7 Buying Signals You Need to Know

Post on 21-Mar-2017

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Transcript of 7 Buying Signals You Need to Know

7 Buying Signals You Need to Know

KO Sales Coach

What are They?

When customers are interested and/or ready to buy they’ll let you know but most of the time they won’t use words. They will, however, send loud non-verbal signals that you can pick up on an respond to.

What’s the Big Deal?

Your ability to recognize and respond appropriately to buying signals can give you a huge advantage in Sales.

They help you make a better connection with your customer and know when the time is right to close.

7 Buying Signals to Listen For

1 Asking about a Specific Product or Service

When your customer asks specific

questions about a product or service it

indicates they are interested.


What other sizes does this come in?

How would something like this be handled?

2 Asking about Delivery Times

A customer who is asking how soon they would receive it is not

only indicating interest but also a sense of urgency. (If you have

a RUSH option...it might be something to mention!)


“How soon could I get this?”

“If I ordered today, how soon would it come?”

“How do you ship your products?”

3 Asking about Methods of Payment

Your customer is only interested in finding out what type of payments you take if they are interested in the product! This is a HUGE buying signal!


“Do you take checks?”

“What type of credit cards do you accept?”

4 Questions about Your Guarantee

When your customer is asking about your guarantee or warrantee he’s checking to be sure you stand behind your product’s reliability. Checking on this means he’s strongly considering the purchase!


“What sort of warranty comes with this?”

“What if it doesn’t work out?”

“How long is the guarantee period?”

5 Questions about Your Company

It’s important for customer to feel confident that they’re dealing with a reputable and experienced company. Questions about your company come from customers who are considering a purchase.


“How long has your company been in business?”

“How long have you been selling these?”

6 Asking You To Repeat Information

When a customer asks you to repeat something you

just said or wants more details about it, it indicates

they are interested!


“Would you tell me a bit more about that feature?”

“A minute ago you mentioned that special feature

would you go over that again?”

7 Other Positive Verbal and Non-Verbal Clues

When a customer leans in, or nods (yes) they are signaling they’re interested.




Sell More

Learn to recognize and react appropriately to the

signals your customer is providing you and you’ll

close more sales!

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