6th - Block 5 - Energy Flow

Post on 21-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 6th - Block 5 - Energy Flow

Block 5 – Lesson 1

What do you see in the picture?

Life on Earth flourishes thanks to the flow of energy that

comes from the Sun. This energy reaches the Earth as

electromagnetic waves and it is perceived as light.

This energy is used by plants and some other organisms

that perform photosynthesis to manufacture food for

themselves and for other living organisms.

People need the energy stored in food to use it in

different ways. An example is the energy released

as heat which allows the human body to keep its

temperature at around 37 degrees Celsius.

When people cannot

maintain their normal

body temperature, they

can have serious

problems or even die.

This situation is most

evident in winter when

children and older

people’s drop below 34

degrees Celsius.

Thanks to advances in

science and technology,

it has become possible to

help older people to not

lose body heat.

Controlled conditions,

like a calorie rich diet, the

use of heaters that keep

home temperatures

stable, and the use of

thermal clothing, all help

in this respect.

…but not that much!!