6 week six pack diet

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6 week six pack diet

Transcript of 6 week six pack diet


Due to the physical nature of the exercise regimes contained in the following presentation, it

is highly recommended that anybody considering any exercise regime or diet plan consult a

Doctor or physician before embarking on any workout, training or eating plan.

It is the responsibility of the individual to make sure that he or she is in good physical and

mental condition before embarking on the following program.

Creators of this product cannot be held or

accept any liability whatsoever by the public for injury, death or loss that may occur whilst

following instructions contained in this production.


Copyright © 2011 by Carvell Productions

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without

prior written consent of the author, except as provided by International copyright laws.

Published by Carvell Productions, Berkshire, United Kingdom.

6WeekSixPack™ is a trademark of Carvell Productions.


As you can probably guess in this manual we are going

to talk about your diet and eating plan.

Now someone once said that building a sexy body

starts in the kitchen and whoever said could not have

been more spot on.

Your success with this or any body transformation

program for that matter can depend as much as 75%

on the food you take in and your eating plan.

So it doesn’t take a genius to see that you need to

make sure that you are eating the right foods on a

daily basis and that the importance of your eating

should never be under-estimated.

In fact, one of the main differences between those

who have been successful during the 6WeekSixPack

Challenge and those who weren’t is that the people

who lost 15 pounds or more were on a very powerful,

specific diet plan throughout. Many people thought

they would just do the workouts and they will get results but unfortunately it does not work

like that. No matter how powerful the workout program is that you are using, and believe me,

the workouts on the 6WeekSixPack are very powerful, if you do not eat right, it will be all in

vain. Sure you will get fitter, but if your goal is to get ripped as well you must get onto a

powerful diet plan.

Now many people who had real success during their 6WeekSixPack Challenge used

The6PackDiet and so it was a no brainer to use that as a base as it is proven to work extremely

well. However, what we have done in this manual is that we have compacted it, made it more

focused, and ultimately extremely powerful. This diet is designed to help you drop fat fast over

a short period of time. But to also make sure you do it in a healthy way so that the results will

be permanent and you won’t just pick up all the weight you lost over the 6 weeks back again in

a few weeks.

Over the next few chapters I am going to teach you how I teach every single one of my own

clients to eat. It is simple but effective. It is functional but powerful.

Remember this today; something doesn’t have to be complicated to be effective. In fact when it

comes to your eating plan, the simpler you keep it, the better chance of you sticking to it for

the whole 6 weeks.

So once again, welcome to your new eating plan. I know if you bought this manual then you are

in the right place mentally to get some amazing results. Sure it will require hard work,

dedication and extreme focus, but that is what is going to give you the body that will set you

apart from the average guy in the street. That is what is going to make you stand out, provide

you with confidence and ultimately, help you live your life to the fullest!

So if you ‘re ready to learn how to feed your body with the food that will help you burn fat and

build a sexy physique, let’s get going.

Peter Carvell

Peter Carvell Home Fitness Expert

If you have ever purchased any of our products, you know we are great believers is taking action ASAP.

It is extremely important to keep the fire burning after you have created the spark (The spark consists of

those few minutes or hours when you are extremely excited after you first decide to do something

amazing). It’s about continuing the momentum after that first step, and the best way to do that is by

taking action ASAP, once you've made that big decision. Whether the decision is to pursue your dream

job, start a serious workout program, or as in our case, start a new diet, it's all about taking action.

These actions don’t have to be BIG. They just need to be in the right direction, and they need to keep

you going until you have the full plan, the bigger picture, in place. So, before we even look at the basics

of healthy eating I want you to take these really simple "action steps" right now! We will look at them in

more detail later in the book, but I want you to do them in their most basic format right now. And I do

mean RIGHT NOW, not tomorrow, not after you've read through the book...right now, before you

continue on to the very first chapter. I told you we mean business, and promised we are going to get you in shape, did I not? I wasn't kidding.

In order to get something you haven't been able to achieve on your own, you are going to have to trust

that my methods are going to bring results. Taking action ASAP involves you trusting me, and in the

program I am outlining for you. Ready?

Ok here they are. I want you to do what you can right now, and then do the rest over the next 24 hours:

1) Radical Overhaul of Your Pantry: Throw out all the unhealthy foods in your house right now!

From your high sugar cookies to your left over pizza. Yes, even the things you are hiding in your

private stash, those sweets and chocolates you hoped no one was ever going to find. Everything

that you know from your limited knowledge of food that is bad for you MUST GO RIGHT NOW!

And if you are not sure, throw it away anyway!

2) Verbalize Your Goal: Tell everyone in your household you are going on a diet. Do that right now!

I don’t care if they are currently watching TV or are busy eating their own plate full of junk food.

Tell them right now about the decision you have just made, and that you expect them to respect

it. In fact, ask them if they'd like to join you. If they laugh at you, don’t get mad, just use the

anger as fuel and become even more dedicated. Together WE WILL SHOW THEM!

3) Visualize Your Goal: Find a photo of the body you want. Search on the internet or flip through

the latest health or glamour magazine. Find that dream body you are working towards, print it

out or rip out the page, and stick it up somewhere that you'll see it every day. The refrigerator is

a perfect spot. Visualizing your goal will fuel your motivation.

4) Eat or Drink Something Healthy NOW: Grab something healthy to snack on and drink. A glass of

water and an apple, or a cup of black coffee, are perfect. Anything that you have in your house

that you feel is super healthy will do. If you don’t have anything, by all means, go get something!

Take a trip to the produce section of your grocery store, pick up something fresh, come back and

continue on to the next chapter where we will look at the basics of eating healthy.

Ok, now you are ready to get going!

Before we start looking at any advanced eating techniques and strategies, it is vital that you become

familiar with the basics. Some of you may know these already, and if you are one of those just read

through these basics quickly, or even skip this chapter altogether. BUT make sure you do actually know

the basics of a healthy diet. For some, this will be brand new information and it is for you that we made

sure we added these basics steps. They are the foundation on which we will incorporate the more

powerful, advanced eating techniques that we discuss later in this book.

What we have also done is to provide you with a bit more info on each of these basic eating principles.

Many of you may already have heard that you should eat 5 to 6 smaller meals each day instead of 2 or 3

larger meals, but do you know why? Knowing the details of "why" will actually help you understand how

you can take these principles to the next level where you will be able to burn fat even faster.

Like I have said a few times already, we are not just here to provide you with a powerful eating and diet

plan, but we also want to educate you. The real power lies when you know how to use the knowledge

without someone having to hold your hand all the time. It is not just about doing something and getting

results, it is about learning why you do something, why it works and then taking that knowledge and

manipulating it to achieve even better results.

So, let’s get going and look at some of these basic but powerful eating principles that you can

incorporate in your daily eating routine right away to start getting results.

1. Eat Five to Six Small Meals Each Day

• To achieve high levels of constant energy and get lean you need to eat regularly. Therefore, you

need to increase the number of meals per day to five or six, eating one small meal every three


• Eating small meals throughout the day will provide you with sustained energy and will help prevent

any cravings you might have.

• Frequent meals will boost the body’s basal metabolic rate, or BMR. The higher your BMR, the more

fat you will burn, even when you are not active, or during sleep.

• Eating five to six meals will also improve your protein utilization, muscle growth, and reduce your

insulin levels (the fat storing hormone).

• Remember, you will not be eating more, just dividing your traditional three large meals into five or

six. Therefore, the mini-meals will contain the same total amount of food and calories, but will be

better used and burned.

2. Begin with Breakfast

• Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so be sure to have that within one hour of waking

up, and then continue to eat every three hours.

• Make sure your breakfast includes a quality source of slow release carbohydrates, like oatmeal and

lean protein like egg whites or protein shake.

3. Increase Your Water Intake - Aim for at Least 10 Glasses of Water

Per Day

• If you want to function properly, both mentally and physically, keeping hydrated all day long is key.

Never go for longer than two hours without drinking water.

• Generally speaking, people who weigh under 150 pounds require no less than 10 glasses of water

per day. Those who weight over 150 pounds require about 16 glasses per day!

4. Cut Out Sugars in Beverages.

• Sugars are the number one culprit for adding and keeping body fat levels high. You must make a real

effort to reduce and monitor your intake of refined sugars in your diet. One area where sugar is

lurking is in our drinks and beverages.

• Do not consume sports drinks or energy drinks, fruit juices or sodas, as they are all extremely high in

sugar and calories. Begin to drink more water.

• In an attempt to cut calories you can consume an artificially sweetened or low calorie drink, but

these must be limited to only one per day for health purposes.

• Black coffee and herbal teas are acceptable. Do not add sugar or any type of honey.

• Eliminate milk and milk products, but if you cannot, at least make sure that what you consume is fat

free, use it in very small quantities.

• We have created a first of its kind 18 Day Quick Start Guide that will help you overcome your sugar

addiction, curb cravings, and help you move on to healthy eating quickly.

5. Avoid Highly Processed and Refined Food

• These include table sugar, white bread, white pasta, white rice, white flour and their products.

• Replace these foods with brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, and rye bread.

• The closer foods are to their natural state, the better they are for your body and your progress.

• Eliminate the use of table sugars. Do not add sugar to hot drinks, cereals, or desserts.

• Eliminate the consumption of any type of sweets, cakes, and pastries.

6. Avoid BAD Fats Known as Trans / Hydrogenated and Saturated Fats

These fats are found in the foods listed below. Follow the suggestions to cut them out of your eating


• Choose extra lean cuts of red meat and cut off any visible fat prior to cooking.

• Remove chicken skin prior to cooking.

• Do not consume full fat dairy products, butters, or margarines. Opt for fat free milk, yogurt and

cottage cheese.

• Do not use palm oil in your cooking or consume any product that has been prepared using palm


• Do not consume commercial baked goods (such as crackers, cookies and cakes) or fried foods

(such as donuts and french fries).

7. Reduce the Amount of Dairy Consumed

• This is important if you are intolerant to dairy products, suffer from bloating after consumption, or

have respiratory or sinus problems.

• If dairy is consumed it must be fat-free and eaten in small quantities.

8. Avoid all Alcohol.

• Alcohol is extremely high in calories and consumption will interfere with your metabolic processes

for approximately 48 hours afterwards.

• Sure, some alcoholic drinks like red wine may have some health benefits, and once you have

reached your target weight you can add one or two glasses per week. But if you main goal is to lose

fat quickly then you need to focus on cutting any empty calories, and that is exactly what most

alcoholic drinks are.

9. Avoid High Sugar and High Fat Condiments and Sauces

This includes, but is not limited to, tomato sauce, basting sauces, and especially mayonnaise and salad


Without any seasoning your food will seem dull and get boring very quickly. For this reason use the

recommended herbs and spices below:

• Tabasco, fresh chilies, garlic and ginger can be used to spice up your dishes. Sprinkling some

of these on your fish, chicken, and steak prior to grilling will add a lot of taste.

• Lemon juice: This works well on chicken and fish and can be used at any meal you desire.

Lemon is especially good for flavoring your drinking water.

• Balsamic or apple cider vinegar: In small amounts vinegar can add a lovely flavor to your

vegetables and salads.

• Green herbs and spices: Make sure you stay away from high sodium spices and salts, but

green spices are allowed and can add a little taste to all your food.

10. How You Cook Your Food is Vital to Your Success

• Prepare food by steaming, boiling, grilling, baking and dry frying.

• You may use a non-stick spray, coconut oil, or grape seed oil to prevent food from sticking to the

pot/pan while cooking.

11. Be Wary of Restaurant Food and Take-Out Meals

If you are eating out, be very specific when ordering your meal.

• Make sure your food is dry grilled.

• Do not add any basting, dressing, or sauces to your food.

• Avoid onion rings, fries, sour cream, lemon butter, cheese, croutons and white bread.

Possible meals to order:

• Grilled chicken salad (without dressing)

• Grilled beef or chicken fillet or skewer (no basting) with a side salad and small jacket potato (no

sour cream or butter)

• Dry grilled fish and vegetables

12. Planning and Preparation

• Prepare your food and meals in bulk and refrigerate them for ease of use. This will help you create

meals quickly and without effort, preventing you from reaching for the wrong things. Remember,

just because you've prepared 15 chicken breasts doesn't mean you have to eat just a plain chicken

breast. The reason you do the cooking in bulk is so that you don’t have to cook one or two chicken

breasts (for example) from scratch. Having to break out the grill when you want to create a quick

salad or stir fry can become a hassle. Instead, you can quickly heat up the already cooked chicken

breast and add it to your salad. This will cut down your food preparation time considerably.

• Being prepared for emergencies means always having small, healthy snacks handy when proper

food is not available.

• The best snacks are those that are high in protein and high in fiber. Certain snacks travel well, such

as no drain packs of tuna, protein shake sachets, mini vegetables, and apples. They are easy to keep

in your car, briefcase, or office drawer.

• Plan your grocery list so that you stock only the correct foods in your home and at work. You don't

want to set yourself up for temptation.

• Keeping a diary of everything you eat and drink on a daily basis will indicate whether you are eating

the right foods in the right amounts at the right times. Don’t cheat because if you contact me for

help I will be asking you for this information first, since it is generally the main reason individuals are

not getting desired results.

13. Cheat Meals

• Allowing yourself a cheating day, also called an "off day," is a well known principle that many body

transformation systems incorporate. Having a cheat day can provide you with a well deserved break

after an entire week's worth of focus and dedication to your eating plan. The problem is that most

body transformation systems allow you a full day off, and most people overindulge, meaning that all

the hard work performed during the previous week goes to waste because of the excess calories

they consume.

• A much more powerful and effective principle that we recommend instead of a cheat day is allowing

yourself a cheat period or "off period" of no longer than four hours on one specific day during the

week. During this time, allow yourself to have any kind of food you want, but don’t overindulge. This

means have a couple of slices of pizza, NOT the whole thing! Over a period of four hours you can

have an alcoholic drink or a soda, a couple slices of pizza and a few blocks of your favorite chocolate.

• Another tip to make this more effective is to make sure that this four hour cheating period falls on a

weight training day. By doing so, it will not only provide a bit of relief from your diet, but it will

actually work on your behalf, helping you gain a little muscle without hindering your results.

• Keep in mind, if you plan your cheating in the way we mention above, you won’t hinder your results

in any way. It will however keep you sane and help to motivate you to stay on track with your diet

and eating plan the rest of the time. And don’t feel bad if you slip up from time to time, we all do it.

The main thing is to get back on track the very next meal!

14. Detox

• Detoxing has always been associated with females trying to become healthier. In reality

detoxing is for everyone who wants to achieve better results faster! If your body is stuffed full of

all the garbage you have been putting into it, it cannot function at its full potential. Your body

will not be able to absorb important nutrients as easily as it should, it won’t burn fat as

effectively as it could, and in general, your body will not be the efficient, fat burning machine

you want it to be. That is where detoxing comes in.

• We do not suggest you go on a detox every week, but rather in the beginning of your new diet

to make sure you have a good foundation to build on. Or if you are going to follow the 18 Day

Quick Start Guide, I would suggest you do a one to three day detox after that.

• I also love starting each day with a small mini detox in the form of a luke-warm glass of water

with some lemon juice in it.

• I want you to use raw, fresh vegetables and juice them

yourself at home, using a juicer machine, if you have

one. A great mix of vegetables for detoxing includes

carrots, broccoli, spinach, and beetroot.

• You can add a little mint, radish, or ginger for extra

flavor and phyto-nutrient benefit.

• Avoid all stimulants such as coffee, tea and alcoholic

beverages, even artificial drinks during a detox. Also,

do not take any supplements or pills unless they are

prescribed medications.

• If you feel you need some energy, you can add a fruit

like an apple to the recipe, but don’t mix different

fruits, stick to one kind.

• Also try and make this juice as needed because as soon

as the vegetables are juiced their nutrients will start to

escape and digest losing all the goodness. Drink within

a few minutes of juicing. You are allowed to drink as

much of this as you like during your detox days.

• When going on a detox, make sure you use our

powerful detox recipe below instead of using some

sugar loaded commercial drink with the word DETOX

printed on the label.

Detox Recipe

Use a juicer machine to extract juice from all the foods below

and mix together:

- 1 apple

- 1 beetroot

- 4 medium carrots

- 2 celery sticks

- 5 spinach leaves

- Ginger root, Radish or Mint

Now that we have the basics out of the way, let’s dig a little deeper.

First we are going to look at your macronutrients: MAKRO WHAT?? I thought you said this was going to

be simple??? :) Don’t worry it will be I promise. Now I am not going to go into too much detail here apart from telling you about the main

macronutrients that you need to know about. Let’s face it, you don’t need to know how a doctor is going

to do an operation to actually get that operation done on yourself and it is the same here. You don’t

need to know structural differences and each macronutrient’s function to be able to use them to help

build yourself a ripped body.

So for now know that you get macronutrients, which we are going to talk about in a second and micro

nutrients which are things like vitamins and minerals.

So the 3 main macronutrients are Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats. Now every single meal you eat will

comprise out of a mix of these 3 main macronutrients in different volumes to make sure you feed your

body with the fuel it needs to perform at it highest level but also burn fat.

So let’s start by looking at Protein and also what foods provide you with the best sources of this



So what is protein? Basically proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids. There are 22 different

types of amino acids and the body needs all of them to function properly.

Now you get two kinds of proteins, Complete proteins and Incomplete Proteins.

Complete Proteins are foods that contain all of the 8 essential amino acids required to form the new

proteins. Complete proteins tend to come from animal sources of protein such as meat, dairy products,

eggs, fish, shellfish and poultry.

Incomplete Proteins are usually lacking in one or more of the essential amino acids. They are generally

found in vegetable products like pulses, grains and nuts. You can however get, by combining two or

more of the "incomplete" proteins, a complete supply of essential amino acids. For example, rice and

beans will form a complete protein and give the body all the essential amino acids.

Now all you need to know is that you must make sure that you get all the amino acids that make up

protein into your diet, either by eating complete protein or eating a mix of incomplete proteins.

Now Protein is a major component of all muscles, tissues and organs and is vital for practically every

process that occurs within the body such as metabolism, digestion and the transportation of nutrients

and oxygen in the blood.

During any exercise programme, as the one you will be doing soon, protein will help the body with the

growth, maintenance and repair of muscle tissue and cells.

You can find a list of all the best carbohydrates to eat in the recommend food list.


The first thing you need to know about carbs is that they are NOT the enemy. The wrong type and

amounts of carbs are the enemy!

Carbohydrates are extremely important to your weight loss success and your body can not and will not

function properly without the right carbs in your eating plan.

Carbohydrates include foods composed of starches, sugar and fiber and are the most common source of

energy found in food.

Carbohydrate breaks down into glucose, a specific type of sugar, when digested

Once again there are two types of Carbohydrates, complex and simple.

Complex carbohydrates are often referred to as starch or starchy foods. They are found naturally in

foods and also refined in processed foods.

Simple carbohydrates, also known as sugars exist in either a natural or refined form.

Natural sugars are found in fruit and vegetables.

So what are the main differences between complex and simple carbohydrates?

• As mentioned all carbohydrates break down into glucose when digested.

• Glucose is transported around the body via blood and taken into cells to be used as energy.

• The pancreas gland in your abdomen secretes the hormone insulin which controls the uptake of

glucose by your cells.

• If you have any excess glucose, this is converted into glycogen which is stored in the liver or, yes this

is the problem, in fat around the body.

• When your body needs more energy, a second hormone called glucagon is secreted by the

pancreas. This converts the glycogen back into glucose, which is then released into your

bloodstream for your cells to use.

• Now I don’t want to get into too much detail here but what you need to know is that The slower the

release of glucose and hormones, the more stable and sustainable the energy levels of the body is.

• The more refined the carbohydrate, the faster the glucose is released into your blood. This can

cause peaks and drops in your blood sugar level, and less stable energy levels in the body.

Now Complex carbohydrates provide a slower and more sustained release of energy than simple

carbohydrates. And that is what we are looking for: Sustained long lasting energy so you can do all

your workouts and live an active lifestyle without feeling tired. But complex carbs in their natural form

also contribute to long-term good health.

So to sum up, what you want to look for when it comes to carbs is good complex carbohydrates’ that

will provide long sustained energy levels throughout the day.

BUT we are not done yet. Don’t worry, I am trying to keep this as simple as possible but I do want to give

you all the info so you can make sure you understand 100% how to eat to get results

You can find a list of all the best carbohydrates to eat in the recommend food list.


Another macronutrient that puts fear into anyone wanting to lose weight is FAT. Mainly because many

people think the reason they are overweight is due to fats, but that is not the full story or the whole

truth. In fact some fats are not just vital for your overall health but can actually help you lose weight and


Now fat contains more than double the calories of the other macronutrients with nine calories per gram

compared with carbohydrates and protein which both contain four calories per gram. It is usually for

this reason that fat is eliminated from the diet completely.

But once again it is about choosing and eating the right kinds of fats as opposed to the wrong kind that

doesn’t bring any health benefits with them.

The kinds of benefits good fats bring with them are things like

• Providing long lasting energy

• Helping you feel full after eating

• Helping make hormones

• Forming part of your brain and nervous system

• Forming cell membranes for every cell in your body

• Carrying vitamins throughout your body

• Helping to regulate your body temperature and keep you warm

• And last but not least Providing two essential fatty acids, called Linoleic acid and Linolenic

acid, that your body cannot make by itself

Now as with the other macronutrients you find different types of fats, some that are good and some

that aren’t.

The types of fats you do want to add to you eating plan are unsaturated fats: monounsaturated and

polyunsaturated fats.

The two main types of polyunsaturated fats are omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 3s

is mainly found in oily fish whereas omega 6s is mainly found in vegetable oils. Both omega 3s and

omega 6s are essential fatty acids which means they cannot be produced by your body and must be

sourced from your diet.

These fats can be eaten in moderation as they can assist in weight loss and are vital for your health

The second kinds of fat, the kind you want to stay away from are Saturated and Hydrogenated or Trans


These fats are found in food like full fat milk and yoghurt, ice cream, cheese, cream, butter and

margarine, commercially produced baked biscuits, pastries, cakes, French fries and crisps.

So the Foods with the right kind of fats are:

• Oily fish e.g. salmon or Fish Oil

• Flax and pumpkin seeds/oils/Butters

• Walnuts

• Almond seeds/ butters

• Olive oil

• Coconut oil, which by the way is great to cook with!

• Avocado

Below you will find a complete table of the best foods you can eat in each of the macronutrient sections.

We tried to give you a complete list here, but even within this list there are foods that are better than

the rest, the "best of the best," so to speak. So, although you will find a very extensive list below I would

suggest you still look at the meal plans and structure before you just start picking foods out of the list

below to eat.

The next thing I want you to take special note of are the three different carbohydrate sections. Most

diet books contain one carbohydrate table, but to really fine tune your meal structures to achieve the

best possible results you have to break your carbohydrates up even further. We will go into more detail

as to why you are doing this later, but for now just take note of the fact that there are three different

carb sections. Once we start looking at meal structures you'll see that we will mention Carbohydrate

Group 1, 2, or 3.

Ok let’s have a look at the food that you will come to love over the next 6 weeks.

Recommended Food List



Group 1


Group 2


Group 3

FATS and Oils



Grains, Starch,




Vegetables & and







polyunsaturated fat





turkey breast

White fish








Lean Beef

Lean pork


Egg whites

Whole eggs

Whey protein



Fat free




Rolled Oats

Sweet potato

Jacket Potato

Baby potato


Brown rice

Wild rice

Whole wheat pasta



Rye bread

Sprouted bread





Highly beneficial

and recommended:




Brussel sprouts

Baby marrows

Green beans

Alternative choices:


Mange tout














Mini carrots

Mini corn spears


All berries










Fish oil

Oily fish e.g. salmon

Flax seeds / oil


Pumpkin seeds

Almond nuts /


Olive oil


Coconut oil


Ok, this is where the magic happens. Similar to creating a powerful workout compared to a useless

workout, the real secrets lie in the structure. One specific exercise can be used in an effective way or in a

completely ineffective way. It is not the exercise that is bad or good, it is how you use that exercise in

combination with other exercises to create a powerful or not so powerful workout. In a similar way, it is how you use certain foods and how you structure your meals that will determine if

you diet is a success or not. You can eat and cook chicken in a way that makes it extremely healthy and

will help you build a super hot body, or you can use and cook it in such a way that it will only do one

thing, and that is make you even fatter!

So the structure of your meals and how you use foods in that structure is extremely important to your

success. The good thing is that it doesn’t need to be complicated or difficult, and once you learn how to

use food to help you achieve results you will find it extremely easy to be healthy and eat in such a way

to create and maintain the body of your dreams.

So we just looked at the recommend food that you will need to eat in the previous chapter, let’s now

take it a step further and look at how to use those foods in the best and most effective daily meal

structure to achieve the best and fastest results.

The very first thing you need to know is that all your meals and days are going to be divided into three

meal plan structures.

• Meal Plan 1 ( Fat Burning Day Meal Plan )

• Meal Plan 2 ( Cheat Day Meal Plan )

• Meal Plan 3 ( Detox Day Meal Plan )

Meal Plan 1 will be used Monday to Friday or day 1 to 5. Meal Plan2 will be used on Saturdays or day 6

and Meal Plan 3 on Sunday or day 7, your rest day.

Each one of these daily meal plan structures has been designed using some very powerful dieting

techniques. The dieting techniques include manipulating your macronutrients in order to provide your

body with a mixture of foods that will help you burn fat but also provide you with energy and help you

hang on to your muscle.

Now before we move on and look at each one of these daily meal plans in detail, let’s take a look at

some general meal plan structures that you will be following no matter what day you are on.

Regardless of which Meal Plan you are on, you need to follow the general guidelines below:

General Guidelines for Meal Plans Structure

• You have seen the recommended food list which shows you the recommended foods to eat and

which group they fall into. Try not to deviate from this list too much, unless you are having a cheat


• You need to eat every 2-3 hours.

• Each of these meals consists of: 1 portion of protein AND 1 portion of carbohydrate.

• As your day continues the type of carbohydrate you will eat changes from complex carbs to

fibrous type carbs as your energy requirements will be less.

• Therefore DO NOT eat any starch, grains or fruits after 1pm/lunch.

• The carbohydrate portion of your meals after 1pm/lunch will be taken in the form of fibrous

vegetables and salads.

• Begin with breakfast (Meal 1) within one hour of waking up.

• Foods found in the carbohydrate group 2 section, namely fibrous vegetables and salads, can be

eaten in unlimited quantities. This will help with any cravings or hunger pangs. Make sure you are

eating at least two servings on each day, regardless what meal plan you are following.

• Omega 3 oils are essential for fat loss and you should consume one tablespoon of omega 3 rich oils

or two tablespoons of flax seeds daily as one of your portions of fat.

o Another good source of omega 3 is to eat oily fish two to three times per week. Good

sources include salmon, trout and mackerel.

o You can also make use of omega 3 capsules.

• Do not to eat one hour before or one hour after a workout, if your goal is fat loss apart from

drinking a protein shake.

• Do not to eat one to two hours before you go to sleep.

• Be aware of your portion sizes. It is not just about what you eat and when you eat it, but also about

how much you eat. Get your portion sizes wrong and you will not experience the results you where

hoping for. Portion Sizes:

Now I hate calorie counting and I have never used it in my life. I’m going to keep it really simple

because as soon as you start talking specific weights for specific types of food most people get

discouraged. Besides who has the time and patience to figure out the proper weights of foods etc

anyway? I prefer using the “Clenched fist and size of the palm of your hand” technique. Basically

what you do is open up your hand and choose a protein that is about the size of the palm of your

hand. So find or cut a piece of chicken or fish or any other protein source that is about the size of

the palm of your hand. Then clench your first and find a carbohydrate source of that size e.g. a small

sweet potato, half cup of brown rice etc.

Below I will indicate each portion size for each food group that you need to take in PER meal:


Your protein source whether it is a chicken breast, ostrich steak or fish fillet needs to be the size of

the palm of your hand. For a male this may mean a few chicken breasts and for a female maybe

only one chicken breast.


As far as your portion of carbohydrates is concerned it will be the size of a closed hand or fist. This

means a baked sweet potato (with skin) the size of your fist, a cup of vegetables or a nice handful of



As far as oils are concerned, no more than 1 tablespoon (15-20 ml) of healthy unsaturated oils such

as cod liver oil, flax seed oil or olive oil per serving.

• One final thing I want to mention is High Carb and Low Carb Meals. You will see I mention this from

time to time and the only difference between a high carb and low carb meal really is the carb TYPE

you eat with your protein. In a high carb meal you will eat or use complex carbs ( Carbohydrates

Group 1 in the recommend Food List ) to create a meal and in a low carb meal you will eat or use

fibrous carbs ( Carbohydrates Group 2 in the recommend Food List ) to create your meals.

And that is your basic eating plan structure. Once you learn what the good sources of protein, carbs and

fats are you can literally go anywhere in the world and by following the tips above create yourself a

healthy meal plan.

Ok, so now that you know what makes up the general meal plan structure guidelines, let’s put it all

together and show you meal by meal what each of these daily meal plans will look like.

Meal Plan 1 ( Fat Burning Meal Plan )

This meal plan is to be used Monday to Friday or Day 1 to 5 in combination with the workouts that also

need to be done on these days. You can find the workout structure in the Workout Manual.

So what you will see below is a mix of macronutrients for each meal you should have in the day. You

then take that info, combine it with your own portion sizes and create a meal for that specific meal time.

After that I will show you a REAL meal example of how your complete daily meal plan could look like but

remember it is just a sample and you can mix, match and exchange macronutrients for each meal out of

recommend food list.

Meal Plan 1 – Macronutrient Mix

Meal 1 (Breakfast) = High Carb

• 1 portion of protein +

• 1 portion of carbohydrate group 1

• Water 250 ml

Meal 2 (Mid Morning Snack) = High Carb

• 1 portion of protein +

• 1 portion of carbohydrate group 1 or 3

• Water 250 ml

Meal 3 (Lunch) = High Carb

• 1 portion of protein +

• 1 portion of carbohydrate group 1

• Water 250 ml

Meal 4 (Mid Afternoon Snack) = Low Carb

• 1 portion of protein +

• 1 portion of carbohydrate group 2

• 1 portion of fats and oils

• Water 250 ml

Meal 5 (Dinner) = Low Carb

• 1 portion of protein +

• 1 portion of carbohydrate group 2

• 1 portion of fats and oils

• Water 250 ml

Meal 6 ( Night Time Snack, 1 to 2 hours before you go to sleep ) = Low Carb

• 1 portion of slow release protein

• Water 250 ml

Meal Plan 1 – Real Food Example

Let’s now bring it all the way to reality and show you an example of the type of real food that will make

up each meal so that you can now get a full understanding of what this Meal Plan 1 actually looks like in

real life.

Meal 1 (Breakfast) = High Carb

• Protein powder (protein)

• Oatmeal (carbohydrate group 1)

• Water 250 ml

Meal 2 (Mid Morning Snack) = High Carb

• Chicken Breast (protein)

• Sweet potato or Apple (carbohydrate group 1 or 3)

• Water 250 ml

Meal 3 (Lunch) = High Carb

• Lean steak (protein)

• Sweet potato (carbohydrate group 1)

• Water 250 ml

Meal 4 (Mid Afternoon Snack) = Low Carb

• Chicken Breast (protein)

• Mix Vegetables (carbohydrate group 2)

• Flaxseed Oil & Lemon Juice (fats and oils)

• Water 250 ml

Meal 5 (Dinner) = Low Carb

• Lean steak (protein)

• Salad * (carbohydrate group 2)

• Tablespoon of Slivered Almonds (fats and oils)

• Water 250 ml

Meal 6 (( Night Time Snack, 1 to 2 hours before you go to sleep ) = Low Carb

• Fat Free Cottage Cheese (slow release protein)

• Water 250 ml

*(Salad = spinach and rocket leaves, spring onions, cucumber, green/red/yellow peppers)

Note: Find more recipe ideas for each meal at the end of this manual under Meal Plan Examples

Meal Plan 2 ( Cheat Day Meal Plan )

This meal plan is to be used on a Saturday or Day 6 in combination with the workout that also has to be

done on that day. You can find the workout structure in the Workout Manual.

Now the only difference between this meal plan and Meal Plan 1 is that on this day you are allowed to

have a cheat meal. The best way to do this is to pick one of your first 3 meals and exchange that for a

cheat meal. It is also advisable for you to only do your workout on this day AFTER you had your cheat

meal. Let’s quickly look at the macronutrients mix for each meal again followed by a real food example.

Meal Plan 2 – Macronutrient Mix

Meal 1 (Breakfast) = High Carb

• 1 portion of protein +

• 1 portion of carbohydrate group 1

• Water 250 ml

Meal 2 (Mid Morning Snack) = High Carb

• 1 portion of protein +

• 1 portion of carbohydrate group 1 or 3

• Water 250 ml

Meal 3 (Lunch & Cheat meal ) = High Carb

• 1 portion of protein +

• 1 portion of carbohydrate group 1

• Water 250 ml

Meal 4 (Mid Afternoon Snack) = Low Carb

• 1 portion of protein +

• 1 portion of carbohydrate group 2

• 1 portion of fats and oils

• Water 250 ml

Meal 5 (Dinner) = Low Carb

• 1 portion of protein +

• 1 portion of carbohydrate group 2

• 1 portion of fats and oils

• Water 250 ml

Meal 6 ( Night Time Snack, 1 to 2 hours before you go to sleep ) = Low Carb

• 1 portion of slow release protein

• Water 250 ml

Meal Plan 2 – Real Food Example

Let’s quickly look at examples of the type of real food that will make up each meal so that you can now

get a full understanding of what this Meal Plan 2 actually looks like in real life.

Meal 1 (Breakfast) = High Carb

• Protein powder (protein)

• Oatmeal (carbohydrate group 1)

• Water 250 ml

Meal 2 (Mid Morning Snack) = High Carb

• Chicken Breast (protein)

• Sweet potato or Apple (carbohydrate group 1 or 3)

• Water 250 ml

Meal 3 (Lunch & Cheat Meal) = High Carb

• Pizza

• Milkshake

Meal 4 (Mid Afternoon Snack) = Low Carb

• Chicken Breast (protein)

• Mix Vegetables (carbohydrate group 2)

• Flaxseed Oil & Lemon Juice (fats and oils)

• Water 250 ml

Meal 5 (Dinner) = Low Carb

• Lean steak (protein)

• Salad * (carbohydrate group 2)

• Tablespoon of Slivered Almonds (fats and oils)

• Water 250 ml

Meal 6 (( Night Time Snack, 1 to 2 hours before you go to sleep ) = Low Carb

• Fat Free Cottage Cheese (slow release protein)

• Water 250 ml

*(Salad = spinach and rocket leaves, spring onions, cucumber, green/red/yellow peppers)

Meal Plan 3 ( Detox Meal Plan )

This meal plan is to be used on Sunday or Day 7. This will normally be a rest day as far as your workouts.

Now as the name suggests, we are going to do a detox on this day. But it is not as much a detox as it is a

day where we provide your body with lots of nutrients but cut the overall calorie intake. If you do not

have the means to create the detox juice as described in the Basic Diet Principles section I will provide

you with another option at the end of this meal plan description.

Now there is not really much to show here as what you will do is drink the detox juice instead of each

one of your meals. But for continuity purposes lets show you the structure for it anyway ☺ .

Meal Plan 3 – Structure

Meal 1 (Breakfast)

• Detox Juice

Meal 2 (Mid Morning Snack)

• Detox Juice

Meal 3 (Lunch)

• Detox Juice

Meal 4 (Mid Afternoon Snack)

• Detox Juice

Meal 5 (Dinner)

• Detox Juice

Detox Alternative

If you do not have the means to do the detox juice or meal plan then you can also try the following to

get similar results.

What we are going to do is what is known as Intermittent Fasting. It is where you fast for a short period

to try and cut some extra calories but not for so long that your metabolism slows down completely.

So what you will do is the following. You will cut the last two meals from your Meal Plan 2 on day 6. So

in reality you will cut dinner and any late night snacks you would have normally had.

Then on day 7 you will follow a normal Meal Plan 1 but cut the first 2 meals from the plan. So you will

only have your first meal at Lunch on day 7 and after that continue by following a normal Meal Plan 1


So you will be fasting from Saturday evening until Sunday lunch time.

And that is all there is to structuring your meals for all 7 days of the week over the 6 week period. But

what if you have been following the structure and you have not been getting any results? Well that is

what we are going to talk about in the next chapter where I am going to share some diet or plateau

breakers with you.

If you have been following the eating plan religiously for 4 weeks and have not lost fat or have been

stuck at a certain weight or fat percentage for a few weeks then we recommend you incorporate one or

two of these diet breakers to overcome your plateau.

Cut your Carbohydrates in Half.

• To implement this strategy you need not eliminate all your carbohydrates completely. Rather

keep the complex portion of carbohydrates at your breakfast meal, for example oatmeal or rye

bread. Then CONVERT the complex carbohydrates in your second and third meals to fibrous

carbohydrates such as colored vegetables and salads. For example if you ate brown rice at lunch

you will now replace it with stir fry vegetables or a large Greek salad.

• This drop in calories will cause your body to tap into other fuel sources, fat being the chief

among them. This type of day which is low in complex carbohydrates is generally termed a ‘low

carbohydrate day’. Do not do this for more than one to three days in succession.

Increase your protein intake.

• If you have cut your carbohydrates remember the body will look for alternative energy sources,

possibly your hard earned muscle.

• Decrease this likelihood by adding a protein shake or two at the meals you eat before and after

your workout.

• And extra 50 grams of protein a day can halt catabolism and keep the body burning fat

efficiently. Protein shakes should be mixed with water and not milk.

Increase the amount of raw vegetables you eat

• Make sure at least 30-to-50% of your total calories come from lean sources of protein and raw

vegetables and salads.

• Your body burns the most calories when digesting high protein foods like lean meats and high

fibre foods like vegetables making your metabolism burn fat faster.

• Therefore make sure that the major part of your weekly diet, daily meals or plates of food

consists of animal and vegetarian sources of protein as well as plenty of green and coloured

vegetables, raw or slightly steamed.

Divide your meals into smaller portions.

• Take your 5 daily meals and divide them in half. Instead of eating every 3 hours, eat those

portions now every 90 minutes. These quantities will be very small, but your body will be forced

to continually work and burn calories, raising your metabolism and allowing your body to burn

for stored fat.

Be a Cheater

• To gain momentum, include a cheat meal. Maybe a slice of pizza or a piece of cake as examples.

This will rev your metabolism up.

A decent fat-burner might go a long way.

• Don’t pin your hopes on this without getting your diet in order though. A fat burner will only

help if you are already spot on with your diet. Adding some help in the form of a good fat burner

could result in more noticeable progress.

Be patient

• The closer you are to your weight loss goal - The longer it's going to take to lose that list bit of

fat. The further away you are to your weight loss goal and/or the more overweight you are - the

faster you can expect to lose weight at the start of any weight loss programme.

Any successful nutrition program requires some consumption of quality, scientifically proven

supplements. These will improve your overall health, performance, and weight loss results. But with so

many supplements on the market, some good and some bad, and every company telling you their

product is the best, which ones should you use and which ones will actually benefit you?

When considering supplements, remember that they should be just that, supplements. Don’t ever

replace good, healthy meals with a supplement. Supplements are not food and should never take the

place of real food in your eating plan. So, make sure that the basis of your eating plan is always good,

healthy, real food and only then do you add supplements to fill the gaps or add certain foods to your

body that you can’t get through your normal diet or that your body can’t produce on its own.

Now, having said that supplements do have their place in any healthy diet, I do take supplements on a

daily basis. However, I do not take any performance enhancing type supplements, such as fat burners,

but we will talk about that a little bit later on. Most of the supplements you take should, in reality, make

you even healthier and help your body to work at its optimum level because it is then that you will burn

fat and sculpt that sexy physique you have always wanted.

But let’s look at some supplements that do bring something to the table and that you might want to

consider adding your eating plan.

1. Protein Shakes (More Specifically Whey Protein Shakes)

For those wishing to add lean muscle and lose body fat, a quality protein shake is essential. Protein is

the building block for muscle growth.

A shake will offer a range of amino acids and proteins which are easily digested and available for use.

Protein shakes are convenient to drink when other proteins or foods are out of reach. Shakes can also

help you to get in the right amount of protein for your body size.

As always, remember, we encourage real food consumption, but shakes are a safe and convenient

alternative. Approximately 40% of your protein consumption may come from supplements.

When we encourage protein shakes we are actually encouraging the use of whey powder. Whey is

easily digested, absorbed, and transported to your muscles.

You can get two types of whey protein powders: whey isolate and whey concentrate. Whey

isolate is better because it has a higher amount of actual protein per serving (90-95%). Whey

concentrate has 30-85% of actual protein per serving and usually has more fillers, such as

carbohydrates and fats to make up the rest of the calories.

For this reason, try to choose a whey isolate powder because you are guaranteed a good

amount of quality protein per serving. However, isolate can be more expensive, and if cost is a

problem for you then there is nothing wrong going with the concentrate variety.

Try to buy a shake with 25g of protein in it and less than 2g of fat and carbohydrates per

serving. Always mix your shake with water and not milk since milk will bring extra carbs and fats

that you might not want or need.

One other type of protein supplement we do recommend is casein protein. Casein protein is a

slower release type protein and is great to take just before you go to bed to prevent muscle

breakdown and encourage muscle repair and growth.

TIP: Cottage cheese is also a great source of casein protein and the main reason you will find

many bodybuilders and fitness pros eat this as their last meal of the day.

2. EFA’s

The next supplement that most people don’t get enough of in their normal diets are EFA’s or essential

fatty acids. These essential fatty acids, namely omega 3, 6 and 9 oils can only be consumed in food or

supplements, as your body cannot produce them on its own. Without these omega oils, especially

omega 3, your body will be unable to maximize the fat loss process.

• I recommend that you invest in a quality omega oil which you can pour over your food once or twice

per day.

• Consider also eating oily fish two to three times per week, or adding some walnuts in your diet. Oily

fish certainly is the best source of omegas but it’s not always possible to get quality, mercury free

fish. Most fish oil is molecularly distilled, so the mercury is extracted, and one is able to obtain the

many benefits without the danger.

• You can also consume omega capsules daily if the other options do not appeal to you.

3. Multi-vitamins

Vitamins are very important to ensure our bodily functions are performed properly. Most vitamins serve

as catalysts to reactions occurring in our body.

There are two categories of vitamins: the water soluble and fat soluble vitamins.

Water soluble vitamins include vitamin B and C and are generally not stored in our bodies for more than

a few hours, so their intake is very important through continuous meals.

Fat soluble vitamins include A, D, E and K. These longer lasting vitamins will provide extended stimulus

and will strongly decrease the chance of developing deficiencies.

Multi-vitamin and vitamin C supplements can combat stress and keep you mentally and

physically healthy as well as energize you. While taking a multivitamin on a daily basis makes

good nutritional sense, it is not a magic bullet that can replace focusing on a healthy lifestyle.

Studies show that a chronic deficiency of your B vitamins can reduce your training intensity and

cause fatigue. Consider supplementation with capsules or regular vitamin B injections. Consult

your doctor or pharmacist in this regard. This supplement is critical for individuals who choose

not to eat animal protein.

4. Anti-oxidants

Anti-oxidants sustain immune function and assist the body's ability to handle the stress caused

from exercise. They include vitamins C & E.

You can supplement your diet with capsules, however they can be found in the following

brightly coloured foods which you should eat on a daily basis; lycopenes in red tomatoes,

luteins in yellow vegetables, catechins in green tea, and polyphenols in berries. Goji berries are

one of the foods with the highest concentration of anti-oxidants.

TIP: A great way to get a lot of anti-oxidants into your diet is to add a hand full of fresh mix

berries to your oatmeal for breakfast. This also sweetens up your oatmeal so you aren't

tempted to add any extra sugar.

5. Green Tea

This is not as much of a supplement as a natural product, very similar to normal tea. In recent years

scientists have studied the benefits of green tea and have made the conclusion that it significantly

speeds up the rate at which the body burns fat. Not only is this a great drink, but is very cheap as well.

Personally, I love to have this as an afternoon drink instead of coffee.

Tip: Look at this video where I show you how to use green tea to create your own fat burning system

that you can use instead of fat loss pills:


6. Wheatgrass

This is another natural product I like to use on a daily basis. The main benefit of wheatgrass is its alkaline

properties which will help get rid of all the acidity in your body that is caused by the stress of our daily

lives, which in turn can cause a lot of free radical damage. Wheatgrass will also give you a lot of energy

due to the high amount of phyto-nutrients. Make sure you drink it early in the day and never after about


7. Glutamine

The next supplement is glutamine. Glutamine is a must for anyone looking to significantly increase

muscle size or maintain muscle density, especially if you are about to start losing a lot of weight and

want to make sure you don’t lose any of your hard earned muscle too, which in turn will keep your

metabolism high and help you burn even more fat.

Glutamine acts as a recovery agent for your muscles. Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid that can

be consumed through your diet. Under stress, like exercise, it can quickly be used up and low levels are

common when you are over-trained.

• Supplement your diet with glutamine powder by drinking half a teaspoon mixed with water.

• Drink this before and after your workouts and before bedtime.

8. CLA

Conjugated linolenic acid, or CLA, is an omega 6 fatty acid. Naturally it is found in beef and dairy

products. However, when we are dieting, we tend to consume less of both of those foods, so

supplementation might be needed.

Studies show that CLA helps block the absorption of fat and sugar into fat cells. It even causes a

reduction in the actual size of fat cells. Another encouraging fact is that CLA helps to preserve lean

muscle mass. CLA is rated as three times more powerful an anti-oxidant than vitamin E.

• CLA capsules can be consumed 2-3 times per day, depending on your brand.

• We recommend 1000 mg in divided dosages, and up to 4000 mg per day.

9. Creatine:

For guys (and some females) who would like to add a little weight and extra muscle, creatine is

a must. Creatine is found naturally in our bodies and is responsible for providing essential

muscle growth. Our bodies can’t always produce sufficient quantities of creatine to significantly

increase muscle size, so supplementation can be very beneficial.

Creatine increases production of ATP, an energy source for muscles. Creatine has also been

shown to increase exercise performance, muscle size, and strength. It is also believed to speed

up recovery between workouts.


So these are the key supplements that should form part of your new nutrition program. All these

supplements need to be consumed in sufficient quantities to provide your body with the nourishment it

requires. Some of these are vital and can be used on a daily basis; while others are there to help you

reach a specific goal. The main thing to remember is that supplements should never take the place of a

healthy diet consisting of real food. Rather, as mentioned before, supplements should help you take

your health and performance to the next level by providing the missing links that your diet might leave

you with.

HOLD ON!!! You didn't talk about fat burners or pills. Surely there is no way I could ever get ripped and

have the body of my dreams without the help of these kinds of pills, can I?

Ok then, I know this section would not be complete without a few words on weight loss supplements,

such as thermogenic and fat loss enhancers. Their appearance seems to be everywhere, over-saturating

the market and bombarding the consumer. Again, I want everybody to understand that at no point in

my own body transformation did I ever use any kind of fat loss stimulants. My results are completely

natural, and yours can be too, but here is my opinion on these kinds of supplements.

10. Thermogenic Fat Burners

It’s a common misconception that you can’t reach your fat loss goals unless you take some kind of “fat

burning” supplement, advertised in magazines and on TV.

There is NO legal, natural, over-the-counter pill that is proven to burn off body fat and keep it off over

the long term. Any pill which might have some type of benefit (such as suppressing your appetite or

increasing your body temperature), is a quick-fix because it is only addressing the symptoms of poor

lifestyle choices.

The right nutrition, cardio, weight training, and psychological strategies (so you can stick with the

program), are the only things you need to get rid of fat forever.

The results these pills provide are trivial at best and cannot ever give you anything more than a slight

edge, even if they are scientifically supported (and most are not). If you’re a beginner and your nutrition

and training are not already in place, then you should not even be considering fat loss supplements.

Think whether the following questions apply to you. Are you still eating junk food? Do you skip meals?

Do you consistently adhere to your exercise program?

This Diet is founded on the principles of good health and maximized metabolism, accomplished by

following the principles stated in the nutrition sections. Ultimately pinning your hopes on a fat-burning

supplement without ever getting your diet and an exercise routine in order is unfortunate and a waste

of time and money. There are some people who might feel that adding a little help is harmless and can

help to achieve more noticeable progress. Research has only shown that even with correct nutrition

these products will only improve your results by 3-5 %, but again you must decide if you think they are

worth it.

If you do decide to use any enhancer, consider researching the effectiveness of the ingredients used,

consult with a doctor to establish safety, and always use the product as directed.

TIP: Personally I prefer to just have a strong coffee before a workout to provide me with the boost of

energy I need.

As you can imagine, we could not cover every single supplement on the market as that could make up a

book on its own. I rather wanted to give you a good understanding of the supplements that I feel could

make solid, beneficial change to your results.

We created this 18 day quick start guide because sometimes starting a whole new eating plan can be

overwhelming and just plain scary. The other thing is that one of the main reasons why people give up

on an eating plan or diet is because it was too complicated and they did not know what to do and I do

not want that to happen to you!

Now this 18 day quick start is based around elimination. Let’s face it, if you cut out all the foods you

should not eat then you have already won half the battle and if you know which foods to stay away

from, you should know which foods to eat.

We are not going to ask you to STOP eating all the bad stuff on day one, nope that is just setting yourself

up for disaster. We have designed this plan to start with the things that might be the easiest to give up

and then build on that. Then by the time you get to day 18 you will no longer be a slave to all these

foods that have kept you from being in the shape you deserve to be in and you can then take it a step up

and design and start your own powerful eating plan from the info you have learnt in this manual.

The good news is that if all of these foods are removed from your diet you will experience drastic weight

loss and increased your energy and health because that is what these foods has been stealing from you!

This 18 days quick start guide is to be used in conjunction with your normal Meal Plans and it should not

replace it. So you will still be following Meal Plan 1 from Monday to Friday, Meal Plan 2 on Saturday and

Meal Plan 3 on Sunday but you can then use this quick start elimination guide on top of that to increase

your results even further.

Let’s first look at the foods we are going to eliminate.

1. Eliminate all SUGARS:

Sugar is one of the main reasons why people gain weight. Sugar is processed through the system very

quickly. Sugar stays in the blood stream and turns to fat. Sweets do not offer you any nutritional value

whatsoever. They do nothing to help your body and are considered empty calories.

Eliminate all sweets, candy, cakes and cookies.

Do not add sugar to tea or coffee and beware of hidden sugar in sodas, fruit juices and alcoholic


Substitute: If you have a sweet tooth, eat fruit.

While fruits have sugar, unlike sweets they do supply your body with the nutrients that you need.

Examples of acceptable fruits include apples, berries, plums, and grapefruit. Not only are these fruits

low in sugar but they also release their sugar at very slow rates keeping your hormone and blood

glucose levels balanced.

Vegetables are also essential to a healthy diet. You can eat vegetables like celery and carrots all day

long - they have minimal calories and sugar and you actually expend more calories to chew these

vegetables than they contain.

2. Eliminate WHITE foods

Eliminate all white products e.g. any food containing white flour as main ingredient, as well as white

rice, white pasta, white bread and potato. These foods are very refined and processed, having a low

nutritional value and are counterproductive for weight loss.

Substitute: Convert to brown or wild rice, whole-wheat pasta, rye or seed loaf and sweet potato. All

these foods are high in fiber and nutrients, and release their energy slowly.

3. Eliminate Fatty Foods & Fried Foods:

Be aware of the fat that you eat or cook your food with. Foods that are deep fried are high in fat,

usually saturated fats. Fats are very high in calories and fat eaten is stored as body fat. Stop eating all

fatty foods in order to lose weight.

Remove all skin and fat on poultry and meat before cooking; do not use butter, margarine & shortening.

Do not consume full fat products like cheese and whole milk.

Substitute: Eat foods that are broiled or barbequed if you want to lose weight and stay away from

anything fried. When you cook, use a George Foreman Grill to make meats and even grill vegetables. If

you have to use any oils so foods will not stick, use Extra Virgin Olive Oil or better yet use a spray and

cook like Pam.

4. Eliminate: Fast Foods or Take away foods and Frozen foods or Pre-Packaged Foods

Fast foods & take away’s are usually fried, greasy, high in fat, high in sugar, processed with chemicals or

high in sodium.

Frozen foods are loaded with sodium. They have to be loaded with sodium in order to keep.

Not only are all the above food portions too large but also high in calories.

Foods with a long shelf life or pre-packaged are not fresh and have many artificial ingredients to keep

them looking fresh.

Substitute with Fresh and natural foods, made at home by you.

When you are looking for foods to eat on your diet, look towards natural foods. All foods should be

fresh, unprocessed, whole and organic. These are the types of food you find on the outer isles in the


Give up the idea of eating out. Take your own lunch to work. Even if you take a peanut butter sandwich

from home, you are still getting fewer calories than you would if you ate at fast food restaurants. The

calories you consume from fast foods are much more than those brought from home and don’t fill you


Make eating fast foods the first thing that you eliminate if you are trying to lose weight. By cooking at

home and eating real foods, you can end up not only losing the weight that you want to lose, but also

eating healthier.

5. Eliminate alcohol:

If your goal is to achieve 6 pack abs you have to eliminate alcohol and only drink it rarely on special

occasions. Alcohol is very high in calories and is processed slowly and therefore interferes with your

metabolic processes for 72 hours after ingestion.

Excessive alcohol intake – binging – will have disastrous consequences on your progress and could set

you back as much as a week.

Substitution: While red wine may be good for you in some capacity, it is not good for you when you are

trying to lose weight. No alcohol is good for you - it all contains sugar. Some of it contains more sugar

than others such as cocktails, beer and white wine. The lowest sugar content that you can get in alcohol

is from a very dry, red wine. But you should still avoid that when you are trying to lose weight. So you

need to stick to drinking water, water, water. You can have herbal teas like green tea, black coffee and

diet soda’s.

6. Reduce Sodium & High Calorie Sauces

Sodium will also make you retain water and will hamper your ability to lose weight. Excessive sodium

intake is also linked to high blood pressure. Any sauce poured over food is potentially loaded with sugar

and oils. Stay clear of gravies, lemon butter and cream & cheese sauces.

Substitution: Season food with the following spices, condiments and flavorings: chilli, ginger, garlic,

mustard, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, pepper, soy and salsa sauces.

Day 1-3

Eliminate all sugars (in beverages first). Do not consume soft drinks, fruit juices and no milk in tea and

coffee. Eliminate alcohol completely.

• Drink 3 litres per day of water excluding other fluids. Drink 1 glass before and after every meal.

• You are allowed 1 diet cool drink per day, or 1 low kilojoules mix cool drink per day or flavoured


• Drink herbal teas like green tea, red-bush or peppermint tea once per day.

• Drink 1 cup of strong black coffee per day (add artificial sweetener if needed) before training.

Day 4-6

Eliminate all sugars in food eaten. Do not consume sweets, chocolate, pastries, desserts, cake, and


• Eat two servings of fruit per day as snacks for sweetness, example one apple or half a cup of

berries and half a grapefruit.

• Eat three servings of vegetables per day, examples are 50g of raw carrots with skin on, salad

with lettuce cucumber and tomato, and green vegetables like spinach or asparagus or baby

marrows. Eat as snacks or as a compliment to lunches and dinners.

• If you have a craving for chocolates, eat 1 block of dark chocolate 80% cocoa rich.

Day 7-9

Eliminate all white refined foods.

• Instead of sugary cereal eat oats at breakfast.

• Instead of white or brown bread sandwiches taken to work, take seed-loaf, multigrain or wheat

free rye bread.

• Rather choose sweet potato with skin or wild rice at lunches and dinners instead of mashed

potato and white rice.

Day 10-12

Eliminate all fatty foods and oils. Do not use butter, margarine or shortening.

• Use a thin smear of avocado, or fat-free cottage cheese as a spread on your bread.

• Cook with spray & cook.

• Pour 15 ml of olive oil or flax oil on salads.

• Eat a handful of nuts per day (raw & unsalted).

• Eat salmon or other oily fish once every 3 days.

Day 13-15

Eliminate fast food, take-away’s and pre-packaged food.

• All your food must be fresh, organic, and natural (one ingredient foods).

• From now on prepare all your own food and take it with to work.

• Cook in bulk to save time and costs.

• Shop in the outer isles of the grocery stores for the best selections of whole grains, fresh

vegetables and fruits and lean unprocessed proteins.

• Plan your meals and recipes in advance.

Day 16-18

Stop using salt and high calorie sauces to flavour foods.

• Use lemon juice and vinegar to dress salads.

• Instead of creamy pasta’s use tomato salsa.

• Spice beef and chicken with chillies, garlic and mustard seeds.

• Add cinnamon and artificial sweetener or xylitol to oats and protein pancakes

• Use fresh herbs such as basil, rosemary and ginger on vegetables.

To finish this book, I want to give you some inside tips straight from my own body transformation.

Some of the things I will mention here we have covered before in this book, but I want to make sure I

highlight the things I feel made the difference between failure and success in my own diet. So pay

special attention to these vital 11 things, as they will help you stay committed to your diet and get the

body of your dreams sooner, rather than later.


Let me quickly tell you the REAL secret to success when it comes to achieving amazing results with your

diet, CONSISTENCY! You can have the best diet in the world (something like the 6WeekSixPack Diet), but

if you do not follow it day in and day out you will never get the results you want.

I love using the example of two guys. One of these guys is on the most powerful diet in the world. The

second is using some basic healthy eating tips he found online. The first guy only follows his POWERFUL

diet about three days per week. The second guy follows his basic diet principles every single day. Who

do you think will achieve the best results? You guessed it, that second guy. And how do I know? Because

that second guy was me! When I did my body transformation I did not have a book like this. I just

followed some basic healthy principles and it worked very well for me. I would have achieved even

better results if I had something like the 6WeekSixPack Diet to follow though!

So, if you want results fast, be consistent. You don’t have to do anything amazing, you just need to do

the basics right, every single day. However, if you combine a powerful diet like you have in this book and

you add consistency, you are setting yourself up for serious success!

Prepare Food in Bulk

I can’t stress this enough. You have to make things easy for yourself if you want to succeed. By preparing

food in bulk you will have 2 to 3 days worth of food already prepared. You don’t need to worry about

cooking a new meal every single time you want to eat. You don’t have to come up with a new recipe for

each meal. You can just open the fridge, grab your food, and be ready in minutes. I normally grill around

20 chicken breasts at once, and will also steam between 8 and 10 sweet potatoes. Now, I don’t normally

just have a plain chicken breast with a sweet potato, but if I needed to just eat that then guess what, it is

there for me. It's quick, convenient, and ready to provide me with a perfectly balanced meal in record


So, practice cooking in bulk as much as you can. Make sure though that the type of food you cook can

last a few days and won’t begin to spoil. Doing just this one thing will remove a HUGE hurdle when it

comes to eating right on a consistent basis.


You must reward yourself throughout the entire process to celebrate your successes. If you do not have

rewards, you might start wondering why you are doing this! Sure, we all know why, in order to get an

amazing body, but that goal can sometimes seem millions of miles away, especially in the beginning. But

if you have set short term goals and you have reward systems in place for each goal achieved, then you

can convince yourself to continue. You will find yourself motivated all times. Here are some tips on how

to reward yourself.

• Develop a list of rewards you can give yourself for reaching small, stepping stone type goals along

the way towards your main goal. Also provide slightly bigger rewards for reaching larger

achievements. Most importantly, think really hard on a big reward for the end of your


• Make your rewards non-food related.

Great ideas here include treatments at the local spa when you achieve stepping stones, new clothes

for your larger achievements, and maybe an expensive cruise holiday when you have reached your

ultimate best body. Your rewards must motivate you into action.

• Keep thinking of new rewards, so you always have great things to work towards.

Remove all Temptation

This is going to be one of the tips that is going to save you on many days from cheating and messing up.

For those who don’t know, I am a chocoholic in the worse way. If there is chocolate in my house, it will

be eaten! However, if I don’t have any and I start to get a craving for some I can normally resist it. Just

the thought of having to get into my car and drive to the nearest shop just for a block of chocolate

normally gives me that five minutes I need to control my weakness.

Now you will get cravings, you will want to eat bad foods. Expect it to happen, but if you don’t have the

cheating food near you or in your house, you will have a good chance of resisting the temptation to

cheat. So make sure your house is completely rid of all bad foods that can tempt you to eat incorrectly.

One thing you should do is to also stock you house with stuff you can safely eat that will replace the bad

alternatives. Sometimes you just want to nibble or keep your mouth busy, so get some carrot sticks or

other snacks that won’t destroy your diet.

Fight Discouragement and Accept Failure

If, once in a while, you blow off a workout because you choose to go out with your friends, JUST ACCEPT

it and enjoy your choice. Do not feel guilty. Otherwise, the sense of failure can make it harder to get

yourself back on track. Focus on how much progress you have made so far and not how far you still have

to go. I always tell my clients that if you stick to your diet and workout program on a constant basis,

then breaking away every now and then will not have a big effect on your long term goals, as long as

you get back to it, the very next day. Too many people do something, and then allow it to become a

runaway train. They will say, “Well, I already had that slice of cake, so I might as well now order pizza for

dinner as well since this day is already a write off.” Sound familiar? I know we have all been there, but

believe me, one slice of cake or a bad meal here or there will not affect your overall results at all if that

is where it stops. So, don’t fall into this trap! One slice of cake doesn't have to be a train wreck! But a

slice of cake, followed by some McDonalds, and then pizza after that, could just become one if you can't

stop yourself after just the cake. So, if you messed up, accept it, enjoy it AND THEN GET GOING AGAIN!


What is your version of the perfect body? Before you can achieve it, you must see it. Visualization

provides us with a glimpse of our future and the end product. This very powerful tool teaches our brains

and subconscious mind to look for opportunities which will make our dreams become a reality. Design

your new body and life in the following way: Every morning before you rise from bed and every evening

before you retire, use ten undisturbed dedicated minutes of your time to dream about your perfect

body and ultimate life. See every aspect of your new body, chisel and carve your new physique, from

those washboard abs to that small rounded bum. Feel yourself in the future full of vibrant energy and


After each session you will feel excited and motivated to stick with the program! Another great time to

visualize is while warming up at the gym or during your stretching sessions. The more you see it in your

mind’s eye, the more it becomes your new reality.

I also like to find a photo (in a fitness magazine or online) of the body I want and stick it on my fridge.

Every time I eat I know what I am working towards and if I go to the fridge to cheat, the photo stops me

dead in my tracks!

Be Prepared

This is probably the simplest and easiest principal that you can follow that will set you up for success.

Now this might have happened to you before, because I know it has happened to me on many

occasions, before I started to incorporate this principal into my life.

You plan to eat right TOMORROW. You wake up late, the children are asking for a million and one things.

You have to get them and yourself ready. You wanted to make a good healthy breakfast but all there is

time for is some cereal. You rush out of the house without some food for yourself for the rest of the day,

so when lunchtime arrives you are starving and all that's around is a sandwich vending machine. Just

your luck, the only sandwiches left are chicken and mayo on white bread, so you take it. Later, that same

afternoon you find yourself hungry again, and you are tired, so you just drink a cup of coffee hoping it

will keep you awake until you get home. You get home and everyone wants food again. You are so tired

you can’t stand on your own two feet, so you suggest ordering a pizza. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

Now, if you had made your food the previous evening and had a packed lunch all ready to go with some

fruit and snacks, your day may have turned out much differently.

This is obviously just one scenario, but what I want to get through to you is that if you are PREPARED

you will have half the battle won. Things will go wrong, it is just part of life, but it doesn’t have to derail

you, if you have your diet planned and prepared beforehand. This goes for everything from having food

prepared and ready to eat, to not having unhealthy snacks available in the house.

As they say, preparing to become successful is the hardest part, but once you are ready, reaching your

goals is going to be a lot easier.

Remember, it’s going to be tough the first few weeks of starting any new diet. Some things will be new

to you, but you will have to force yourself to do them even when you don’t feel like it. You’ve got to

push past the barriers and keep thinking of the change you are about to make and the great new body

and life you will soon have!

Tell Everyone!

I know a lot of people tell me, I can’t tell my wife or husband or friends that I am going on a diet, they

will just laugh at me! To be honest, I have never come across that myself and the only reason anyone

will laugh at you or make fun of you is if you are not committed and you fail every time. Then they might

say something like, “ You starting again? “ or, “ I bet it doesn’t last five days. “But if you are serious and

your actions show them you are, then telling people you are on a diet is one of the best things you can

do. Many people will encourage you, support you, and even confront you if you are not eating right.

I remember when I was doing my body transformation. I was living with my brother and his family and

they ate badly almost every single day. They ordered carry out at night and ate big, unhealthy breakfasts

all the time. Yet through it all I told them what I am doing, and after a few months they realized I was

serious and also started to take me seriously. Even though they continued eating badly themselves, they

never asked me if I wanted any of it or invited me to join them, because they knew it would tempt me.

After a few months they JOINED me and we all started to lose weight together.

So, by telling people you will not only make it easier for you to be around them, but you might even help

them to realize they should also start a new, healthy eating program.

Take Before, During, and After Photos

In the same way that you don’t always realize when

you start gaining weight, you might also find it hard to

see the results on a daily basis when you look in the

mirror every single day. However, the changes are

happing! One of the best ways to see your results in

action is by taking a before photo. Then take a new

photo every two weeks or so, and then ultimately, that

amazing after photo. Try and take it at the same time

of day and at the same place every time.

Seeing how your body is getting into shape is one of

the best motivators in the world! And these photos

will show you how you are improving every few weeks,

even if you don’t think you are.

So, make sure you take those before, during, and after photos! Also make sure you send them over to

me once you complete your body transformation, so we can show you off to the world!

Get Into a Routine

The most successful and effective people in the world are the ones with the best routine. I remember

reading one of Donald Trump’s book a few years back and the most amazing thing for me in the whole

book was not how wealthy he is or how he started out, it was how much he fits into one day! It was just

amazing. Sure he has an assistant, probably a few, but he squeezes so much into one day because he

has a very strict routine.

See, if you have a good routine that you follow each day there are less likely to be any surprises. Not

only that, but your eating habits, your metabolism, and everything else will be in harmony and working

together to create a very effective fat burning environment.

So get into a daily routine from the moment you wake up and you will find the whole diet process a lot

easier and WAY more effective!

Just Do It

Last but not least, is that sometimes you just need to DO IT! There will be days where everything goes

wrong. You just want some unhealthy, greasy food, or sweets. You might even wonder why you are

trying this again. On those days, stop thinking, and JUST DO IT. Push through. Stay focused and continue

to reach your goal, no matter how hard it may be at that specific moment.

Take your thoughts away to the beach vacation coming up and how good you are going to look. Or how

your partner promised to take you away on that cruise if you reach your goal. Keep your eye on the

prize and your thoughts away from any negativity!

It will be worth it in the end and I have to be totally honest with you. Most of these thoughts will only

occur during the first few weeks or months. Once you pass that stage you have created new habits and

this so called DIET will now be your new lifestyle, and you will love it!

Looking for more resources, workouts, videos? Want to know what else our company or sister

companies offer? Then these links are all you need!



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diet tips this is the place to go to.

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Meal Plan Examples

Examples of High Carb Meals ( First 3 meals of the day )

Below are examples of High Carb Meals which should be used for your first three meals (Breakfast,

mid-morning, lunch) of your day when using Meal Plan 1 and 2

Sample 1:

• Egg Whites Scrambled with a cooking spray

• Old Fashioned Oatmeal (add a few blueberries, sweetener to taste and cinnamon)

Sample 2:

• Egg white Omelet Filled with chicken pieces, mushroom and onion

• Toasted Rye Bread Or Seeded Loaf

Sample 3:

• Protein Oats

• (whey protein powder serving stirred into cooked oatmeal)

Sample 4:

• Grilled Chicken or Turkey Breast

• Brown Rice

Sample 6:

• Steamed White Fish E.G Hake/ Line Fish or Seafood

• Quinoa

Sample 7:

• Lean Beef Fillet or Venison Steak

• Baked Potato with Skin or Sweet Potato (red potato)

Sample 8:

• Extra Lean Beef Mince

• Wheat free Pasta with home-made sugar free tomato pasta sauce

Examples of Low Carb Meals ( For meal 4 & 5 )

Below are examples of Low Carb Meals which should be used for Meal 4 and Meal 5 ( mid-afternoon

snack and dinner ) of your day when using Meal Plan 1 and 2

Sample 1:

• Protein Smoothie made with:

• Chocolate Flavoured Whey Protein Powder

• 1 tablespoon of organic crunchy peanut butter

• Ice Cubes and water to taste

Sample 2:

• Skinless Turkey or Chicken Breast

• Steamed Broccoli

• Olive oil and lemon juice vinaigrette

Sample 3:

• Drained Tuna Packet

• Avocado mashed into tuna

(add lemon juice, salt and pepper)

Sample 4:

• Lean Beef Strips

• Stir Fry vegetables

• Coconut oil

Sample 5:

• Lean Beef Jerky

• Raw Unsalted Almond Nuts

Sample 6:

• Salmon teriyaki steak

• Steamed Asparagus Spears

Examples of Low Carb Meals for Meal 6

Below are examples of Low Carb Meals which should be used for your last meal of the day (Meal 6)

when using Meal Plan 1 and 2

Sample 1:

• Casein protein shake

Sample 2:

• ½ cup of fat free cottage cheese