7 Salesforce Admin Villains and How to Defeat Them

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Admins apply real hard work to overcome business challenges to keep your sales, customer service and marketing processes singing along. They fend off villains to efficiency and scale on a daily basis and are truly heroes of growth and innovation at their companies. From Speadcheaters to Antitrainers, we identified 7 common villains that Admins must fend off on a daily basis and tried and true ways to defeat them!

Transcript of 7 Salesforce Admin Villains and How to Defeat Them

  • 1. nemies to productivity often take the form min villains. Be on the look out for These and the threat they pose to your company. TRAINing FAX Salesforce admins Are used to saving the day at Their company. They are constantly vigilant and Protect their coworkers from the specters of Inefficiency and disorganization. Be a Salesforce Admin Superhero Vanquish these 7 Admin Villains

2. Salesforce admins Are used to saving the day at their company. they vigilantly watch for the specters of inefficiency and disorganization that are a daily threat to their coworkers. 3. these enemies to productivity often take the form of 7 admin villains. Be on the look out for These Villains and the threat they pose to your company. TRAINing FAX 4. FAX The Faxer #1 The Faxer is notorious for only using outdated technology. This villian sends you letters THROUGH WESTERN UNION AND EXPECTS YOU TO PRINT AND FAX A COPY OF HIS OPPORTUNITIES EVERY WEEK. 5. FAX How to Defeat Them: SHOW the faxer the convenience and advantage of utilizing the full features of A CRM. THESE INCLUDE A COMPLETE APPEXCHANGE OF TOOLS, PLUS A MOBILE APP YOU CAN USE TO TAKE YOUR BUSINESS WITH YOU EVERYWHERE. 6. TRAINing The AntiTrainer never attends your Salesforce Trainings. They Believe they already know EVERY PROCESS, EVERY FEATURE - EVEN WHEN THERE ARE UPDATES. The AntiTrainer #2 7. TRAINing How to Defeat Them: Make training fun and engaging. Record trainings so they are available online anytime. Attending salesforce admin trainings is also a great way to get new ideas and strategies. 8. The Prioritizer #3 Known for sending Admins projects with little or no notice and expecting the Admin to complete the request immediately. The Prioritizer often skips governance meetings and ignores policies. 9. How to Defeat Them: The App Development Governance app (free Force.com Labs app on AppExchange) is the solution for this. Use Force.com's power to keep track of the iNCOMING REQUESTS. DASHBOARDS CAN BE USED TO BRING VISIBILITY TO THE PRIORITIZATION AND TO ENFORCE SOME PROCESS. 10. The SpreadCheater puts all your data in offline files each file completely out of date. They Often reference these files for high visibility reports to upper management and blame Salesforce when the report is wrong. the SpreadCheater #4 11. How to Defeat Them: Build an object in Force.com for them to input their data. Theyll be blown away by how easy the process can be and thankful to HAVE IT TAILORED TO THEIR NEEDS. 12. DATA DATA DATA Duplication Ray The Insidious Duper never searches for existing data in Salesforce before creating their own. Its typical that many of these duplicates have incorrect, outdated data, or data thats just similar enough to make it near impossible to automatically detect. The Insidious Duper #5 13. DATA DATA DATA Duplication Ray How to Defeat Them: Take control of the duper by enforcing rules with a Visual Workflow or overriding the NEW BUTTON. TRAIN THEM ON HOW TO SEARCH FOR EXISTING DATA. 14. the Storage Swine #6 The Storage Swine is notorious for using large amounts of the available Salesforce storage. THIS INCLUDES FILES AND DATA THAT ARE improperly formatted or of no historical importance. 15. How to Defeat Them: Give the storage swine their own place to keep all of their DOCUMENTS BY DOING A SIMPLE integration with google docs. 16. The Metadata Meddler has a loud voice. Its not uncommon for them to show up disguised as management or executives at a Heros organization. The meddler demands that you build their feature and then never uses it. Mischievous Metadata Meddler #7 17. How to Defeat Them: To counter the metadata meddler, Create a custom object to track dev requests and have an approval process which requires exec sponsorship. 18. With the right preparation, you can easily vanquish these common admin villains and allow your coworkers to perform at maximum performance every day. 19. A Job well done! 20. The Salesforce Success Community is a collection of over 1 million Salesforce users and administrators. Community members can ask questions, collaborate with other members, and contribute and vote for ideas to improve the product. Join the Community: SUCCESS COMMUNITY success.salesforce.com