60% of Websites Fail to Launch on Time

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Recently we surveyed more than 1,200 developers and project managers about their last project and whether it launched on time. The results? Nearly 60% missed their launch deadlines. That might not come as a surprise to savvy web professionals, but we shouldn't just shrug our shoulders and accept this status quo. Looking at these results, and based on our experience, there are a few things that knock your project off track: - Serial execution — failure to have multiple efforts run in parallel. - Waiting too long to start getting feedback and QA from stakeholders. - Adding content and training content managers right before go-live. - Following a waterfall process that can’t flex based on changes and feedback. It's a fact of life that projects often miss initial deadline and budget goals, but today we can build this fact of life into our process. We can execute on multiple fronts, iterate quickly, and adjust based on real-world experience. That's the key to success.

Transcript of 60% of Websites Fail to Launch on Time