60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course Jennifer Ruth ...

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Transcript of 60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course Jennifer Ruth ...

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


“If you wish to know the truth about your business or your profession, know that it is an activity of good. It is an activity of your partnership with the infinite.” ~ Ernest Holmes

“We are not depending on a reed shaken by the wind, but on the Priniciple of Life Itself, for all that we have or ever shall need. It is not some Power, or a great Power, it is all power.” ~ Ernest Holmes

“The principle of life is that life responds by corresponding; your life becomes the thing you have decided it shall be.” ~ Raymond Charles


“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.” ~ Mark Twain

“Settling for what is comfortable is one of the biggest enemies to our enlargement...” ~ Christine Caine

My empowerment quote: (use whenever you feel resistance to moving forward)

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


My Creative Flow Chart

















Week #

“Your results move in the direction of your intention, especially when you track your

results.” – Dave Ellis

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


My Value Sheet

What do I do?

What do I offer?

What do I charge?

My Credentials

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Here are the 5 Elements of a Successful Heartselling™ Conversation:

You can see how Heartselling™ includes all 5 Elements: Fire Element = Connect Earth Element = Serve Metal Element = Acknowledge Water Element= Be Curious Wood Element = Give them a Choice

The circle of the 5 Elements is like a bike tire. Miss any of the 5 Elements in your Heartselling™ conversations and it’s like putting a nail in the tire. Your conversations fall flat and you’ll find that your potential clients will usually decline your services.

However, when all 5 Elements are present chances are your potential clients will say “YES!” to your services. By the end of this 90 Days to Build Your Practice Mastermind Circle, you’ll understand each Element and be able to use them intuitively to continually improve your effectiveness in selling your services.

From The Complete Heartselling™ System from Thrive Academy


60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Fire Element

The Fire element is about connection. Fire is like summertime. Think of laughing around a campfire and singing silly songs. That’s the feeling of the fire element. Connection is from the heart and it is more important than anything else. This element helps your potential clients to

feel special, because you are connecting to their heart, building rapport and trust.

Fire Element connectors: A handshake connects from your heart meridian to your Potential Client’s heart. ‘A look in the eyes’ smile connects - “I’m so glad you are here.” Playfulness and laughter are great icebreakers and connectors.

This week practice using the fire element to connect, through your heart

energy, to your potential clients. Right now, everyone is your potential client. Connect, connect, and connect.

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


What problems do I solve?

What do I do?

In other words, what do you help people (your people/niche) with? People aren’t that interested in what you do, they want to know what you can do for them. Problem – Solution Begin with yourself. Remember when you went through a dark night of the soul? What did you have to overcome and how did you do it? Spend some time in meditation and contemplation around this…remember the feeling of it, let it fill your body and feeling tone. Then ask for clarity about what brought you to resolution, to your expansion. Spend some time journaling about what the problem was and the solution. Problems you solve. What challenges do you help others overcome? What do your clients say you do for them? What could you talk about all day? If you had to write a ‘how to’ book in a week, what topic would you choose? Brainstorm on urgent problems you can solve for people. What are the solutions you provide?

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Describe your clients. Who do you like working with? What’s your favorite challenge to work with? Who are your people? Who is your ideal client? Do faces appear? You’ve found your people. “What I do?” statement: You know how some______________________(your people/niche) ___________________(problem). Well, what I do is ____________________ __________________________(solution) Or I support __________________________(your people/niche) who are looking to go from ___________________(A – problem) to ______________________________(B – solution) Some “What do you do?” examples I support Agape and Center for Spiritual Living Practitioners who are looking to go from a small collection of clients to building a thriving, financially successful practice. – Jennifer Ruth Russell You know how there are a lot of holistic practitioners and coaches who really love what they do, but aren’t making as much money as they would like to make? Well, what we do is teach them how to earn 6 figures in their business without compromising their values.” - Jesses Koren & Sharla Jacobs “I help spiritual women find their beloved partner.” Cynthia

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com



Who is my ideal client? What’s their urgent problem?

How do I take them to the solution? What’s the solution I offer?

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


This Week

My intention for this week: What are you willing to experience this week?

My Action Commitment for this week: How will I anchor my intention in the world?

My affirmation for the week: A statement of intent that will pull you forward towards

your high intention.

Time to connect and share this week’s intention, action and affirmation with your

Prayer, Action, Accountability Partner

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Earth Element

The Earth Element helps us to stay grounded in service. Fire connects, but without the earth the fire element can be too hot and disconnected. This element really helps you to be your authentic self and not step into the plastic sales person. The best question to be of service is simply, “What are you looking for next?”

Instead of sharing all about your passion you show up with a gift, your intention to serve. You can find out what your potential clients are looking for. Remember it’s not about you and your services; it’s about them, your potential clients, and what they want. If you find out what they want and it’s not what you offer, give them a referral. It may be someone else, a book, a class. Refer, refer, refer and you will have others referred to you. Earth questions and statements:

“What are you up to and what are you looking for?” “How can I support you in that?” “If I could help you with that, is that something you’d be interested in hearing about?” “What would most serve you right now?” THIS WEEK USE ONE QUESTION A DAY ON AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN. From Sell is not a 4-letter Word, by Jesse Koren & Sharla Jacobs

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Serve by Leading

Serve your clients by taking the lead. You clients want you to be their leader. You are a powerful Practitioner, you have what it takes to take them by the hand and lead them to their wholeness. What do you offer? Look as far down the line as you can. Organically, from your heart, where are you guided to lead people and what vehicle will get them there? You can use this tool, the funnel, to figure out where you lead your people. Build a relationship Your Big Net: low to no risk (you in the world) 1st service: Getting to know you ( Free consultation) Bigger service: Now I trust you (Workshops, Classes) Deeper Service: Let’s go steady (Long term class, retreat) Community: Forever client (Sessions) Your Big Net Your 1st service or offering – What are you going to name it? Bigger service: Deeper service: Sessions: Sessions packages: what are you going to call your packages and what do they offer your potential clients? How much do they cost?

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Fee structure & offerings worksheet Use this worksheet to help get clarity about your fee structure and what you offer.


Before you start asking what you should charge, please consider what the standard is in the world for what you do. You are a spiritual counselor, a life coach and a prayer practitioner. What I know to be the going rate for a 60 – 90 minute session is between $100 and $150. Remember you are going into the marketplace (it may be across the world) and you want to be in the main stream. If you offer your sessions in the world for too little, people won’t take you seriously. Believe in yourself and what you know. You want to get a bottom line dollar amount for your sessions and also a top line amount. I use this exercise to determine my numbers. Any diving tool will work. If you have a favorite use it. Stand up and get yourself centered in your I AM Presence. Feel into the value that you bring and stand tall in your Godness. Ask for Divine assistance. Imagine there is a line on the ground right in front of you. Speak a dollar amount and step into it. Feel into that amount. Are you in harmony with it? Are you in integrity with your own requirements to make a good and healthy living? Are you under earning? Is it too big for you to contain? Feel it in your body. Try different amounts until you are in integrity and harmony with your bottom line number and your top dollar amount.

My Bottom line _________________ My Top Dollar__________________ Now it’s time to bring in the power of decision and commitment to these numbers. It is sacred. It is done.

Sessions packages:

Look at the problems that you help your people with and the solutions that you offer. Name it! Use the solution as much as you can in your name. I call my work Soul Care (look at my Value Sheet example). Name of my work _____________________________________________________

Take your bottom line dollar amount and multiply it by 10. That will be the cost for your 10 session package (series, bundle). Your 3 session package (series, bundle) will be between the two numbers. For instance I charge $200 per session ( my top dollar), for my prepaid sessions I charge $497 for 3 sessions ($165), or $1247 (my bottom line) for 10 sessions

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


What are you going to call your packages and what do they offer your potential clients? How much do they cost? My 1:1 Sessions are ____________________________ top dollar amount 3 Session Pre-paid Package _____________________ _________ __________ ______ Name (solution language cost cost per savings Description (what will they be getting? Keep it simple & solution oriented) 10 Session Pre-paid Package _____________________ _________ __________ ______ Name cost cost per savings Description (what will they be getting? Keep it simple & solution oriented) Please note, I also offer my 10 session package in two payments. I add on a service fee, roughly $15, for my admin time. I ask for the 2nd payment in 4 weeks. So $1247 becomes 2 payments of $630.

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Jennifer’s Value Sheet sample.

What I do, what I offer, what I charge and what are my credentials. What do I do? Do you know how some women over 50 have put everyone else’s dreams first, and are feeling alone and frustrated - afraid they’ll never experience true happiness? Well, I help them pick up the pieces of their dream so they can’t wait to get up in the morning inspired to fulfill their legacy. What do I offer? What do I charge? I hold all of my clients in the high watch. That means daily prayer, holding a space in the invisible, for them to step in to. I offer 1:1 sessions. My sessions last anywhere from 50 to 75 minutes. It is a time set apart just for you in sacred safety and unconditional love. $200 per session. When you work with me (this is for all my sessions regardless of how many sessions are booked). I will take you on a step by step process to:

Help you heal your heart –

Get clear and focused around your heart’s desire and life vision

Get reconnected with your guidance system

Fall in love with yourself and your life

Become a magnet for your good Soul Care Session Series Soul Cleansing offers a deep cleansing and healing opportunity for you to release and embrace your heart’s desire in 3 sessions .$497 pre-paid ($103 savings, $165 per session). Breakthrough Intensive works well when you’re ready to make a big change, and make it now. You will be companioned through this life change, establishing a new way of being, Together we set an intention that is specific, visible, and quantifiable. It includes 10 sessions in 10 weeks. You will always leave with an intention for the week, an affirmation and actions steps. The 10 sessions include the Soul Cleansing $1247 pre-paid or 2 payments of $630 ($753 savings, $125 per session) My credentials. I have been practicing for over 12 years. I am a Practitioner of Truth at the Agape International

Spiritual Center, mentored by Rev. Michael Beckwith, and the Camarillo Center for Spiritual

Living. I have been trained as a Spiritual Counselor. What is a Spiritual Practitioner? I work in

intention, deep listening and healing prayer. Here are the vows that I live by. To behold the

fullness of God in all as all; To serve God through teaching, healing and revealing the Truth; To

dwell in unconditional love, peace and thanksgiving; To dedicate myself to spiritual unfoldment;

To surrender to Divine Wisdom in joyous celebration, daily.

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


This Week

My intention for this week: What are you willing to experience this week?

My Action Commitment for this week: How will I anchor my intention in the world?

My affirmation for the week: A statement of intent that will pull you forward towards

your high intention.

Time to connect and share this week’s intention, action and affirmation with

your Prayer, Action, Accountability Partner

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Metal Element The Fire element helps us to connect and the Earth element to serve and now we’re ready for the Metal element which helps us to acknowledge and appreciate. I think of it as seeing my potential clients as pure gold. We’ve been trained to see ourselves and others as whole, perfect and complete. This is the same, but using

common language. This element represents the Heavenly Realms and helps you to leave your potential clients feeling great at the end of the conversation, even if you’re not a match. You are acknowledging the pain that your PC has and their ability to have something greater. It’s a dance between letting them know you see their pain (the problem you solve) and acknowledging their brilliance, taking them to higher ground (your solution). This dance has a lot to do with the success of getting new clients. Metal Element Acknowledge statements/questions: “What I appreciate about you is….. “What I see in you is ….. “I know there is something within you that already knows how to transcend this. I see the brilliance in you.” Another part of this element is showing respect and asking permission. It’s so important. “Is this a good time?” “How does that sound?” “Are you interested in hearing more?” “Can I ask you a question about that?

This week use the metal element and acknowledge 3 people a day. For a Practitioner, that’s a walk in the park.

From Sell is not a 4-letter Word, by Jesse Koren & Sharla Jacobs

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Interviewing your people (

Choose 10 of “your people.” Everyone you interview must have the problem that you solve for

this to be effective. Tell them you’re revamping your marketing materials and really value their

opinion. Ask them is they would be willing to spend 15-20 minutes on the phone to answer a

few questions. (See suggestions below for Social Media)

Focus their attention of the urgent problem you solve.

For example: Practitioners, when it comes to building your practice as a sacred business, what

are your biggest challenges?

Here are some questions that have been really helpful to me. Tailor them for your own needs.

When it comes to ____________(the problem) what are you biggest challenges?

What are your biggest concerns?

What worries you?

How do those challenges affect you?

What is the cost of not having the ________ (golden result) that you want?

What do you want instead?

What are you the most proud of?

What excites you?

What do you wish would just go away?

What do you want more of?

What do you think would help you get it?

On a scale from 1 – 10, how motivated are you to have that?

What’s the maximum you would spend to have that?

What’s the maximum amount of time you would spend to have that?

Samples of Social Media Help needed!

I’m getting a program together about _______(the problem you solve) for ________(your niche).

I’m looking for 20 people to do a quick 15-20 min market research with on the


If you are willing to get on the phone with me to do this quick market research please

comment below or PM me

Much appreciated in advance


Are you struggling with ______________________(problem you solve) and ready for

_________ (golden result)?

Can I talk to you and find out more about what you’re looking for? It will only take about 15

minutes of your time and it would be super helpful for me and my work and for you.

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


If you are willing to get on the phone/Skype with me, please comment below or PM me

Thanks a lot.

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


This Week

My intention for this week: What are you willing to experience this week?

My Action Commitment for this week: How will I anchor my intention in the world?

My affirmation for the week: A statement of intent that will pull you forward towards

your high intention.

Time to connect and share this week’s intention, action and affirmation with

your Prayer, Action, Accountability Partner

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Water Element

The Water element brings curiosity to each HeartsellingTM conversation. It keeps the conversation fresh, fascinating and intriguing. This is the element that asks questions. And let’s us go under the surface. We love it when someone asks us about ourselves, don’t we? The more curious and interested you are in your

potential clients the more they’ll share with you and the closer they’ll get to saying yes to your services. When you express genuine curiosity is creates trust. When you use intentional curiosity it helps you to get clarity if this is indeed YOUR client or not. This element helps you go deeper and deeper into the real issues. The two questions I ask after a Free Clarity Session are helpful to go deeper into what we’ve just experienced. “What did you get out of our time together?” and “What would you see yourself getting from working with me?” Water Element Acknowledge statements/questions: “How’s your ______________________________ (spiritual practice, your heart, life, dreams etc. whatever you help people with)? “ I’m curious, would you tell me more about that?” “What’s that like for you?” “How is that affecting your life, your bank account, your relationship…? “What do you want instead?” “How would it feel if you got that?”

This week practice using the water element in every conversation. This element can be very light and can get under the surface, delving deep into the real issues. From Sell is not a 4-letter Word, by Jesse Koren & Sharla Jacobs

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


My Expertise

It’s time to finish you’re My Value Sheet with your credentials. What makes you an expert? I think this piece holds a lot of Practitioners back. They might have had huge success in another field ‘out in the world’ but when it comes to feeling like an expert in their sacred offerings they squirm in their seats. You are a mixture of education, life experiences, high impact challenges, influences, gifts and talents. No one else has the special combination that is you, that makes you an EXPERT PROFESSIONAL PRACTITIONER. Take a few minutes to look at what you’ve been through to get to where you are. You’re not a Practitioner because it was just something to do. Take a few minutes to create a few lists.

1. List all of your education credentials, including your Practitioner and Ministerial studies.

What did it take to become a Practitioner? (time, cost, personal investment) Who did

you study with? (i.e. I studied with Rev. Michael Beckwith, that has been a good

reference for me.)

2. What are your talents and gifts?

3. What life experiences have you had that brought transformation to your life? What

have you overcome? What high impact challenges have you transmuted into learning?

Look at these lists. Sit in the middle of all your life experiences and ask this question. What sets working with me apart from working with anyone else? (don’t be shy here) In particular, I bring together _________________ with____________________ so that my Clients are able to ____________________. (list benefits)

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


This Week

My intention for this week: What are you willing to experience this week?

My Action Commitment for this week: How will I anchor my intention in the world?

My affirmation for the week: A statement of intent that will pull you forward towards

your high intention.

Time to connect and share this week’s intention, action and affirmation with

your Prayer, Action, Accountability Partner

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Wood Element

The Wood element is about giving someone a choice. Think about the seedling, like an acorn, in the springtime. It has to break through the housing of its seed to grow. Even if there are trees all around it, it’s going to grow toward the light no matter what. This ‘no-matter’what’ urge is what enables it to thrive. This is the power of the wood element. It is bold and decisive. It helps us to take a stand for our potential clients and give them a choice. The wood element is about asking. If you don’ ask the answer is always ‘No.’ If you stick up for what your potential clients are already telling you they want instead, you help them to say ‘YES’ to their own heart’s desire.

Instead of handing someone a business card and telling them to “Call me for a session,” the wood element would give them a choice. “Can we follow up on Wednesday about our conversation today?” or “Would you like to get started?” They get to say ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ Every “no” is a sacred answer. It’s moving you closer to a ‘yes’ and it’s spares you from working with people who aren’t in Divine sync with you. Wood Element Questions to help you give them a choice: “Would you like to sign up for the program?” “Would you like to schedule a session?” “Would you like to get started?” “Can I follow up with you in a few days?”

This week’s practice: Get 20 ‘no’s’ this week. Give everybody, you are in a conversation with this week, a choice. This will help you get out of the fear of the ‘no’ and help you get stronger with your asking. From Sell is not a 4-letter Word, by Jesse Koren & Sharla Jacobs

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


The Heartselling Conversation

1. Open the conversation

2. Find out what they’re looking for

3. Share a resource

4. See if you’re a match

5. Ask them to take the next step

6. Dance with concerns

The 5 Elements of a Successful Heartselling™ Conversation:

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Free Consultation Template

1. Your Free Consultation is an appetizer. Give them a few tips and strategies throughout, but

leave them hungry for more...

2. Connection with your potential client is more important than rigidly following this template. Use these questions as a guideline for your consultations.

3. Use the 5 Elements (Complete Heartselling System Module 2) to create connection. Stage 1: Open the Conversation: Connection, Service, Acknowledgement, Be Curious… Stage 2: Find Out What They’re Looking For: What are your biggest challenges when it comes to _________________ (the problem you solve.) (Eg. your weight, your financial situation, your relationship, etc.) What have you tried to do to resolve _________________ (the challenge?) Did it work? What is not resolving ______________ (the challenge) costing you? How much longer are you willing to deal with _______________ (the challenge)? What do you want instead? What’s your vision? What would your life be like if you were able to get _________(the solution you offer) On a scale from 1-10, how committed are you to getting_______(the solution you offer.) Stage 3: Share a Resource: Can I make some recommendations as to how to get what you want? Here’s how my package can help you get what you want… Stage 4: See if You’re a Match: And here’s how it’s different from what you have already tried… How does that sound to you? If we were to work together, what would you see yourself getting? Any questions?

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Stage 5: Ask for the Next Step: What’s the next step? So, are you ready to get started? When would you like to set up the first session? © 2010 Rejuvenate Training, Inc. All Rights Reserved

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Invitation to a Free Consultation Script

It always helps me to have something I’ve put to memory when I’m in the middle of a new opportunity and feeling a bit nervous. When I was learning the 5 steps of memory I had guidelines that I would have in my mind, still do, which would help me go to the next step.

I want to thank Joseph Gabrielson, RScP for asking me to break this down. I think you’ll find it very helpful. I would put this to memory, so you’ll have it when you need it. I realize that I basically say the same thing every time, so here it is. You are in the middle of a conversation, you’ve connected (fire), you’ve been present (earth and acknowledged your potential client (metal). You’ve asked a few questions and gotten curious (water). It’s time to invite them to step into a deeper experience with you. (wood)

1. INVITE “I want to invite you to take me up on one of my Free Clarity Sessions with

Prayer.” 2. SAFETY “it’s an opportunity for you to get more clarity, on what we’ve been talking

about, and to do some prayer work around it.” 3. STEP INTO MY PROFESSIONAL FIELD “You’ll also be able to experience some of my work

and see if there’s more for us to do together.” 4. LEAD “Can I get your email? I’ll send you a note when I get back to my computer that

connects you to my calendar, so you can easily sign up for a time that works for you.”

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Jennifer Russell, ALSP, RScP 3400 Community Ave.

La Crescenta, CA 91214

818-244-5661 voice Email: Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


First Name Last Name

Street Address

City Zip Birthday Birthplace Time of birth

Day Phone e-mail

What Religion were you

raised in?

What spiritual system do

you subscribe to now?


If you have a spiritual

practice, what is it?

What are your natural

gifts? What activities

make your heart sing?

Please rate the following

areas of your experience

1. Excellent

2. Average

3. Needs Attention








Please set an intention on something that you’d like to get clarity about in our session.

From Rev.Dr. Edward Viljoen revised for my needs

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


This Week

My intention for this week: What are you willing to experience this week?

My Action Commitment for this week: How will I anchor my intention in the world?

My affirmation for the week: A statement of intent that will pull you forward towards

your high intention.

Time to connect and share this week’s intention, action and affirmation with your

Prayer, Action, Accountability Partner

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


I love referrals

Referrals are one of the biggest ways I keep my business going. I remember to ask for referrals at every Free Clarity Session with Prayer. At the beginning of my Free Sessions, after my intake form is complete, I ask my clients this: “These Free Clarity Sessions are my way of contributing to as many people as possible. If you get a lot of value out of our time

together, would you be willing to refer me to at least 3 of your friends?” After we pray out and I ask them to take the next step, I remind them of the referral. I do this if they are going to be doing work with me or not.

Make it easy for them to refer you I have an email already set up to send them that they can just forward on to friends. This is what it says. Subject: I love referrals…thank you Hi Alison,

It was wonderful to be in sacred session with you today. Thank you for trusting me. I know that takes a lot of courage and I don’t take it lightly. I look forward to the spiritual work we will be doing together.

Giving free clarity sessions with prayer is my way of contributing to as many people as possible. If you got a lot of value from our session would you be willing to invite at least 3 of your friends to get a free session as well?

You can adapt the email below, or just send it out as is. (Just make sure you delete this letter to you.)

(Please Bcc me when you forward this note. It will encourage me and I thank you for that. I will not keep their e-mails unless they contact me directly.) Thank you again. Love, Jennifer

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Subject: A Clarity Session with prayer for YOU Dear Friend, I just experienced a Clarity Session with prayer with Jennifer. It was wonderful. Take her up on her offer. It’s an incredible gift to give yourself. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’m celebrating my 12th year as a Spiritual Life Coach. I am a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner from Agape International Spiritual Center and the Centers for Spiritual Living.

As a gift to you, I want to offer you a Clarity Session with prayer.

Do you feel uncertain, have you put everyone else’s dreams first, are you feeling alone and frustrated and afraid you will never experience true happiness? Well, I can help you pick up the pieces of your dream so you can’t wait to get up in the morning inspired to fulfill your legacy.

Just pick a time for your Session by clicking here. (This link is to your online calendar, like Timetrader.com, that you’ve already set up)

Peace and Love, Jennifer Ruth Russell, ALSP, RScP

Spiritual Life Coach Award Winning Songwriter, Singer, Inspirational Speaker & Teacher Licensed Spiritual Practitioner for the Centers of Spiritual Living and Agape International Spiritual Center www.JenniferRuthRussell.com www.RembaKids.com P.O. Box 611 Montrose, CA 91021 818-244-5661

“A moment with Jennifer is like immersing yourself in the inspiration of the best music and the love of a most powerful prayer.” – Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith

More about me. (a link to your website, it could also be to your facebook Pro page, Linkedin page, etc.) Please feel free to forward this to any of your friends who may benefit from some clarity and prayer.

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


This Week

My intention for this week: What are you willing to experience this week?

My Action Commitment for this week: How will I anchor my intention in the world?

My affirmation for the week: A statement of intent that will pull you forward towards

your high intention.

Time to connect and share this week’s intention, action and affirmation with

your Prayer, Action, Accountability Partner

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Ask them to take the next step You’ve opened the conversation, found out what they’re looking for, shared a resource and seen that you are a match; you’re now ready to ask them if they ready to get starting working with you. This step is where you are going to ask your potential clients to stretch. Think yoga. Asking them to take the next step is where it’s really good to know the problems you solve. No matter where you are in the conversation you want to make sure you’ve done this step before leaving. “It sounds like you’re looking for ______x________, _____y______, and _______z_____ result. I’d love to support you to get that. Would you like to continue this conversation so that I can help you get ______x________, _____y______, and _______z_____ result? “Great. When would you like to talk? Think of this step as the end of a really good first date and your potential client is leaning in a little, waiting expectantly, excitedly for the kiss… Start recognizing this key moment…It’s time for you to ASK. Don’t just give them a business card. ASK! Remember you are here to serve and you have what they are looking for.

Assignment: This week, MEMORIZE these 2 key questions and rehearse them in front of a mirror 10 times. Question #1. “Great, would you like to get started?” Question #2. “When would you like to set up the first session?” Assignment: Offer and give at least TWO free consultations this week. Practice ASKING. Some, not all from Sell is not a 4-letter Word, by Jesse Koren & Sharla Jacobs

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


This Week

My intention for this week: What are you willing to experience this week?

My Action Commitment for this week: How will I anchor my intention in the world?

My affirmation for the week: A statement of intent that will pull you forward towards

your high intention.

Time to connect and share this week’s intention, action and affirmation with

your Prayer, Action, Accountability Partner

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Craft Your Own “Getting to Know You Session”

It’s time to craft your own Free Clarity Session or (whatever you will be calling your short complimentary session). This session offers your potential clients a chance to experience your work and is also your opportunity to grow your sacred business so that it is sustainable. Use the handouts of the free consultation template and the 5 element questions to create a session that works for you. OWN IT. My sampling is below. In each section of this Sacred Selling Conversation put at least one question, no more than three, that work for you. Where will you be praying and when is the time to ask for referrals? Type it up so that you can memorize it and own it.

Open the conversation

Find out what they’re looking for

Share a resource

See if you’re a match

Ask them to take the next step

Dance with concerns

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Sample of Jennifer’s Free Clarity Session

a. I begin by acknowledging them for wanting a clarity session, because I know it takes

courage to call and to ask for clarity. (metal& fire)

b. I then give them an overview of the session. “This is how these sessions go. I will ask

you a few questions so I can get to know you better. (intake form) Then I want you to

set an intention for what you’d like clarity about. Then we’ll go into prayer, have a short

session so you can see/feel how I work and end with prayer. Then we’ll spend a little bit

of time seeing if we’re a match and if there’s some more work we’d like to do together.

How does that sound to you?”

c. If they agree to that, I ask them this. “These Free Clarity Sessions are my way of serving

as many people as possible. If you get a lot of value out of our time today. Would you

be willing to refer me to 3 of your friends?” If they say, ‘Yes’ I ask them at the end of

the session again and forward them an email that will make it simple for them to do


d. During this session, I try to get down to the deep desire, using water questions and

metal acknowledgements. I’m listening for the cause beneath the external problem.

This is important. I don’t go into deep healing work. This is an appetizer. Leave them

wanting more.

e. I always give an intention, affirmation and an action step at the end of my sessions.

Word, thought and deed…a great formula for transformation. (The earth element)

f. We pray out. (Fire, Metal & Earth)

g. I ask 2 or 3 important questions. “What did you get out of our session today?” This

question gives your potential client an opportunity to acknowledge what just happened.

Then I ask, “If we were to work together, what would you see yourself getting?” Many

times these questions, if desire and trust have been laid down and prepared the way,

your potential client will talk themselves into working with you.

h. Now is the time to answer any questions they may have about what you do and how

you do it and what you charge.

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


i. Many times the response to the fee structure is something like, “I can’t afford that right

now.” This is the time to stay really present and dance with their concerns. Don’t let go

now. This is a very intimate area and asking their permission to go even deeper is

important. This is where I have an opportunity to tell them what SOM can do for them.

What was that deep desire beneath the external desire? Address that here; tell them

how these sessions will benefit them.

j. I then ask them to make a choice. “Would you like to schedule a session?” (wood) I set

the time up right then and there. I follow up with a welcome email (asking them to set a

high intention that is specific, visible, and quantifiable) and an invoice, which includes

my cancelation policy.

k. I remind them and I ask again if I can send them an email invitation to send to three of

their friends. I send that to them as well. (taking care of my business)

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Here is a sample of my welcome email to a client.


Dear June,

I am honored to stand with you in the Truth and walk beside you as you deepen in trust and

FREEDOM. Thank you for trusting me today.

As you have entered into my field of consciousness, I want you to know that I hold you

spiritually. You will begin to feel this. I’ve got your back, spiritually speaking. I will be

praying for you daily. As a client of mine you are welcome to call me for prayer when you start

heading down the rabbit hole. If you can’t get a hold of me, the Agape Prayer Line is 310-248-

1270 or the Silent Unity’s prayer line is 800-669-7729

As we begin with the Breakthrough Intensive, Thursday 7/30 at 11 AM, please take some time

and set an intention, something that you are willing to experience from these 10 sessions.

Please spend a few minutes in prayer before I call at 11, have your journal ready and light a

candle. This time is sacred and set apart for your healing work.

I set a high standard of confidentiality. No one will know that you are working with me or what

issues you are working on, unless you tell them.

Please note that I have a 24 hour cancellation policy. If I don't hear from you 24 hours before

our scheduled session concerning a change, I will expect you to be there and you will be charged

for the session.

Love and Blessings,


60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


This Week

My intention for this week: What are you willing to experience this week?

My Action Commitment for this week: How will I anchor my intention in the world?

My affirmation for the week: A statement of intent that will pull you forward towards

your high intention.

Time to connect and share this week’s intention, action and affirmation with your

Prayer, Action, Accountability Partner

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Dancing with Concerns

When your potential client has said “Yes” they are ready to take the next step, often there are concerns. This is where you want to stay present and welcome their concerns. Inwardly, you want to say “YES!” You want to support them and not run out the door because you may be uncomfortable. The 2 most common concerns are: “I can’t afford

it” or “I need to think about it.” Remember certain people are divinely appointed to work with you. There is nothing to get, no manipulation required, just some wonderful questions that will open your PC to what they really want. These questions help them stay present to their deep commitment and their concerns will dissolve.

“I can’t afford it.” This is a default answer for many people. Remember, this may or may

not be true. This could also mean that they haven’t seen the real value of working with you yet. Question #1. “May I ask you a question about that?” You need to get permission to enter this bold territory. It’s important to be very respectful of this territory. Question #2 “If it weren’t for the money, is this something you would want to move forward with?” This question clarifies if they believe money is the real issue for them or if there’s really something underneath the money concern. If they say ‘yes’ to this question, you can get more curious by asking “It sounds like money is the only thing that’s stopping you from getting (the result that they want)” Question #3 “Can I ask you something? Assuming money wasn’t an issue, what would you have to get out of our work together to make it worth it for you?” This is a powerful way to bring them back to their commitment to themselves. Question #4 “Would you be open to brainstorming some possibilities of how you can come up with the money?” Let them lead the brainstorming. When people really want something they find a way. I often say at this point, “I’m open to different ways to do this. What would work for you?” Because I’ve already shared my rates they will respond in kind. Often you will have to stand in a strong belief in your potential clients (and YOUR services) during this stage of the conversation. Sometime you will need to have more faith in your potential clients than they have in themselves. They need to know that you believe in them, even if they can’t believe in themselves yet. Money included.

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


“I need to think about it.” What this usually means is “I am afraid I will regret making this

decision.” Or it could also mean they don’t want to make you feel rejected and don’t feel you are a match. Trust your intuition. If you feel they are interest in your services…it’s time to dance. Question #1. “May I ask you a question about that?” Question #2, “What else do you need to know in order to make your decision?” Maybe they need to talk it over with a partner or spouse or they could have more questions for you. Question #3, “How long do you need to make this decision?” or “When do you want to make this decision?” This question might wake up the urgency of the problem. 24 hours is what I usually suggest. Question #4, “What is the impact in waiting beyond _______ to make this decision?” This question can jolt a person awake, if they have over waited for something they really want. If they have left a big dream on the back burner so that its barely alive, this question may help them remember their passion and it’s urgency. Question #5, “What would need to happen for you to feel like working with me was one of the best decisions you have ever made?” The main rules for dancing with concerns are:

Stay Curious

Evoke Their Highest Commitment – keep them present to what they said they wanted. Your job is to help them say ‘yes’ to their highest commitment so that it outshines their concern. Say YES To Your Highest Commitments – If your concerns around money stop you from taking the next step to build your practice, your potential clients will feel it. Make sure you keep lifting up and say ‘YES’ to growing your business as a Professional Practitioner of Truth. STAND BY YOUR FEE STRUCTURE. Some ideas, not all, taken from Sell is not a 4-letter Word, by Jesse Koren & Sharla Jacobs

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


This Week

My intention for this week: What are you willing to experience this week?

My Action Commitment for this week: How will I anchor my intention in the world?

My affirmation for the week: A statement of intent that will pull you forward towards

your high intention.

Time to connect and share this week’s intention, action and affirmation with

your Prayer, Action, Accountability Partner

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


O Where, O Where can my PCs be?

SPEAK. Remember you are solver of problems. I have found that I use many of the same ‘teachings’ with all my clients. These are the golden nuggets that you can speak about easily. Start thinking outside the box (your center), where could you speak in your community? ** This is from Sage Levine (Conscious Women Entrepreneurs) “You have to be willing to be a solver of problems. You have to be willing to be solution oriented and not be afraid to speak to the pain you know your clients are in. And, not be afraid to get in front of people and give them some of those solutions. Book local speaking engagements and get in front of the people who are struggling with the solution you offer. I’m telling you if you’re willing to get out there and give to people in your community and online, offer the solution you have, that’s when people are paying attention. You don’t have to be a great public speaker or even have had speaking experience, you just have to be willing to get up and give. One of my clients does a couple of “Lunch-AND-Learns” about stress management per month at offices and organizations and fills her practice that way. Another one of my clients does free speaking engagements at her local library on 3 Steps to Start a Conscious Business, advertises her workshops in the paper for free as community events, asks people at networking events to help her get the word out and enrolls 4-9 new clients every time.” **Remember to always plan your talks from the end. What are you going to be invited people into to? The easiest and most versatile is your Free Consultation. Have people sign up on a form you’ve already prepared. Then when you get back to your computer, send them an invitation. Since they have heard you speak and know what you are about, they will trust you and be willing to go deeper.

Come along beside There are many Life Coaches, Psychologist, Massage Therapist, Holistic Body Healers & Doctors, etc. who may love to have you come along beside them as a Spiritual component for their clients/patients. They may have a special offering and would want to include your gift of a Free

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Clarity Session with Prayer as a bonus. Remember you will not know unless you ask. You are a beneficial presence and the world needs you at this time, BIG TIME!

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


This Week

My intention for this week: What are you willing to experience this week?

My Action Commitment for this week: How will I anchor my intention in the world?

My affirmation for the week: A statement of intent that will pull you forward towards

your high intention.

Time to connect and share this week’s intention, action and affirmation with

your Prayer, Action, Accountability Partner

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


Vision for my Professional Practitioner Practice

What is your vision for your practice? We know that 98% of everything is created first in the invisible. This vision is essential for you to get in alignment and in harmony with the Highest and Best for your practice. Choose and choose again and again and again.


Start with Rev. Michael’s visioning process. Begin with a short prayer of recognition and unification and then open your heart, your mind and your inner ears to receive a download from the Divine. This is very different than visualization where you use your mental faculty to create. This is a receiving of the Spiritual template. Ask these questions and listen for the answer. The answer could be silence, words, pictures, colors. Your part is to stay open and receptive. State your intent for this visioning session. “This visioning is for my Professional Practit ioner Practice.” What is the Highest Divine Idea for my practice?

What does it look like? Sound like? Smell/taste like?

What is the main feeling tone? What is the quality of Spirit that wants to immerge as my practice? What is my role, my part, to play? In order to do what is mine to do, what do I need to release? What do I need to embrace? Is there anything else? Then ask for a symbol, something beyond words that symbolizes your practice. Give thanks and complete your notes.

60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


To Complete

Take this template and move it into your vision statement. Here are some more questions to get you started. Affirmation for my Professional Practice: What is my calling, my gift to bring? What Problem do I solve? What is the Solution I bring? What I am experiencing? What I would like my clients to experience? How do I want to experience the exchange of money and what’s my high intention?


60 Days to Build Your Practice Master Course

Jennifer Ruth Russell, RScP Jen@JenniferRuthRussell.com


This Week

My intention for this week: What are you willing to experience this week?

My Action Commitment for this week: How will I anchor my intention in the world?

My affirmation for the week: A statement of intent that will pull you forward towards

your high intention.

Time to connect and share this week’s intention, action and affirmation with your Prayer, Action, Accountability Partner