6K Animal Adaptations 3 minimum or 4 maximum slides on the adaptations of your chosen animal. Make...

Post on 16-Dec-2015

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Transcript of 6K Animal Adaptations 3 minimum or 4 maximum slides on the adaptations of your chosen animal. Make...

6K Animal Adaptations

• 3 minimum or 4 maximum slides on the adaptations of your chosen animal.

• Make the presentation as eye catching as possible and focus on a few adaptations.

• Use Photos of diagrams to help illustrate the points you are making!

• Please e-mail your completed prep ( just the 3 or 4 slides!) to rbaker@gayhurstschool.eu

Baboon By Jack Hutchins


The baboon is one of the fiercest animals in the world

The baboon is a: MammalThe baboons diet is a: Omnivorein the wild it can live for : 30 yearsIts Size: Head and body, 20 to 34 in (60 to 86 cm); Tail, 16 to 23 in (41 to 58 cm)Weight: 33 to 82 lbs (22 to 37 kg)Group name: TroopDid you know? Baboons use at least ten different and unique vocalizations to communicate with other members of the troop.Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man

•The baboon is a very fast anima its feet can grip onto trees

The baboon is a: MammalThe baboons diet is a: Omnivorein the wild it can live for : 30 yearsIts Size: Head and body, 20 to 34 in (60 to 86 cm); Tail, 16 to 23 in (41 to 58 cm)Weight: 33 to 82 lbs (22 to 37 kg)Group name: TroopDid you know? Baboons use at least ten different and unique vocalizations to communicate with other members of the troop.Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man

This is were it lives it in savannah and it is adapted to savannah

Description: The baboon, although a large monkey, is quite slender. Its coarse coat is dark olive-green, with the underside slightly paler and often bare. The calluses at the base of the tail are small and gray. The face has an elongated muzzle with a very marked angle where the nose meets the forehead. The length of the head and body can reach up to 40 inches plus another 27 inches for its tail. It can weigh up to 100 lbs, with females somewhat smaller.

The description of the baboon

By Christopher Daniell

The Grizzly Bear

The grizzly bear is one off the most fearful creature animal worldwide.

Bear ant tiger hippo0








Series 3Series 2Series 1

How much does a bear kill?

The BeaverGeorge Hetherington

The Beavers Giant TeethThe Beaver has giant teeth so that it can cut

down trees to use in its damn. The Beaver has many other features too.

The Beaver also has an extra eye-lid so that it can see under water.

The Beavers LungsThe Beaver has large lungs so that it can stay under water for a moderately long time a whole 45 minuets longer than humans.


Long trunk to wash itself

Big ears for regulating body heat

Big feet for crushing down food

Ivory tusks to fend off attackers

Polar bear

By Daniel Grimster

Polar bears

Grizzly BearMiles Bridgman

A fully grown bear can grow up to 8 ft and they are extremely dangerous

How big is a bear

Arctic fox



IIt has heat exchange in

The Great White Shark

Big jaws and teeth to rip and tear meat and other fish.

A 2/3 full brain for the sense of smell to make up for lack of vision.

Mirror in its eye to help it hunt in clear sea or murky water.

The Badger

By Dylan Moss

BadgerThe Badgers fur Makes him warm and camouflages him

About a Badger: Adults are usually between 70 and 100 cm (2 - 3

1/2 ft) long.

Weight: Weight varies according to season, with adults usually between 6 and 7 kg (13 - 15 lbs) in summer and 12 to 14 kg (26 - 31 lbs) in winter. The average adult weight in the autumn is about 12 kg, while that for spring is circa 9 kg (20 lbs).

Badger Colours: Typically, mature badgers have a silvery-grey to black body and tail, with a paler stomach (the white abdominal fur being very thin) and dark paws.


How does it eat

The elephant uses its long trunk to reach tall branches and it uses it for drinking. The amount of muscle in its trunk is mind boggling.

How big is it

The smaller line is the human the

bigger is the elephant.

Two elephants

The Tiger

By Joseph Addison


TIGERS The Tiger animal is a very fast runner so

Zebras and any other animal can’t run as fast so they will be hunted.