6 Ways Rad Oncs Can Improve Communication with marketers

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 6 Ways Rad Oncs Can Improve Communication with marketers

Six Ways Rad Oncs Can Improve Communication with Marketers

Bob FosterOncology Marketing Adviser

Bob FosterOncology Marketing Adviser

1. Speak the Same language

TCP, NTCP, IMRT, SBRT; to marketers you might as well be saying WT(uh)…you get the idea. When you talk to the marketing department, lose the clinical-speak.

Bob FosterOncology Marketing Adviser

2. Explain the Difference

Regardless of whether you are going live with CK, TruBeam, TomoTherapy, or some other platform, show the marketing department why what you have is different, or better, than what others offer.

Bob FosterOncology Marketing Adviser

3. Temper the Timeline

Far too many expect immediate, dramatic results. Show the marketing department a realistic time line for tumor control. Otherwise, they may over promise on what you can deliver.

Bob FosterOncology Marketing Adviser

4. Be Visual

Sending marketers long emails or reading material is not the best way to connect with them. Use info-graphics, images and video.

Bob FosterOncology Marketing Adviser

5. Tell Compelling Stories

Help the marketing department make the cancer center look good.

Source: Saint Mary’s CyberKnife

Bob FosterOncology Marketing Adviser

6. Wash, Rinse, Repeat

It is accepted in the marketing profession that people retain as little as 17 percent of what they see, hear or read. That is why you see the same TV commercials over and over.

Bob FosterOncology Marketing Adviser

In Conclusion

Keep feeding ideas to the marketing department. Eventually, they will understand what you do and why it matters.