with basic ideas and traits that help us to be better at meeting our clients needs.

Transcript of 7 traits of a successful salesman

7 traits of a successful salesman.

I have been asked several times over the years about my sales habits and how I succeed. Hopefully this will answer some of those questions.

Prodigy Marketing Group 2014

1. Honesty and Integrity

I know what you’re thinking, salesman and integrity don’t go together. No really, how can you expect someone to trust you with their business if you lack in integrity?

You might get them to go with you the first time, but if you don’t have integrity it WILL be the last time. Business owners don’t only deal with salesmen they like, but ones they can trust.

2. Listen… seriously, shut up.

Great salesmen understand why they have two ears and only one mouth. They listen more than they speak, getting an understanding of the customer's needs and then finding a solution. 

Successful salesmen always ask their clients why they want something done. In listening more than talking, you can better understand what they are trying to accomplish.

3. Under promise & over deliver

There's an old sales adage that says "under commit and over-deliver," but I believe that you should promise what is realistic, but deliver fantastic!

I have yet to run into the client that was ticked off for exceeding their expectations.

4. Time management superstars

Real sales rock stars squeeze hours out of minutes and weeks out of days. Great salesmen are like wizards with time. They don't manage time, they create it and they make it work for them.

Every hour of my day has a name and I constantly look at whether or not any given task deserves my time. If it doesn’t I cut it out like infection and replace it with something productive,

5. Accountability

Strong salesmen hold themselves to performance standards that are above what their management expects. No manager can know your actual ability to perform. Only you know your true potential.

I always set my goals well above my given expectations, that way if I don’t meet my goals I will at least surpass theirs. I don’t need them to motivate me, what motivates me is my passion and my desire to do my best.

6. There is no box.

Accomplished salesman consistently work on improving themselves and look for better ways of serving their customers. People are always talking about “thinking outside the box.” I say there is no box.

If you want to succeed be creative, be passionate and always look at problems as an opportunity to do something amazing.

7. Be human

Every salesman I know strives to seem like they know everything. Their afraid that if they don’t have a definitive answer for every question they’re asked that they will lose credibility. There is nothing further from the truth.

Be human, ask questions, collaborate with the client and allow them to be part of the process. They don’t expect you to be perfect, just real.

Steven Henderson

Husband | Father | Salesman | Blogger | Social Media Addict | Entrepreneur