7 Secrets To Maximize Your Time

Post on 09-May-2015

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If you dont want to waste your time better make use of this presentation and video. It briefly touches the important points.

Transcript of 7 Secrets To Maximize Your Time

Make Time To SeeThis


If you don't want to waste your


Time gets filled by itself ;Use Time diligently


Presenting7 SecretsTo Maximise Your Time


The incredible publisherswww.theincrediblepublishers.com

Main Ideas

Point 1. Concept & Mind Preparation

Point 2. Organize

Point 3. Affirmation

Point 4. Clearing The State

Point 5. Fresh ideas

Point 6. Aware, Instigate Fear

Point 7. Action Thrust

Let Us See

Each of The Points

One By One


Point 1.

Concept and Mind Preparation

- Goal-Decide to have a goal that is in the perfect

sync with your value.

Exercise: Write down 10 goals and give priority

Point 2.


Time Management

Priorities first

Write down what you wanted to do today

Point 3.


Strong Belief

Believe you can do it

Write down what you have done.

Be happy with that . Don't wait for perfection.

Point 4.

Clearing the State

Remove Snags

Long pending unfinished work

Write down all of them and schedule to finish at least one today

Point 5.

Fresh Idea

Have to create more room for achievement

Make use of the prime time

Exercise: Time you get up regularly and time you want to improve

Point 6.

Aware: Instigate Fear

Be accountable, Be Responsible

Remember if you don't, you miss a big chance

Perish or prove yourself

Point 7.

Action Thrust


What motivates you best?Derive Strength From That

Write Them down


Practice Makes You Perfect!

Use The 7 Secrets

To Maximize Your Time

This Could Form Your Base

For Success

Prepared and presented to you by vgnairWww.theincrediblepublishers.com