60 Ways to Grow Your List - A Constant Contact Presentation presented by Elizabeth Quintanilla,...

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 60 Ways to Grow Your List - A Constant Contact Presentation presented by Elizabeth Quintanilla,...

Elizabeth Quintanilla• Chief Marketing Gunslinger EQ Consultants Group, LLC• Constant Contact Authorized Local Expert

www.marketinggunslingers.comTwitter: @equintanillaelizabeth@marketinggunslingers.com

Keep it simple. Sometimes a paper sig n-up sheet is the best way to g o.

Use papersign-up sheet1

Just having a sig n-up form available won’t always be enoug h.Train yourself and your employees to always be asking prospective contacts to sig n up.

Ask face to face2

L ook to your personal network to help kick start your list g row th.

Ask friendsand family4

Put a fishbowl on your counter and g ive customers an incentive to drop in their business cards to join your list.

Put a fishbowlon the counter5

Insight provided by Constant Contact KnowHow


“ Ring , Ring ”

Having a great conversation with a customer or supporter? Keep the conversation g oing — ask them to join your email list!

Over the phone6

U sing a sidewalk sig n or sandwich board to bring in foot traf fic? Tell passersby about all the g reat info, discounts, and new s they’ll find by sig ning up for your emails.

Use yoursidewalk sign7

If there’s one day people are excited about finding new businesses it’s small B usiness saturday. m ake sure you’re asking people to join your list when they come in for this special day.


Participate in Small BusinessSaturday


tip: Constant Contact customers can use our free app to add a sign-up form right to their page and collect email addresses without doing any extra work. Find out how.

m ake it easy for fans to join your list by adding a sig n-up form to your Facebook Pag e.

Add a sign-upform to yourFacebook page


You can now include a call to action on the Cover Photo of your FacebookPage. Have some fun with it and ask people to join your list.

Update yourFacebook pagecover photo


Supercharg e your Facebook list g row th with a Facebook A d. A dd new fans and new subscribers by driving people to your Facebook sig n-up form.

Buy a Facebook ad12

Learn more: New to Foursquare? Find out how to get started!

Foursquare lets you update your business’s info and post alerts to people in the area. Try sharing a link to your sig n-up form and see how it does.

Insight provided by Constant Contact KnowHow




When appropriate let members of the same L inkedIn Groups know about your email list.

Learn more: New to LinkedIn? Find out how to get started!

Join a LinkedIn group15

L ike L inkedIn Groups, Google+ Communities are the place Google+ users g o to find information relevant to them. Share your latest email and ask members to join your list.

Join a Google+Community16

Tell people why they should sig n up in 6 seconds orless. You can share your Vine video on Facebook or Twitter and can embed it on your blog.

Learn more: New to Vine? Find out more.

Insight provided by Constant Contact KnowHow



A llow social connections to easily find your email sig n-up form by linking to it in your profiles. Try it on Facebook, Twitter, L inkedIn, Pinterest, or Goog le+.

Add a sign-uplink to your social bios


Easily add a link to your sig n- up form on your website and collect emails from people who visit your site. Give your sign - up form plenty of visibility by putting it on every pag e.

Add sign-upform to yourwebsite21

A sk your current contacts why they enjoy your emails and then create a pag e on your website highlighting the big g est benefits of signing up.

Create a “reasons to sign-up”page


If someone enjoys what you have to say on your blog , there’s a g ood chance they’d want to see your updates in their inbox.

tip: Constant Contact customers using Wordpress can use our free Wordpress integration to create a sign-up form that adds email addresses directly to a Constant Contact email list. Find out how.

Add to yourblog24

Writing for other blogs is a g reat way to g et in front of a new audience. Include a link to your sign -up form in your author bio. If people like your post, they’ll want to g et more information from you.


Collect email addresses when people are making a purchase. Be sure to indicate they’re opting -in to receive future emails from you.

Online payment forms28

Mention your email newslet ter during your podcast . (Have you listened to our weekly speakeasy Marketin g Rou n dtable Podcast? Check it out and while you’re there, subscribe to our Hint s & Tips newslet ter at the top of the page! )


Use yourpodcast30

You never know how people are g oing to find your emails. When new readers find them, make sure they have a way to sig n up.

Put a sign-uplink in yournewsletter


t ip : If you want people to share your email, be sure to tell them directly, “ Share this email.”

Sometimes, the best way to g row your list is to extend the reach of your emails. A dd social share buttons to make it easy for people to share your emails on their social networks.

Add socialshare buttons to your email


tip: If you want people to forward your emails more often be sure to create share-worthy content. Find out how.

A dd a “ forward to a friend” button to your emails to help you reach your next subscribers.

Use forward toa friend35

Get more exposure for your email list byincluding a link in your regular emails.

Your emailsignature36

Download the Quickview app from Constant Contact so you can enter new emails on- the-go.

There’s anapp for that38

M ore than half of all A mericans now have smartphones. use Constant Contact’s Text- to-Join feature to let your people sign up via text message.

Insight provided by Constant Contact KnowHow w ww.constantcontact.com/learning-center

Use text to join39

A dd a QR code to a flyer, post, or brochure and make it easy for people to scan-to-join your email list.

tip: Constant Contact customers can easily create a QR code right in their accounts. Find out more.

Use a QR Code40

Wondering what to do with the new iPad? u se it to collect email addresses in-store or at your next event.

tip: Constant Contact customers can use iCapture app to add email addresses directly to their accounts. Find out more.

Use an ipad41

Giving out flyers, brochures, or pamphlets at your store or of fice? L et people know your emails are the best source for up-to- date information.

Use a brochure42

Get the most out of your print advertising investment. Tell people to visit your website and join your list!

Run an ad in the paper43

Work with your business card supplier to add a QR code with a call-to-action to join your email list.

On yourbusiness cards44

Own a restaurant? A dd a QR code on your menu and let people join your email list at the table.

Add to yourmenu45

Shipping orders to customers who placed an order online? Put a QR code on your boxes and encourag e customers to sign up.

Use yourshipping boxes46

Stay in touch before, during , and af ter your event by collecting email addresses when people register for your event.

During eventregistration47

Collect email addresses at your event with a paper sig n-up sheet, QR code, or even via text-messag e.

Collect email addresses at your event


Work with other businesses and org anizations in your community to host an event. It’s a g reat way to introduce your business (and your email list ) to a whole new audience.

Insight provided by Constant Contact KnowHow w ww.constantcontact.com/learning-center

Be a sponsor49

If people are interested in what you have to say, there’s a g ood chance they’ll be interested in what you write in your emails. L et people know you have a resource they can sig n up to receive.

Book a speakingengagement50

D o you use table tents in your restaurant or at your events? A dd a QR code and make it easy for attendees to join your email list.

Use your table tents51

Raffle of f a prize your customers will love and collect email addresses in the process.

t ip : A lways let people know they’ll also be joining your email list and receiving follow -up emails from you.

Insight provided by Constant Contact KnowHow w ww.constantcontact.com/learning-center

Run an in-storeraffle52

L ook for ways to reward your customers and g row your email list in the process!

Start a loyalty program54

Create a club to help celebrate your customers’ birthdays and g row your email list.

Insight provided by Constant Contact KnowHow w ww.constantcontact.com/learning-center

Run a birthday club55

If you want deal buyers to come back af ter the deal is over, you need to make it easy for people to join your list!

tip: With saveLo cal from co nstant contact you can collect email addresses right when someone purchases your deal. Find out how.

Insight provided by Constant Contact KnowHow w ww.constantcontact.com/learning-center

Run alocal deal56

Testing your luck with one of the big -name deal providers? D on’t forg et to ask new customers to join your mailing list when they redeem the of fer.

Ask when someone redeems an offer57

Offer a couponon Facebook58

You can of fer up a g reat piece of content— like a whitepaper, eBook, or g uide—to entice people to join your list

Offer a piece of content59

Get your employees excited about g rowing your email list. O ffer a prize to the employee who collects the most email addresses.

60 Offer an incentive to your employees

Email Auto Responders

Webinars / Podcasts

Press Releases



Grow with Constant ContactOne Toolkit. One Login.

All the marketing campaigns you needTogether in one place


Offers& Promotions

Events& Registrations

Feedback& Surveys

Newsletters& Announcements


Why Take Drastic Steps?


traditional marketing




new marketing




Marketing Has Changed

“Flip The Funnel: Retention is the New Acquisition”-- Joe Jaffe (@jaffejuice)

Campaigns & Newsletters

Why Email?


The Science of Doing It Right!Do Not Spam!

Don’t Use Bootleg Methods

CAN-SPAM Actgo to www.business.ftc.gov and search “CAN-SPAM”


Campaigns & Newsletters

Anatomy of a newsletter

Links to your website

Social Share icons

Your social media icons

Your message or testimonial


Your header and branding

Personal reflection

(Approx. 100 words)


Elizabeth Quintanilla• Chief Marketing Gunslinger EQ Consultants Group, LLC• Constant Contact Authorized Local Expert

www.marketinggunslingers.comTwitter: @equintanillaelizabeth@marketinggunslingers.com