66388 Mark Scheme Unit a701 Listening June

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Transcript of 66388 Mark Scheme Unit a701 Listening June

  • Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations


    General Certificate of Secondary Education

    Unit A701/01/02: Listening


    Mark Scheme for June 2011

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  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    A701/01 FOUNDATION TIER Ex Q Expected Answer Marks Advice 1 1 A 1 2 A 1 3 B 1 4 C 1 5 B 1 6 A 1 7 B 1 8 B 1

    Accept any understandable way of indicating the desired choice e.g ticking, circling, writing letter. If 2 or more boxes are ticked, the mark is lost even if one selected is correct.

    Total [8] Ex Q Expected Answer Marks Advice 2 9 A 1 10 C 1 11 C 1 12 A 1 13 C 1 14 B 1 15 B 1

    See above advice for Exercise 1. N.B. If correct answer is ticked and another alternative circled, award mark on basis of tick.

    16 C 1 Total [8]


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    Ex Q Expected Answer Marks Advice 3 17(i) sea / sea-side / coast / beach / next to the sea /

    next to the beach / near the sea etc. Inclusion of with the family OK (HA). Ignore additional material unless 2 places given (one incorrect) e.g. beach and town. Ignore renderings of au bord de (e.g. opposite beach) provided answer is not over-distorted (e.g. a long way from the beach).


    17(ii) two weeks / fortnight / 14 days / 15 days


    18(i) mountain(s); mountain area; mountain-walking; mountaineering; mountain climbing


    18(ii) (his/my) uncle; oncle (near-cognate)


    19(i) friends (ignore renderings of l-bas).


    19(ii) boat / ship / ferry / sea / liner / cruise (accept plural)


    20 (Answers interchangeable) (a) cheap / not expensive / doesnt cost a lot / cheaper (b) (the) food; good food (HA); food and drink; meals; the cuisine


    See marking notes on marking answers in English. Answers in each pair are NOT interchangeable, except for Q.20. Award 2 marks for sea-side for 2 weeks at (i) and nothing at (ii), but deduct 1 mark if wrong info. given at (ii) (e.g. one month) . Reject specific mountains e.g. Pyrenees; Reject hills. Reject French montagnes or attempts to transcribe e.g. montanya Reject uncle and aunt or other unmentioned person. Reject: uncles. Reject singular friend Reject addition of extra means of transport. Reject cheap food as one answer. Reject drink TC. Reject specific foods even if given as example (e.g food such as fish. Reject it is nourishing

    Total [8]


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    Ex Q Expected Answer Marks Advice 4 21 J 1 22 G 1 23 A 1 24 D 1 25 F 1 26 H 1 27 K 1 28 B 1

    Letters can be written in upper or lower case or a mixture of the two, but do not reward if unclear.

    Total [8]

    Ex Q Expected Answer Marks Advice 5 29 shopping cooking 2

    30 car cleaning relaxing 2

    31 job hunting watching a film 2

    32 reading driving lesson 2

    ANSWERS ARE NOT INTERCHANGEABLE BETWEEN MORNING AND EVENING. TOLERATE SPELLING/COPYING ERRORS (e.g. watched film; looking for job; shop) PROVIDED CORRECT ANSWER CLEARLY SELECTED. REJECT alternative wordings e.g. cinema for watching a film. REJECT if only one word of compound answer is given (e.g. car; job; watching; driving; hunting).

    Total [8] Total for Foundation Tier 40


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011


    A701/02 HIGHER TIER Ex Q Expected Answer Marks Advice 1 1 J 1 2 G 1 3 A 1 4 D 1 5 F 1 6 H 1 7 K 1 8 B 1

    Letters can be written in upper or lower case or a mixture of the two, but do not reward if unclear.

    Total [8] Ex Q Expected Answer Marks Advice 2 9 shopping cooking


    10 car cleaning relaxing


    11 job hunting watching a film


    12 reading driving lesson 2

    ANSWERS ARE NOT INTERCHANGEABLE BETWEEN MORNING AND EVENING. TOLERATE SPELLING/COPYING ERRORS (e.g. watched film; looking for job; shop) PROVIDED CORRECT ANSWER CLEARLY SELECTED. REJECT alternative wordings e.g. cinema for watching a film. REJECT if only one word of compound answer is given (e.g. car; job; watching; driving; hunting).

    Total [8]

  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    Ex Q Expected Answer Marks Advice 3 13 traffic report 1 14 weather 1 15 unemployment 1 16 advertisement 1 17 sport 1 18 health 1 19 fire 1 20 TV schedule 1

    ACCEPT ABBREVIATED ANSWERS IF CORRECT ANSWER CLEARLY SELECTED (e.g Q.13 traffic; Q.16 advert; Q.20 TV but do not accept report (Q.13) and schedule (Q.20).

    Total [8]


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    Ex Q Expected Answer Mark Advice 4 A

    21 (small) post office (ignore attempts at banlieue); post shop


    22 he had (a) gun / weapon / fire arm / a gun (TC); there was a gun / the thief pointed a gun at her (concept of weapon) he/the man threatened her / was aggressive (concept of threat) it was an (armed) robbery / a thief demanded (asked for; wanted) money / the man was a robber (concept of theft, robbery, burglary)


    23 (It/he/she) jumped out of / threw himself out of his basket / bed / where he was Jumped at / on the thief / the man / him Concept of jumping OUT plus place or jumping AT plus person


    24 ran off / ran out (of the PO) / fled / escaped /made off. Concept of rapid departure. Ignore whether or not thief had money when he ran off e.g. he ran off with/without the money


    Reject misleading preposition e.g. near; in front of etc. Reject big post office; office TC; post TC; shop. Reject inclusion of bank INVAL Reject plural robbers/ the men etc. Reject he demanded / asked for / wanted money; Reject he/the thief stole money (money not stolen at this stage) Reject jumped (up) TC; attacked the man / robber / thief Reject wrong place e.g. jumped out of bag Reject ran out of PO with dog (INVAL) Reject went away/ left the PO (no idea of urgency). Reject dropped his gun (but HA). Reject took fright got scared (but HA). Reject dropped the money (INVAL) and ran off. Reject tried to run away Do not penalise shop for poste

    Total [4]


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    Ex Q Expected Answer Mark Advice 4B 25 they use the underground / metro / tube / subway

    take / utilise / catch / go on the metro (alone) more dogs use the metro Use the train (metro). Use the metro train Must have appropriate verb + metro etc.


    26 (more) people feed them; people throw food to the dogs; people give food; they are fed (people understood) Concept of people feeding them deliberately.


    27 return home by underground / get back (home) on metro; go back home; they get the metro again; catch the underground in the opposite direction Concept of taking metro again/home.


    28 wait for (green) light at pedestrian crossing; wait at the lights wait for lights to change; wait at the traffic lights Concept of WAITING at LIGHT(S).


    Reject use train, use train/metro, use metro/train, use the train/underground; use the train OR the metro; but N.B. do not penalise again in Q.27. Reject go to / hang around / like the metro Inclusion of incorrect material e.g. without buying a ticket/use the metro in Paris. Reject more food; more people; people leave food Reject people throw away food TC.; there is more waste N.B. young people for gens INVAL If train train/metro etc. instead of metro used here as well as in Q.25 do not re-penalise. Reject they wait with the pedestrians; wait to cross the road Reject check the roads before crossing (no lights).

    Total [4]


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    Ex Q Expected Answer Marks Advice 5 29 B 1 30 A 1 31 B 1 32 B 1 33 C 1 34 A 1 35 C 1

    36 A 1 Total [8] Total for Higher Tier [40]


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    OCR GCSE French Listening (A701) 2011: Recording Transcript FOUNDATION TIER EP (English presenter): Exercise 1. Questions 1-8. Aurlie and Fabien go to town. You will hear some short statements in French. You will hear each statement twice. Tick the correct box. [3 second pause] Example. Which bus does Aurlie catch? [3 second pause] G1: Je prends lautobus numro sept. [5 second pause] Repeat French stimulus. [5 second pause] EP: The answer is C. Now answer these eight questions. Tick one box for each. [3 second pause] Question 1. Where does the bus stop in town? [3 second pause] G1: Lautobus sarrte devant la gare. [5 second pause] Repeat French stimulus. [5 second pause] EP: Question 2. Which shop does Fabien want to visit first? [3 second pause] B1: Dabord, je veux aller au magasin de vtements. [5 second pause] Repeat French stimulus. [5 second pause]


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    EP: Question 3. How much money does Fabien have to spend? [3 second pause] B1: Je ne peux pas dpenser trop. Jai seulement vingt-cinq euros. [5 second pause] Repeat French stimulus. [5 second pause] EP: Question 4. What does Aurlie want to eat for lunch? [3 second pause] G1: Pour djeuner, je voudrais manger des frites. [5 second pause] Repeat French stimulus. [5 second pause] EP: Question 5. What does she want to drink? [3 second pause] G1: Avec a, je veux boire un jus de pommes. [5 second pause] Repeat French stimulus. [5 second pause] EP: Question 6. After lunch, where is Aurlie going? [3 second pause] G1: Aprs, je vais la piscine. [5 second pause] Repeat French stimulus. [5 second pause]


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    EP: Question 7. What is Fabien going to do? [3 second pause] B1: Moi par contre, je rentre chez moi pour lire un livre. [5 second pause] Repeat French stimulus. [5 second pause] EP: Question 8. At what time is Fabien going to bed? [3 second pause] B1: Ce soir, je me couche dix heures pile. [5 second pause] Repeat French stimulus. [8 second pause] EP: Exercise 2. Questions 9 to 16. Nomie talks about her family and their interests. Read the questions. [12 second pause] Listen to Nomie and for each question tick ONE box. Example. [3 second pause] G1 (Nomie): Salut! Je mappelle Nomie et jai quinze ans. Je vous parle de ma famille. [5 second pause] EP: Listen to the example again. EP: Now listen to the recording. [3 second pause]


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    * EP: Questions 9 and 10. Her mother Nicole. [3 second pause] G1: Ma mre sappelle Nicole. Elle a quarante ans et elle aime bien dessiner. [8 second pause] EP: Questions 11 and 12. Her brother Patrice. [3 second pause] G1: Mon frre sappelle Patrice. Il est vraiment drle, Patrice. Il est sportif aussi et son sport favori, cest le rugby. [8 second pause] EP: Questions 13 and 14. Her sister Marielle. [3 second pause] G1: En plus jai une sur, qui sappelle Marielle. Elle est plus jeune que moi. Elle a les cheveux onduls et les yeux bleu clair. Elle adore tous les animaux, surtout les dauphins. [8 second pause] EP: Questions 15 and 16. Her grand-father Raymond. [3 second pause] G1: Mon grand-pre habite avec nous en plus. Il sappelle Raymond. Je laime bien parce quil est trs sympa. Ce quil aime faire, cest dormir il adore faire la sieste.** [8 second pause] EP: Listen again. [3 second pause] Repeat whole French text from * to **. [12 second pause]


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    EP: Exercise 3. Questions 17 to 20. People talk about their holidays. Read the questions. [15 second pause] Listen to the people and answer the questions briefly in English. Example. M. Thomas. [3 second pause] M1 (M. Thomas): Pour mes vacances, je vais chez mes parents. Ce nest pas trop loin de ma maison, alors je fais le voyage vlo. Cest bon pour la sant aussi. [5 second pause] EP: Listen to the example again. EP: Now listen to the recording. * Question 17. Mme. Arnaud. [3 second pause] F1 (Mme. Arnaud): Moi, je vais en vacances au bord de la mer avec la famille. On y va chaque anne pour passer deux semaines. Cest super! [8 second pause] EP: Question 18. M. Calvet. [3 second pause] M2 (M. Calvet): Je passe les vacances en montagne. Jadore y faire des balades et respirer lair frais. Dhabitude jy vais avec mon oncle. [8 second pause] EP: Question 19. Mme. Leblanc. [3 second pause] F2 (Mme. Leblanc) Pour mes vacances je vais en Algrie parce que jai des amis l-bas. Pour me rendre en Algrie je prends le bateau parce que cest reposant. [8 second pause] EP: Question 20. M. Laval. [3 second pause] M3 (M. Laval): Je passe les vacances en Corse. Ce que jaime en Corse, cest que a ne cote pas cher et jaime aussi la nourriture. ** [8 second pause] EP: Listen again.


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    Repeat from * to **. [12 second pause] EP: Exercise 4. Questions 21 to 28. Young people talk about their school. Read the list of opinions A to K. [15 second pause] Listen to the young people and, for each, write the letter of the matching opinion. [3 second pause] Example. Louis. [3 second pause] B1 (Louis): Je trouve que les profs au collge sont bons et comprhensifs pour la plupart. [6 second pause] EP: Listen to the example again. EP: Now listen to the recording. * Question 21. Mathilde. [3 second pause] G1 (Mathilde): Il y a vraiment trop de travail. Sept heures de cours par jour et de surcrot les devoirs le soir! Cest trop, non? [6 second pause] EP: Question 22. Alexandre. [3 second pause] B2 (Alexandre): Ce que japprcie le plus, je pense, cest le repas midi, qui est trs bon. Vraiment apptissant! [6 second pause] EP: Question 23. Lilou. [3 second pause]


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    G2: Jai toujours aim ce collge et je me sens trs panouie ici. Cest formidable, le collge! [6 second pause] EP: Question 24. Mohammed. [3 second pause] B3 (Mohammed): Cest assez bien, lcole, mais ce qui me gne, cest que les cours commencent trop tt. [6 second pause] EP: Question 25. Clara. [3 second pause] G3 (Clara): Ce qui me dplat, cest que tout est si vieux. Il nous faut des btiments plus modernes. [6 second pause] EP: Question 26. Hugo. [3 second pause] B4 (Hugo): Cest ennuyeux, le collge. a ne mintresse pas. De toute faon je vais le quitter bientt. [6 second pause] EP: Question 27. Fatima. [3 second pause] G4 (Fatima): Cest pas mal, le collge. Ce qui est super, je trouve, cest le terrain de sports et le gymnase. [6 second pause] EP: Question 28. Enzo. [3 second pause] B5 (Enzo): Ce nest pas formidable, le collge, mais ce qui me plat, cest que les lves sont tous trs gentils. ** [6 second pause] EP: Listen again. [3 second pause]


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    Repeat from * to **. [10 second pause] EP: Exercise 5. Questions 29-32. Young people talk about their activities. Read the list. [15 second pause] Listen to the interviews and for each person, choose from the list the correct activity for the morning and the evening. [3 second pause] Example. Ocane. [3 second pause] F1 (Interviewer): Ocane quest-ce que tu as fait ce matin? G1 (Ocane): Eh bien, jai fait le mnage jai nettoy la maison de fond en comble! F1: Et ce soir? G1: Ce soir, je vais voir mes amis. [5 second pause] EP: Listen to the example again. EP: Now listen to the recording. *Question 29. Benjamin. [3 second pause] F1: Et toi, Benjamin. Quest-ce que tu as fait? B1 (Benjamin): Ce matin, je suis all en ville acheter des bouquins et des jeux-vido. F1: Et ce soir? B1: Ce soir je fais la cuisine. Je vais prparer un ragot pour la famille. [8 second pause] EP: Question 30. Lucie. [3 second pause] F1: Lucie, comment as-tu pass la journe? G2 (Lucie): Moi, ce matin, jai lav la voiture de ma mre et elle tait vraiment contente! F1: Et ce soir?


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    G2: Eh bien aprs tout ce travail, jai envie de me dtendre. Cest normal, hein? [8 second pause] EP: Question 31. Noah. [3 second pause] F1: Noah. Quest-ce que tu as fait aujourdhui? B2 (Noah): Ben...jai pass la matine chercher du travail. Jai besoin de travail car je suis au chmage. F1: Cest dprimant, a. Quest-ce que tu fais ce soir? B2: Je vais sortir au cinma avec ma copine. [8 second pause] EP: Question 32. Camille. [3 second pause] F1: Camille quas-tu fait ce matin? G3 (Camille): Jai lu toute la matine. Jai dvor un roman amricain ctait chouette! F1: Et ce soir? G3: Ben, en ce moment japprends conduire, et jai une leon de conduite sept heures ce soir. ** [8 second pause] EP: Listen again. [3 second pause] Repeat from * to **. [12 second pause] EP: That is the end of the test. You must stop writing now.


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    OCR GCSE French Listening (A701) 2011: Recording Transcript HIGHER TIER EP: Exercise 1. Questions 1 to 8. Young people talk about their school. Read the list of opinions A K. [15 second pause] Listen to the young people and, for each, write the letter of the matching opinion. [3 second pause] Example. Louis. B1 (Louis): Je trouve que les profs au collge sont bons et comprhensifs pour la plupart. [5 second pause] EP: Listen to the example again. EP: Now listen to the recording. * Question 1. Mathilde. [3 second pause] G1 (Mathilde): Il y a vraiment trop de travail. Sept heures de cours par jour et de surcrot les devoirs le soir! Cest trop, non? [6 second pause] EP: Question 2. Alexandre. [3 second pause] B2 (Alexandre): Ce que japprcie le plus, je pense, cest le repas midi, qui est trs bon. Vraiment apptissant! [6 second pause] EP: Question 3. Lilou. [3 second pause] G2 (Lilou): Jai toujours aim ce collge et je me sens trs panouie ici. Cest formidable, le collge! [6 second pause]


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    EP: Question 4. Mohammed. [3 second pause] B3 (Mohammed): Cest assez bien, lcole, mais ce qui me gne, cest que les cours commencent trop tt. [6 second pause] EP: Question 5. Clara. [3 second pause] G3 (Clara): Ce qui me dplat, cest que tout est si vieux. Il nous faut des btiments plus modernes. [6 second pause] EP: Question 6. Hugo. [3 second pause] B4 (Hugo): Cest ennuyeux, le collge. a ne mintresse pas. De toute faon je vais le quitter bientt. [6 second pause] EP: Question 7. Fatima. [3 second pause] G4 (Fatima): Cest pas mal le collge. Ce qui est super, je trouve, cest le terrain de sports et le gymnase. [6 second pause] EP: Question 8. Enzo. B5 (Enzo): Ce nest pas formidable, le collge, mais ce qui me plat, cest que les lves sont tous trs gentils.** [6 second pause] EP: Listen again. [3 second pause] Repeat from * to **. [10 second pause]


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    EP: Exercise 2. Questions 9-12. Young people talk about their activities. Read the list. [15 second pause] Listen to the interviews and, for each person, choose from the list the correct activity for the morning and the evening. [3 second pause] Example. Ocane. [3 second pause] F1 (Interviewer): Ocane quest-ce que tu as fait ce matin? G1 (Ocane): Eh bien, jai fait le mnage jai nettoy la maison de fond en comble! F1: Et ce soir? G1: Ce soir, je vais voir mes amis. [5 second pause] EP: Listen to the example again. EP: Now listen to the recording. * Question 9. Benjamin. [3 second pause] F1: Et toi, Benjamin. Quest ce que tu as fait? B1 (Benjamin): Ce matin, je suis all en ville acheter des bouquins et des jeux-vido. F1: Et ce soir? B1: Ce soir je fais la cuisine. Je vais prparer un ragot pour la famille. [8 second pause] EP: Question 10. Lucie. [3 second pause] F1: Lucie, comment as-tu pass la journe? G2 (Lucie): Moi, ce matin, jai lav la voiture de ma mre et elle tait vraiment contente! F1: Et ce soir? G2: Eh bien aprs tout ce travail, jai envie de me dtendre. Cest normal. hein? [8 second pause]


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    EP: Question 11. Noah. [3 second pause] F1: Noah. Quest-ce que tu as fait aujourdhui? B2 (Noah): Ben...jai pass la matine chercher du travail. Jai besoin de travail car je suis au chmage. F1: Cest dprimant, a. Quest-ce que tu fais ce soir? B2: je vais sortir au cinma avec ma copine. [8 second pause] EP: Question 12. Camille. [3 second pause] F1: Camille quas-tu fait ce matin? G3 (Camille): Jai lu toute la matine. Jai dvor un roman amricain ctait chouette! F1: Et ce soir? G3: Ben, en ce moment japprends conduire, et jai une leon de conduite sept heures ce soir. ** [8 second pause] EP: Listen again. [3 second pause] Repeat from * to **. [12 second pause]


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    EP: Exercise 3. Questions 13-20. Radio extracts. Read the list of topics. [10 second pause] Listen to the extracts and write the correct topic from the list above. [5 second pause] Example [3 second pause] M1: Aprs avoir sorti son quatrime album, le groupe Gossip va venir donner deux concerts Paris. [5 second pause] EP: Listen to the example again. EP: Now listen to the recording. * Question 13. [3 second pause] M1: Retards importants sur lautoroute A6 au nord de Lyon et gros embouteillages sur le priphrique Paris. [8 second pause] EP: Question 14. [3 second pause] M2: Mardi, de fortes pluies toucheront la rgion Midi-Pyrnes. Des inondations resteront possibles avec de fortes rafales de vent mais avec quelques claircies. [8 second pause] EP: Question 15. [3 second pause] F2: Le nombre de demandeurs demplois en France pourrait bientt atteindre trois millions, selon une tude du ministre du travail. Quelque 400.000 personnes risquent de perdre leur emploi cette anne. [8 second pause]


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    EP: Question 16. [3 second pause] M3: Le nouveau supermarch Leclerc ouvrira ses portes lundi prochain! Prix choc! Venez nombreux et profitez de nos offres spciales! [8 second pause] EP: Question 17. [3 second pause] F3: Lquipe de Marseille a battu Calais lundi, en match amical de prparation la nouvelle saison. Lavant-centre marseillais a marqu deux buts. [8 second pause] EP: Question 18. [3 second pause] M4: En rponse Pierre, qui souffre dacn: je vous conseillerais daller consulter votre pharmacien, qui pourrait vous fournir des mdicaments appropris. [8 second pause] EP: Question 19. [3 second pause] F4: Les pompiers alsaciens rencontraient dimanche soir dimportantes difficults pour matriser un incendie de fort qui a dj dtruit trente hectares. [8 second pause] EP: Question 20. [3 second pause] M5: Sur le petit cran, sur TF1, dix-neuf heures, un film amricain Les anges sauvages, puis le feuilleton La famille Martin suivi vingt-deux heures par les infos. [8 second pause] ** EP: Listen again. [3 second pause] (Repeat from * to **).


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    EP: Exercise 4. Questions 21-28. Two news items about dogs. [3 second pause] Item A. Questions 21-24. A story about a terrier. Read questions 21-24. [12 second pause] Listen to the item and answer the questions briefly in English. [5 second pause] Example. M1: Voici lhistoire dun petit chien en Suisse. [5 second pause] EP: Listen to the example again. EP: Now listen to the recording. *Questions 21 and 22 [5 second pause] Cest dans un petit bureau de poste en banlieue quun voleur a demand de largent, menaant lemploye effraye avec une arme feu. [10 second pause] EP: Questions 23 and 24 [3 second pause] Mais sa tentative de vol a t brusquement interrompue par un petit chien qui tait dans un panier pos sur le comptoir. Selon les tmoins, le chien sest jet hors de son panier. Surpris, le voleur a laiss tomber son arme et a pris la fuite. La matresse du chien, une employe de la poste, espre que lhrosme dont a fait preuve son animal dissuadera dautres voleurs. [10 second pause]** EP: Listen to Item A again. [3 second pause] (Repeat from * to**)


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    EP: Item B. Questions 25-28. Clever stray dogs in Montreal. Read questions 25-28. [12 second pause] Listen to the item and answer the questions briefly in English. [3 second pause] EP: *Questions 25 and 26 [3 second pause] F1: Henri Dubois, professeur de biologie Montral, a remarqu que plusieurs chiens utilisaient le mtro tout seuls. Ces animaux ont appris utiliser le mtro pour se rendre au centre-ville o il y a plus de gens qui leur donnent manger. [10 second pause] EP: Questions 27 and 28 [3 second pause] Les animaux reprennent ensuite le mtro en sens inverse. Selon le professeur, ces chiens ont pris conscience de la dure du trajet qui les amne au centre-ville. Le professeur a observ un autre phnomne: les chiens attendent au passage piton que le feu change au vert avant de traverser. Cela prouve que les chiens peuvent, a force dobservation, copier les comportements humains.** [10 second pause] EP: Listen to Item B again. [3 second pause] (Repeat from * to**) [12 second pause] EP: Exercise 5. Questions 29-36. Interview with a former French athlete. Maryse Doucet talks about her career. Read the questions. [30 second pause] Listen to the interview and choose the correct answers. Example. [3 second pause] M1 (Int): Je parle avec Maryse Doucet, ancienne championne dathltisme qui gagne maintenant sa vie en crivant pour un magazine de sports. [5 second pause]


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011

    EP: Listen to the example again. EP: Now listen to the recording. *Questions 29 to 31 [5 second pause] Maryse a obtenu son premier titre de championne de saut en hauteur en 1982. Maryse comment avez-vous dbut dans lathltisme? F1 (Maryse): Au collge je faisais du foot et de lathltisme. En foot jtais nulle je courais plus vite que les autres, mais ctait tout ce que je savais faire! Dans les tournois je ntais pas capitaine, alors quand on gagnait ce nest pas moi qui recevais la coupe ctait vraiment pas marrant. Donc je me suis dirige vers lathltisme. [12 second pause] EP: Questions 32 to 34 [5 second pause] M1: Quel est le meilleur souvenir de votre carrire dathlte? F1: Comme je suis quelquun dassez....exigeant... je nen ai pas beaucoup parce que...euh...je ntais pas vraiment satisfaite de ce que je faisais, sauf peut-tre les Jeux Olympiques. M1: Parlez-moi des Jeux Olympiques de 1984. F1: Aucune mdaille, mais une exprience utile. Ctait mes premiers Jeux et....jy suis alle au dernier moment car mon entraneur ne voulait pas que je rejoigne lquipe trop tt. M1: Et les Jeux de 1988? F1: Jtais beaucoup moins stresse en 84...et moins bien prpare. Mais l, en 88, je mtais bien prpare et...euh... je voulais tellement gagner que javais vraiment le trac. [12 second pause] EP: Questions 35 and 36 [5 second pause] M1: Avez-vous prpar votre fin de carrire? F1: Oui, jai fait de lathltisme une poque o on ne gagnait pas vraiment sa vie avec. Jai donc dcid de travailler quand jtais trs jeune, tout en pratiquant lathltisme. M1: Merci, Maryse.** [8 second pause]


  • A701 01/02 Mark Scheme June 2011


    EP: Listen again. (Repeat from * to **) [12 second pause] EP: That is the end of the test. You must stop writing now.

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