6 Tips Used by McDonalds to Keep Their Fans Engaged - Social Media

Post on 09-May-2015

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Transcript of 6 Tips Used by McDonalds to Keep Their Fans Engaged - Social Media

6 Tips Used By McDonald’s To Keep Their Fans Engaged

McDonalds may be a controversial fast food restaurant, but it remains one of

the largest and most popular in the world. With more than 11 million

Facebook fans, they had to come up with methods to keep these fans

engaged and sharing across multiple networks. So today, we’re going to give you 6 McDonald’s inspired tips on how

to keep your fans engaged on your social profile.

#1: Cross Promotion With Facebook Apps

One of the most notable and successful features on the McDonalds

Facebook page, is their ‘The Quest’ app. It serves several purposes and promotes cross promotion across

Facebook and Twitter.

Fans play a game on their Facebook application, unlocking various product

based incentives. Then they are encouraged to share their

achievements using a unique Twitter hashtag. Top marks for cross


#2: Social Game Involvement

Everyone plays Cityville on Facebook, so McDonalds decided to include a

virtual restaurant that fans can add to their city. Best of all – it comes with incentives. When you master your

virtual McDonalds restaurant, you get rewards and bonuses.

This is superb social marketing, integrated with a game fans love to play. McDonalds likes to be where

their target demographic is, even in the virtual world.

#3: Personalized Replies on Twitter

McDonalds isn’t your typical faceless corporation, it has a voice on Twitter.

With over 189 000 followers, the team managing the McDonalds Twitter

page, still has time to reply to individual questions, comments and


Speaking directly to your customers is a great way to ensure that they

continue to speak to you. It’s not all about auto-tweets, promotion and

scheduled content.

#4: Community Involvement

McDonalds is beginning to include their fan bases in marketing decisions,

by running competitions, polls and gathering votes. A great example is

their voice of McDonald’s competition. McDonalds employees sing, and the

fans vote. Excellent for promotion, and even better for social interaction on

the internet.

#5: Video Sharing

McDonalds has dozens of Youtube channels, for individual products,

stores or made by fans. Their videos enhance their other social sites, and showcase McDonald’s employees.

People are far more likely to interact with a company on Facebook or

Twitter, if they promote the actions of real people.

They get comments, likes, tweets and more, in excess. Perhaps it’s time to

put some faces to your business name?

#6: Widening Their Social Reach

The McDonalds Facebook page also includes a non-English application for

the Hispanic population. Clearly a large portion of their demographic,

McDonalds felt it necessary to give these fans the chance to engage in

their own language. The lesson here is to widen your social reach across

language barriers!

Use these 6 tips to inspire some genuine sharing and engagement the next time you’re looking for ways to make your fans happy. McDonald’s is definitely a leader in pioneering the

use of social media for sales, community and open engagement.

Overall we have to say – we’re lovin’ it!

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